This is the first in a series on “Intercessory Activism,” exploring the What, Why, and How of intercessors engaging more strategically in their local government. Written by Karen Vercruse, an IFA prayer mobilizer in Chico, California, she shares her own journey of answering God’s call into the political sphere.
I first became aware of the dire need to pray for our government through Derek Prince’s ministry in the early 1970’s. It was a time of turmoil, conflict and scandal. Through his teaching and resources, Derek Prince made the case for praying for our nation and founded Intercessors for America. I stayed informed through IFA at that time, and developed an understanding of the need for prayer and Christian involvement.
My personal involvement in politics began at the local level. It was the late 1970’s, and the Reagan Revolution was just beginning. (Prince’s prayers were being answered.) The evangelical Christian community was waking up to the role it had to play in shaping the culture, policies, and Judeo Christian worldview for our nation at the local, state, and national level. I was impacted by Peter Marshall’s book, The Light and the Glory and the Foundation for American Christian Education books, Teaching and Learning American Christian History and The Christian History of the Constitution Of the United States of America. These provided the foundation, principles, and reasons for Christian involvement in government. They led me to the compelling, undeniable conclusion that if I was to be Christ’s salt and light in this world, I could not remain unengaged in our self-government.
Coming from a farming family, I joined the local chapter of California Women for Agriculture. Agriculture was being over-regulated and politically threatened in California at the time. Farmers state-wide were motivated to develop advocacy for their industry. They saw the value in encouraging women to be involved. Many women were articulate, informed, persistent, and available to travel. CWA became a force to be reckoned with. Many in the organization were Christian. They, too, saw the implications of being salt and light in that arena.
I also joined one of our county’s political party committees. I learned about issues, fund-raising, informing, and mobilizing for issues and candidates. I met others who were like-minded, and began to network with them for elections and policies. I attended conferences and conventions where party priorities and direction were formulated.
I believe there is a parallel to that time and the days in which we now live. The last three decades have seen a decline in moral values, the promotion of ungodly agendas, and a shift toward secular humanism. In the same way that the Reagan Revolution provided a window of opportunity to stem the tide of decline in the 1980’s, we have a similar window now. Just as Christians brought light and life to the public arena then, we are being called to do that again. It won’t look exactly the same – the Lord never does exactly the same thing the same way twice. But we can recognize His fingerprints and His handiwork.
What can you do?
- First and foremost, pray, and find others with whom to pray. Pray ahead of action. Pray that the Lord will guard, guide, and provide for you along the way. (1 Timothy 2:1-3)
- Hear and look for His answers. Thank Him for them. (Psalm 32:8-9)
- Persevere and be consistent. (Hebrews 6:9-12)
- Educate and inform yourself. (Psalm 25:8-9)
- Join a local organization that addresses issues important not only to you, but also to your larger community. (Psalm 82:1-4)
Understand that our call to stewardship does not just involve faith issues, but all facets of life. Those facets all need a Biblical worldview perspective to be articulated for problem-solving. We cannot be salt and light to our fullest unless we enter the dark and unsavory places. Enter those places with His love, peace, wisdom and honor. Stay out of the flesh and walk in the Spirit. As you are faithful in small things, the Lord will trust you with larger ones.
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Dear Lord, wake of the voters of the United States. Guide them in the way they should go. Remove corruption and provide yourself with leaders after your own heart. No organizing principle works without you Lord. Praise in for leading, for forgiving and for judging the wicked.
Father God, Thank you for raising up women of faith like Karen Vercruse from Chico, CA! Franklin Graham’s “Decision America Tour” is coming to CA from May 20-June 5th. Thank you for Mr. Graham who conducted a prayer rally at every capitol building in every state in America before President Trump’s election! Your Holy Spirit stirred believers to get out and vote and President Trump acknowledged the importance of Evangelicals to the restoration of this country we all love and pray for! Dear Jesus, awaken the church and our beloved overworked pastors to see our responsibility as citizens of this country. We must pray first and not get ahead of You! We must “fast” for laser beam focus on
the work you would have us to do! Please forgive us for being a wayward, undisciplined people! I pray that your will and not ours will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you for your helpful article! (I live down here in Sonoma County and attend Vertical Call in Santa Rosa, CA — some of our people make it up to the conferences in Redding, CA.) The Lord wants me to get involved more in praying for President Trump. I will purchase two of the books mentioned above that I have yet to read (will purchase them one at a time!), and I look forward to more of your articles and input (and wisdom!).
I am more on the quiet side (not too quiet!) and kind of “green” at all this, but looking forward very much to getting started, one step at a time, step by quiet step!!!
God bless you!
Diane Fowler
The 5 steps sound good to me!