“The killing for George Floyd was the tipping point that sent our nation into labor. Since his death, we’ve been experiencing the birth pangs of an America groaning from the pressure of something needing to be born. …We believe the American Church is being called to midwife in this pregnant season of upheaval – to help birth a reformation… ” 24-7 Prayer USA announcement on June 1, 2020,
Our nation is in upheaval. COVID-19 and racial inequality have stirred up the nation AND the Church to a place of discord, division, and disunity like never before. The disease — real. Injustice — real. FEAR – the driving force. I am not for one moment trying to minimize the reality at hand. NOT for a moment. But, what I am asking you to do is to take a big step back and let’s see if we can determine the real enemy…
Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near. (Ps 23:4 TPT)
Friends, there is a chasm in the Church and I don’t know if you see it, but it appears as if it is growing greater by the hour.
The enemy is truly having a field day bringing yet another reason to wreak havoc and bring disunity and discord to the Church. He WANTS us to be a HOUSE DIVIDED.
There are so many things dividing the church – abortion, politics, LGBTQ issues, this present COVID-19 crisis, racial inequality… While it was once how often to take communion, how to baptize, gifts of the spirit, sabbath, worship style… We have now hit the majors – real and present cultural issues – issues that can’t be “contained” within the building of church.
The issues we are facing today are more inflammatory than ever!
What will calm the inflammation so we can clearly see the REAL issue? How will we be given eyes to see through the chaos – the enemy standing behind his many smokescreens…
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy… (Jn 10:10 NIV)
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6:12 NIV)
And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. (Mk 3:25 NKJV)
We have to dismantle the colorful scaffolding of the enemy’s edifice. The “issues” have become his pillar of pride, the strongholds to which we are in bondage to. The ENEMY is seeking to divide us – wanting the Church to look pretentious, fractured and weak – when what is needed now MORE than ever is for the CHURCH to rise up bold, strong, compassionate, resolute – with a VOICE that influences and changes culture!
At the end of the day, the issues will still remain. Change will not happen in a sprint, it will happen in the marathon. It will not happen overnight, it will happen as we commit to the long-haul. It will happen because our eyes have not lost sight of what matters most – His name is Jesus!
Let’s peel back the veil. We have lost sight of the real issue and the real enemy. Sin is crouching at our door (Gen 4:7); the enemy is looking for who he can devour (1 Pet 5:8)
Sin, brokenness, and bondage keep us separated from the Truth AND from one another. Through the veil of darkness, we fail to see others or we misalign with where our hearts need to be set. We impose our agenda and our own understanding rather than the Lord’s.
We ARE called to serve those who are marginalized and experience discrimination and injustice. Jesus saw each one – the Samaritan, the leper, the adulterer. We are called to set out and follow His example! But, we will fail (at least in part) when our eyes are fixated on anything other than the ONE who created each one of us, the ONE who spoke the world and our own existence into being.
Let’s build bridges, but please ensure that those bridges have their foundational structure in Him!
Apart from Jesus, it will be but a band aid. For without an inward change, without an overhaul of self and the Church, we will continue to get in the way of the BEST He has for healing and resolution this side of heaven.
Anytime we allow something to avert our eyes from Jesus or put all our energies and efforts into something that doesn’t keep HIM at the center, we will always miss the mark.
The mark is Jesus – a life of falling more and more in love with Him – and this will simply OVERFLOW into everything else we do. It will affect how we use our voice, how we love, and how we carry authority and His presence!
Press into every place He calls you! Speak life into every area He calls you to!
But, a word of caution: IF your pursuit of justice, religious liberties, or any other endeavor becomes life encompassing, rather than heaven breathed, the enemy will have accomplished exactly what he desired. Pursuit of good, justice, truth without Jesus at the helm will keep our lives skewed.
(Think about the many religious leaders we know who have ever so slightly averted their gaze, and fallen away.) We will fall away from Jesus when we allow “the thing” to become our pursuit rather than Him!
Let’s bring the Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. Keep your eyes on the “prize” and all our efforts will be Kingdom infiltrated and change the atmosphere!
We carry the power and authority of change, of lives transformed. We carry the NAME! Let HIS GARMENTS and His armor be what we are cloaked in as we enter the battle.
Let’s bring heaven close!
Speak His life to the dry bones. They are rising up!
Suni Piper blogs at
(Photo by Hugo Fergusson on Unsplash.)
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“Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart….Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, still be my vision, o Ruler of all.”
Churches are the first pillar of hate and fear.Judgement spirit so thick its impossible to have a true worship experience.Peel away the lies and reeducate yourself to the truth in Gods word.Black folks want to be able to have the same repect as white folks.God didnt create us to entertain you but to free you from your fears.The church is a sanctuary for the all knowing omnipotent,omnipresent God.It is not a political entity.Let mercy peace justice and hope lead your call that’s what Jesu has done!In the kingdom we are one blood.
Yes! Let’s continue to ‘FIXED our EYES, our HOPE in Our loving & Wonderful Savior Jesus Christ! Amen! Our Lord never change and He is the same Jesus who came here on earth more than 2 thousands years because of His great love to us. And He will be the same JesusChrist who loves this planet
and still in full control of the nation of America! Amen!
And remember God has formed this thru you and us ‘God’s beloved Intercessors who ‘STAND ON THE GAP’ for every nations of the world! “Keep up the Good Fight of Faith”! Bear in mind always,’We are serving a Triumphant King and He will never fails us. Amen! Let’s be thankful to the Lord & Keep on those revelations that the Holy Spirit shared all the works and strongholds of the enemies showed to you. Cheer up! God promised us; “Be still & know I am the Lord your God I will never leaves you nor forsake you. Do not be dismayed, do not fear, I will even be ahead of you.” Amen! Let’s hold on to our living & faithful God! Our great sustainer & provider! Amen! We are with you ‘ifapray’ the real Frontliners! We are serving a mighty, glorious, and a powerful God, Who never change! What ever Jesus said, believed it! This battle belongs to the Lord the Lord of Host of every nations! ‘Be still and that I am the God that must be exalted among the nations of the world.’ Amen! Let’s do what Jesus did while suffering,hanging at the cross of calvary. He know that God His father will not leave Him in the grave.After 3 days arosed from the grave victoriously! Jesus believes the promised of heaven and this promised is in the book of Acts 2:27. And you must know that God will not leave also all our Fear. That’s how God loves so much this whole planet including you and me. What we should do? Jesus our Lord shows us.., ‘You do what He did… “You WAIT & Trust…”you wait and trust the promised of heaven! Amen!
God bless us all!
ONE THING have I desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His Temple. [ Psalm 27:4 ] I dare say that everything good is birthed from BEHOLDING HIM. If ever there was a time to ask for the Spirit of Supplication and Intercession – with sincere travail, it is NOW! We must Jesus’ Heart in order to see clearly and pray effectively!
AMEN!!! AMEN!!!!!AMEN!!!!!! You hit the nail on the head!!!!! MAY we, the church, take this to heart, individually & corporately!!!! We MUST know our LORD, not just about HIM. We MUST KNOW HIS WAYS. We MUST KNOW HIS WORD. We MUST KNOW HIS VOICE . We MUST HEAR HIS VOICE & THEN OBEY HIM!!!! This is ABOUT HIS KINGDOM, NOT ours!!!! The church & our nation are at stake!!!! We MUST FOLLOW OUR COMMANDER, JESUS, AS HE LEADS US IN THESE LAST DAYS, with our armor ON. 1st Corinthians 16:14. (Amp.Bible). Let everything you do be done in love (true love to GOD & man as inspired by GOD’S love for us.)
It appears that one main division is between 1) those in the church who are motivated by the desire for comfort and security, who believe that Jesus’ main motivation is our comfort and security and 2) those who are looking for the Kingdom of God to come, His kingdom, His definition,His way. His Kingdom coming may involve suffering and loss for us,grief and extreme challenge.
How do we pray if Father is allowing the evil to blow up onto the surface of life in alarming amount? If He is allowing it for His purposes, do we pray it away so that our own comfort and security can be restored, or do we ask Him to reveal His real purpose so we can pray into that pur Are we living in the day..”.as in the times of Noah” when evil abounded??? Where is God going with this???
Are we living in a time when “a strong delusion has been sent” as we are warned in II Thess 2:11?? how do we pray?
Is Covid just “a beginning of sorrows” as God does something unprecedented in our lifetime on earth? How do we pray?
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth…” What if that means the very outpouring of delusion and lawlessness as prophesied? how do we pray? We pray for Holy Spirit discernement, we pray to discern what God is up to. We pray for courage and tenacity to be faithful to HIm and to be “conformed into His image” Rom 8:29 during this challenging time.
We can pray for God to save our nation from the delusion, lies, depravity , not for our own comfort but for the sake of what He wants to accomplish in the world at this time, for His kingdom’s sake. We can ask Jesus “to whom all authority on earth and in heaven has been given” to bind up the evil spirits that are driving much of the population right now,and for eternity as many as possible.
Amen & Amen!!! Open our Eyes to the Truth, Lord Jesus!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Keeping your eyes on Jesus means taking accountability and being part of the church Jesus created, that inclcludes being led by the Spirit, and not the old Priest/Mater Pastor system Jesus replaced [that means everyone one is involved and being led by an apostle who does miracles]:
1 Cor 12:8
28 So God has appointed some in the church [for His own use]: first apostles (special messengers); second prophets (inspired preachers and expounders); third teachers; then wonder-workers; then those with ability to heal the sick; helpers; administrators; [speakers in] different (unknown) tongues. AMP
2 Cor 12:12
12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, by signs and wonders and mighty works. ASV
1 Cor 14:26
26 What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification NAS
A few days ago, a very dear friend inboxed me on Facebook sharing a video she received showing supposedly another angle of the George Floyd video that showed the ambulance that came to pick up his lifeless body was attended by what appeared to be other cops with gun holsters around them — instead of EMTs! I looked carefully and showed my husband. We couldn’t believe our eyes! Immediately, we were upset all over again! I was about to pass the “sharing” on to others, when the Holy Spirit checked me BIG time saying that “sharing” that video would not be fruitful but literally undo my recent intercessions and actually give the enemy more to work with. Get a revelation. Just because we have a “right” doesn’t make it right. Selah.
Oh my goodness. Isn’t that what we all want to be doing….listening to Holy Spirit…not my will Lord but yours. Not giving way to our own reasoning and it’s not necessarily bad…just not what is best…not what God’s heart wants for us.
May we not forget the scripture that was given to the woman who was responsible for leading our National Day of Prayer.Habakkuk 2:14. I sat down and read the entire book of Habakkuk This week and was amazed at how it compares to the state of our nation at present. May we remain on our watchtowers , and though it tarries wait in expectancy for the healing of our nation. And like Daniel be asking for undeserved mercy and grace in this time of need. May we exercise our measure of faith. Like it says in Ephesians 6: We are not battling flesh and blood but powers of darkness in the heavenlies .When we have done all stand fast. Hebrews 11 faith is believing what we have not yet seen. …Praise is the highest form of warfare. Look at 2nd Chronicles 20 and who led the army into battle….most sincerely,Linda
Great article! So true! Sometimes I tend to post on Facebook in an effort to open eyes to political truth. Question: how do I do that and put Jesus in the place He must be? Scripture posts are wonderful, but only believers click ‘like’. What will make a difference on Facebook? Help me to know.
Amen, Amen Amen! Powerful message to ALL America. We need unity in the name of Jesus!
When the year 2020 arrived, pulpits were filled with hopeful messages of God’s intentions for the hour. Then came the Covid, the economic collapse, and the rioting. Last Sunday in our first live service since the lockdown (on Pentecost Sunday, no less!) the Lord drew my attention to a different 20:20 Scripture, John 20:20 – though the disciples were locked in a room for fear after his crucifixion, Jesus appeared right in their midst (20:19)saying “Peace be with you.” 20:20 – When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.”
If our vision for the rest of this year is fixed on Christ and what He has done for us, the glories of our previous hope will yet be realized! Keep your eyes on Jesus – that’s the real 20-20 vision!
Suni, this is straight from the heart of God. It is unbiased and untainted by politics or personal agendas. It forces all of us to look at ourselves and our Lord. Thank you and may the Lord use you mightily in this hour.
Your “comment” says it all Tiffany! May our mighty God wake up America to the real problem and the
real solution ~ Blessings, Anita
Blessings and love to you, Anita. Your words are my prayer.