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God, we pray for truth and clarity surrounding this situation and others like it around the country. Protect the vote in 2024 and let Your will be done.
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Another state has chosen to remove Trump from the 2024 primary ballot. Will this trend continue in more states?

From Just the News. Former President Donald Trump was removed from Maine’s primary ballot under the Constitution’s insurrection clause on Thursday.

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The decision was made by Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, whom Trump’s legal team requested be disqualified from ruling whether or not Trump is eligible for the 2024 ballot.

In other states, plaintiffs have sued regarding Trump’s eligibility, but in Maine, the Secretary of State first weighs in and the decision can be challenged in court. …

Bellows determined that the former president could not run for office due to his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. She argued his actions violated the 14th Amendment.

Earlier this month, the Colorado Supreme Court booted Trump from the state’s ballot, arguing that he had engaged in an insurrection as well. …

Trump plans to appeal the Maine decision, his spokesman Steven Cheung said.

“Democrats in blue states are recklessly and un-Constitutionally suspending the civil rights of the American voters by attempting to summarily remove President Trump’s name from the ballot,” Cheung said in a statement. “Make no mistake, these partisan election interference efforts are a hostile assault on American democracy.” …

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine said the decision by the Secretary of State should be overturned.

“Maine voters should decide who wins the election – not a Secretary of State chosen by the Legislature,” Collins wrote. “The Secretary of State’s decision would deny thousands of Mainers the opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice, and it should be overturned.”

As more and more states consider whether to remove Trump from the ballot, our prayers are needed more than ever. Lift up this situation before the Lord with your own prayers in the comments below.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Ann NMN Shaw
January 7, 2024

Why not promote Trump as a write-in candidate?

Kimberly Swenson
January 1, 2024

Father God protect our elections, allow all candidates to be on the ballots across our nation. Make the 2024 election the largest voter turnout in our country’s history. Holy Spirit move the country’s voters hearts to vote for the righteous God fearing leaders. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen

T Mc
January 1, 2024

Would you seriously want a crude and abusive, thrice married, self-proclaimed philanderer, and ultra materialistic man facing 61 charges in four jurisdictions running for public office?

    Truth Arbiter
    January 2, 2024

    Romans 3:23 – Lest you forget that “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;”. Don’t be so quick to judge. Matthew 7:2 – “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”. For the Jesus Follower whom Trump has self proclaimed (https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2020/october/trump-nondenominational-presbyterian-religious-eisenhower.html) you need to see followers of Jesus through the finished work of the cross which is how Jesus, Abba Father and Holy Spirit see Trump. That he is, “the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” – 2 Corinthians 5:21. In their eyes, Trump is covered under the blood of Jesus which brings him under the covenant of Jesus. To God, sin is sin and whatever deplorable Trump may be accused or have committed, do not throw stones against a fellow believer. Hypocrite! Read Matthew 7:5 “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”.

    Lord, help us all not to be hypocritical and help us to see other fellow believers as you see them. Amen!

      T Mc
      January 2, 2024

      Don’t be ridiculous, character matters. It mattered when Bill Clinton was President and it matters now. Only ‘çult’ followers defend the indefensible in their ‘leader’ and cannot fairly face facts. Misquoting scripture does not help.
      Grace and peace.

        Truth Arbiter
        January 3, 2024

        Reread what I posted before replying in anger! I didn’t say that character didn’t matter nor did I misquote scripture. We should all strive to reflect the character and person of Jesus as followers of Jesus Christ. I simply challenged you to not be quick to judge a fellow brother in the Lord. You went on and on about how dirty Trump is with, and I quote, “crude and abusive, thrice married, self-proclaimed philanderer, and ultra materialistic man…”. What do you think of Saul whom became Paul in the bible.? Before his encounter with Jesus, the man sought out to kill Christians and did so. He was prideful and arrogant, misguided. But after Jesus, his life changed and he became one of the most prolific writers of the new testament. A transformed man. Why is it hard for you to give Trump the same opportunity? Do you not think that an encounter with Jesus and him wanting to follow Jesus (as the article I posted pointed out) that he has the potential to fulfill his calling and assignments God has issued?

        If I misquoted scripture or twisted it in any way, prove me wrong! I will not be offended and invite instruction where needed.

        p.s. You stated that Trump is facing 61 charges. A person whom has been charged does not make him guilty. You are innocent until proven guilty. Sentenced in a court of law and not in social circles. Basic constitutional rights: The constitution’s clauses, the document’s significance, and its place in human rights mean that we presume we’ll find reference to innocent until proven guilty according to constitution clauses.

          T Mc
          January 3, 2024

          My dear friend, I dd not respond in anger just surprise. Just a few points.
          1. The CT article does not detail any ‘changed life’. Changing the type of church you have no intention of attending means nothing.
          2. Scripture is not to be used as a cudgel to beat people around the head. That is disgraceful.
          3. There is no evidence of a ‘converted life’ – the lies and abuse continue unabated. Paul after conversion did not continue his old life.

    Truth Arbiter
    January 5, 2024

    I couldn’t reply to the thread we had going so I am replying to the original thread. Sorry for the delayed response. I owe you an apology for my response. I was had not used discernment and I was wrong for doing that. I ask that you would forgive me for being hasty.

    See, I am the person that you send in to shut down the enemy or any demonic influence. A mad dog if you will. Closing demonic portals, commanding lying symptoms to leave a person’s body, cleansing the atmosphere with commanding Heavenly Hosts to take action, etc. I came in with guns blazing and interpreted your original comment as bashing a fellow believer and I felt the need to shut that down. However, I had not realized that I was in the barracks and not the battlefield. Sorry for the friendly fire. From your viewpoint, it was disgraceful as I was not showing grace to a fellow believer. From my viewpoint, I saw your post as someone whom wanted to bash a fellow believer and his character as the media is famous for doing….made a split decision to shut that down.

    I would like to make this last statement about Trump. He is the master of knowing the worlds in which he lives in. In the public eye, he is brash, narcistic, unabated, etc. In his personal life, exact opposite. Kinda reminds me of Alice Cooper. For his fans, he is Alice Cooper. For his inner circle of friends and family, he is Vincent Damon Furnier from Detriot whom is active in his community and shares interviews about his faith. However, Trump cannot afford his personal life to be leaked. He is very careful about keeping them distinct. Anything you see or read, he is leaking on purpose. He is a master strategist and releasing comms that are intentional and on purpose. For example, notice how he always created a tweet on Fridays that would stir people up like crazy? That was intentionally a misdirection as he would sign bills while he was in office on Fridays. He knew that to redirect the swamp and the media whom hates him away from what he was trying to do for the American people, the constitution, racial minorities, immigration, etc, he would need to tweet or make a remark that would send the leftist farms one way so that he could get anything done. Even while out of the oval office, he is still playing 4D chess and sending the hounds on wild goose chases when needed. Lastly, also think about all the comms he is sending with his post presidential interviews or public addresses. They are saturated with what he is up to if you know what to look for and how to interpret.

    Thanks for being used by the Lord for Him to temper me and remind me to always use discernment before going to war with the enemy. Not that you are the enemy but I specifically target demonic principalities or any lofty imagination that exalts itself against God. I am part of a righteous rebellion.

      January 5, 2024

      Donald Trump went after Mike Pence because he disagreed with Donald Trump about what the role of the Vice President had in counting the electoral votes.

      He lied on camera when he claimed that he had returned all the documents to the national Archives and a FBI raid revealed boxes stacked in his bathroom. When his security tapes were subpoenaed, he tried to get an employee to destroy them. These are the actions of someone who is dishonest.

      He got into personal twitter fights with celebrities and used abusive language. There was no political reason for doing so.

    Nenette Lizaso
    January 5, 2024

    “Judge not, that you be not judged” – Matthew 7:1

Shannon Parker
January 1, 2024

Heavenly Father, I pray that no weapon forged against President Trump will prevail and every tongue that rises against him will be condemned. We pray that what the devil meant for evil, that you would turn it around for good in all these Trump, ballot and voting situations and in all persecutions of Trump, his family and all of his associates. For you are a righteous judge. May you be Trump’s Banner Nissi and his right guard, his hedge of protection and his rearguard. May you be his refuge and his strength.

I pray that President Trump would seek your face, and draw near to you as your Word says in James 4:8: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

I pray that President Trump would Humble himself underneath the mighty hand of God that He may exalt Trump in due time. I Peter‬ ‭5:6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

May President Trump be patient and persevering. May He be patient. Establish your heart, President Trump, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. ‭‭James‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

May Trump take the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience. ‭‭James‬ ‭5:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Let President Trump endure and be counted as blessed. May he persevere like Job and
see the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.

‭‭James‬ ‭5:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
[11] Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.

I pray these things in the name of Jesus, who died in the cross for our sins and who has redeemed us. Amen

January 1, 2024

There is 1000 candidates running for president, and the only two being pushed by the MSM are Trump and Biden.
I pray Christians will wake up and smell the swamp on BOTH of them.

Karen Stavrinakis
January 1, 2024

Father God, You are our hope. I thank You that You are in control of who You want to lead our nation. I trust that no weapon formed against Trump will prosper. I pray for Your divine will in this situation.

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. Proverbs 19:21


January 1, 2024

Happy New Year to all my friends at IFA !!!
Well here is a perfect example of how we MUST start this year on our knees. The spiritual battle that is raging all around us requires us to engage and overcome.
We cannot simply say a quick God bless America prayer as we go through our daily routines. We must Intercede as a united force to deter this Satanic onslaught !!! This will be a year that we will always remember the victory of GODS kingdom!!
HaHa Hallelujah.. in our saviors name JESUS

January 1, 2024

Father, stop this persecution of this man, Donald Trump. With each day there is new allegation, new negative headlines, new animosity and all are democrat raised. Stop their intentional persecution. With each action they further divide and confuse. Put a hedge of protection around him and his family. Make right the ways of such hate-filled people. Show them Your ways and stop this madness. Amen


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