Insider Intel and Prophetic Prayer–2023 IFA First Friday
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Insider Intel and Prophetic Prayer–2023 IFA First Friday
Intercessor, did you miss yesterday’s powerful First Friday webcast of 2023? We heard about the very real faith of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal offered some inside intel about the conflict over choosing a speaker of the House — and it’s not what the news is saying.
In January’s First Friday webcast, Dave was joined by Erik Dellenback, Gov. DeSantis’ liaison for faith and community. Dellenback shared a bit about the governor’s prayer life, as well as the efforts Florida has made to spiritually enrich its people and to support the churches within its borders.
In the second half of the webcast, Dave took center stage to remind intercessors of the great political victories that we enjoyed in 2022. Additionally, he took a predictive look at 2023, connecting the dots and revealing what the Lord has told him to expect in the new year.
You don’t want to miss this! Watch it below:
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(Photo Credit: Intercessors for America)
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The battle for Speaker needed to happen in order for important issues brought to light.
Thanks and The Lord’s richest blessings
On your God-ordained ministry
The article talks about inside Intel but then doesn’t disclose what it is. Can someone clarify?
link for the 1st Friday Prayer Call – Jan 6th
I think that there is something wrong wth the graphics that are covering the video accessibility. I cannot get this video.
Father, I thank you for Erik Dellenback who is Governor Ron Desantis’ liaison for FAITH AND COMMUNITY. Guide and direct, equip, empower, and enable him to be all that you have called him to be. Bless him & his family, Govenor Desantis & his family, and all of their staff & their families. Thank You, Father, for bringing restoration soon to him and his family for what the enemy has stolen from them as a result of this storm in Florida. Bring restoration to him, his family, and to all of those in this Florida community who suffered losses due to this recent storm in the mighty name of Jesus.
Pray that insurance companies operating in South West Florida will fully cover the claims of those of us who were impacted by hurricane Ian. Currently claims are heavily discounted and for the most part do not cover repair costs.
I cannot express in words how grateful I’m for IFA. It encourages me as an intercessor, that We would not give up til the walls of Jerusalem are rebuilt, and the things that are important to Our God should be our prayer focus. Thank you to IFA for the work of your hands has the annointing of God upon. it. Thank you
Father God I prayed yesterday for Speaker of The Hose to be selected after much praying. I prayed they would not do it in fear and select a representative hurriedly. I spent many hours praying and asking God to send the Presence of Jesus in the room to speak wisdom and Truth to this committee, I also spoke boldly to a few who were acting & talking like the Leftist did through these last few years. Then I prayed and encouraged others to pray. I prayed the concessions that were being made would hold who received this position, would act Fair, be trustworthy, would remove self accolades. I prayed Justice would be done to build up America.. Father God I also prayed and will keep praying for both Congress and Senators to represent America in. A Christ Like atmosphere. I-prayed many would get to know Jesus as their personal Savior. I pray that the new representation will learn from the mistakes of others not their own. I lifted up Gods spirit to overflow on this important meeting. I pled Jesus blood over all Demonic spirits. Father still today I call down every ruler of Fraud, I call down all vengeance, I call down all of the enemies who have stolen from us and tried to destroy Gods name. I call restoration to begin with prayer and Unity prevailing. Father God I lift up Gods words to walk by Faith , not sight , give the prayer warriors boldness. I lift up IFA and Dave K. As he shared a special guest Erik Dellenback that is working with Gov. Of Florida; Ron D. I am shouting Hallelujah that more state Governors will look at the root cause of WHY ? Gov. DeSantis and Fl. Have been so successful in everything they do. It is called PRAYER and Gods presence; they are putting the power of God using Gods wisdom to bring Justice against the darkness. I pray this example will take root in the Speaker of The House. Put God back in along with prayer, Truth, then you have Unity. I pray that all leaders remove SELF and include Gods words – then you have —-Proverbs: 21:15 “ When Justice is done, it brings JOY to the Righteous but terror to the evildoers”. This proverb is about saving the FUTURE. I lift up prayer today to our Father that God’s people will examine themselves and their lifestyles to see if our Jesus is a better fit than what many have Gone through. My words of encouragement is: Father God you did a unselfish thing for us when your son Jesus hung on that cross to pay for all of our sins that we may have Eternal Life. We must recognize this beautiful gift by simply saying- Jesus forgive me of my sins, I want you in my Life, I want to follow a different path and that path is following Jesus. Jesus name is above all names, he is our only Savior that can redeem us. Proverbs- 21:-21 says that whoever pursues righteous and Love finds Life, Prosperity and honor. Thank you Jesus I love you and honor you for all you gave unselfishly. . ( Thank you Dave K. For IFA)
So praying for Justice and Truth!
[email protected]
Thank you so much for Our God loving Gov Ron! And his family! This RN is so glad and grateful for Casey’s work for kids and their families in FL. She and her staff have made some much needed, effective and efficient changes in the Medicaid system, especially helpful for medically fragile population, children and adults.
And thank you Jesus, and all praise to You our glorious Poppa God for that messy, MeSSY, process of voting for our new Speaker of the House. Thank you for those brave souls of the freedom caucus who fought the good fight and gave real representation for us, ‘we the people’. They are Your present to us! Father, bless them give them time in Your Presence daily and help all those in Congress, White House and Judiciary bow their hearts to You, give them a holy fear of You, to act with integrity, seek Justice, love real mercy and walk humbly with You Lord God, help those especially who have swallowed pride’s lies for so long to repent and start following Your way of goodness.
Callouses belong on our knees, not our hearts.
Apparently Jeb Bush was front and center recently at one of Gov Desantis’ speeches.
Should we not pray for discernment about who Desantis really is?
I agree!
Is Gov Desantis working on all the missing children and sex trafficking in Florida? As a “Christian” …… this would be a true focus!
Yes, he is focusing on many things that are happening to children in FL. Do you even live here? If not, subscribe to his emails, so you can see what he’s done and is doing to protect children and all Floridians. He and his wife have done amazing things so far and will continue to do so. Why do you think he won over all of Dade and Palm Beach counties-both heavily democrat?!
I’m curious as to why Jeb Bush’s appearance would matter?
It matters because the company one keeps, like it it not, is a reflection on who they are. The Bush family, especially Jeb are known liberals. If DeSantis is trying project a Conservative image, being chums with Jeb is a bad look. It probably isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s not a good thing either if his goal is to instill confidence in voters!
You don’t have much confidence in DeSantis to have discernment of who wants to curry favor with him or be friendly, etc. You have not listened to his speeches or read his emails, detailing his plans for FL and the actions he’s taken to make FL a much better place. He’s a good man and the BEST Governor we’ve ever had.
You’re not able to walk in discernment if you are blindly following someone. DeSantis is not God nor is he perfect! He seems to be a descent man but time will tell. I doubt you know him personally so let’s not blindly believe that he can do no wrong!
Jeb Bush’s appearance doesn’t matter at all but there are always people who have to criticize or judge a good man of God. DeSantis is too wise to be fooled by any Bush family member. Jeb was a good Governor and maybe he just admires DeSantis. Everyone in FL does for sure!
Why does Jeb Bush matter? Anyone can attend DeSantis’ speeches. Maybe Bush agrees with him. What is your point? Are you trying to say something negative about DeSantis?
I believe that the theme for the New Year is Seek Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbley with your God. Micah 6:8. Also, Isaiah 1:16-17. While at work I kept hearing the song Courageous by Casting Crowns last week. And now seeing the outcome of the prayer Friday. Even though I did not pray at that time, I was with and aware of it in my spirit. Praise God! Praise the Lord! We must Advance His kingdom here on earth! Glory to the Most High God!
I would love to have a synopsis of these prayer calls in a few sentences: who, what, when, where. I am thankful for the statement that DeSantis is a faithful man. I am in prayer, and respond to action alerts. So many videos, so little time!
Father, thank you for your words spoken through the prophets, whether of old or in today’s time. Teach us to seek you always, to think your thoughts and walk in your ways. I pray for all public servants, that they will glorify your Name, as you have said. There are Pharaohs and there are servants of the Most High; in everything, you get the glory!
Praying daily for Mr Governor DeSantis, his family, staff and appointed leaders. May Florida be governed righteously. May all citizens be pursued by the love of Jesus Christ through the working of Holy Spirit. Praying for a Holy Spirit awakening that all may personally know Jesus. Praying for all races, all faiths all political persuasions to know Truth, Light and Life.
I do work on Friday and was unable to attend the webcast- Please post to us intercessors the webcast! Thanks
The video is nor central. Your voice is heard is clear but your image is just half of your body and no full body/facial picture
Rosary, and Patriotic Rosary