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Father, we lift up Jeremy Story to You as he fights for our constitutional rights. Protect him and strengthen him.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In September 2021, local pastor and IFA board member Jeremy Story attended a school board meeting in Round Rock, Texas. After making a public comment about the danger posed by the district’s superintendent, Dr. Hafedh Azaiez, an alleged abusive adulterer who was allegedly illegally hired, Story was dragged away by police officers and arrested shortly after. In May of the following year, Story sued the district, the board members, the superintendent, and some police officers over his silencing and arrest. Now Judge David Alan Ezra of the U.S. District Court’s Western District of Texas has ruled in Story’s favor.

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We received a press release from Story on Friday detailing this critical update. According to the release:

“The district spent the last 14 months filing numerous attempts to dismiss Story’s case with over 400 pages of legal arguments. This latest ruling by Judge Ezra shot down the district’s hopes of having the case dismissed. Judge Ezra also asked Story to submit more facts by August 26th so that Ezra may determine if additional board members or police may be included in proceeding towards trial.”

In his decision, Judge Ezra said: “Story, however, has alleged facts sufficient to state a claim that he was engaged in constitutionally protected speech. An arrest would certainly chill a person of ordinary firmness from continuing to engage in the protected activity … and Story has alleged that his arrest was substantially motivated by his speech to the Board … thus, the Court finds that Story has stated a First Amendment retaliation claim.”

The release says further: “Ezra ruled that Story had shown colorable First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment violations as well as Open Meetings Act violations that could proceed towards trial. Ezra also allowed Story’s claims against the defendants as individuals in addition to their official capacity to head towards trial. Mary Bone, a board member not named in the suit, revealed at the previous board meeting she had discovered the defendant trustees had signed secret agreements with the district to pay for their defense as individuals with district tax dollars. Bone noted that this didn’t follow standard practice of other districts and violates state law.”

In light of the judge’s decision, a Round Rock school board meeting held this past Thursday included a motion brought forward by Bone concerning Amy Weir, a board member named in the lawsuit. This motion sought to “request that Amy Weir resigns from her place on the Round Rock board of trustees and pay back all public funds expended on the federal case for her individual benefit.” Unfortunately, this motion was voted down 5–2.

Regardless, Judge Ezra’s decision brings a great deal of hope into this situation. Let’s continue to pray for Story as he fights for his constitutional rights and those of other parents!

Share your prayers and scriptures for Jeremy Story below.

(Press Release from Jeremy Story. Photo Credit: Jeremy Story)

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August 22, 2023

If God be for us in our fight for Constitutional Justice, who dare stand against us. God reigns and the Son shines. May the strong right arm of Almighty God protect this pastor and all citizens who speak up against the lawlessness in our education system and agendas pushed by the communist ideology, and all woke peddling. May every plot, every lie, that is designed to destroy truth, be silenced.

August 22, 2023

Thank you Pastor Story – we are facing these battles in a small conservative town in Central CA and throughout our state and nation. We are encouraged by courageous citizens all over the country, standing up against corruption and the stripping of our rights. It is an intense battle and we work politically and spiritually to fight this battle. We want to see a Salt and Light affiliate in every church that will bring Biblical voter registration and voter guides that we can elect school board members and others that have our values. CHRISTIANS MUST GET INVOLVED and pastors must help lead the way. http://www.saltandlightcouncil.orghttp://www.biblicalvoter.comhttp://www.publicschoolexit.com

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Darlene Estlow
August 22, 2023

Father, we pray for justice and righteousness for Jeremy Story and his trial. May the school board members and police repent of their illegal activity and be saved by you.

Mary Beth
August 22, 2023

Thank You, LORD, for my brother Jeremy. Uphold him by Your mighty arm, strengthen him by Your Spirit in his inner man, provide for his every need as he fights to protect not only his constitutional rights but ours as well.

August 22, 2023

Lord, thank you truth and justice to prevail for righteousness is restored in our country, in the mighty of Jesus
Christ. Amen

August 22, 2023

How ironic that the judge’s name is EZRA. No coincidences with our Lord.

Nancy Perrault
August 22, 2023

Father, please defend Mr. Story! Bring swift justice to this case and bring forth truth and expand it nationwide in Jesus Name amen.

August 22, 2023


Ruth Lawler
August 22, 2023

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7


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