Give thanks to the Lord for the good report that prayers are being delivered, received, and acknowledged by the White House. 2000 people have made a public commitment to intercede for President Trump. You can too. Click HERE. Watch the video by Tracy Bost, wife of Congressman Mike Bost.
“Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven.” (Ps 107:28-30)
The Bible calls for people to pray for our leaders, so one congressman went to the people of his district to make that happen. It was meant to be a positive gesture, but not everyone on the internet saw it that way.
Congressman Mike Bost, R-IL, didn’t like what he was seeing in our country at the beginning of 2017. Protests were happening everywhere and many well-known people made it clear they did not support the new administration. So his wife had an idea: They should collect thoughts and prayers to encourage President Donald Trump.
“We thought maybe we’d get 30, whatever,” Rep. Bost told CBN News. “It came back – there were hundreds.”…
“There was a 90-year-old woman that on it said, ‘I have never written to a president, but I’m depending on you, and I pray into you every day that you’ll straighten this country out – it needs it so bad,’ ” recalled Bost.
Bost had the letters delivered to the White House and had no idea if they’d be read or not. Then, a few months later, he was invited to the White House with about 20 other congressmen to see the president sign a bill into a law. While they were in the Oval Office, Trump wondered aloud why Rep. Bost’s name sounded so familiar.
“He all of the sudden turns at me and goes, ‘Bost, Bost, prayer cards!’ “recounted Bost. “And I said, ‘Wow, yeah we sent you some prayer cards over.’ ”
A White House aide then pulled the bag of prayer cards off a shelf in the Oval Office and brought them over.
“He said, ‘You know we use these every day.’ And I said, ‘What?’ And he said, ‘Yeah, that’s why they’re here. We use them every day,’ ” continued Bost….
Bost says he knows firsthand the impact thoughts and prayers can have on lawmakers.
“Scripture is pretty clear that we need to pray for our leaders,” says Bost. “You know what? You never go wrong when you pray for somebody.”
Praying for leaders is something the Illinois lawmaker has put into practice his whole life, no matter what side of the aisle the president was on.
“I served with Barack Obama in the state of Illinois. Know him quite well. Don’t agree with him – didn’t agree with him on quite a few things – but I never didn’t not pray for him,” said Bost.
Despite the negative press, Bost tells CBN News they already have a fresh bag of thoughts and prayers ready to go, and his wife hopes to soon set up a web page to collect submissions from around the country. (Excerpt from Abigail Robertson’s article on CBN News. Watch the video of Tracy Bost about how we can pray for Congress.)
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Dear President Trump,
I am praying for you all the time too. Thank you for the courage you show in standing up for liberty for Christianity. I don’t think any of the other Republican candidates would have been as strong in pushing through on agendas, as you have. Thank you for standing in there, and not giving up. I too, believe God has raised you to be our leader for this time. It must seem that all are against you, but there are many, many of us who stand with you and appreciate you so much.
Dear President Trump. I, too, pray for you and your family and trust that you have been placed as President of the United States by the almighty hand of God. He is using you for “such a time as this” as he used Esther to save her people the Jews from destruction. I pray that “no weapon that is formed against you will prosper and every tongue that comes against you will be refuted as this is the heritage of those who are called of the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17. I pray that you will come to know our Lord Jesus Christ in a personal way that you have never known before and that he will instruct you with His wisdom to lead this great country. Thank you for all you’re doing and all that you will continue to do as our Lord gives you strength.
Dear Mr. President ,
I pray for you and your family as well as our government everyday. I know without a shadow of doubt you were chosen by God for this season. My prayer is you will hear from God on every decision you make. He will never lead you in the wrong direction !! Thank so much for your love of this country. You are definitely the most Godly and trust worthy President we have ever had. We are a blesed nation to have you at the helm!!!!
May the One true and Holy God grant you wisdom, health and strength for the position to which He has called you. Esther was called to the kingdom of Persia (Iran) to keep her people, the Jews from slaughter. We pray our God for deliverance from destruction to our nation. Use our president to accomplish your purposes for our nation. Amen
I’ve been praying daily, usually at a set time. In addition to praying for the President, I include his administration and family. Knowing the enemy’s tactics to try to tear apart a family, this is a great need for him. I see in his actions the applications of business sense to the things of government. This undertaking of his out of obedience to God is a wonder to see. Generations to come could wonder at how fast the country was turned around (we still see it as a work in process, they as a done deal, so to speak). God’s hand is to be seen every where in the positive changes. The need for strong prayer can be seen as well. I’m glad to be part of the prayer.
God bless you all! Along with my intercessory FireStarters Intercessory Team, I pray for the President and all of our leaders daily. My personal call to this particularly began when the Lord woke me early on the morning of May 15, 2016 to the words TRUMP CALL! That is the day He began to show me visions and give me words about our incoming President and the assurance he would be our next President. There was no doubt what I was hearing and seeing and still continually, I believe this is a most significant time in the history of the world. My spirit and heart were turned toward him in an intensity of prayer, with the understanding of the roll God has given President Trump as His Cyrus and one who is loyal to our country, will follow God, stand for His Israel, and honor His First Love, Jerusalem.
Soon after, I learned the Cyrus word I received that day had been spoken by others, but I had not heard anything of it until the time it was spoken to me. I began to pray into it and have had constant confirmation since then of the President’s role in God’s plan. We live in the most exciting time on the planet and I am honored to be called to intercede for President Trump in these last days.
Your prayers are a blessing to me just knowing there are so many others praying for God’s will and glory and against the wiles of the enemy. Remember to keep Devin Nunez and the others who are working hard to expose the works of the evil one in the Deep State, for truth to be revealed and for those on the front line to be protected. Pray for repentance of those who have joined out of ignorance or knowingly in these works of the devil. God is Greatest and He is Victor!
We are proud to have a President that honors our Lord Jesus. I pray for you.I would like to have opportunity to pray with others at the White house.Thank You.
You are not alone. The whole country is not against you, all my church people are with you 100%. Keep up the good work you are doing!
ALOHA Mr.President, Since GOD first told me He chose you and to vote for you. As I obeyed i believe GOD has placed you in my heart to pray for You which includes your family team trump and yes praying for everyone’s salvation in the white house as well. Be strong in the LORD Mr.President your not alone GOD Is with You.Mahalo Mr.President, You are LOVED and respected GLORY TO GOD. ALOHA Always Sister Chrissy Honolulu Hawai’i United States
Thank you Bost family for this story and video. This has been a most uplifting and encouraging report about God’s people at work in our government, in Washington, DC. Thank you, Oh God, for those who are bold and speaking out for Christ and for American values and for those who are leading and participating in Bible studies and Prayer groups throughout our halls of government. God bless them, embolden them and use them to restore, to encourage and strengthen each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and as witnesses to God’s love and goodness, to his great mercy and grace.
I pray that God would be at work in the White House and the Halls of Congress, that he is leading and placing people in the right position. I pray for President Trump and his family, that they would truly know you, Lord God and that they will go forth in that knowledge and be strong. I pray for VP Pence, the Cabinet members and all the staff that supports these two men; for the advisors and counsel for these offices. I pray for the Bible study and Prayers group that are taking place in the White House and and supporting offices around DC.
God Bless and guide President Trump. VP Mike Pence, their families, and Bless our Country; stir the hearts and minds of our/your people.
I have prayed for the President, Vice President and every member by name daily since he was elected. The God and Country prayer group which I moderate has been in existence since Before Obama’s election …Yes every family member… yes every cabinet position… yes wepray through crisis and decision making ! This is a calling to which we must respond! I Thess . 5:24… We will be faithful forever because our God is!
Praying for all the world, always.
It is possible that people are praying for Pres. Trump but not his family, and that may have created a problem, Witches pray against Christian’s families:
Pray for Pres. Trump his family and his cabinet and their families: the Spirit of Reconciliation be on them, and the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace, along with one accord with real Christians, not with the harlot church. and then pray the same for those who pray for Pres. Trump.
My son is a Corporal in the United States Marine Corp. We have 2 columns on our front porch where there are 2 flags posted. One a Marine flag & the other “Old Glory”. Almost every day in front of the home I salute the Marine flag and pray for Gods protection and leadership for my son. I then turn to our US flag & pray for President Trump, VP Pence & their cabinet. I ask God to “rise up leaders” that will do whats right In Gods eyes. To give them victory over their adversaries and Satan’s plans to destroy this country. To restore religious liberties & Judeo-Christian values. To always be the “shining city on a hill” (as President Reagan mentioned) to proclaim the Gospel through-out the world & our land. To always be a support & blessing to the nation & people of Israel. You need to know, President Trump & VP Pence that America is the last bastion of hope for this world to “let freedom ring” & the Gospel to be proclaimed. You are a “Godsend” for us & we pray for you, your families. We thank God for answering our prayers in the blessing he sent us in your Presidency. Go forth in the power of the Lord to seek daily His will. Do whats right in his eyes & He will bless you mightily. You need to know there are thousands if not millions who are lifting you up in prayer. Thank you for your courage & love for your county & most importantly, love for our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ…In His name I pray, Amen & Amen. PTL!
Awesome, I am inspired. Thanks for sharing.
Ethnie, Thank you for this inspiration. It is a wonderful thing that you are doing. My oldest son was served in the US Army and served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Last year our small organization “Christians Reviving America’s ValuEs” (CRAVE) sent out cards to our donors asking to sign in support of Melania Trump in prayer for taking such a courageous stand to pray the Lord’s Prayer in public. To date we have forwarded over 45,000 cards to the White House and soon will be over 50,000. The response was overwhelming. Many believers out there are praying
Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and His goodness to those who are called by His Name and who are crying out for His mercy and grace in our country. I pray and continue to pray for God to direct President Trump and his staff to do His will for this country and in supporting Israel and those countries who support us and Israel as well. May He bless President Trump and Melania, also, may He restore the family of Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump, and the other Trump children and their children as well. God help this family and protect their young ones and give them all wisdom from the Lord Himself.
I belong to a group set up in our small church to pray over the president and our government and our country every day.