A growing number of Americans, it seems, are surprised at how fast we are descending from a free and liberty-loving society to one that gives every appearance of emulating any one of many failed socialist/communist states.
But still most cling to the idea that this can never happen here ā right? Of course not ā although, for example, not too long ago Venezuela was one of the most prosperous nations on Earth. But hey ā as the saying goes ā they just haven’t done socialism/communism right. Seems no one has. . . .
How did we end up here? How could this happen in America?
Well, if one is a student of history, one would know that it began with a 232-year-old prediction.
It was Monday, Sept. 17, 1787, the last day of the Constitutional Convention, and Ben Franklin had prepared hisĀ final remarks.Ā Too weak to actually give the speech himself, he had fellow Pennsylvanian James Wilson deliver it for him.
Within those remarks was this: “I think a general government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but that may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”
As is always the case, virtually everything that has gone awry in this country was foretold by the founders. They weren’t soothsayers ā they couldn’t see the future. What they were, as I’ve said countless times before, were great students of history, which always repeats itself.Ā . . .
But to simply blame Biden, Harris, Obama, the mainstream media or the rest of the leftist radicals, is a cop-out. These presidential candidates are just the latest in a long line of anti-constitutionalists, from approaching two centuries ago.
Take, for example, a man, any man. He starts a company from scratch, builds it up from nothing into something great. . . .
He has a son who comes to work for him, and his dream is to pass the company on to the son. The son progresses through the ranks and becomes the president of his father’s company. He has his own ideas, but faithfully and honorably follows his dad’s vision.
The story ends, as does the company, with the passing of the father. Now that dad is out of the picture, the son is free to institute his superior vision for the company by steering it in another direction ā and to its eventual and predictable demise.
It happens all the time. And that’s what happening to our great Republic.
Our country flipped from one of Divine Providence, under the watchful eyes of the founders, to one of Manifest Destiny around the time of Andrew Jackson, which roughly coincides with the passing of the last Founding Father. . . .
So why has it taken so long? . . .
Over the years, from generation to generation, this “rugged individualism” has been “bred” out of many Americans. We know nothing of a time without giveaways ā welfare, food stamps, Social Security, unemployment insurance, and massive government rules and regulations.
That’s how we ended up with Obama and now Biden-Harris. These leftist Democrats are merely the culmination of almost two centuries of the “son” thinking he has a better idea than the father.
To them, it’s not radical ideology or despotism. It’s merely the “son’s” vs. the “father’s” vision. But lopsidedly more often than not, it turns out the son was wrong ā that there was no better wheel than the father envisioned and built, and no better form of governance than the Declaration, the Constitution and the founders’ vision. . . .
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(Excerpt from WND. Article by Brent Smith. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Wake Up America…the progressives are pushing at top speed to reshape this nation including our Christian values…for those who think it can’t happen here…may I remind you that one of satan’s tactics is to convince people that he doesn’t exist.
Lord ,
We have not forgot the wonderful things You have done in this country. We count ourselves blessed for the freedoms we experience in this country. We ask that You would press the hearts of every believer in this country to preserve liberty, truth and honesty. We know in You there is true freedom and we ask that the elect will be able to show and forewarn those who do not believe in You. Please go ahead of us and fight for us to stop socialism and all the evils involved. Please send Godly leadership in both the church and in our government system to speak for You.
Thank you Lord for all You have done and will do
In Jesus name
The disdain to learn from history is costly. The “progressive left” has always been bent on destroying it. They are the so called sons or daughters with a “new & improved idea” of which looks great on paper but fails miserably. But there is something else at work. A lack of humility and adherence to depending on God. They foolishly believe they don’t need Him. Often godless progressive thought esteems themselves as not needing God. They have launched themselves into their own godlike status by ignoring Almighty God. And as they take that path, they bankrupt their souls and everyone around them. They mistake personal achievement garnered on their own, as a substitute for being on the “right path”. And tragically, they have nevered taken the time to study why nations like Venezuela have plummeted into the present state they are in and why.
Holy, Righteous Father,
Creator of all that is, was and is to come. You created life and gave us free will. Free will was an expression of Your great love for us and the desire to have a personal relationship with You. That would not of been possible without giving us the choice to love and follow You. Yet even at creation You knew we would eventually turn from You and go our own way. We have seen it throughout history and illustrated so clearly in Your Word! Time and time again we see the personal failures of man even those who loved You. Abraham lied and was fearful, Jacob was deceitful and showed great favoritism, Judah Raped his daughter-in-law and complacent, Saul chased the flesh and even tried to kill David. David, the man after Godās heart was an adulterer, murdered and liar. If these, who walked with You, who heard Your voice could fail yet still be redeemed, we have great hope! God knows us just as He knew them and HE PROVIDED A WAY OUT! He provided Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice, the spotless lamb, One who lived without sin! The One who willingly died for our sins to pay our debts and remove the penalty of death ensuring our eternal future. Praise God for His perfect plan of redemption. Praise be to The Father, Praise be to The Son and Praise be to The Holy Spirit! Lord Jesus, come quickly! We love You, we need You! We ask in Your Name, Amen
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It beggars belief that we have descended so far so rapidly and yet we should not be surprised as God’s word has said that it would be so.
Just who do we think we are and where is the church? Are we so week kneed because of lack in leadership and without understanding?
Mighty God, I stand in repentance for my own lack of understanding and hard heartedness and for this rebellious country in turning away from You.
Oh God forgive us for our and turning away from You rebellion against You and Your word.
Open our eyes Lord that we may see clearly and do what is right once more. Amen