Birthed in San Francisco in 2015, Drag Queen Story Hour has its own website and is now found all over the nation. It is perhaps the most potent image for what’s gone wrong in America.
The far-left American Library Association last year sponsored a workshop for librarians on how to stage them. This is called aiding and abetting.
Not long ago, a sexually confused man in women’s clothing peddling homosexual propaganda to small children would have prompted calls to the police.
nstead, it’s cool to be neutral or even applaud. You’ve heard of virtue signaling? This is it in spades. The question is, where’s the outrage?
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The only real pushback has come from MassResistance, the Bay State-based group that has opened chapters in other states and leads protests against this abomination.
Leaving no doubt about their agenda, the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) website explains that this is “just what it sounds like — drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”
You don’t want to bring your 4-year-old to this? What are you, a hater?
And what about the smiling moms and dads at these events? I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that there are parents willing to sacrifice their children on the altar of political correctness. America has racked up 60 million abortions since 1973.
Kaiser Permanente has created a TV ad titled “To Them We Say.” The ad features various people who are called “too fat,” “too skinny,” “too old,” etc. Then it shows a man in drag reading and dancing for children, who are laughing with delight.
The voiceover proclaims, ” … to them we say ‘too bad.’ At Kaiser Permanente, we believe everybody deserves the right to thrive.” Who knew that corrupting children sexually was a way to thrive?
Getting back to the theme of under-reaction, a major newspaper carried an opinion piece last Thursday about a Drag Queen Story Hour. It was accompanied online by a photo of “Lil Miss Hot Mess,” who appeared at a library in New York.
The author has done so much fine work for years that I’m loathe to pick on her. Maybe she thought the facts were shocking enough. But the tone of the piece epitomizes the general reluctance to openly express moral outrage.
Watching the children, she observed: “I couldn’t tell what was going on inside those small heads, of course. Perhaps they were shy, or bored. Perhaps some of them were too young. Or perhaps Venus and her 6-inch eyelashes terrified them. Heavy stage makeup can look flattering under stage lights, but in ordinary indoor daylight, the effect can be more Medusa than goddess of love. …
“Still, drag is a time-honored form of comic entertainment, from the Greek stage to RuPaul. Perhaps if the drag queens toned it down and positioned themselves less as ‘queer role models’ and more as comedians in the Milton Berle tradition, they’d be less off-putting.”
Really? We’re talking here about preschoolers and kindergarteners. Apart from the effect on their innocent souls, some of these kids may go on to develop gender dysphoria and be “treated” with puberty-blocking drugs. Some may even, tragically, have healthy body parts surgically removed and regret it when it’s too late.
I’ll end with a quote from Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Policy Center, who pulls no punches.
“According to ‘progressives,’ homosexuality — for which there is zero evidence of biochemical causation — is immutable, but sex — which is proven to be genetically determined — is mutable and can be changed via a new wardrobe and a few (or many) surgical snips.”
And, she adds, they demand “compulsory participation of the entire culture in an elaborate performance piece … a toxic retelling of the ‘Emperor’s New Clothes.’”
Only this time, the king is wearing a wig, heavy makeup and a sequined gown.
(Excerpt from One News Now. Article by Robert Knight.)
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This is a form of sexual abuse on innocent children introducing them at such a young age to a world they are not ready to process. I pray that the parent and teachers eyes will be open and that the scales of deception will be removed from their eyes. The church will stand up for what is right and get involve with the community instead of hiding in a church building.
Father in Heaven, Forgive us, forgive your children for being tolerant to this level. Renew a right spirit within us. Show us God Almighty how to stop this from being. This is a direct attack on the innocence of our children and grandchildren. You are the great and dreadful God, our high tower, the one who has his people do simple things to break down mighty strongholds. Show us, your people, what we need to do to combat this lie that is being spread throughout our country. It is not okay, it is not! Thank you for hearing my cry. Show us how to love those who are committing these horrendous acts. People need love most when they deserve it the least. Father I pray that the truth would come out in each and every hour or storytelling that this is such a lie from the pit of hell and each participant who is trying to convert our children in this lie would be renewed into a right relationship with you. That their own ears would hear the mess that their mouth is saying and the truth would just pop out of their mouth so that the children would not be confused. The generation of children coming up need your help Father. surround them with your wings and protect them from the weirdness that is taking place. In Jesus’ name Amen
Is that this little girls mother over to the right? God HELP us. Just as quoted in the article, this IS a new version of “The Emperor Has No Clothes”, and this inSANITY is being forced on innocent children, with NO ONE protecting them from this blatant onslaught of the bludgeoning of their innocence. This IS twisted. It’s child abuse. Look at the little girls face. God HELP us. Praying.
This is sick!!