National transformation usually starts locally. When believers in a city come together in oneness of spirit and purpose, God can do amazing things. Even so, there are challenges to be aware of as we intercede for our own communities. In his DVD teaching, “Shout, For the Lord has Given You the City,” Alistair Petrie suggests four reasons why many city transformation efforts fail:
First – We have little or no appetite for God’s Presence.
If there is not a felt-need and desire for “more” of God’s tangible presence and the things of the Lord, there will be no fuel for the fire. Our hunger and thirst for God must translate into changed priorities and consistently feeding ourselves through worship, prayer, corporate intercession, and the Word.
-How desperate are you for the “greater things”?
Second – We don’t have a full commitment to the community.
It’s not enough to want more for ourselves. Until we carry a burden for others – until we carry a burden for our city – we will not hit the mark for community transformation. It starts with us individually, but should then spill out to an increased compassion and burden for the city and all who live in it, not just those within our spheres of influence.
-Are you standing on the outer rim watching others in pursuit, or are you jumping in with both feet?
Third – We don’t have a collective vision for our community.
Several churches or pastors having a similar burden for the city is not the same as a collective vision. Until every church and every leader realizes that they only have a piece of the bigger puzzle, we will not be working as one. It is only when we work together and each “does his part” (Ephesians 4:16) that our vision is collective and our prayers truly unified.
-In what ways are you taking interest and investing in others who have a similar vision for your city?
Fourth – We cannot sustain fervent intercession.
This is probably the biggest roadblock to breakthrough. It’s not only sustaining prayer, but keeping it passionate. The definition of “fervent” is very hot, burning, zealous, having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit. In most of the communities across the globe that have experienced a divine visitation, it was always preceded by a core of intercessors that not only prayed, but travailed for their city. This can only come through the unction of the Holy Spirit in those who have truly dedicated themselves to standing in the gap and feeling God’s heart for a community.
-Is your prayer fervent as well as faithful?
Lord Jesus, we repent for any lack of spiritual hunger. Forgive us for our apathy concerning the things that are on Your heart. Create in us a greater hunger and thirst for your tangible presence that draws the fear of the Lord into our community. Lord, give us your eyes to see our city the way You do. Give us your heart for our community so that we will intercede with compassion and love. Grant us unity through Your Spirit so that we might become one in our vision for this city and fulfill the purpose for which it was destined. Ignite our hearts with the zeal of the Lord and fan the flames of revival in our midst, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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