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Heavenly Father, this is an important time in our nation. Guide these Justices to follow Your law first as they look to interpret these cases.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The United States Supreme Court on Tuesday heard oral arguments on two cases that ask the court to expand the sex discrimination protections in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to cover homosexuals and transgenders.

Bostock v. Clayton County Georgia and Altitude Express, Inc. v. ZaradaĀ were brought by homosexual men who claimed they were fired because of their sexual orientation.

R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, Inc. v. EEOCĀ centers on a man who was fired after he announced he had changed his name and would now be coming to work as a woman. The businessā€™s sex-specific dress code required women to wear skirts as their work uniform.

Justice Neil Gorsuch had an exchange with David Cole, attorney for Aimee Stephens, who was William Stephens for the six years he worked at the funeral home, first as an apprentice and then as a funeral director and embalmer.

Cole said that Stephens would have been fired even if he complied with the dress code for women in the funeral home because he was a man, a clear case of sex discrimination, he argued. Gorsuch said:

I guess I ā€” Iā€™d just like you to have a chance to respond to Judge Lynch in his thoughtful dissent in which he lamented everything you have before us, but suggested that something as drastic a change in this country as bathrooms in every place of employment and dress codes in every place of employment that are otherwise gender neutral would be changed, that that ā€” that thatā€™s an essentially legislative decision.

Cole said:

I say that recognizing that transgender people have a right to exist in the workplace and not be turned away because of who they are does not end dress codes or restrooms. There are transgender lawyers in this courtroom today.

ā€œOf course, there are,ā€ Gorsuch said. ā€œThatā€™s not the question, Mr. Cole.ā€Ā 

ā€œMr. Cole, the question is a matter of the judicial role and the modesty in interpreting statutes that are old. And thatā€™s the question he posed,ā€ Gorsuch said.Ā 

ā€œNobody is questioning, and he certainly did not, the legitimacy of the claims and the importance of them,ā€ Gorsuch said.

ā€œThe question is about judicial interpretation,ā€ Gorsuch said. ā€œIf you wish to address it.ā€Ā 

Cole said that the Plaintiff was not asking to change the definition of sex as it was defined in 1964 but argued that it was because of his sex as a man who wanted ā€œto presentā€ as a woman that caused the termination.

Gorsuch responded that the case could be close on the ā€œtextualā€ review of the 1964 law but that social implications are much broader. He said:

At the end of the day, should he or she take into consideration the massive social upheaval that would be entailed in such a decision, and the possibility that ā€” that Congress didnā€™t think about it. That is more effective ā€” more appropriate a legislative rather than a judicial function?

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Penny Starr.)

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October 9, 2019

Thus says the LORD: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the LORD. Jeremiah 9:23. Praying that the Lord’s judgment and righteousness will be exercised through our Supreme Court Justices and that they will in no wise take a bribe against the innocent. ” And you shall take no bribe for a bribe blinds the discerning and perverts the words of the righteous.” Exodus 23:8. “You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous.” Deuteronomy 16:19.

Merri Gibbs
October 9, 2019

Father in Heaven we beseech you to bring clarity to all 9 justices and that the intent of the 1964 Civil Rights Act would be upheld as it stands. We stand in the gap and on the wall calling forth your justice as You are the Supreme Judge over that of man. This petition goes before you that these men and women would fear You over fear of man, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.

Nancy P.
October 9, 2019

Father! It is time for thee Lord to work: for they have made void thy law. Psalm 119:126

Brenda B
October 9, 2019

Praying that God grants Justice Gorsuch the wisdom, discernment, clarity, and the courage to stand against any fears of “upheaval” and that he dismisses such fears and does what is God-honoring and righteous. Father may it be so, in Jesus name, amen.

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