I Prayed have prayed
Father, let us be bold and strong and speak up for what is right. We pray for these lawmakers, that they would have a fear of You, Father.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The House voted to pass a resolution to lay out the ground rules for the inquiry into impeaching President Donald Trump, including how public hearings will proceed, how documents and transcripts will be released to the public, and who will be able to question witnesses.

The final vote was 232-196, with three Republicans notĀ votingĀ and one Democrat not voting.


Before the vote, the remarks from House members took a partisan tone, with Democrats accusing Republicans of now addressing the allegations against Trump, while Republicans pilloried the Democrats for carrying out an investigation in secret.

It is the first time that House members voted on anything related to the impeachment process.

Several Republicans slammed Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the head of the House Intelligence Committee, for ā€œmuzzling Republicansā€ and not allowing the public to see the secret depositions or know who the whistleblower, who brought the complaint to light, is.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) said the Democratsā€™ claims that the impeachment inquiry is about protecting a Democracy is shambolic. ā€œOpen it upā€ to the American people, he told the Democrats. ā€œJust because they donā€™t agree with the result with the 2016 election,ā€ Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) said on the House floor, saying that this notion is not enough to impeach a president.

ā€œThis is Soviet-style rules,ā€ he said, ā€œmaybe in the Soviet Union you do something like this.ā€

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) attempted to invoke the Founding Fathers of the United States constitution, saying that ā€œwhat is at stake is our Democracyā€ during this impeachment process. . . .

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) also invoked the Founding Fathers, citing Alexander Hamiltonā€™s worry that the House would try to impeach a president for spurious reasons. . . .

ā€œWhy do you not trust the people. Why do you not allow the people to have a voice?ā€ he asked of the Democrat-led House. ā€œHas animosity risen that high?ā€ he then asked.

ā€œThis is the moment that history will write,ā€ McCarthy stated.

The resolution directs the House committees leading the inquiry to send their findings to the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), and it will decide whether to recommend moving forward with the articles of impeachment.

In a House Rules Committee meeting Wednesday, Republicans assailed Democrats for what they term is a move to infringe on the rights of President Trump and allowing for procedures that were fundamentally unfair.

ā€œI think this is a sad day for the Rules Committee and for the institution of the House of Representatives,ā€ said ranking member Tom Cole (R-Okla.) in the hearing. ā€œWeā€™re meeting here today to set forth a process for impeaching a president of the United States. In my view, itā€™s not a fair process, itā€™s not an open process, itā€™s certainly not been a transparent process. Itā€™s been limited and closed, and frankly, I think weā€™re moving toward a preordained result.ā€

(Excerpt from Epoch Times. Article by Jack Phillips.)

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Kit Hackett
November 2, 2019

Father, in Jesus Name, like the Woman who pursued the unjust judge until she got justice, so we cry out for President Trump. It is written everything done in darkness will be brought to the Light. Bring every scheme against the President to the light. Most High God.in Jesus Name. You alone decide the times and the Seasons. Our hope is in You alone..

Marella Havens
November 2, 2019

The Salem witch-hunt trials; McCarthyism in the mid-1900’s… These proceedings appear to be a 3rd chapter in that same vein of fear-mongering and slandering. Both of these previous “episodes” were later condemned as the spurious events they were. I pray this one won’t get that far – let the people of this nation rise up and demand a return to the TRUE Constitution – not some culturally biased, personality-opinionated, debacle it’s becoming. A PERSON IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS!!! NOT by whispers behind the back and behind closed doors.

Steven Pohorsky
November 1, 2019

We can oppose Rep. Pelosi, but we are called to overcome evil with good, and our Master and Lord Jesus tells us “…,love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,…”. In the world newspapers sometimes make their enemies look silly by use of a photo with an agenda, but Jesus calls us to a higher standard and to not use photos that are demeaning to anyone. The Lord says that “Vengeance is mine”, letting us know that we are not to put down anyone. Many Christians have been praying for Rep. Pelosi and Rep. Nadler. This is the prayer Henry E and I have been praying often, “… help the Christian leaders in America to humble themselves and so be exalted by God, and help President Trump and Representatives Pelosi and Nadler to see their example and also humble themselves and so be exalted by God.”

    Brenda B
    November 1, 2019

    We are to expose works of darkness and evil. This is spiritual warfare. Praying that all confusion is removed and ill-intent is defeated and that those who profess Jesus as their Savior will not be confused and thus be deceived and used by the enemy, but will put on the full armor of God, and stand for God’s Truth and shine His Light into the darkest of places, piercing and shattering that darkness and scattering all that hide in that darkness. Father may it be so, in Jesus name, amen.

    “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” ~Ephesians 5:11

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20

    Kate P
    November 1, 2019

    May we humble ourselves and pray and confess OUR sins. May we allow this process to show us where we need to repent of pride and anger and trusting in government. Although it is right to be concerned about injustice and right to be concerned about matters that will ultimately result in silencing the gospel, may we repent of worldly attitudes.
    Father, we pray that the rulers and authorities and powers of this dark world will be defeated. We praise you that you have exalted Christ to your right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every title that can be given in this age and in the age to come. May your manifold wisdom be made know to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms through the CHURCH, your people. And what is the manifold wisdom of God? The gospel of grace, a love that conquers hate. On this rock build your church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. We grieve for a generation that is being deceived and living in darkness. We pray that they will be rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into the kingdom of your Son whom You love. May we, your people, manifest your wisdom, your love, your compassion to a world awash in anger and hate. In Jesus’ name, amen.

October 31, 2019

It is very appropriate that this vote was made on Halloween, a day that “celebrates” evil spirits. The evilness that these people portray is unbelievable, and the MSM goes along with it. We are indeed in the end times.

Deborah Rackliff
October 31, 2019


Colleen Hansen
October 31, 2019

While reading the outcome of the House vote to impeach our President there was a photo of Nancy Pelosi sitting at a desk with a judges gavel in her hand. Holy Spirit said to me “get a hammer and hit it” and say (God is Judge over all the earth.) I asked “what should I hit it on and the Lord said “the earth.” I hit it 3 times and Holy Spirit said again and again until I had hit the earth 7 times. He had me speak other things out as I hit the earth with the hammer.

    Deborah Rackliff
    October 31, 2019


    November 1, 2019

    That doesn’t sound like a normal or sane thing to do, imo. I will pray for you.

    November 2, 2019

    Amen! Pelosi is a false prophet, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, who pretends to be a person of prayer. May God expose her for what she truly is, but may He also have mercy to send His Light to deliver her from darkness and delusion!

October 31, 2019

Father God I pray the trouble that their lips have caused Will come back on them… May the harm done by their lips overwhelm them. I pray this corrupt group of government officials repents or You God intervene and stop them in their tracks. I pray the demons surrounding the government will be bound and confused and powerless!!

    Deborah Rackliff
    October 31, 2019


    Teresa Hewitt
    October 31, 2019

    I love your prayer Patrica! I have been praying the similar prayer as your prayer as I have been praying and asking God for an intervention and stop their tracks and help them staying stumbled and struggling in their path as they have been destroying our President, his families, vice president, his families and their friends and of course they wanted to destroy America too. They do need Jesus like we all do.

    Rose Goetsch
    November 1, 2019

    “But all unrighteousness shuts its mouth.” Psm 107:42

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