I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Intercessors for America is partnering with CRY OUT AMERICA in hosting a nationwide 7-Day Devotional focus starting on September 11, 2019. This strategic, week-long prayer initiative will guide participants through prayers of repentance focusing on six critical concerns that have become roadblocks in our corporate pursuit of a great spiritual awakening. As we cry out in repentance, individually and corporately, we believe our oneness of heart and mind can shift things in the spirit and open the way for national breakthrough.

As we remember how our national wall of protection was broken on 9/11/2001, we can build a wall of intercession in the spirit that no earthly force can penetrate. As we continue to battle against those who seek to destroy our godly heritage and biblical foundations, it is still the body of Christ that has the greater spiritual authority to shift this nation back to God. But, to accomplish this, we must acknowledge where we have missed it and humble ourselves in prayer. By participating in this 7-day initiative, you can be a part of building this wall of intercession and increasing our unity in the spirit.

By clicking on the link below to sign up, you will receive these devotions every day in your inbox and will also have the opportunity to get a hard copy of my newly released book, “Prayer That Sparks National Revival.” The 7-day devotional is taken from my book, which includes not only the devotionals, but several additional prayer resources that can be used for personal or corporate intercession:

  • 12-Day Prayer Guide for 2020 Vision
  • Five Key Prayer Strategies for Lasting Change
  • The Cry for a Greater Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  • Six Targeted Areas of Repentance
  • Excerpts from my upcoming book, “Moving From Sword to Scepter” (Feb 2020)

Consider joining with other believers across the nation this coming week as we place a wall of intercession around our country. When you click on the link below to sign up for the daily devotionals (no cost), you will immediately be sent an email where you can get a hard copy of my book, “Prayer That Sparks National Revival” for a donation of any amount to cover shipping. It can be used as a personal pocket prayer manual and prayer groups can also use it as a great resource for the 2020 election.

Check it out and share with others!


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Deborah Stevens
September 10, 2019

Since Saturday, I’ve been in a place of prayer over our nation! Didn’t remember I’d read this article until just now! While praying, I felt a great spiritual shaking was coming to our nation & God showing me He’s about to bring revival, repentance, righteousness, & cause people to return back to Him. But also to pray protection all along the borders of our great nation as well as ask God to release His warring & guardian angels over our nation. Lets unite in prayer as we declare the word of God, God’s promises over our nation, God’s people, the lost, the hurting, the broken, those who are still seeking the Lord, that all will come to know the Lord & receive Him as their Lord and Savior.

Rene George
September 7, 2019

It was 14 years ago . I had a vision . I was at a prayer meeting at my church. Interceding for the people and praying in a circle . The Lord lead me straight to the floor on my face . I started weeping and each time he showed me a A particular person , I wept uncontrollably. My tears were falling on the floor in front of a seat. He said ,”That’s for that soul.”
Till I was wrung out . He did this over and over . When I was completely exhausted , He showed me Him sitting on the mercy seat and there were stairs . At the end of the stairs there were three people praying . I was on the left . Then it split in half , heaven , then earth . Then there was a violent rain falling on the earth .
Mercy in Hebrew is violent rain . He is looking for people to weep for souls . He showed me revival after that . Isaiah 55
I asked Him what the three represented and its Spirit . Our hearts need to be purified in the fire . He is looking for pure hearts. Sincere prayer .
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God .

Paul & Evelyn Leonard
September 7, 2019

It was early 2009, note the date and what was happening, when the Lord issued this WORD FOR AMERICA— Hosea, chapter 14!! Pray it, follow it, preach it. Sin is the problem. It was sin that led to the consequence of that destruction. The Lord was WARNING BEFORE “911”, GOD’S EMERGENCY CALL TO AMERICA!! America must pray. God will fix. It is right there!! 10 years ago. America must get it together.

September 6, 2019

Father we have become a nation full of idols and sin. From media we cannot take our eyes from, to worries over the next election, even the foods we will consume for the potluck tailgate at every game this season, Lord we repent of placing idols above You. We repent of not placing You first in our lives and we repent of not standing for righteousness and not humbling ourselves to seek forgiveness for our pride, selfishness and unbelief. Father, You will judge those that will not stand for Your natural law. Lord God, as we prepare for this week long prayer time focusing on repentance I pray Your will to be done on Earth as it is in heaven. I pray for each participant to partake in the daily reading and study of Your word, I pray You would search our hearts and reveal every hidden sin, that we may be willing to lay it at the feet of Jesus, ever besetting sin, nothing to remain hidden, and we would seek Your ways. Lord, lead us not into temptation, especially to keep grasp of those ‘respectable sins’ including but not limited to gossip and gluttony. Deliver us from evil that we may walk Your path of righteous which leads to the narrow gate and give us zeal to boldly proclaim Your name in our homes, our schools and in the public square. Let us declare Your warning for the day of the Lord draws near. May we repent, seek Your face and return to being a nation United as one under God. We ask these things in Jesus name for our good and for Your glory. Amen

Daisy Ingram
September 6, 2019

Praying for awakening and sorrowful repentance for America. Joining the prayer time today.

“Even now,” says the LORD,
“Turn and come to Me with all your heart (in genuine repentance),
With fasting and weeping and mourning (until every barrier is removed and the broken fellowship is restored);
13 Rip your heart to pieces (in sorrow and contrition) and not your garments.”
Now return (in repentance) to the LORD your God,
For He is gracious and compassionate,
Slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness (faithful to His covenant with His people);
And He relents (His sentence of) evil (when His people genuinely repent).

Roberta Adrian
September 6, 2019

Prayers that people all across the UNITED STATES of AMERICA will join in this special time of praying for our Nation & National leaders

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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