I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for peace in Los Angeles and across California. Put an end to these senseless robberies and restore a sense of safety and trust.
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California businesses are facing increasing numbers of robberies. Will a new task force restore law and order?

From Fox Business. In the wake of multiple flash mob robberies at high-end stores in the Los Angeles area in recent weeks, Mayor Karen Bass and local law enforcement on Thursday announced a regional task force aimed at stopping and holding the retail thieves accountable.

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“What we’ve seen over just the past week in the city of Los Angeles and in the cities and area surrounding us is unacceptable,” Bass said in announcing the regional, multi-agency Organized Retail Crimes Task Force.

“No Angeleno should feel like it is not safe to go shopping in Los Angeles. No entrepreneur should feel like it’s not safe to open a business in Los Angeles,” the mayor said, noting that retail theft is not a victimless crime. …

Regarding the city’s zero cash bail policy, officials said the individuals will be held in jail if charged with retail theft, though if they are charged with grand theft, there is a chance they will be released on bail. …

There will be 22 full-time investigators on the task force, with one district attorney embedded to help navigate the charges for any arrested suspects.

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(Excerpt from Fox Business. Photo Credit: Logan Weaver on Unsplash)

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August 29, 2023

May God destroy the ability of George Soros or his son to donate to the far out leftists. The far left is acting on their unproven and faulty ideas of what would make up good government. May the people educate themselves about the candidates running for office and vote accordingly. No just randomly picking a name because it’s well-known. Also may Father God eliminate the far out leftist attorneys general that we have in certain states. These A Gs are refusing to correctly prosecute and punish criminals because of their far leftist beliefs. America, wake up!! Far left ideas are destroying our people. Let’s get back to common sense and our Christian beliefs. Let’s put these things into action when we vote 🗳.

Darlene Estlow
August 21, 2023

A task force? When the criminals are arrested and let go? How much can a task force do if the criminals are not held responsible?

Maria Fillyaw
August 21, 2023

Dear Lord we pray that order will be restored in California. Open the Eyes of those in authority to see their error and their mistakes and give them the courage to stand up and do what it’s right for their citizens. We pray your mercy on law enforcement and protection and also we pray that people there will open their eyes to see what is truth don’t let them continue to be deceived by evil. We pray protection for the innocent and for our brothers and sisters there in the name of Jesus Amen


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