An unearthed interview featuring Dr. Ralph Baric reveals the Fauci-funded researcher collaborating with EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak and the Wuhan Institute of Virology to identify “SARS-like coronaviruses that can initiate infection of human cells and use human entry components.”
“We have a grant with EcoHealth, Peter Daszak and EcoHealth, and Zhengli Shi at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan,” the notorious “gain-of-function” research advocate revealed while speaking on the podcast “This Week In Virology” in January 2020.
“The main goal of that grant was to try to find the bookend of other SARS-like coronaviruses that can initiate infection of human cells and use human entry components – human receptors to get into cells. And so we had hypothesized that there were SARS viruses out there that were 20, 25, 30 percent different but could still use the human receptors to get in,” Baric added.
“That was the goal of the grant, and we were running around looking in caves and isolating viruses from bats,” Baric explains about his collaboration with China’s “bat lady” and the recently-recused Lancet COVID-19 origins investigator.
While Baric doesn’t explicitly name the funder of the grant, Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) has supported nearly 200 studies authored by Daszak and Baric, including a $3.7 million grant – “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” – to Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance beginning in 2013.
The unearthed comments follow a separate admission from Baric that Fauci’s NIAID backed a study focusing on viruses “program[ing] entry into human cells” conducted alongside the Wuhan Institute of Virology. . . .
The podcast also expands upon the ties between Baric and the now-disgraced Daszak, who defended Baric manipulating coronaviruses to “infect human cells” with “pandemic potential” in a 2015 Nature article.
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(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Article written by Natalie Winters. Photo by Patrick Semansky-Pool/Getty Images)
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God revealed to us prophets in January 2020 & showed that Nancy P. Schumer and others joined with China to bring Trump down. I wrote Fox news in April and told them this and much more…7-8 people I know personally told me how when their kin passed from a natural death Hospitals were telling them all medical bills will be paid if they claimed COVID-19 as their death.. government was giving them$40,000+. This and EVERYTHING EVIL is soon to be expected by our Heavenly ABBA Father Papa daddy Soon world wide, God will personally visit Trump,fill him with Holy Ghost and FIRE and will soon take his stolen seat in the WH. Many pastors with huge churches will be revealed with evil we can’t imagine. The world will be covered with his Glory. The main important thing is we need to pray for these evil deep state and pastors.. they have a soul that God loves and doesn’t want them LOST.. he is giving them a little more time to repent and come out from amongst them and it ALL depends on our prayers. Only Flesh does God answer. OUR prayers NOW depends on their salvation and some will be saved including other world leaders. God Bless you all my brothers and sisters
FYI the virus was all ready to be released before it was but Hillery lost. It was the straw that would bring the NWO about along with things in Obama Care. July 4 God is going to show the world who he is like never to Yom Kippur and on will be the dead Sea times much more. It won’t be perfect but the whole world will be covered with Christianity. Vatican, London and Washington DC will be exposed. Jesus prayer,”Thy Kingdom COME Your (God) will be done on earth JUST LIKE IT is in Heaven. Jesus has come, Holy Spirit But as of Sept 2012 God sent his army (the Host) and circled the world and that’s when the Kingdom Age started. Thousands world wide are going to Heaven every day. These are the new young believes that believe God Word when he said the moment you invited me in your heart you are Now a King, Priest and have a seat up here in Heaven so come on up so we can fellowship,learn heaven culture so you can go back and tell my children so they can make on earth like it is in Heaven. God Kingdom has just begun.the church has become lazy, laid back with there bags packed waiting on the rapture. None zero prophets say he is coming soon. We are in the last DAYS But not the last Day. It’s God turn to show off and do his thing. Why christians haven’t even show Love for one another, Jew and gentile are yet to come through as ONE and on and on and on. Joel 2 Acts 2. Bless you all
Fauci never has been, and never will be, this country’ s friend! He has a politically driven (Democratic) agenda and that should be clear by now!! He is doing and saying everything to get “we, the people” under his and the government’s control!! He is evil, with great evil intent! At his age, you would think he might have some “fear of the Lord” in him. Apparently, HE DOES NOT!! He has so much pride, he can’t, and he is so deceived!
This man should have been fired years ago! No one should have been able to “serve” this long without almost no checks and balances, no accountability!
He is not a saint, he is driven by greed, popularity, and downright evil deception. He is a deceiver, of the worst kind! One day, also, we will find out the truth about Fauci’s pandemic! No one should have been given the authority and the financing this man has had! He has done great harm to a nation who didn’t’ deserve it from him. He must have forgotten (if he ever knew) “to whom much is given, much will be required!” Shame on Fauci!
Lord God our creator knowing the intention of the heart can make order out of chaos. I pray that this exposure of their intent to gain by using their own hand to create a system of pharmaceutical remedies will bring questions to those in authority over Dr Fauci of why he didn’t use these same researchers advice on how to stop the spread. His cover-up hurt so many. Lord we thank you that truth will always prevail, now bring justice. Amen
Amen, Cheryl, I totally agree!