I Prayed have prayed
Father, You know the path and way forward for our nation. Turn our hearts to You. Pour out Your Spirit. May Your Church rise up in an Elijah spirit, full of power and purity.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

…In a stunning YouTube video from May 2021, Jonathan Cahn sheds more light on…the events that have shaken America…

It all begins with a biblical template that reveals what is happening in our world…

Cahn says the mystery is about the very course and future of America.

…[T]he mystery Cahn opens up now is a continuation of his book The Paradigm, published in 2017…

“The template ofĀ The Paradigm concerns a nation,” he says “ancient Israel that once knew Godā€”but is…heading ultimately for judgment. America is also a nation that once knew God, and is now rapidly falling away…the warning is that its course…leads to judgment.”

In the video, Cahn outlines how the Capitol Building in Washington DC is also referred to ‘America’s Temple’ which aligns with the biblical template of the Temple of Baal; how the ancient King Jehu aligns with Donald Trump; how in early 2021 the new Congress was opened up in a prayer to a pagan god…

…Cahn points out…that the day immediately following the attack…Several headlines read: 80 Arrested For Civil Unrest At US Capitol and Around DC.

Astoundingly, says Cahn, that number ā€“ 80 — was also connected to the ancient template of Jehu and the temple of Baal…

“Reading the actual scripture that speaks of the people who stormed the temple of Baal: Now Jehu had appointed for himself, 80 men (2 Kings 10:24)…The exact same number. Jehu appointed 80 men to wait outside the temple, then said to the 80 men, ‘Go inside’…”

Cahn notes that there were more people involved that day, and more arrests made later. “But the very fact that the signs of the template manifests in the exact same number shows that the paradigm is replaying,” he says.

Another stunning sign pointed about by Cahn in the video: “Jehu would ultimately have men go inside the temple as well…”

“Two objections were heard that day…[T]he final resistance, concerned the state of Pennsylvania…How many stood against the vote, and for Trump’s cause, from the House of Representatives? Eighty members of the House of Representatives…That same number manifesting again, the 80 men of Jehu…”…

Cahn says he has much more to share about this mystery and where America is heading. “But for now, what does the mystery reveal for this hour — for America…?”…:

Under the reign of Jehu, Israel’s apostasy was slowed, but not reversed. So the nation’s short-term danger was averted. But the long-term danger was not.

“Jehu wasn’t the answerā€”he was used by God,” says Cahn. “And he did good…but the Bible says his reign was mixed. His reign was a reprieve to slow down the nation’s apostasy and…a chance to return to God…”…

“January 6 was the day that window came to an end…the moment that the Republicans lost the Congress and the President officially lost the presidency ā€“ the end of the reign of Jehu. It was a moment of spiritual importance, and so everything exploded.”…

“And now that same template is again replaying…But this time, it wasn’t the day of Jehu’s victory…The same day that marks the official loss of [Trump’s] presidency…was the day that the ancient mystery manifests before the world. The same mystery that marked the beginningĀ of his rise and reign, now marks theĀ end of his reign…the return of the temple of Baal. It was all sanctified…in a prayer to a pagan god.”…

“This all means that we are now in a new day,” he says. “These are the days of the reign of Baal…Baal has taken control the nation’s governmentā€”Baal’s agenda concerning the blood of the children…concerning sexual immorality; Baal’s agenda of war against the ways of God and His people…and…acceleration of the nation’s apostasy.”…

“If these are the days of Baal, then these must also become the days of Elijah,” says Cahn.

“We must become more…like Elijah: uncompromised, untainted, undefiled…separate from the world, yet a light unto the world. We must become more single minded, rooting out all compromise and all fear of man –more pure…set apart…bolder, less wavering…We must proclaim the truth to…a culture…that rejects it, and yet needs it all the more…”…

“Be strong and of good courage….[T]he days of greatest challenges produce also the greatest witnesses…the greatest lives for God. This can be your greatest moment if you rise to it…

What do you think about Cahn’s message? Share in the comments below, and add a prayer for our nation to turn to God.

(Excerpt from Charisma News. Article by Karen Jensen Salisbury. Photo Credit: Canva).

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Victoria Z
October 2, 2021

I feel that not everything happening in our current modern day has to fit an ancient biblical template the way Cahn suggests. Where is the biblical template of Covid and such? Ancient Biblical prophecy will be fulfilled yes, Daniel, Revelation,Joel, Isaiah etc. many modern day ā€œprophetsā€ are ā€œprofitsā€ & christian celebrities profiting from a gift that God only knows if is pure, untainted, & true, We need to remember that the likes of Baalam sadly exist in our world in our day. Jesus warned about false teachers & false prophets. I am not saying Cahn is false, i am saying only God knows. There is a difference between somethung that is believable and domething that is TRUTH. i dont run to hear any prophet or teacher or buy their books. I used to until God convinced me that The only book we really need is the Bible & the only teacher we need is the Holy Spirit to explain it, not a human man. I know God equips the church with gifted prople to instruct and admonish but there is so much carnality & temptation in the world so i no longer flick to anyone but Jesus. Back to Chahnā€™s template, does God just randomly throw in a template situation here & there in our modern day, if so where are other examples of this in history?

Victoria Z
October 2, 2021

I feel that not everything happening in our current modern day has to fit an ancient biblical template the way Cahn suggests. Where is the biblical template of Covid and such? Ancient Biblical prophecy will be gulfilled yes, Daniel, Revelation,Joel, Isaiah etc. many modern day ā€œprophetsā€ are ā€œprofitsā€ & christian celebrities profiting from a gift that God only knows if is pure, untainted, & true, We need to remember that the likes of Baalam sadly exist in our world in our day. Jesus warned about false teachers & false prophets. I am not saying Cahn is false, i am saying only God knows. There is a difference between somethung that is believable and domething that is TRUTH. i dont run to hear any prophet or teacher or buy their books. I used to until God convinced me that The only book we really need is the Bible & the only teacher we need is the Holy Spirit to explain it, not a human man. I know God equips the church with gifted prople to instruct and admonish but there is so much carnality & temptation in the world so i no longer flick to anyone but Jesus. Back to Chahnā€™s template, does God just randomly throw in a template situation here & there in our modern day, if so where are other examples of this in history?

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September 27, 2021

I believe that Jonathan Cahn is a modern-day prophet. So is Charles Crismier. Father god help our Church rise up in an Elijah spirit, filled with power and purity. Turn our hearts to You and pour out Your spirit. In Jesus name, amen.

September 26, 2021

Glory Lord! Merciful One! Almighty God! Poppa GodšŸ’•victorious Warrior Commander of the Heavenly HostšŸ™ŒThank you sooooo more than so much for this good word through Your servant Jonathan, to help quiet our hearts with heavenly understanding of part of these confounding daysā€¦and thank you for those 3 words, stand, wait and watchā€¦everyone can be standing steadfast in Your love, truth and Your Spirit might, waiting on You as in serving You where You have placed us and watching, as in watchman on the wall, as in praying, listening to Poppa God as much as talking with Him, on behalf of those around us who donā€™t know HIM yetā€¦.at least these are His encouragements and admonitions to me latelyā€¦.oh Lord, You alone are God, forgive those leaders who prayed in the name of a false god in our Capitol this year. We donā€™t deserve Your mercy but we confess the sin of idolatry and ask forgiveness for our nation Lord, to keep Your promise to hear, forgive us, cleanse us of our sin and heal our land Lord, because You DO deserve total trust from us, Your people, and real obedience. So we pray for our leaders Lord as You command and trust You to do what You alone do, good and glorious, more than we can ask or imagineā€¦.glorify Yourself Lord, so that all will KNOW,the God in whom we trust is You Jehovah Jesus. Come Lord!

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Randie Ray
September 26, 2021

I listened to the above linked You Tube video of Jonathan Cahn’s Jehu Paradigm prophecy – The Reign of Baal. Some of his template fits Trump and the events in our nation surrounding him. Cahn is not the only one who has said that Trump’s anointing fits a Jehu pattern. However, Cahn’s template breaks down when he tries to relate the Jan 6th ‘Insurrection’ at the Capitol with Jehu’s setting up the ambush of Baal prophets by his 80 men. That pattern doesn’t fit the Jehu pattern, because the people who went to the capitol were there to do a peaceful protest of the proceedings inside the building. There was no intentions of violence on either Trump’s part or those people’s part. Those who committed violence that day were people who were part of liberal activist groups like Antifa who were paid to do it by those who were trying to twist the story to give Trump and the ordinary people who came there as Trump supporters a bad name. Yes the story they concocted and the false charges they brought against those arrested seem to fit Cahn’s Jehu template, but it is a lie and therefore does not fit. And because this is a lie and does not fit, the supposed end of Trump’s reign does not fit either. If Trump is fitting with the Jehu template then God’s promise to Jehu will also stand true for Trump. God promised Jehu that 4 of his progeny would rule over Israel as kings after him. God limited it to 4 because Jehu did not completely turn Israel back to God, but he kept the idolatry of the calf gods that the first king of Israel had instituted that had
masqueraded as Yahway. Plus, Jehu’s reign lasted for 28 years not 4years. Because Rabi Cahn has believed the lie they concocted, he has read the template wrong. Jehu defeated the worshipers of Baal, and so Trump is not done yet! Neither are those of ‘his family’ who will follow him.
I say yes to the call to greater holiness in the spirit of Elijah, but it was Elisha who anointed Jehu.

    Victoria Z
    October 2, 2021

    I feel that not everything happening in our current modern day has to fit an ancient biblical template the way Cahn suggests. Where is the biblical template of Covid and such? Ancient Biblical prophecy will be gulfilled yes, Daniel, Revelation,Joel, Isaiah etc. many modern day ā€œprophetsā€ are ā€œprofitsā€ & christian celebrities profiting from a gift that God only knows if is pure, untainted, & true, We need to remember that the likes of Baalam sadly exist in our world in our day. Jesus warned about false teachers & false prophets. I am not saying Cahn is false, i am saying only God knows. There is a difference between somethung that is believable and domething that is TRUTH. i dont run to hear any prophet or teacher or buy their books. I used to until God convinced me that The only book we really need is the Bible & the only teacher we need is the Holy Spirit to explain it, not a human man. I know God equips the church with gifted prople to instruct and admonish but there is so much carnality & temptation in the world so i no longer flick to anyone but Jesus. Back to Chahnā€™s template, does God just randomly throw in a template situation here & there in our modern day, if so where are other examples of this in history?

September 26, 2021

Like many others, I believe Jonathan Cahn is a prophet. His books are so easy to understand and what we can see the way he has said, is happening. I pray that there is a response from God that we are in the right, as Christians and as citizens of the United States.

September 25, 2021

I love Jonathan Cahn. The last two paragraphs show clear direction and God will assist us as Jesus is on the throne.
– no fear
– set apart
– be bold
– be pure
– proclaim the truth
– be strong & of good courage

Janet C Bly
September 25, 2021

However, many believe God is saying that He is about to do something He has never done on the earth before, so won’t necessarily fit in with a pat biblical template from past times. All of this to save America from itself and usher in a 3rd Great Awakening! Stay tuned!

September 25, 2021

Prophecies have conditions: if God’s people do what God expects of them, the prophecy can be turned around. As an example, now that 14 states have enacted ‘heartbeat’ legislation against abortion, will the Church now rise and petition their respective state legislators to do the same thing where they live? So far, she has failed to meet God’s outlined way back to Him (II Chronicles7:14), so HE CAN HEAL our land! Generally speaking, the Church is asleep, lulled into making God’s blessings on her and our great land objects of idolatry and turning away from Him! God keeps extending mercy, but time is running out! The Church needs to repent, but will she do it and truly change her ways and heart’s affection? Cahn’s prophecy can be delayed, but will it be?

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Victoria Z
September 25, 2021

Convincing and coincidence or facts? Father in the name of Jesus help us discern the difference, help those weak in faith not give up during this time of testing, but instead i ask that you fertilize all of us, like the tree Jesus spoke about that was to be cut down, he said to leave it another a year and He would give it special attention, Father you are the master fruit tree husbandman, You created the trees and vines & know how to get them to bear fruit, Father i pray that you would pour out the perfect mix of fertilizing, tree grafting, judgments and pruning on all unproductive ā€œtreesā€ such that we will all bear more fruit, only good fruit. Father convict, instruct, judge, and provide your gifts of the spirit (anointed teachers, evangelists, prophets) to edify, warn, and assist your true believers in all they need to be raised all up to full stature of maturity. Father deal in your perfect mix of mercy and judgment with all false professing believers, the pharisee sect of believers, the wicked compromisers, & workers of iniquity, who believe & promote lies, all Balaams, and all who move in satanic counterfeits that look like the real deal, as you said there would be those speak about you and prophecy & do wonders in your name yet who are not yours as they are not obeying your commands. Disturb them with dreams and visions that show them exactly where they are at and how to repent and how to receive a cleansed and changed heart. Father show all of us the error of our ways so that all who know you, serve you and those who know you but aren’t serving you, and those who are promoting you falsely can fully repent and all attain understanding to serve in spirit and truth under your anointing. snatch the false from the enemyā€™s deceptions. We thank you and praise you that to you belongs mercy and forgiveness.

-Numbers 23 story of Baalam
-Matthew 7:22-23 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY.
-study the references to the verses and descriptions of workers of iniquity: psalms 5, 6, 14, 38, 36, Job 31, Job 34, 37, 53, 59, 64, 92, 94, 125, 141, proverbs 10:29 & 21:15

-Job 34:8: Which goeth in company with the workers of iniquity, and walketh with wicked men.(Father let us not keep company with workers of iniquity or walk with wicked! Weed them out of our lives we ask and protect us from them!)

-Psalm 28:3
Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts. !!! Hypocrisy. Saul was anointed by God as King and prophesied, won great wars, yet was guilty of this with David, envious of David, secretly plotting against him!
-Daniel 12: 10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
-Daniel 9:9 To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him.

Thank you for your word Father, which describes true wickedness, spiritual hypocrisy of phairsees that thought they were yours yet were not, and workers of iniquity so that we can identify if we have any of their traits, or are falling in those areas, or keeping company with them, Father thank you for the destruction of the wicked and strange judgments you ordain to the workers of iniquity which Job speaks of.Job 31:3. We know your word is active and working these things constantly. Father thank you for refining us through fires and judgments and prunings all done in your mercy, faithfulness, and love. help us all seek you desperately for wisdom, hand us all a mirror to show us what you see and what needs to be repented of. Our lives, our families, our nation are all so clearly at risk in our day and we need and want and believe you to answer all these prayers to refine and instruct and purify us in Jesus name! we thank and praise you!

name if these things are so, help us to rise up to our Elijah calling. Father

    Victoria Z
    September 25, 2021

    Typo there at the end, intended to delete that last sentence, and forgot to add these references: Luke 13:6-17
    6 Jesus told this parable: ā€œA man owned a fig tree planted in his vineyard. He came looking for fruit on it and found none. 7 He said to his gardener, ā€˜Look, Iā€™ve come looking for fruit on this fig tree for the past three years, and Iā€™ve never found any. Cut it down! Why should it continue depleting the soilā€™s nutrients?ā€™ 8 The gardener responded, ā€˜Lord, give it one more year, and I will dig around it and give it fertilizer. 9 Maybe it will produce fruit next year; if not, then you can cut it down.ā€™ā€

    Matthew 3:10
    And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Eveline Franje
September 25, 2021

Lord, what is happening is not taking you by surprise.It is all predicted in your Word. Keep your people faithful. Give us to stand strong and courageous in the face of all the evil we are facing. I claim your victory in the lives of your children. Draw many more people unto you, dear Lord and Savior! Purify us, and I pray in your VICTORY over evil in our lives. I pray in your Holy Name, Jesus. Amen!

September 25, 2021

THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM FATHER YHOVAH. This link may not be live in this comment, I don’t know.

THUS SAITH THE LORD to His prophet Mikah on 3 consecutive Friday preparation days, for the weekly Sabbaths of the 11th, 18th, and 24th.


September 25, 2021

Lord God,
I praise You for You are patient and merciful. You are so good and Your faithfulness is beyond comprehension. Father, lead us through the power of Your Spirit as we continue through these last days. I grow weary and need a touch of Your sustaining power. My heart is overwhelmed by the evil that is happening all over the world. I am stunned by the evil perpetrated within our own nation. Oh Lord, how long will You be patient? How long will we see the enemy deceive and destroy many throughout the world? Are we not at the tipping point of Your great mercy? In America, this regimen is bringing total destruction to our way of life. Babies continue to be killed at an alarming rate and our own government purchases the organs and body parts for research that could be made using other resources. We continue to allow the distortion of identity that is destroying our children and our families. Our borders are nonexistent and the toll it is taking on the citizens of this country is unsustainable. Only You, Lord God can bring lasting change and hope. Only You can move the hearts of our leaders to seek You! Only You can sustain and provide peace to Your Children. Lord, please give us hope! Please sustain those of us who grow weary. Help us to finish the race well! Lord, You are coming soon! This is the season of Your return. Find us ready, watchful and fruitful as the days grow short! I ask in the Name of Yeshua, Jesus! My Lord and Savior! Come quickly, Lord Jesus Please come!

Lewis T Turner
September 25, 2021

2 Kings 10:31 (KJV)
31 But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the LORD God of Israel with all his heart: for he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, which made Israel to sin.

We need to pray that all of our leaders will walk in the ways of the Lord with their whole heart. God says that He wants all to come to repentance. Don’t just single out one leader–we need to pray for ALL.

2 Peter 3:9 (KJV)
9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

This nation needs to truly repent and turn to the Lord with its whole heart.

I appreciate Jonathan Cahn sharing in this video. The time is short. We must pray and keep praying out of a love from our hearts to see people turn back to Jesus.

Toni Kushner
September 25, 2021

As we stand strong in Christ and do not step back, we do this in His Strength and in His Wisdom, for “I myself will be a wall of fire around it, declares the LORD, and I will be the Glory within.” May all who stand shine with the Glory of the Lord, for the work ahead will be done only by His Hand and His Strength. For the World shall see Our God Reigns. After the election I was given three words, that I have held too, Stand, Wait and Watch. I wait in His strength and anticipate the Glory of the Lord to be seen. May God be with all those who are faithful to the call and will not be silent.

Donna Martin
September 25, 2021

Before the return of CHRIST doesn’t Elijah appear first? I think we are closer than we think in HIS return

Mary Brandt
September 25, 2021

yes! i knew He had it 100% accurate. the time of Elijah is here! letā€™s do this!!

Janese Carrigan
September 25, 2021

As usual, Rabbi Cahn is spot on. I pray that we, as Americans turn to the one true G_d, turn from our wicked ways, humble ourselves and pray and seek His face that He may have mercy on us and deliver us from this evil.

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