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Lord, give us wisdom on how we should act in this time.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Update: While churches are still not considered essential, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, a Democrat, who previously had ordered pastors to turn over the names, address and phone numbers of anyone who enters church houses has just rescinded this order. With the outcry of many, and the involvement of Liberty Counsel, Lucas backtracked.

“Never in our wildest dreams could we have imagined Nazi-like measures designed to surveil, track and spy upon what was once a FREE American people,” Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver said.


The city’s order stated: “Religious gatherings, including but not limited to, weddings, funerals, memorial services, and wakes, of ten persons inside or ten percent of building occupancy (whichever number is greater) and fifty people outside may resume, provided social distancing is maintained and event organizers maintain a record of attendees.

“Data obtained by the Department of Public Health, pursuant to this provision, shall, to the extent allowed by law, remain confidential in accordance with professional pubic health standards and may be used only to address public health concerns,” the order further reads.

Rich Bott, president of Kansas City-based Bott Radio Network, told Metro Voice News the mayor’s order was a violation of longstanding guarantees in the Bill of Rights that protect religious activity from government oversight and control.

“This is outrageous on the part of the KC municipal government officials. They are treating churches the same as businesses for COVID contact tracing purposes,” Bott said. “This is a massive overreach violating the sanctity of churches and the privacy of their attendees.”

COVID has caused concerning overreach by local and state officials in many communities. As AG Barr has stated, the Constitution is not suspended in the time of a crisis.

What is happening in your state?  Are churches meeting again?  Are there unequal restrictions on churches in your communities?  Share below what you are experiencing and how you are praying.

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Charles Whatley
May 24, 2020

We live in Georgia with a governor who has the good sense of a great leader; we shut down when it was necessary and opened up as soon as it was possible! So our business community was spared a devastating loss and our churches are opening up this month or next as they choose.

It’s a matter of balance and wisdom. As my daddy once said, “There are two ditches and it really won’t matter which one you drive into.”

May 7, 2020

We had four pews in our large church that were marked for people to sit in from ll am to 1 pm today and pray. Everyone was required to socially distance and wear masks and not touch. It was a prayer service to pray for the 7 points of prayer, it’s a Southern Baptist Church in VA.There wasn’t a big turnout when we got there, but hopefully picked up. Our state is pretty much closed at this point except for essential services.

May 6, 2020

Good grief! Will somebody please remind this man that he is living in America!? The home of the brave and the land of the free.

Ruth Brown
May 6, 2020

I am grateful for our state of Idaho, that church gatherings were permitted in phase 1 of our rebound. Thank you, Lord.

May 6, 2020

I just listened to the following prayer from Derek Prince and think it’s absolutely appropriate for the current situation in Missouri and all over the U.S.

Lord give us leaders such that it will be for your glory to give us victory through them.

Darlene Estlow
May 6, 2020

Father thank you for the reversal of this decision. May our public officials cease the Gestapo behavior.


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