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I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to maintain justice and to do what is right in Your eyes. Isaiah 56:1
Reading Time: 3 minutes

CA Gov. Gavin Newsom has released a detailed 14-page directive ordering churches to drastically change their long-held religious practices, an exercise akin to rewriting the book of Leviticus! Read on to learn what we can do to stop this self-appointed “High Ruler of the Church” in California. -Mat . . .

Many of those laws and instructions continue to form the basis of modern Christian and Jewish religious practices.

But CA Gov. Gavin Newsom has decided that God’s Word is not enough to govern churches and synagogues. Instead, Gov. Newsom has moved from appointing himself King to now declaring himself to be godlike in his ability to dictate religious practices.

On July 6, in the 14-page California Public Health Order entitled “COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Places of Worship and Providers of Religious Services and Cultural Ceremonies,” Newsom demands that places of worship replace their own religious practices with his edicts.

The long list of dictates for places of worship includes:

  • The removal of Bibles and pamphlets
  • The removal or disuse of Sacred fonts, baptismals and vessels
  • Instructions on how to wash religious garments
  • Directions on how ministers must wash and prepare themselves
  • The required reconfiguration of podiums, lecterns, sanctuaries and even church parking lots
  • How collection plates must be used, if allowed at all
  • How to open and close church doors
  • How to greet guests and each other
  • Elimination of singing and chanting
  • And much more…

Gavin Newsom even decrees how Holy Communion must now be handled!

Newsom’s illegal and unconstitutional orders, in effect, rewrite and replace large portions of the Bible! Newsom apparently thinks he can serve the role of both King and Priest. . . .

His July 6 order clearly states, “this guidance is not intended for…other activities that places of worship may provide.” The directive is ONLY meant to restrict religious worship!

In other words, a church building can serve as a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen or provide counsel on finding a job or applying for unemployment – all with no numerical restrictions – but as soon as the activity becomes religious worship, Newsom’s orders slam the door.

If the ordering of no singing and micromanaging every aspect of worship were not bad enough, on July 13, Newsom banned ALL worship for 80 percent of the state’s population, even in private homes!

Again, non-religious activity is permitted in churches, but the moment a Bible is opened or preaching and worship begin in that same facility, engaging the very same people, that church and its leaders are in violation of Newsom’s orders and face criminal prosecution, $1,000-a-day fines and even imprisonment.

Newsom initially closed churches, calling them “non-essential.” Then he said they could have no more than 100 people – no matter the size of the sanctuary. Then he banned singing and chanting and ordered the details of worship. Then, he banned ALL worship, even in private homes for Bible study and fellowship. . . . .

NO ONE CAN REWRITE THE BIBLE. And no one can change God’s directives for our worship and our lives.

That is why we are fighting in federal court on behalf of Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry that has 162 churches in California.

As a legal ministry defending our unalienable right to religious freedom, we know that NO GOVERNMENT FIGURE – NOT EVEN CALIFORNIA KING AND HIGH PRIEST GAVIN NEWSOM – CAN DICTATE RELIGIOUS PRACTICES TO THE CHURCH. . . .

The church cannot be rendered to Caesar, AND it cannot be ordered or directed by Caesar. The church never was subject to Caesar… or to CA Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Liberty Counsel has five federal lawsuits pending defending churches, pastors and churchgoers against the power-mad dictates of the governors of Maine, Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois and, of course, California. And we are working with several thousand pastors in 44 states.

We anticipate we will need to continue this fight for religious freedom all the way to the Supreme Court. This is THE ONLY WAY we can ensure that no governors or other officials declare themselves kings or gods over the church. We must ensure religious freedom in America remains FREE.

That’s why I am so thankful for the challenge grant that has been established to DOUBLE THE EFFECT OF DONATIONS TO DEFEND PASTORS AND CHURCHES, INCLUDING THOSE THAT ARE MADE TODAY. Supreme Court challenges are lengthy and very expensive. But as you know, we never charge for our services. Most people, especially humble pastors, could never afford a legal defense of such magnitude.

Thank YOU for answering the call to support Liberty Counsel. Please, take a moment RIGHT NOW to contribute to the legal defense of our precious religious freedom. YOUR DONATION WILL BE DOUBLED IN IMPACT by the challenge grant. Please, do not let this opportunity pass you by.

(Excerpt from Liberty Counsel. Article by Matt Staver. Photo Credit: ASF Logistics.)

Share your prayers in the comments below for continued religious freedom in this nation and against Governor Newsom’s strategies. . .

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Patsy Autry
August 24, 2020

This dictatorship is disgusting. Our God in Heaven will Deal with this man/group. I would be terrified at God’s anger, if I were this man/group. Who does he think he is, not Caesar, just a dictator Democrat God. He is a nobody, trying to be a big shot. I am afraid that California will be sinking into the ocean. God will punish those who even try to attempt to remake a church or temple. The Democrats who claim to be true Christians are sacri-religious. They spew hate then say they pray for someone – who to, the devil. The devil is actually taking over these lives.
We must pray for those who despitefully use these followers. Remember Manson and how evil he was and people followed him, but it was a disaster.

Penni Bulten
August 24, 2020

Father, I thank you for the congregations that have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to Statist Tyrants like Gov. Newsom and Gov. Whitmer. May their tribe increase. Other churches are taking it to the street, Walmart, Casinos and parks. Bless them for thinking outside the ‘four walls of the building’ and remembering that the church is the people in the building. I thank you as well for legal firms such as the ACLJ, Liberty Counsel,the Christian Law Association, Homeschool Legal Defense Association, and others who defend the rights of our brothers and sisters each day.I pray that they may be successful in their defense of your people’s rights and that any Supreme Court rulings would be in their favor. I ask you to cause SCOTUS to see the error inherent in past rulings (including Roe & Doe, Bostock, and other faulty rulings) and reverse bad decisions.
In Yeshua’s name..

August 23, 2020

As the church we must pray and speak up. This focused attack upon the church must not be allowed to continue unchallenged. I appreciate IFA!

August 23, 2020

I pray for his salvation, and experiential knowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings. I pray that he would humble himself, repent and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
If he remains God’s enemy, then I pray Daniel 2:21
New King James Version
“And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding.”

August 23, 2020

I have a question. As outraged as I am about the situation described in this article, maybe this is God’s way of exposing, and calling the church to repent of their contracts with Ba’al in the 501C3 that many churches have in place. All anyone has to do is read the fine print on these documents to see that these churches have already signed over their legal freedoms to the government. I’m praying for full repentance for the church. No hanging onto the comfortable arrangements with the world. God is calling us to come out and be separate but churches are comfortable with their compromising arrangements.

    Glenn Galligan
    August 23, 2020

    Aloha Pamela, you are 100% correct in your statement. You cannot serve two masters. Pastors have handed over the head of their church to Satan in exchange for writing off tithes & offerings !!! So pastors can brag about their private jets!! remove yourself from this hypocrisy! Christians, the church never needed to be a 501c3 church. this is the reason we stood by when prayer was taken out of schools. How has that worked out. instead of bringing Bibles to school, kids are bringing in guns. Teachers are having sex with students at an alarming rate. we were not allowed to speak out. Same with abortion, and elections, and sexual sin!! How many people call themselves Christian and are fornicating? notice that a lot of churches are still feeding the congregation baby food instead the meat of the word? you have been in the same church for years and have not grown!! I pity these pastors for when they will stand before the living God, Fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell! they enrich themselves with your tithes and offerings. Mahalo for allowing me to share!


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