Pray that Kamal Saleem’s ministry will be protected by the Hand of God and that it will bring many souls to Christ. More Muslims have come to Christ in the last 20 years than in the prior 1,400 years! Download our new resources to pray for Muslims during Ramadan: Prayer Guide Bookmark and Special Report Prayer Guide–Islam: A Mirage of Peace.
“… correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim 2:25)
“Forty-eight percent of Muslims in the United States of America believe that they are Muslim first, American second. Our purpose is to change this country, because they are infidel and what they are doing is not pleasing to Allah. We are the soldier of Allah who will make them do it.”
Kamal Saleem was born in Lebanon to a devout Muslim family. As early as four years old, he remembers sitting at the kitchen table while his mother taught him about the Koran and his duty to Allah and Jihad.
“From my childhood, my mom said, ‘One day, you’ll be a martyr, my son. You will die for the sake of Allah and you will exalt Islam. If you kill a Jew, my son, your hand will light up before the throne of Allah and the host of heaven will celebrate what you have done.’”
Kamal was seven when his parents sent him to Muslim training camps to learn to use weapons and engage and kill the enemy. The boys were also taught another, more subtle form of warfare…
“We were training for what’s called, ‘Culture Jihad,’ which is shifting cultures. Culture Jihad is unlike the sword, unlike the rifle. It is the Jihad that will come into your world.”
By his 20s, Kamal was chosen to wage Cultural Jihad on America.
“In Islam, liberty, freedom, monarchy, all these are idols and must be brought down. So the liberty that you have in United States of America is anti-Islam, so America must be changed. So I moved to the ‘Bible Belt’ specifically. The Bible Belt was the strongest of the strongest. That’s where the stout Christians are, and I want to take on the best of the best, because I considered myself as the sword of Islam. I thought, ‘I’m anointed. I’m unique. I’m selected. I’m coming to a country and a culture to change it. I have the power of Allah with me.'” …
In the early 1980s, Kamal entrenched himself in a small Midwestern town. He began targeting men from poorer neighborhoods to recruit them to the Muslim faith. But one afternoon his life would be in the hands of those he hated the most.
“I was going from one place to another to do recruitment and that day I had a car wreck. The car wreck was so severe, I ejected out of my car, landed on my neck and broke my neck in two places. This man came running to me and said, ‘Don’t worry. We’re going to take care of you, and everything’s going to be alright.’ The ambulance came and picked me up and now I go to the hospital. The orthopedic surgeon in the ER looked at my chart and said, ‘Son, we’re going to take care of you, and everything’s going to be alright.’ The second day I wake up in the hospital, and the head of physical therapy came in, read my chart and said the same thing word for word, ‘We are going to take care of you.’”
At first, Kamal was frightened by their words, because these men were all Christians.
“You see, in terrorism, if they say [that], you better run.” …
Kamal was overwhelmed with the outpouring of Christian love. As he recovered, he began to help out around the house with cooking and cleaning.
“They have Jewish friend that came from Israel who they support, and now I’m hugging Israelis and I’m cooking for Jews. I’m going, ‘What has happened to me?’”
When Kamal was able take care of himself and return to his apartment, the doctor had another surprise for him….
Kamal felt that because he questioned his faith, the honorable thing to do was to end his own life.
“So I went to reach out my gun, put it in the right place and clock out. I heard a voice. The voice knew me by name. It said, ‘Kamal! Kamal! Kamal! Why don’t you call on the Father of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob?’ Now I fell on my knees and put my hands to the heavens immediately as I heard the voice. I cried out with every fiber within me, ‘God, the Father Abraham, if You are real, would You speak to me? …. That day, instead of taking his life, Kamal gave it to Jesus. He now has a new mission and travels the country challenging Muslims to question their allegiance to Allah.
“My heart’s desire is to reach out to my brothers and sisters, the 1.5 billion Muslims that are living out there. They have not tasted the freedom in God.”
It’s been over 20 years since Kamal left the Islamic faith, and even threats of violence and death cannot stop him from sharing his story.
“He is real. If you’ve never experienced God before in your life, if you never tasted God, if you think you’ve got nothing to lose… when you’re sitting in your home, whether you’re a Muslim or a non-Muslim or a non-Christian or whatever you are, call on the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and say, ‘If You are real, speak to me. I want to hear Your voice.’”
Can God change your life? God has made it possible for you to know Him and experience an amazing change in your own life. Discover how you can find peace with God. (Excerpts from Aaron M Little article on CBN)
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What a mighty God we serve! Thank You, El Shaddai, for delivering this child from the clutches of the enemy and giving him a heart for evangelism to the Muslim population. May Your Will be done in his life and may Your Holy Spirit keep him safe and “fired up”. for the Kingdom.
I agree with the prayer prayed by Shirley. Father, Jesus, & Holy Spirit, thank You for saving and filling Karmal’s life with Your love, mercy, grace, and compassion. Anoint him as he speaks to Muslims about You and salvation. Your Word says that You so loved the world that You sent Jesus to die on the cross as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the everyone who will believe. Let that message penetrate the hearts of all who hear it. These things I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, I met Kamal Saleem about five years ago at a conference. His passion for Jesus is real as he speaks the truth about his past and current lives. I pray for protection and give this simple insight about the battle he fights in the name of Jesus.
His audience has been DECEIVED.
His audience has BELIEVED a lie.
The entire world RECEIVES the violence perpetrated by the lie.
But Jesus has ACHIEVED the victory over deception and lies.
Those four simple words can be used to open the eyes of Muslims as they seek truth for their own lives and for eternity.
Please continue to protect and bless Kamal Saleem.
In Jesus’ Name ~ Amen