I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would bring out the truth behind this shooting. Don't let anyone control the narrative like this, Father, but let Your truth prevail as the lies fall away.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why is the media lying? Are they attempting to mislead the public to hate Christians? Whatever the motive is, let’s pray for God’s truth in this situation.

From The Daily Signal. In response to news that the Covenant School killer is transgender, liberal media outlets have pivoted their coverage of the tragic shooting to defend and advocate for the LGBTQ community.

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The startling coverage follows the Monday massacre at the Nashville-based Covenant School, where a biological woman who reportedly identified as a transgender man killed three adults and three children: 9-year-old Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9-year-old Hallie Scruggs, 9-year-old William Kinney, 61-year-old Cynthia Peak, 60-year-old Katherine Koonce, and 61-year-old Mike Hill, according to Fox News.

Armed with two rifles and a handgun, the killer shot through the school’s locked door at about 10 a.m. on Monday, Fox reported. Hale then went upstairs to the second floor where she reportedly opened fire.

Police officers first received the 911 call at 10:13 a.m., and Metro Nashville Police officers Rex Engelbert and Michael Collazo were among the dozens of officers who rushed to the building, The Tennessean reported. By 10:24 a.m., Engelbert and Collazo had taken out the shooter.

As the country grappled with the tragic shooting, NBC News published a story on Tuesday describing how “fear pervades Tennessee’s trans community amid focus on Nashville shooter’s gender identity,” citing one transgender advocate saying, “We were already fearing for our lives. Now, it’s even worse.”

Newsweek spoke with a variety of LGBTQ groups that claimed publishing the shooter’s manifesto might have “serious consequences” and pushed for police not to release the manifesto.

The Associated Press took the moment to point out that a federal judge had “quietly cleared the way to drop the minimum age for Tennesseans to carry handguns publicly without a permit to 18, two years after a new law set the age at 21,” noting that this occurred “as Nashville residents reeled from a grade school shooting.”

Reuters sparked a backlash by framing its story on Twitter with the following caption: “Former Christian school student kills 3 children, 3 staff in Nashville shooting.”

“Wait, this isn’t parody?” asked The Dispatch Editor-in-Chief Jonah Goldberg.

“And you wonder why nobody trusts the media,” wrote commentator Steven Crowder. “Disgusting.”

Fox News host Dan Bongino tweeted: “Read this headline and tell me again how we’re dealing with ‘journalists,’ and not a group of deranged lunatics.”

The Daily Mail published an “exclusive” story describing how the Nashville mass shooter had been rejected by her Christian parents. The outlet cited a “well-placed source” who detailed how “twisted school shooter Audrey Hale was at odds with her devout Christian parents because they ‘couldn’t accept’ she was gay and transgender.”

“Church coordinator Norma, 61, and her husband Ronald, 64, refused to let Hale – who had recently adopted the name Aiden and used he/him pronouns – dress as a man in their home,” the Daily Mail story reads, adding that “the 28-year-old loner would instead wait until she left their $700,000 Nashville property to change outfits.”

“You only see what you want to see,” the unnamed source allegedly told the publication. “Their religion does not allow them to accept homosexuality.”

What do you think of the media’s coverage of this shooting? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Used with permission. From The Daily Signal. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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March 31, 2023

In Sodom and Gomorrah, GOD told Lot to get his wife and 2 daughters and leave because HE was going to destroy the land with fire. No where in that entire account of Sodom and Gomorrah did GOD have anyone pray for the sodomites! They were so evil, they could only be destroyed! FATHER GOD please order our steps and direct our path! Help us pray YOUR WILL Alone for all of these wicked people including the Georgia wicked people. They cheat in the 2020 election and then attempt to charge President Trump for questioning the cheats! Including Alvin Bragg that lets thieves, murderers, rapists, with multiple charges out of jail on their own recognizant in New York, but manages to have 34 made up charges on President Trump! Including the media! They have taken lying to new lows!
Including those liars that attempted to iimpeach Presiden Trump with made up charges! Including January 6! All lies and faked evidence! Including many more lies daily! Please deliver President Trump out of all of these afflictions and keep him in YOUR Peace and Protection! I pray YOUR Will alone be done for every last one of these evil people in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen

Rose Rocha
March 31, 2023

I pray that as Christians we do not get so tolerant of the LGBTQ community that we lose sight of the fact that the devil and his demons are using these confused people to harm and killed Christians and their faith. As the bible says – Let us love the sinner not the sin. IJN.

March 31, 2023

My husband and I are both members of this faith community. Words cannot describe how hard it is to comprehend the actions that led to this senseless killing of these precious 9 year olds who are learning God’s Truth and the adults that support them. The pastor has given his congregation full of families with children wonderful teachings on how to walk as aliens in this foreign land. His daughter was one of the victims. The only way we can process this evil act right now is to pray for hearts of stone to be hearts of flesh that can be convicted and saved. Guns are not the killers but hearts of stone are. We must all increase our prayers for God to rebuke and thwart the intents of these evil-devil spirits. May God help us all in this effort. Thank you for your prayers in this fight to do so!

March 31, 2023

I just read that at least in Washington D.C., the Trans Day of Vengence rally has been canceled. Get this, it was canceled “because of fear of violence AGAINST THE TRANSGENDERS!” I have heard of NO violence against trans people, however they are violent against everyone that disagrees with them! People, get the names and email address or mail in address of the media and write them that if they keep lying, they will go to hell!
Let’s warn them of their end if they don’t get saved! FATHER GOD I ask that YOU deal harshly and firmly with the lying media in our country! Show them their end in the lake of fire if they DO NOT STOP LYING! Please protect all Christians and those that will come to CHRIST from the filthy lying media in America in JESUS NAME! Amen


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