I Prayed have prayed
Father, use this teaching to encourage us in our faith and draw our hearts closer to You.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

An intercessor alerted us to this valuable teaching on taking the offensive in spiritual warfare. This video teaching is a part of a series from IFA’s founder, Derek Prince entitled “Spiritual Warfare”. He discusses the importance of taking the offensive with the spiritual warfare going on around us.


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November 14, 2020

Hello prayer warriors! God has impressed on my heart to pray 2 Chronicles 19 referring to appointment and duties of judges. Please pay close attention to verses 5-10! President Trump’s legal team will be facing appointed and elected judges who are charged to execute their decisions with integrity and a blameless heart; otherwise wrath will come upon them (not my words, but what scripture states). I am very concerned about SCOTUS Chief Justice thus praying for God’s wisdom and righteous rulings to prevail not the fear or persuasion of man. And that goes for all judges involved for reviewing these crucial legal filings and then render decisions based upon factual evidence not political influence or fear which is false evidence appearing real.

Jeanne Osterhout
November 14, 2020

Having heard many teachings on this passage and often meditated on it, this is the first time ā€œthe backā€ has been brought to my attention. What great truths! I often struggle with weariness in this great battle. This is a chilling reminder of why I must always pray and never give up! It is also a necessary reminder to the Church of the importance of unity (not uniformity), support and encouragement to one another in the love of Christ.

Don Upham
November 14, 2020

Who is your king? My king was given ALL authority in heaven and on earth. My king by the power of God rose from the dead, the first fruits of those who believe. My king says seek first His kingdom and all these other things will be added. My king told Pilot, that He was not only born to be a king but that He was born to bring the truth and that all who are of the truth would hear His voice. My king did not leave us alone to navigate this world but sent the Spirit of truth to guide us into all truth. My king said that we should pray to the Father “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” My king is eternal, the god of this world will be cast into the lake of fire. My king says that the accuser of the brethren has been thrown down to earth and his wrath is great because he knows his time is short. But My king says we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, By the word of our Testimony and by the fact that we did not love our lives even unto death. My king will subject all the kingdoms of this world to His kingdom and then present His kingdom to the Father. My king is coming again with all the glory of heaven and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the God the Father. That is who my king is! Who is your king?

Mary D
November 14, 2020

AMEN. We need to spend time like Mary of Bethany did, at the feet of Jesus drinking in His Word, not distracted by every release in the media or other trivial matters that are consuming the world. The twentieth century brought milk toast Christianity to our nation.and others; many have not heard or learned about the power, of His Word, His Blood, and victory that has already been won! Godā€™s Name is used more as a curse word in our culture than a Name of Reverence and Honor. Derek Prince is so right and taught me toI love declaring that ā€œWe are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, and out of the hand of the enemy!ā€ The Church is slowly wakening to see that while sleeping the wheat and tares grew together. God in His mercy is strengthening and healing His weak Bride so that we are becoming a true army! Celebrate! Declare His Word! Dance, Sing, Praise Repent, and Call out to Him in Prayer! And when discouraged, or disappointed, or tired, Remember, NEVER GIVE UP! The victory will be all the Greater!

Allena L Jordan
November 14, 2020

Let us maintain the phalanx. When I awoke this morning, I saw God’s people standing all linked together the same way we join a chain of paper clips. As I looked further, we were all standing, arms outstretched, fingertips touching. Think about this. In 2016, we Americans were crying out to build “the wall.” We were all thinking of the border wall along our southern border. In the spiritual realm, I believe that the church was to be building the cultural wall. I repent of not having seen this in the spirit 4 years ago. Father, forgive me; forgive the church for not taking full advantage of the last four years. I was not taking advantage of the covering the administration gave the church during this hour. Now, we are all awake, aware, and joined together like never before.

Father, we take up the Word of God, and we declare it at the gates of our cities, at the gates of our nation, at the gates of the church. We rise up as the offensive “team” and declare: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing…”
We declare: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.”
Thank you, Lord, for this teaching, reminding me that we are the victorious church because we serve a risen Savior. If God be for us, who can be against us? I praise Your Holy Name, O God most high. You are clothed in glory and arrayed in splendor. Yours is the Kingdom, and the power and glory forever! Hallelujah! Amen.

Glenda F McMillian
November 14, 2020

wonderful teaching and encouragement

Caroline Eagan
November 13, 2020

What encouraged me the most is what we are doing is Right in Christ, for He has given us the keys to what we need to live life successfully in Him. I’m fighting this battle on my knees, which Is where the battle is fought.
Just as Gideon needed the Lord to fight this huge battle for him, I may not be able to have a physical trumpet to use, I ask the Lord to receive my Blowing of the Shofar in the Spirit, and we can use the physical gifts in the Spirit such as Singing, shouting, Communing with Him by the power of the Holy Spirit living in us and telling Jesus, we want to be In Communion with Him and the Father. He hears our cry our petitions our Thanksgiving songs to Him and the Father, in our quiet place, or wherever we desire to speak to Him.

Carol Flowers
November 13, 2020

I was most encouraged by what Mr. Prince said about the offensive weapon, the WORD of GOD! Fear causes you to use your own words. Oh FATHER GOD thank YOU for reminding me of the absolute authority of YOUR WORD in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Help us to pray YOUR WORD ALONE in JESUS Name! I decree that President Trump wins the White House in the MIGHTY Name of JESUS! Amen! The gates of hell will no longer advance at all starting today in JESUS Name! Speak the WORD Saints!

November 13, 2020

The hey takeaways that I gleaned from this wonderful and powerful teaching is that we are not to “give up or give in” based on Christ’s victory…based on how God wants the body of Christ to operate in his word.
If we couple that with what our nation is presently going through, it becomes crystal clear how we need to pray and what/who we need to be praying for.

November 13, 2020

Excellent teaching, thank you so much. Learned about covering our backs and how important it is that our fellow believers cover us as well. We must never give up and so expose our backs.

Carole D Gabrielson
November 13, 2020

Wow! A true reminder of our utter dependence on the ALMIGHTY WORD of God. So encouraging!

Dorothy Cameron
November 13, 2020

So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all.
I Samuel 30:18ā€­-ā€¬19 NKJV

Father God,
Although we do not underestimate the power and influence of the enemy, we need not fear him.
You, Jesus, on the cross, rendered him defenseless. Hallelujah!! He is the strong man whom You have bound, and he is unable to hold on to what rightfully belongs to You and Your people.
We put our trust in Christ, knowing that we are on the winning side. Believing that the victory is ours to take back ground wrongfully stolen by him.
In the mighty name of Jesus!

    Marilina Rourke
    November 13, 2020

    This passage of Scripture has being in my heart also! I believe The Lord will do for us and for President Trump what He did for David.

Marilina Rourke
November 13, 2020

Iā€™ve been praying Psalm 28 and Psalm 31 during this battle for our Nation. I believe they are very appropriate and powerful words for this time.

    Terry Montague
    November 13, 2020

    Good words to pray! Thanks for that. Taking those to the prayer room now!

Laura Dominick
November 13, 2020

I thank God for the teachings of Derek Prince! I have been rereading his books for encouragement in this battle we are in. Thank you for this teaching! It is so important that we have been united as the body of Christ in this battle – we are not fighting alone, but the true Church is standing together in the courts of Heaven! We have been heard and the victory has been won – praise God! I also know many have been yielding the Sword of the Word as they have been citing Scripture in these comments – let us continue to do so! In so many places during my Scripture readings, the words “then they will know that I am the LORD” have leapt off the pages. As Jesus cleanses our nation of the wickedness, the entire world will know that He is the LORD! Praise His Name!

November 13, 2020

Abba, thank you for every word that proceeds from your mouth! Breathe your breath into your written word, and may we behold wondrous things you have spoken as we read and meditate therein. Strengthen us up in our inner man with might and help us and help all of your people who are called by your name to wield your sword swiftly and effectively. For our weapons are not carnal but mighty through you to the pulling down of strongholds. Help us to carefully determine what pleases you so we will live as people of the light. To your church we say: Awaken, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

November 13, 2020


Millie Wint
November 13, 2020

Jesus has already given us all authority. Our job is to use it. Jesus has already won the battle! Demons may be frightening, but faith is fierce! Pray God’s Word back to Him, as there is nothing more powerful. Jesus commanded us to be on the offensive, not just being defensive. Our job is to celebrate the victory that Jesus has already won!


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