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I Prayed have prayed
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I was recently given a word by my good friend, Bill Yount. His word greatly encouraged me as an intercessor. Working for Intercessors for America, I soon realized it was not just a word for me, but for all who have been praying for our nation, wondering if their prayers are truly making any difference.

Bill told me, “I kept seeing you as a small rudder on a huge ship. Hidden, but giving guidance. Although it seemed slow it was turning the whole ship. Patience was needed to see the impact of your…ministry. I sense the Lord saying, ‘Don’t jump ship! I’ve made you the rudder!’ ” I was immediately touched in my spirit by this encouragement, knowing that our seemingly small place in prayer was having a great impact.

James 3:4 talks about the power of a small rudder to steer a large ship. In this scripture about the power of our tongue, consider the power of prophetic intercession! In the Forerunner Commentary on this verse we read, “…rudders manipulate the course of immense ocean vessels with a slight movement of a pilot’s hand. Since it is underwater and aft, the rudder of a ship does its work UNSEEN. A passenger is ignorant of its movements most of the time. Yet, when it is in proper working order, the rudder holds more power over the ship than the wind. The wind will blow, toss, even destroy the ship’s rigging, but the rudder guides the ship exactly where it directs.”

This is God’s promise to the intercessors in this hour of national turbulence. Don’t stop praying! Your prayers have great power to turn the ship! Continue praying, interceding, and discerning the workings and movements of the Holy Spirit, being faithful to God’s commands. As we come together to declare God’s faithfulness, this nation will, once again, head in the direction that God intends. Don’t give up and don’t give in. Regardless of the winds of adversity and the fires of the enemy, God’s people have a power that cannot be matched. Let us join in faith and continue to pray and speak of God’s faithfulness in order to bring God’s people and this nation into the fullness of God’s plans. Note this additional encouragement from God’s word:

Colossians 2:15 – “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him” (ESV). 

Psalm 33:8-11  “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him. For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. The Lord foils the plans of the nations; He thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”


  • Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent
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Carolyn Roettgers
July 9, 2017

Thank you for the prayer guides you sent. I shared them with friends & have informed them of IFA and all the help you give.
Yes I have been praying for all the informative issues. So thankful for this information about all the things going on that need prayer. Thank you again.

Ann Miller
July 8, 2017

Love this word of encouragement. Our prayers Are turning this Nation around. We don’t let ourselves get distracted with the winds & waves of adversity, God is faithful & our prayers Are making a difference. 1 Cor 16:13-14 msg ‘Keep your eyes open. Hold tight to your convictions. Give it all you’ve got. Be resolute and love with out stopping ‘ Love this ministry for keeping us informed & helping us to stay focused on how & what to pray. ♡

July 7, 2017

What a beautiful reminder, that God sees and hears what is done in the secret, unseen place!
Thank YOU, Abba Father!! And I thank IFA for your diligence in THE WATCHING and alerting the Body of Christ to matters that require prayer in order to be changed. I’m so thankful for the UNITY that I sense every time we have the opportunity to join in the prayer calls! KEEP ON KEEPING ON, in Jesus’ Name and for His glory!

Norman Carter
June 29, 2017

Thank you for this timely message. At times I wonder if I am in GOD’S will, seeing no change in this world, even though prayer and ministry are ongoing. The unseen direction changes are small, they are sure in the love of CHRIST.

Linda L Maxey
June 28, 2017

Thank you IFA for the excellent Prayer Alerts & information you send us almost DAILY! God bless you for it! My prayer for Steve Scalise- Lord continue to heal his body. Miraculously EXCEL his healing process. Astound the doctors. Comfort his family in Jesus’ name.

June 28, 2017

Thank you and bless you all for all the work you are doing to get all the happenings out to us to pray on
and too for encouraging us with this word and every WORD that comes from HIM.
We will continue to pray, our Abba Father knows all and we know the ending where HE has the final VICTORY.

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much James 4:16

In HIS service, eileen

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