Just you watch: By the time Election Day rolls around in November, liberal columnists will be telling us that Bernie Sanders is the “real conservative” in the presidential race.
Many among the center–left commentariat are struggling to come to terms with the likelihood that the Democratic Party will nominate an authoritarian leftist for president. A lot of this anxiety is, no doubt, driven by recent polls that find a majority of Americans are more open to voting for a non-binary Martian atheist than for a socialist.
Others, however, have begun reinventing Sanders, who, they now contend, isn’t actually a socialist socialist, because he’ll never send you to die in an icy gulag and few of his policy ideas will ever come to fruition.
Matt Fuller over at Huffington Post posits that moderates shouldn’t be too “scared” of a Sanders presidency “when all Republicans and most Democrats in Congress publicly oppose Medicare for All.” Really? The signature policy idea championed by a major party’s leading presidential contender is so unpopular that the majority of elected officials can’t publicly support it, and that should reassure moderates?
“Vote Bernie: He’s got tremendously unpopular positions that will never pass!”
Paul Krugman is more straightforward in his latest column, “Bernie Sanders Isn’t a Socialist.” The real problem, contends the New York Times pundit, is that the man who once rolled with the “Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party” and defended a slew of Marxist dictators throughout the Cold War merely brands himself a socialist, thus handing Republicans a potent line of attack.
After spending a few sentences scolding conservatives for having smeared his favored policy programs as “socialism” over the years, Krugman laments that Bernie plays right into the hands of these “disreputable,” “smarmy,” “dishonest” Republicans.
They were right, though, weren’t they, all those hyperbolic conservatives who warned that corroding economic freedom would lead here? The Democratic Party is on the verge of nominating a man who wants to incrementally abolish capitalism. This time, I’m sure, it’ll be done right.
Left-wing pundits have already started selling moderates on a vision of the radical Democratic presidential front-runner that doesn’t comport with reality.
Only a few years ago, liberal pundits such as Jonathan Chait, now nervously writing about a Sanders nomination, were dismissing the notion that the Democratic Party was moving hard to the left. Like it or not, many of Donald Trump’s policy positions — if not his disposition — would be at least recognizable to a mainstream Reagan-era conservative audience. Bernie makes Barack Obama, the most left-wing president of the modern era, seem like a neoliberal shill.
So the question is: Why would Bernie spend 55 years calling himself a socialist if he was not? Krugman theorizes that it’s just “personal branding, with a dash of glee at shocking the bourgeoisie.”
(Excerpt from the National Review. Article by David Harsanyi.)
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How you can pray for this issue:
Lord You know the truth about Bernie Sanders so we ask that the truth be revealed to the American people even as the media tries to spin who he is.
The father of lies always twists the truth to deceive and pervert ideas to make them look good to the unsuspecting. I pray to you Father, that you would expose the truth about socialism and show the American people how its ideology always leads to destruction and chaos. Show how it robs the motivation in a society that embraces it, how it is contrary to the work ethic and destroys creativity. Dear God, enlighten the American people how it breeds inefficiency as it never rewards the achievers but brings everyone down to the same level of the lowest performers. God, expose Bernie as the fraud he is, never holding a real job, never understanding any of the principles that made America great. I pray dear Father,that you bring to light the concept of personal responsibility and that we as a country can grow and prosper only when we the people have access to freedom to reach for our dreams. Show the country that socialism destroys that ability and leads to a bankrupt society. God, we need you power and now more than ever. Pour out Your Spirit on our country.
Father, I pray you would protect our country from those who would paint Bernie Sanders as a moderate. May the truth continue to be revealed about his beliefs. May we as citizens have wisdom to see the truth even if the media buries it. Thank you that you are sovereign. May you continue to work in our country, waking your people up to truth.
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The father of lies always twists the truth to deceive and pervert ideas to make them look good to the unsuspecting. I pray to you Father, that you would expose the truth about socialism and show the American people how its ideology always leads to destruction and chaos. Show how it robs the motivation in a society that embraces it, how it is contrary to the work ethic and destroys creativity. Dear God, enlighten the American people how it breeds inefficiency as it never rewards the achievers but brings everyone down to the same level of the lowest performers. God, expose Bernie as the fraud he is, never holding a real job, never understanding any of the principles that made America great. I pray dear Father,that you bring to light the concept of personal responsibility and that we as a country can grow and prosper only when we the people have access to freedom to reach for our dreams. Show the country that socialism destroys that ability and leads to a bankrupt society. God, we need you power and now more than ever. Pour out Your Spirit on our country.
Father, I pray you would protect our country from those who would paint Bernie Sanders as a moderate. May the truth continue to be revealed about his beliefs. May we as citizens have wisdom to see the truth even if the media buries it. Thank you that you are sovereign. May you continue to work in our country, waking your people up to truth.