Thank you, Father, that we need not worry. We declare our faith in your power to defeat the powers of darkness that are warring in our nation.
I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells. (Mic. 5:12)
A major newspaper has published an editorial penned by a novelist who says she cast a spell on President Trump last month, believes it is working, and is encouraging others to join her.
The Los Angeles Times featured an essay by novelist Diana Wagman Tuesday explaining that she started practicing witchcraft in order to resist the Trump administration and its policies. She first heard about the “Spell to Bind Donald Trump and Those Who Abet Him,” an incantation that thousands of witches performed under the waning crescent moon last month through the email list of the Oracle of Los Angeles.
“I don’t believe in the devil, but I do believe our country has gone to hell, and I am willing to try anything to save us,” Wagman explained. . . .
“It’s all about conviction, about concentrating and believing, with all your heart, that you can make a difference,” Wagman said, then cited Matthew 21:22, which reads “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith” as additional supporting evidence for her participation in the mass spell.
Wanda Alger, field correspondent for the Virginia-based Intercessors for America thinks the church is set for an Elijah versus the prophets of Baal showdown. She expects overt displays of witchcraft to increase in the coming days, but Christians should not be spooked. . . .
“However, instead of wringing our hands in fear and working up our own prayer frenzy, we should take the same posture that Elijah did. He was not worried, fearful, or anxious. He was so full of confidence in the power of His God he actually laughed at the antics of the demonically-driven. As he watched their rituals of self-sacrifice and hypnotic chanting, he waited for his opportunity.” . . .
Alger has several challenges for Christians in light of the increasing visibility of the demonic in culture.
“Where will your faith rest? In the threats of a seeming army of demonically-inspired rebels? Or in the faith of an eternal God that can do the impossible through one faithful believer?” she asked. . . . (Excerpted from Christian Post, reporting by Brandon Showalter. To read the editorial cited in this article, click here.)
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Priscilla Shirers Elijah Bible Study is the bulls eye teaching and how to follow His lead.
Time to stand for our God and Father and Jesus Christ our King. And our One only True God reigns above it all.
I will send my fear before the, and confound every people in which thou comets, and will make all thing enemies turn their back to thee. There is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abound upon the face of all the earth. Confuse them, LORD, and comfound their language , for I have seen violence and strife in the city. Witch does not belong in government. Bit Jehovah they God will give them up before thee, and will comfound them with great consternment, until they are destroyed. I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells. Lord, America fears You and according to proverbs 19:23, America will not be visited by harm. The fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied ; he will not be visited by harm. Your people rest in Your care. The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effects will be quietness and confidence forever. For Your people know the plans You have for America, declares the LORD. Plans that don’t include witchcraft but a future and hope in Your goodness, in Jesus name! Instruct Your people and teach us in the way we should go and how to pray; counsel us with your eye upon us. In Jesus name!
With all due respect, Donald Trump is darkness. He is like Herod in the bible, proud look and a lying tongue. I totally am a believer and I pray for this nation to heal. However, I can’t believe the faith based Christian community don’t either want to see or just out right choose not to see this man’s “Fake” character. With all the character issues, married three times, sex pervert, and liar. I know what Jesus has done on the cross for all of us especially me. However, Donald Trump is Herod of the bible and he will fall. The Father of Abraham, Issac and Jacob will prevail. Donald Trump is too proud to say, I am wrong, forgive me or practice mercy! Therefore, all of you who turn away from the TRUTH, is double minded folks and get’s nothing from God.
We praise You Father. You are the One who is wise and mighty. You change what You will. You remove kings and raise up kings of Your choosing.You give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. You do according to Your will both in heaven and on earth. No one can restrain Your hand or ask You “What have You done?” Lord, bless and keep our President and his family. Make Your face shine upon them and be gracious to them. Lift up Your countenance over them and give them Your perfect peace.
Praise be unto My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! You alone are worthy to receive Glory, honor and praise. My prayer on behalf of Donald J Trump (POTUS), his family, his administration and those who support the highest office in the USA. May GRACE AND PEACE be your portion. May the love and blood of Jesus surround and cover you. This portion of my prayer comes from [Romans 13:1-7] (NIV) “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of raft to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor”. [Psalms 118:23] (NIV) “The LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes”.
I call on, The Mighty God (EL Gabor) the LORD mighty in battle (Psalms 24:8). I call heaven down against the enemy of our souls. The enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy. We don’t need to fight in this battle for the battle is not ours, it belongs to God. Lord you told us to bless and not curse. So we bless them that seek to work evil against the redeemed of the Lord: The body of Christ. Against the [POTUS], his family, his administration, the intercessors and America. As the seed of Abraham: We decree and declare Genesis 12:3 when you said “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;…”
So, I say! “Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered: Let them also that hate him flee before him. [Psalms 68:1] NIV
This I pray, in the Name of Jesus!
It’s really been on my heart that we need to pray especially for Melania, Barron, and all of Pres. Trump’s family in this regard: It can be very painful to watch and hear someone you love (your husband, father) being constantly criticized, mocked, lied about, and worse. Tonight I read “Barron reportedly saw the image (of Kathy Griffin with the fake decapitated head of President Trump) on TV and thought it was real. He panicked and called his mother, Melania, over and over.” Imagine how your child would feel in his place–seeing what appeared to be your decapitated head on TV, esp. after true reports of Isis beheading others and being aware of how many people hate you!
Lord, shield the hearts and minds of these families whose loved ones are in the limelight, and who are themselves as well. Enable them to process the circumstances they face day by day and the trying events of these times through the lens of truth. Grant them strength, grace, rest in Your love, and “peace that passes understanding.”
Also, we need to cover the marriages of the Trumps and other leaders who love the Lord and have been positioned by Him to see His kingdom come and His will be done in America. We know that Christian marriages are also targeted with curses by those in darkness.
Lord, bless Pres. Trump and Melania’s marriage and his children’s marriages, as well as the Pences’ and those of all called by You into governmental offices “for such a time as this.” May each couple be blessed supernaturally with the time they need for each other, that none would feel neglected, overlooked, lost in the constant swirl of duties and responsibilities of their mate’s office. May they look to You together in prayer and in Your Word, laying their burdens at Your feet, challenging and encouraging each other to stay true to You in all their ways. Bless their communication that it would be uplifting and encouraging, honest and loving. Protect them from misunderstandings that would cause hurt in any way. Help them to walk in integrity and faithfulness to each other in all ways at all times. May their love and admiration for each other never wane, but only grow deeper and stronger as they walk in covenant relationship with You and each other all their days.
Keep president Trump, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked;
preserve him from violent men,
Who have purposed to make his steps stumble.
The proud have hidden a snare for him, and cords;
they have spread a net by the wayside;
they have set traps for him…
O GOD, the Lord, the strength of our salvation,
You have covered our heads in the day of battle.
Do not grant, O LORD, the desires of the wicked;
Do not further their wicked scheme,
lest they be exalted.
As for the head of those who surround him,
let the evil of their lips cover them;
let burning coals fall upon them;
let them be cast into the fire,
into deep pits, that they rise not up again.
Let not a slanderer be established in the earth;
let evil hunt the violent man to overthrow him.–Psalm 140:4-11
No weapon formed against President Trump shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against him in judgement shall be condemned! Isaiah 54:17
How shall I curse whom God has not cursed? And how shall I denounce whom the LORD has not denounced?
Numbers 23:8
Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.
Proverbs 26:2
Jesus said to bless our enemies. I have found that when I do this, whatever they try to send out comes back to them so I now bless the witches and all who want to hurt our wonderful President Trump. BLESS YOU, BLESS YOU, BLESS YOU. You have no power over him, his family, his administration or any of us who approve of him and want him to be our POTUS. Whatever you send out to – and against – us will come back to all of you. President Trump’s light is shining brightly – which is why the darkness is trying to defeat him. Thank you, God, for Your Protection and Love.
Prayers: Against Witchcraft & the Occult
Heavenly Father, thank You for the authority thru the mighty name of Your Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to battle against the controlling powers of witchcraft and the occult of opposition and deception attacking our country and our leaders. We pray with guidance by the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name, I bind every negative, unscriptural word spoken against the President of the United States, his administration, his cabinet, our government, the Justice Department, House, and Senate, the Body of Christ, and the very foundations for which we stand. I break the power of confusion, torment, fear, control, and manipulation over the people of these United States and the world. I take captive every vain imagination and high thought that is contrary to the word of GOD in our nation as one nation under God.
I pray that the people will submit their will, thoughts, and life to the lordship of Christ and I plead the blood of Jesus over the people’s minds, commanding stability, and order to prevail in their souls. I break the power of occult and witchcraft’s deception, rebellion, stubbornness, seduction, sorcery, and intimidation, knowing that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow. I decree freedom, for the followers of occult movements including those that promote terror and death and that thru lies and deception oppose righteousness and order, and for the followers of Witchcraft, idolaters, from dark powers, Jezebel, false prophetic words, controllers, manipulators, sorcerers, witches, counterfeits, soul ties, spiritual folly, soothsayers, lying spirits, lying dreams, and lying visions. I plead the blood of Jesus over this country and these deceived followers and ask that You deliver these people caught up in this occult and witchcraft movement. Father I pray a hedge of protection from You for our children, grandchildren, and future generations from the curses and deceptions of this movement. I pray for the young people who are turning their backs on and protesting against your righteous representatives of truth; that your grace would be with them and that your truth would shine boldly into them for their salvation. I pray that all of these who are deceived and even indifferent repent of sin, both known and unknown and submit themselves thoroughly to the lordship of Jesus Christ and His Word. I pray that as a nation we clothe ourselves with the armor of God and take up the weapons of our warfare that are not carnal but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds. That we dedicate ourselves to the will of Jesus Christ alone for our lives. I pray that once delivered these followers of Witchcraft and the Occult and Deception and Darkness will do the same dedicating themselves to the will of Jesus Christ. Father I pray for a great Spirit of Holy Revival to sweep across our country and the world! I pray that we as a nation repent of rebellion, pride, arrogance, spiritualism, control, murder, manipulation, vain desires, not being in church, and for disrespecting our leaders. I renounce wrong associations throughout our country carrying occult and witchcraft’s message, false motives, and dark hidden agendas and “shadow governments.”
We pray that hidden evil schemes will surface under the bright light of Christ and be dismantled. We pray to circumvent the demonic structures and infrastructures and traps. We pray against “Political correctness” which is witchcraft’s mind control. Lord, your word says, “If we confess our sins YOU are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). I pray that those caught up in the occult of opposition and unrighteousness and witchcraft will be saved through Your Son Jesus Christ and turn from their wicked ways. Lord help them all to walk through the process of surrendering their all to You. Father that they would exchange rebellion, stubbornness, and deception for a willing and obedient heart. When they refuse to listen, anoint their ears to hear; when they are blinded open their eyes to see. Thank you, Jesus, that you will never leave us nor forsake us even to the end of the age. Thank You Lord that no weapon formed against us, our President, our Government, our nation, and Your people shall prosper in Jesus Name. Jesus You told us in John 16:33 “I have told you all this, (to ask the Father directly in Jesus Name)so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Thank You Jesus that You have overcome the world! Strengthen Your believers Lord Jesus to have peace, pray, and live as overcomers in this world. Remind us Holy Spirit to pray at all times and to be ready to speak the truth. Holy Spirit break the chains of the world off of Your believers that control us that we may serve You in Your might and power through the authority of Jesus Christ dwelling in us and that our light might shine before all mankind that we be fearless in Your strength Lord Jesus! I pray for a great awakening of Your believers that You revive us and make us bold and full of love drawing those that You are breaking out of Witchcraft, the occult, and rebellion, stubbornness, and deception into the saving knowledge of Your Son Jesus Christ and into the Body of Christ where they will be transformed and renewed by Your Word and Your love. It is in the Name of the Son of the Father, Jesus Christ Lord and Savior that I pray! Amen.
Thank the Lord continually that this is done! Continue binding Satan in Jesus Name from further wicked plans.
Philippians 2:9-11 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Thought to share something i wrote a while back in hopes it will bring Scripural perspective and offer encouragement to my fellow believers in Christ.
(Part I)
As i join the ranks of fellow seekers, listeners, hearers, doers, worshipers and bathers in His Presence, i find myself standing on a new battlefield. The adversaries i now face are fiercer than those i formerly knew. These higher-ranking foes sent to be the end of me seem to know my weaknesses all too well. Discontent to merely destroy me, they thirst for my blood and thrive on the discernible pain they inflict. Yes… long, drawn-out torture appears to be the aim of these assailants, before they intend to deliver their final blows.
While i struggle to maintain a warrior’s stance against unfathomable odds, something becomes clear to me. The seething fury and venomous hatred that is the energizing force of my attackers is not nearly so provoked by my lifted cries for personal deliverance as by the pleas i raise on behalf of my comrades-in-arms. Recognizing this reaction to be evidence of a distinct vulnerability in my rivals, the passion and fervency behind my petitions is increased. Suddenly, i notice i am not alone in wielding this lesser-used weapon as my appeals are joined with a chorus of others. The volume of our united requests, each for the needs of another, rises to a dramatic crescendo until together, we witness our enemies dropping their arms as they turn and flee from before us. With the realization of our corporate victory comes an impassioned longing to reunite our voices, this time in an anthem of praise to our King!
(Part II)
While we rejoice that the difficult battle we endured ended in triumph and brought glory to our sovereign Ruler, we remain equally sober to the reality that the war is not yet over. Understanding our need for recuperation, we are guided to a secret place prepared for our retreat, where provisions were made in advance to heal our wounds and minister to our spirits. Our hearts are lifted by the many testimonies we hear and share during our time of refreshment as we learn how our own personal use of the weapon of intercession was remarkably helpful to each other in numerously unexpected and varying ways.
When we have had sufficient time to recover, we are summoned to a meeting where our Commander gives us further revelation of His Plan for the overall defeat of the enemy of our souls. Specific instruction is given for how to most effectively wield the weapon of intercession against the destructive forces of darkness. We are overcome with astonishment to hear that this tool has an even greater power than we experienced in the recent battle, a power that is unlocked only with the practice of love for our enemies.
With bated breath, we listen solemnly as our teacher and Friend Whom we desire with all our hearts to please and for Whom we have professed a willingness to die instructs us to intercede not only for one another but also to appeal to our Maker on behalf of our attackers. Looks of obvious dismay are returned with loving reassurances and reminders that – though we cannot yet imagine how we will be able to operate sincerely with such selfless love toward those who take utter delight in our pain and suffering – reinforcements are ready and waiting to be deployed at the precise moment they are needed which will enable us to obey His every command.
If the witches aren’t careful, the DUMBOCRAPS will cast spells on them.
Kathy Griffin is desperate. This is high level Voo Doo, the media has done their part to create the visual so the curse has been sent President Trump needs increased intercession! the Curse must go back.
Perhaps Ms. Wagman does not realize that simply by using that scripture, it does not mean her prayers would be heard. We also need to be praying according to the will of God and not simply asking for Him to answer our prayers for anything we want. That is not how it works. I also prayed for President Trump and for no evil powers to come against him nor prosper. It is sad to see people like Ms. Wagman, mis-interpreting scripture to suit their purposes or beliefs. Try as they might, if the invoke the Word of God in a wrong way, it may come back against them instead.
Truly, God is our strength and hope for the future. He alone is the reason we remain faithful. All events that occur, disturbing or otherwise, first passes through the Hands of our Creator God. Those of us who are in the Family of God must demonstrate to those worrisome souls around us that He makes no mistakes. His ways are not our ways. As we present President Trump, our national and world leader, to the One who is Master over all, we can rest and have peace that His Plan and Purpose will be accomplished.
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus, to pray that by the power and authority of the Blood of Jesus Christ, I rebuke the powers of Hell that try to come against President Trump, that You Lord, will surround President Trump with Your glory and power to give him wisdom in the fight to restore America for You, Lord. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN!
I pray each morning for God’s guidance and protection for President Trump, Vice President Pence, their families and for America. I pray that he guides us back to the path if being one nation under God, indivisible. As Christians we must continue to lift our President in prayer.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth mucn!!! James 5:16. It’s up to US the Believer’s to cover our President Donald J Trump each and everyday in prayer! We are winning!!
Why do you think these unbeliever’s are having such a meltdown. God is breaking the enemy’s stronghold over this Nation!!! We are ONE Nation Under God!! Believe it!!!
I call to the angels of the four winds to confound the enemies of the President and to empower his administration as they seek to implement the policies that people voted President Trump into office for. I declare that the Lord Jesus has sent his angels to come alongside President Trump and give him wisdom and understanding of the best actions for our country. In Jesus name!
Time to fight back, in the name of Jesus! I pray the blood of Jesus for our country, our President and our leaders. There are many who want to bring us down but we serve our mighty King Jesus!
From the Holy Word of God!
”I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:3
‘He bows down, he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shall rouse him?’
“Blessed is he who blesses you, And cursed is he who curses you.” Numbers 24:9
Renaissance prayer:
Please pray & intercede for protection, & the blood of Jesus for President Trump & Vice Pence & cabinet, and that they will be covered w/Jesus’ Grace, & Truth w/Discernment, & that the Kingdom of God Almighty come on the white house/USA identical to heaven, & that this will in turn, ignite a fire of the Spirit of Renaissance among to people of the USA. Pray for “The Terror of God Almighty,” come upon those planning evil against Trump, & that it will literally blow up in their faces, & that those that can, will repent in the midst of Judgment,” & justice & due process, will come upon evil [including the church] & the Unity of the Spirit will prevail, & cover America, w/True Unity of Jesus. Intercede for the Great Awakening! Pray for regeneration and renewal for D.T.; M.P.; F.G.; G.S.; J.G.
Pray that this Glory come upon the USA: John 17:22 And the glory which thou hast given me I have given unto them; that they may be one, even as we (are) one; Pray the church take dominion over the earth.
Supplicate that the church begins to look like Jesus so He can return: 1 John 3:2 …it is not yet made manifest what we shall be. We know that, if he shall be manifested, we shall be like him… Cor 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit. ASV
Pray for the unity of the Spirit & the bond of peace over America with the Power-Wisdom & mercy for the Trump party to come to a resolution in the dissolving of the debt, lRS, fed, and a new system from the eternal Lord prevail to save the USA from a Great Depression being initiated by the fed & by liberal spending & the White House.
We as the Church do confess the sins of division, gossiping, backbiting and bearing false witness. These sins of schisms, evil speaking and fake news are heavy in the Church … We ask forgiveness for them and ask you to judge those errors in us. We also ask you to judge the world for the selfsame issues.
Finality pray the “Man Child,” of Revelation 12 is now born, & return land titles and car titles back to the people.
I declare we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against prinicipalities and powers and JESUS ALREADY WON THE WAR. So we take authority over witchcraft and say the blood of Jesus is enough. We cover our president with the blood of Jesus and declare that he is immune to any attack from evil spirits because he is surrounded by God’s love and protection.
Makes one wonder — how confused has this become? A declared “witch” quotes scripture to validate her spell?
The FATHER has authority over all. HE listens to the prayers of the rightrous.
May The Holy Spirit be with our President Donald J, Trump keep him from all evil. Send graces to him & the Administration. Come Holy Spirit, and You shall renew the face of the earth.
I claim the blood of Jesus over President Trump, his family, and his administration. In the bible the enemy has always sought to distract people who tried to carry out reformation. Just look at the book of Nehemiah for example. My prayer for our President comes from psalm 121. I will look to the mountains- does my help come from there. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will notbslumber. Indeed He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. (NLT)
I Thank you Lord for your hedge of protection around Him, his family, and administration. I thank you that witchcraft has no power when it comes up against the blood of Jesus. No curses, no spells, no powers of darkness can match you Lord you are uncontended. There is no rival who can stand compared to you. I pray Lord for the salvation of these witches open their eyes so they might see who they are truly up against. I thank you Lord for nothing is too hard for you. In jesus name Amen
[Ps 40:3], R. May the Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. [Ps 40:3].
I believe the prayers of Christians need to stay focused on God’s will for our President and for his staff and family. He needs to be remembered daily for all that he is seeking to do that he will be victorious in God’s purpose for this country. No man can prevail against God and win, though damage has been done there will be a time of Judgment against those who seek harm on those who are trying their best to improve the country’s status as is greatly needed in many places. May God work through His people and show them what they can do to accomplish His purpose. These things are asked in His name. Amen
I am praying for our President and his family. Trust in the Lord! No weapon formed against him shall prosper. I plead the blood of Christ over President Trump, his wife, his family, his pro poo dirty, the White House, his Presidential Cabinet members, his advisors, our military leaders. I pray wisdom and discernment for our President and all who work with him. I pray the favor of the Lord over him as well and a hedge of protection that the enemy can not get through in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
The favorite of the Lord over our President Trump.
I am praying for our President and his family. Trust in the Lord! No weapon formed against him shall prosper. I plead the blood of Christ over President Trump, his wife, his family, his pro poo dirty, the White House, his Presidentail Cabinet members, his advisors, our military leaders. I pray wisdom and discernment for our President and all who work with him. I pray the favircofvthe Lord over him as well and a hedge of protection that the enemy can not get through in Jesus mighty name. Amen.