On Friday, anyone with a pulse would have seen the news of the release of Kanye West’s newest album, Jesus Is King. It comes after months of news stories about West’s very public conversion to Christianity, a Christianity that bears no resemblance to the vague spiritualism of Moral Therapeutic Deism that is often associated with celebrity conversions.
The lyrics to each song in Jesus Is King are shockingly Christian. It is not an album of feel-good Christian spirituality aimed primarily as a message of uplift. West co-wrote and sang the hit “Jesus Walks” on his debut album The College Dropout (2004), but Jesus Is King is different. Throughout the whole of the new album, West is in many respects deeply critical of modernity and cultural progressivism. There are calls for a focus more on the family than on individual glory. He seems to applaud Chick-fil-A, which in our age is tantamount to endorsing bigotry. Social-media obsession should be exchanged for family prayer. Fatherhood is characterized as a virtue. Materialism is pilloried. Calls for worshiping Christ redound to such effect that West’s first Christian album is arguably more Christian than what most contemporary Christian artists could similarly muster.
But in the media rollout of West’s album, it’s worth paying attention to other statements he’s made. He’s criticized abortion and believes that the African-American community is getting played by Democrats. He remains defiant in the face of political correctness. A man of evolving identities who has struggled with mental illness in his past, he told Zane Lowe during a two-hour long Beats 1 interview that during the planning of the album, he insisted that those around him fast and abstain from premarital sex. In the interview with Lowe, West has the anthropology of C. S. Lewis, the economics of Wilhelm Röpke, the cultural mood of Wendell Berry, and the defiance of Francis Schaeffer. In Jesus Is King and in interviews, we see a Kanye West upholding what Russell Kirk referred to as the Permanent Things.
He’s rejecting the hyper-sexualization of culture that he admitted he helped create. In an ode to the Niebuhrian Christ-and-culture typology, he said he’s now living his life for Christ and ostensibly against culture.
In a word, Kanye West is now a cultural reactionary by the standards of our society, and could be, in time, a cultural wrecking ball that dislodges so much of the assumed, comfortable, and unchecked cultural liberalism that dominates the most elite sectors of our country and mocks anything resembling traditionalism and social conservatism. In an age of libertarian sentiment, when the currency of American society appear to be glamorization and the notion that consent is the only reasonable moral standard, West is calling for restraint and limits.
To that end, I wish him success. He’s just the figure, given his massive iconic cultural status, to bring a needed message that our society should reconsider what it deems praiseworthy. To that end, his religious conversion could spark a revolution in morals, similar to what the conversion of 19th-century abolitionist William Wilberforce helped foster in England.
(Excerpt from National Review. Article by Andrew Walker.)
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I thank the Lord for the work He started in Kanye West. “He who started the good work in you will perfect it in the name of Jesus Christ” I pray Psalm 91, Ephesians 1 and Isaiah 11 : 1 – 2 for you your wife and your children. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father, You do not cease to amaze! Thank You for calling out this man and gifting him with musical talent and giving him a courageous spirit. Help him to grow strong in the Gospel faith and to stay close to You in all that he does. You are being glorified in all segments of our society. May many more people be delivered into Your Kingdom!
Our Father is faithful and he is not going to let the legacy of The Founder of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship, Demos Shakarian, go down in utter destruction. For those of you who remember, Demos Shakarian was a powerful, Godly man (of Armenian descendant) during the Charismatic Renewal. Kanya is married to his granddaughter. Praying all of them will all be saved and delivered and protected by our Father in Heaven in Yeshua’s name!
I have very mixed feelings about Kanye. On the one hand I am grateful he loves Jesus and wants to promote Him. I am amazed at the response he is receiving, how people are coming to Jesus. However, I am also deeply concerned for his spiritual/emotional/psychological well-being. He is a baby Christian and needs to be mentored in the faith before he goes all out in ministry. His wife is not a believer and publicly says so. His wife and family should be his first ministry priorities. Even the Apostle Paul checked out for three years getting to know his new master (Galatians 1). I think it is really important to keep praying for him and his family because the enemy is not going to let this upstart ruin his evil kingdom. He will target this man and his family for destruction, not just to ruin them, but to have yet another fallen “shooting star” to mock publicly. Please let’s keep praying for him, his family, and for strong believers to disciple him in these early days.
Father we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of David, The SON of the Living GOD; we ask you to keep your hand on Kanye and his family. We thank you that he has come to see the glorious light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I thank You Lord that You who have begun a work in Kanye that you will complete in until Christ is formed in him. I pray that You would baptize him with the Holy Spirit and fire🔥. I pray that you keep him on the righteous path and that he walks in a manner that is worthy of the calling in which You have called him. I pray that he would be sanctified through and through. I pray that he would endure to the end. I pray that you surround him Your love and protect him from the lies of the enemy. I thank you that your grace is transforming him. I thank you Lord that he will bear fruit in accordance with repentance. I pray that his heart will burn for You Lord. Keep Your hand upon Him and use his life to bring glory to your name. I pray that the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation would be given to him in the knowledge of You. I thank You Lord for drawing him near. I thank You Lord that Kanye will seek You in the Secret Place. I pray that he will become radically obedient to the greatest Commandment TO LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF HIS HEART, WITH ALL OF HIS MIND, WITH ALL OF HIS SOUL, AND WITH ALL OF HIS STRENGTH!! I pray for divine encounters in Jesus name!! I pray for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit to come upon him in Jesus name. I pray for an activation and impartation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Lord and I pray for the true humility of Jesus Christ to be upon Him. Lord I pray for his soul in Jesus name. I pray he never returns to darkness but that he presses into You like never before!!! Have your way in his life Lord!!!
How wonderful! READ THE WORD. Believe it. Every word of it. You and the Holy Spirit, not the teachings or traditions of men. Just the Word, the Word, the Word. And Jesus will fill you up to the top with His Spirit. God bless you, Kanye. Have a great life serving the Lord.
Kanya, I think you are just great. A handsome, young man that feely speaks his heart. May I suggest that ask the Holy Spirit to help you express your opinion in such a way that people will take you seriously.
I pray that GOD would appoint a Godly Pastor and Elders for this man and his family to consistently pray for them, so that the wicked one won’t be able to trip him up. Too, may GOD grant him the grace to choose his friends very carefully. In Jesus Name, Amen.
May God surround Kayne and his family with His angels, protect them from assault, and guide them in their walk. Amen
Praise GOd….look how God radically changed Saul-killing Christians to Paul.
May Kanye be surrounded by prayer and Godly MENTORS..
and may we see an our pouring of the HOLY SPIRIT in the young generation.
Dear Father God,
Thank you so much for your Mighty power touching Kanye, transforming his heart! Giving him the boldness and courage to speak the truth! Father God open the ears of men and women, to hear the truth from the lips of this changed man and may You be Glorified!
May Kanye be encouraged and strengthen as he follows You
Jesus on this new path of living!
Amen Sandra…
When scripture says there will be a pouring out of HIS spirit..
This could be life changing for a new generations..!!
I believe that the Lord is not slack in His promises. The word of God will not return to Him void. Kayne will have to use the word of God. That will be very important in these last days. May the Lord be with all of his family and himself. We are living in perilous times of the Bible. The word of God is a two edge sword against the devil and his demons.
We need to pray for this man and show similar courage to change our priorities and our lives. May he be the beachhead of long-overdue change not only in American culture but the American church.
Yes, Christians must pray for this brother. The evil one will throw everything at him. All new converts need much love, prayer, solid Biblical teaching, and godly fellowship as they are babes and easily discouraged. There are many compromised, deceiving messages from all directions today, and babes in Christ, especially young people, MUST be protected in the Lord. We are responsible. Thank you to all who pray steadfastly.
Our God is an awesome God!
Lord I pray that you use Kanye to touch those who may have never considered the “Good News”. Open this door to spread Your Gospel to the lost that relate to this man. Open their ears and eyes to the Truth and may Your Spirit move and touch the hearts of an entire generation.
Praying in accordance with everyone here. Amen, Lord!
What a precious young man he is! I’ve been so deeply touched (and excited) by how he is determined to obey the call of God on his life. His new life is not an easy one – with so many so-called “Christians” coming against him…which is shocking to me. I’m so thankful that he has a wonderful pastor helping him walk in the Truth!
My Father, my Love, thank You for protecting this precious man constantly. Thank You for helping him through all the tests and trials we must endure and to stay humble. Be crystal clear when You are speaking to him, and bring his family into a surrendered walk with You as well. Give him much peace and joy. In the mighty name of Christ Jesus our Lord, AMEN!
Yes, Amen.
Amen’ Amen’ Amen to God be the glory.
Welcome to the family Kanye. … Father God, may Your resurrection power and the Light of Jesus shine through Kanye so that his music and Your call on His life lead many lost souls to our Savior. Provide him the wisdom he needs and the strength to overcome every obstacle. Use him through his rap music and any other means you so choose Lord. Your will be done Almighty God. I bless you Lord for using Kanye in this mighty way. Anoint his songs so that your Word, Your ways, Your love and Your truth be revealed through him. May Your Word become gospel to many whose eyes are blind. May Kanye’s work shine Your truth into their hearts, for it is the Truth that sets us free, Your truth, for Your Word is gospel. Thank you Abba, in Jesus’ name I pray.
Praise God! Many prayer warriors have been praying for the salvation of the ones in the entertainment and Hollywood groups for decades. I pray a hedge of protection around Kanye and his family. I pray God will continue to use Godly men to mentor him in his new found faith and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They will know we are christians by our love, and by the fruit that is produced in our lives.
Amen I agree
Pray Kanye doesn’t fall into the “doctrine of demons” That is the “Master Pastor Syndrome,” or the “wind of doctrine once saved always saved,” but moves Christians into the Kingdom era, of everyone has a song, hymn, word, teaching, prophecy. 1 Cor 14:26
26 What is it then, brethren? When ye come together, each one hath a psalm, hath a teaching, hath a revelation, hath a tongue, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.
Praying in agreement!!
Yes! Let the Church be the Church, and minister as the Church. 🙂
I have prayed for Kanye and family from the time I heard about his Sunday Service. Many Christians doubted his actions here and said they thought he was being used to set the stage for the anti-Christ. We really need to discern by the Holy Spirit was is or is not of God. Also, God says that He takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Many would think in the beginning this was a foolish thing, but our God is an AWESOME GOD!! I love when HE shakes things up especially with the religious mind. I’m praying against any attack of Satan again Kanye and his family, his marriage and his walk with the Savior, Jesus our Lord, that no weapon formed against him will prosper and that God would shut the mouths of the mockers and scoffers. Amen and Amen.
It’s the season for the celeberties to come forth and yield to God. I ask God to cover Mr. Kenya and his family in the blood of Jesus.
He is one that will lead others to Christ our Lord.
I agree in Jesus’s Name. Amen!
Yes, I agree also. Our Father God is really on the move and we are on the side of the Lord. Amen
I thank GOD for Kayne’s Salvation and that his eyes of been opened. I am praying he will be discipled with those who led him to Christ.
“Grow in the knowledge of the Lord.”
“Study to show yourself approved. Be a good worker one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the Word of Truth” 2Tim:15
“Thy Words were found and I did eat them”. Jeremiah 15:16
I am praying for Kayne and ALL his family.
This is an AWESOME story of Gods MIGHTY HAND moving in the heart & life of Kayne West. May God use Kayne West over & above anything we can imagine–Ephesians 3:20. May the surround of the LORD (Psalm 5:11-12) be fully surrounding Kayne & his family & the opportunities to share Jesus Christ through His songs & written & spoken words. In Jesus name. AMEN & AMEN
Amen and amen!
I get in complete agreement with these prayers Lord and ask You Father God in the name that is above ALL names, as more and more people are turning their hearts to You, that a spirit of true repentance would descend upon Your body of believers like never before. I ask You Lord to expose any mixture not only in this man Kanye West, but in each of us also. That You would break through any darkness that tries to hide and camouflage itself within us. We want to “be as You are Lord, Holy as You are Holy.”…(1 Peter 1:16, ). Increase in us Lord. I ask You Lord to be that “wrecking ball” in us and don’t stop until everything within is completely destroyed so as to have Your fullness alone and be completely overtaken by You Lord Jesus.
Amen! In total agreement with your prayer.
Hallelujah Hallelujah!! Yes in total agreement. Yes, Lord the wrecking ball that shake everything that will be shaken and what remains will remain in us and this nation.
Stand in unity with these prayers for Kanye and his family. Align your people with Your Wlll.
Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you for the mighty work by the power of the Holy Spirit that you have done in Mr. Kanye West heart and life, all praise be to Jesus! Lord, thank you for answering his prayers and thank you for the “Jesus Is King” album I was blessed with hearing, to God be the Glory!!! Thank you Lord Jesus, for Kanye West and the many souls that are lost that he can help to reach by your grace and mercy!!! We praise you dear Father,for the gifts and talents you have given to Kanye and show Kanye your steps as he walks continually in your steps. God bless him and his family with your blessings of love, wisdom, and grace, today and always.
In Christ,
Dear Lord, thank you that this is just the beginning of millions coming to you in our country. Thank you that revival will cover the land and entertainment will be turned upside down, going from praising idols to praising -You, Jesus: THE Way, THE Truth & THE Life. Thank you for working in this man, Kanye West. May he grow in the grace & knowledge of Jesus Christ & be transformed by the renewing of His mind. May your Spirit teach Him all things. May he be strong in your Spirit & the power of Your might & be rooted & grounded in Your Word & in Your Love. I pray men like Daryl Strawberry will come along his side & be built up in His most Holy faith & may the people he influences come to Jesus & be saved! In Jesus name I pray, Amen
Lord I pray that Kayne would be discipled and that the fruit would match the words proclaimed by his mouth. That He will hunger for You, for Your Word and be guided by the Holy Spirit in words and actions. He professes to belong to Jesus and my prayer is for obedience to Your Word and professing Christ to a World that needs Him. In Jesus name. Amen
Heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest send forth laborers into the harvest. Raise up and send out more “Jonah’s” and I pray their labor is not in vain. Bless and keep all who go forth and profess your Name. Prepare hearts and minds to receive good news. Silence the opposers and scoffers. Have your way Lord and be glorified! Amen.
Give us ears to hear and eyes to see
Father, thank you for your grace of salvation for our new brother. Surround him with favour as with a shield. No weapon formed against him shall prosper, every tongue that shall rise against him, I shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord.
He and his household are covered with the Blood of Jesus daily. Father,be with his going out and his coming in.Holy Spirit guide him and instruct him the way he should go. That he be bold, for the righteous are bold as a lion. In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen
Praying for Kanye and ALL his family, and praying in agreement with the prayer that opens the article posted. Father may it be so, in Jesus name, amen.
Amen and Amen
Father please protect Kanya’s family, may they be bound together in love and truth. Please bless his wife, especially, may she see the light of Christ in her husband. May Kanya have just the right words to bless his wife and draw her close. Give Kanya wisdom in all things, and give him favor. “You have not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.” We bind the enemy trying to break up his marriage. We release blessings on this young man and his wife and children.Bless them all and bring them to yourself. In the name of Christ our LORD.