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“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” (2 Thes 3:3)
The historical date of infamy for the United States, Israel and her enemies falls on April 19/20 and sometime April 21. I watch annually the April 19-20 news in line with the pattern of major historical U.S. events/wars that have set the tone for the rest of the year, which I share in a weekly news report every April and will again this year.
The following are a few of the important and timely highlights with the tensions between Israel and Iran intensifying, not to forget Turkey’s and Russia’s significant roles in Syria and the United States.
Here are the key historical dates that pertain to the Jewish people and Israel:
Anti-Jewish riots break out in Palestine — April 19, 1936.
USSR performs nuclear test at Semipalatinsk, Eastern Kazakhstan, USSR — April 19, 1985.
Massive BP Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, began on April 20, 2010. (The Obama administration was considering stopping their automatic support for Israel at the U.N. Security Council at the time of the major oil spill.)
The historical date of infamy for Israel and her enemies — April 20-21
This date has also had a dramatic impact on Israel and Jews. In the last 2,000 years, Jews have had many enemies and many antagonists, but three, in particular, stand out:
Birth of Rome/Roman Empire
Nazi Germany/Hitler
What do they have in common? They were all born on April 20/21.
The birth of Rome (by Romulus) is dated as April 21, 753 B.C.
The birth of Mohammad is dated as A.D. April 20, 571.
The birth of Adolph Hitler was April 20, 1889.
Additional information:
Israel faced the Great Arab Revolt of April 19, 1936.
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began April 19, 1943.
The ascension of Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt occurred on April 18, 1954. Nasser was Israel’s lead antagonist for almost two decades. He was responsible for three wars with Israel from 1956–1970. He was also responsible for the first United Arab Republic from 1958–1961, a concept that could reach a more cohesive realization in the coming years.
To say the least, this has been a very significant period of time for centuries. Furthermore, Iran has dominated the Middle East news every April since 2006.
Could a war with Iran take place in April or sooner? I’m not sure, but we are certainly closer to the date.
Israel’s 70th year celebration, April 18-20:
Israel’s 70th year celebration is April 18-20 in Israel — very interesting timing. They have a 70-hour spectacle planned. Click here for details: Times of Israel
Israel became a state on May 14, 1948 but based on the Hebrew calendar the 70th anniversary falls within this April period.
Iranians are brilliant and strategic, but Jeremiah 49:35-39 will be fulfilled. Many Iranians will come to the Lord Jesus. Israel’s skill is pre-emptive strikes, and they have an attack plan from which Iran and Hezbollah will never recover. (I have included that below.)
Former Clinton and Obama peace negotiator Dennis Ross complained late last week that Trump has been all talk on Iran, but Trump is very wise and will share his plans with only a handful of people.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo, one of Vice President Pence’s closest friends, who was one of the most outspoken members of Congress against the Iran nuke deal, gives President Trump intelligence reports five days a week. Pompeo is a devout Christian, a friend of Israel and a brilliant man. He graduated top of his class at West Point and became editor of the Harvard Law Review when he attended Harvard Law School.
President Barack Obama fired General James Mattis, the head of Central Command, without even calling the general to let him know he was being replaced.
The Weekly Standard wrote:
Pentagon insiders say that he rubbed civilian officials the wrong way — not because he went all “mad dog,” which is his public image, and the view at the White House, but rather because he pushed the civilians so hard on considering the second- and third-order consequences of military action against Iran. Some of those questions apparently were uncomfortable. Like, what do you do with Iran once the nuclear issue is resolved and it remains a foe? What do you do if Iran then develops conventional capabilities that could make it hazardous for U.S. Navy ships to operate in the Persian Gulf? He kept saying, “And then what?”
President Trump has the right people in place and is a president who won’t be bullied. President Trump’s actions will continue to accelerate final day events.
General David Petraeus stated a few years ago that Syria was the most complex military situation in the world, and that was before Donald Trump was elected president and became involved in Iraq and Syria and publicly warned Iran.
Netanyahu’s possible legal diversion of an attack on Iran
The following is from Aaron David Miller, who is Jewish. I have thought about the same “wag the dog” scenario.
Israel might do a pre-emptive strike earlier than President Trump’s May 12 Iran decision. Turkey had a bad two weeks against the Kurds. The U.S. took out some of Assad troops last week and Russian mercenaries. According to the Israeli Air Force (IAF), Israel just took out a significant part of the Russian-built anti-missile and anti-aircraft system in Syria.
Miller worked for four U.S. administrations. He is currently Vice President for New Initiatives and Director, Middle East Program, Wilson Center in Washington, D.C.
Quote from Aaron David Miller:
Forget today’s headline re: Iran/Israeli/Syrian clash. Consider possible trend line: Trump withdraws from Iran nuclear deal; Netanyahu indicted and looks for diversion; Trump pushes for war against Iran; redlines collapse; and region trips into devastating Israeli-Hezbollah war. (Bill Koenig – White House News Correspondent and Koenig World Daily News)
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Stephen is absolutely right. In fact, if you look hard enough, you could probably find a few more popes born in that three day period!
I have been a prayer supporter of IFA since I was mentored by an IFA member many years ago, and for much of that time I supported you financially.
However, I take great offense that the election of Pope Benedict XVI is somehow associated with the birthdays of Hitler and Romulus, as well as Russian nuclear testing. I ask that you delete his name from this list of tragedies and ask forgiveness from Catholics.
Stephen Royal
Mr. Royal, please accept our apologies for this oversight. Most of our articles are curated, that is taken from other sources and edited. This is one of those. We removed Pope Benedict’s name from the list, as you wisely recommended. We would not want to offend Catholics–we count among our number of faithful intercessors for the nation both Catholics and Protestants. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention.
Judy McDonough
Communications Director
Israel is one of the smallest nations on our planet, but has always played a major role in our world and always will until Jesus comes back to earth to set up His kingdom/throne in Jerusalem. Had it not been for the mercy and power of our God she would have been snuffed out many centuries. She survives because God watches over her. Also, millions of Christians have prayed and are praying for the “Peace of Jerusalem.” Israel will survive because God said she would. May we the people of the US stand by her holding Israel and her leaders up in our prayers.