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Lord, we pray all truth would be brought to light.
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Communist China deliberately covered up the outbreak of COVID-19 in December-January by destroying laboratory evidence, and then silencing and “disappearing” whistleblowing physicians, according to an Australian newspaper based on a Western intelligence report.

The Washington Times asked the U.S. Office of Director of National Intelligence about the report. An official said, “We are not aware of a report that has been shared with our partners. However, we regularly share intelligence with our partners on a variety of threats and COVID is no different.”

The Australian Saturday Telegraph report has been quoted by media sites around the world. The newspaper said the 15-page paper is by the so-called “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing consortium of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States and United Kingdom. The intelligence report represents a united front against the Chinese politburo and its wave of obfuscation and social media disinformation denying any blame.

The paper says allies disagree with the U.S. position that the horseshoe-bat provided virus likely leaked accidentally from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The allies believe it mostly likely came from a wild animal bushmeat market in Wuhan. Bat-harbored viruses can transit to other wild animals and then pass to humans. China closed the market on Jan. 1.

The ONI told The Washington Times, “We underscore three points. The IC believes the virus started in China. We are down to two theories and have evidence on both. We agree that it does not appear to have been purposeful.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told ABC News on Sunday that there’s lots of evidence of a Wuhan laboratory-derived pandemic.

“There is enormous evidence that that’s where this began,” Mr. Pompeo said. “We’ve said from the beginning that this was a virus that originated in WuhanChina. We took a lot of grief for that from the outside, but I think the whole world can see now. Remember, China has a history of infecting the world and they have a history of running substandard laboratories.”

The word “enormous” to describe the intelligence would indicate the U.S. has human sources and/or communication intercepts that point to the lab.

It is known that Chinese authorities detained and intimidated at least 8 doctors in early January in the city of Wuhan who sought to warn the world of a deadly contagious pneumonia virus rapidly spreading in Hubei province. Chinese police dubbed them “rumor mongers.”

What is new in the report is that Western intelligence agencies have confirmed that China destroyed evidence in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where bat-made coronaviruses are studied.

The Five Eyes report also condemns China for failing to turn over live virus samples from the first batch of cases, the Telegraph reported.

There is the issue of China refusing to acknowledge that the new disease was highly contagious. Up until mid-January, as the virus spread, China told the world there was no human-to-human transmission and the World Health Organization uncritically repeated the false assurance. . .

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Rowan Scarborough.)


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May 8, 2020

Dear Lord of all the earth,
We pray for the people in China. We pray for the innocent victims of this virus. We pray for the suffering Christians in China to have a holy fear of God,not man. We pray for the Chinese government to recognize they are accountable to their Maker.
Reveal Yourself to those in power, especially those with evil intentions.
In Jesus Name,

Elizabeth GARCIA
May 8, 2020


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