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Father God, thank You for Your great power and that you have authority over this situation. We ask for Your divine presence to be on display throughout this impeachment trial and process.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

From The Hill: Republicans say former President Trump‘s second impeachment trial could wrap as soon as this weekend if both sides agree to skip trying to call witnesses.

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) told reporters that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) updated Republicans during a closed-door lunch on the potential timeline for the trial, though Cramer stressed that it wasn’t locked in.

“The optimistic view, and I think Mitch shares this, is that we could wrap up Saturday night,” Cramer said.


Here you can see the new security footage released at the trial yesterday: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/538306-new-security-video-shows-harrowing-details-of-capitol-attack

Former Trump Adviser: Half of Senate Democratic Caucus Would Be Impeached If We Used the Same Standard for Impeaching Trump

According to CNS News, “Senate Democrats have used “far worse language” than President Donald Trump and in comparison, half or two-thirds of the Senate Democratic Caucus would be impeached if you applied the same standard to them, former Trump presidential campaign senior adviser Jason Miller said Tuesday.

“What we are going to show as we dive into the second impeachment trial of President Trump today is number one, as you mentioned, this entire trial is unconstitutional. The fact of the matter is the Constitution very clearly spells out the only point of impeachment is to remove someone from office. Well, President Trump is already out of office,” he said in an interview with Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo.”  . . .

“So for the Democrats to go and push this, it’s pretty clear it’s just a vindictive effort to try to beat him up for futures elections. I think one of the things that’s really on trial here, Maria, is the First Amendment and freedom of speech,” Miller said. . . .

“The other thing I want to point out too is we look at a real true and accurate timeline of events from January 6th, you’ll see these bad actors who were involved in these horrific attacks up at the Capitol were planning and plotting activities long before President Trump said anything,” Miller said. . . .

Bartiromo pointed out that safety measures, including an 8-foot-wall, will be in place at the Capitol for the next month or so, costing taxpayers $500 million. She wondered what if any intelligence shows that this is necessary. . . .

“Small businesses, restaurants, hotels, completely wiped out, and the other thing I would ask too, Maria, is why didn’t Democrats want to take stronger action going back to last summer, going back to last fall, rejecting numerous attempts from the white house to try to help the Capitol, try to make sure that we had security in place for a number of different measures, but, again, Nancy Pelosi and Capitol Hill Democrats had rejected that,” he said.

“And so I think as we look going forward here, what we have to get back to, Maria, is what really brings the country together, and I think pushing ahead with some vindictive impeachment effort after President Trump has left office and so think about this for a moment,” Miller said.

They are trying to change the Constitution to go after one person, President Trump because if the Constitution says the only impeachment to remove him from office and they are going for it now, this is just out of spite,” he said.

As to whether Trump plans to run for political office again in 2024, Miller said, “I sure hope he does. No decision has been made here, but we will see what happens.  . . .

When asked for his take on cancelling all that was Trump, including judges, Miller said, “It appears that only with President Trump was it a big deal when you ask politically appointed attorneys to go and step down. This is really the normal practice. Usually at 12:01 p.m. on Inauguration Day you have most of the U.S. attorneys go and step down or put forward their letter of resignation, but it seems like Joe Biden is really focused on trying to destroy jobs at the beginning of this administration.

“Keystone was the big one. It looks like we are going to the U.S. attorneys next and who knows what Joe Biden will be on with this next effort,” he said.

Asked how Durham can remain special counsel if asked by Biden to step down, Miller said, “Well, I’m not sure. I think that’s going to be part of the interesting thing to see how they work the gymnastics on that one, but you know Maria, the other one U.S. attorney that looks like Joe Biden’s going to leave in place is the one that’s investigating Hunter Biden on his tax issues, and, again, when we talk about tax issues, that’s a polite way of saying that they think he wasn’t paying taxes on a lot of the foreign income he was making from China and a number of other countries.

“This is the one, Maria, that we need to pay close attention to. We go back to Tony Bobulinski. We go back to the computer store owner, and we know that this was covered up and the Democrats were out there saying this was Russian disinformation, but yet Joe Biden is leaving in place the U.S. attorney investigating this very thing they tried to brush off as so-called Russian disinformation,” he said.

“I think this is going to backfire on the Democrats. I think people are going to end up in jail on this and I think President Trump is going to be the one that looks like he was right all along,” Miller added.

Louisiana GOP issues stinging rebuke of Sen. Bill Cassidy after he votes for constitutionality of trial against Trump

According to The Blaze, “The Louisiana state Republican Party issued a stinging rebuke of one of their U.S. senators after he voted in favor of the constitutionality of the impeachment trial against former President Donald Trump.

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said that the House managers arguing for the constitutionality of the trial persuaded him to vote in favor of the resolution and the lawyers defending Trump did a poor job. . . .

The motion passed 56-44 with six Republicans, including Cassidy, voting with the Democrats.

“The issue at hand is, is it constitutional to impeach a president who has left office, and the House managers made a compelling, cogent case and the president’s team did not,” Cassidy explained. . . .

The Republican Party of Louisiana immediately issued a statement rebuking Cassidy for his vote.

“The Republican Party of Louisiana is profoundly disappointed by Senator Bill Cassidy’s vote on the constitutionality of the impeachment trial now underway against former President, now private citizen, Donald J. Trump. We feel that an impeachment trial of a private citizen is not only an unconstitutional act, but also an attack on the very foundation of American democracy, which will have far reaching and unforeseen consequences for our republic,” the statement read. . . .

One Trump lawyer said he remained confident that they would win regardless of Cassidy’s unexpected vote. . . .

The former president is not likely to be convicted by the Senate given that Republicans control 50 seats and two-thirds (or 67 members) of the Senate needs to vote in favor of conviction in order for it to pass the constitutional threshold.

When Cassidy was asked what was so bad about the attorneys’ argument, he responded, “Did you listen to it? It speaks for itself.” . . .

(Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

How are you praying about the impeachment trial?

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February 12, 2021

Abba, thank you foe what you are doing in this hour. Encourage us, your people, to look beyond the natural turn of events and look to the courts of heaven. We ask for your court to rule and reign over the United States America. Bind every evil one sent from the pit of hell to destroy our nation. Use these events to your honor and glory. Restore righteous and justice in all areas influencing our land. Start with us your people. Start with me. Show us drops of your glory and bring many people to you — for it is written, righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Help us, Abba! We need you! In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Maris Spiers
February 11, 2021

The Supreme Court Justices that were placed on the Supreme Court during the Trump administration are permanent. The 75 million Americans who respect and admire President Donald J Trump are very grateful for the nominations on the Supreme Court. We are looking forward to a great future.

Maris Spiers
February 11, 2021

If anyone took the time to truly read what this article is saying it’s more than just a vindictive action by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. It’s the undermined everything that President Donald J Trump did with morals and ethical value. It was very clear that President Donald J Trump is a Christian man a godly man who has morals who has ethics who has values. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were not allowed to do the damage under President trumps administration that they are very clearly doing under Joe Biden‘s administration you can see their hand in this. Secondly they didn’t want any walls up in Capitol Hill they were probably hoping something like this would happen.

Already in Congress you had a very rude congressman who made horrible statements about Trump supporters that did not in anyway shape or form reflect any of them whatsoever. You don’t hear anything about all the Trump supporters were very quietly standing outside.

And if you read this article very carefully Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are trying to get rid of every decent at the president Donald J Trump did during his four years in office. This impeachment trial is to try to wipe out everything that he did. Now tell me how much Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden care about America.

Actions speak louder than words, and the Democrats 99.9% of the time or all talk and no show except if it benefits them. L
President Donald J Trump represents the family, represented safety for America and all Americans, represented jobs and good being jobs for America and all Americans and represented fairness for America and all Americans.

The records of his office and all that he accomplished are sealed and set aside. And what a difference between his wonderful administration that made this nation so much stronger not only on American soil but in the eyes of all of our relations overseas; compared to what we’re seeing today. I’ll say it again Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are vindictive and their actions. Against president Donald J Trump because he would not allow them under him to do the destruction that they are doing today under Joe Biden.

And the joy of it is is that 75 American people know this to be the truth not 74 million75 million Americans can see right through the Democrats and know exactly what they’re doing.

God Bless You

February 11, 2021

I want to thank the people who write out prayers.

Dear Heavenly Father God I pray for congress and the citizens of the USA 🇺🇸 . Thank you for all you are doing to bring truth and justice in our nation. Please give us eyes to see and ears to hear. May we continue to discern, probe and investigate valuing truth integrity and righteousness.

May by your grace and mercy and the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit hard hearts will be softened and godly sorrows will be experienced leading to repentance. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Charles Todd iii
February 11, 2021

I’m still at it.

Prayers for America.
Truth prayer
Almighty Everliving God,
We humbly ask you to grant us the Grace to seek Truth, to recognize it when we find it, the courage to embrace it wherever it is found, and the wisdom to exclude all else that is not Truth.
In Jesus’ Precious Name. AMEN.

National repentance.

Please use the following prayer at least once daily until FEBRUARY 28, 2021

Almighty Everliving God, we – the citizens of America – come to you with humbled and contrite hearts. We repent of our tepid faith, our poorly-developed and fruitless works, and our indifference to You and to our neighbors. We are resolved to return to You, to submit to your Will, and to become again “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” From the doors of our homes, from the gates of our communities, from the seat of our governments, and from the depths of our hearts we return to You for you alone are compassionate enough to heal and restore our Nation. Bless our leaders and everyone in authority – including those who develop, enforce, and adjudicate laws – so that they serve with morality, compassion, integrity, wisdom, and justice so we can all live together in Peace. We stand against those who follow the ways of evil and anarchy, threatening to destroy our Nation and to set aside the blessings and wisdom you gave to our founding fathers. We will return to serving God, Country, and family so that your Name may be glorified. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord. AMEN.

We pray Mr Biden will experience a profoundly deep and lasting conversion to standing for the sanctity of LIFE.

Chick Todd
February 11, 2021

If there’s one witness that SHOULD be called, it’s Eric Coomer. He needs to explain his Tweet election night about the tabulation SOFTWARE.

Marc Swift
February 11, 2021

Please help Lord! In truth of fact, President Trump did win the election. Not Biden! This is America and a rigged election to rule by cheating is not pleasing to God or to all 75 million of us who love and support Donald Trump… In the Old Testament usually confusion would enter the camp of the usurpers and they would destroy themselves. And in the end the man-made usurpation served to strengthen the people of God. We cry out to You Lord! What the devil means for harm, turn it and mean it for good, for this nation and for Trump as our legitimately elected President. Thank You Lord God! We love You.

February 11, 2021

Dear LORD, Please protect and comfort President Trump during this time, and remind him that You also endured mocking, a “kangaroo court”, and injustice. But You triumphed because You are GOD, and so we thank You in advance that, in Your ways and timing, You will bring justice!! Hallelu YAH!! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ we pray, AMEN.

Verna Knox
February 11, 2021

These people are attacking God’s annointed and mocking God. This is not a good idea and will not stand in the courts of heaven. They have come against the covenate of our forefathers made with God when this land was established.
God is raising up His Church…His Bride in our land and through out the world and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

He has heard and continues to hear the voices of the intercessors. Hold fast. God is moving!

Darlene Estlow
February 11, 2021

Father, in this tumultuous times, may we keep our focus on you, remembering you are in control. May we pray as warriors, not depressed over what is happening, but having joy in you, knowing you hear our prayers and are doing wonderful things in bringing thousands of people to yourself in the coming great awakening. We ask that you would save our nation. Pour out your grace and mercy and help us to find our satisfaction in you as we fight the battle for your kingdom.

Jane Walters
February 11, 2021

Thank you for this article. I have been wondering how the Democrats can impeach a person who is out of office, if it was Constitutional. Apparently not. That is like firing someone who’s already been fired. As this article stated the Democrats are trying to make sure Donald Trump cannot run again. Do they truly believe the American public is stupid ?

    Chick Todd
    February 11, 2021

    Yes! They believe they are smarter than honest, hard-working, God-fearing Americans. Their goal is the destruction of America and our subjugation to a global world government run by “the elites.” It may take quite awhile, but there WILL come a reckoning for them.

Joe The Albertan, Can.
February 11, 2021

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven !

February 11, 2021

House managers yesterday presented evidence of Tweets of the plan on January 6. Some of them were dangerous tweets with threatening speech and the FBI knew about them. My question is, if they knew all these people were coming and the threats they were making, why were they not better prepared with security and even brought in the military. Why did Nancy Pelosi turn down increased security?

February 11, 2021

I think that the Dems really know that Trump is still the legitimate president. This impeachment is their insurance against the possibility that the fraud will finally be revealed and that he will resume his rightful place. If they can impeach him, it prevents that. Otherwise, what’s the point? Keep praying!! I trust God that all will work for good and stand in faith.

February 11, 2021

Lord, I continue to pray that Your presence be on display at this trial and that justice and truth will prevail. What is happening here is completely unconstitutional. I thank You for still being in control. This I ask and pray in Jesus holy and precious name, Amen.

February 11, 2021

Let’s all praise God that through all of this crazy election and “impeachment” that HE is still on his throne, He promises not to forsake his saints (Psalm 37), and that HE is showing the true character of the leaders of this country. Let’s do our best to get over the hurt, let God heal our hearts and be glad that we are seeing the underbelly of what happens in our country (how else would we have known?) Then, we can move forward in united prayer and action for our beloved country.

Donna Lightcap
February 11, 2021

Precious Redeemer,
You are our King and ruler You know all things and we praise You and Thank You for the love and mercy You have shown us. Lord You love all You have created. We thank You for your love.
We do not understand this impeachment process. If this is Your will we ask You to send Your Heavenly Armies to sit in the impeachment trials. Expose all corruption. Defend Donald J. Trump. All things work together for good for those who are called according to your purposes. Lord we are waiting and watching to see You protect those who love and honor You. Lord we deserve Your judgement, we have not followed Your ways we have lied to and hurt each other in many ways. You are our Lord of mercy. You love bestowing mercy. Lord if You can find it in Your heart to consider showing us Your mercy instead of Your judgement we would be grateful. Lord we ask You to bring righteousness and justice to our capitol city and our country. No longer allow good to be called evil and evil good. Let Your righteousness and justice prevail. Let souls be drawn to Your salvation as a result of Your mercy and kindness. This we ask in Jesus’s name Amen

Kerry Arsement
February 11, 2021

Cassidy has received tons of backlash for being a traitor from the state of Louisiana. There are so many of us who have flooded his office with emails and phone calls because he did not represent his constituents. Such a sad day.

February 11, 2021

Since when does the Senate have the right to determine whether their own actions are Constitutional? I may be wrong, but isn’t that the job of the SCOTUS? Where does this nonsense have its origins? IT comes from people who are under tremendous deception. Satan is having a field day with our elected officials. Lord Jesus, by Your great grace, please let truth and sanity be restored in this nation. How DESPERATLY we need revival in our country! I pray that You will set these deluded government officials free. Cause them to see things for what they truly are. How we need revival- let it come to pass, Lord. You are our only hope.

    Vyrl Pember
    February 11, 2021

    When you believe there is a wrong, You don’t make a right by making another wrong. In this case Bill Cassidy was soooo easily persuaded and
    did a HORRIBLE act of unfaithfulness. If Bill Cassidy has no stronger convictions than what he has shown he needs to move to a party of socialism. That is what Socialism wants us to do is to question our
    core convictions, by giving us fragments of truth. As soon as we do, they
    have us just like they did to Bill Cassidy. That means Bill Cassidy can
    not be trusted with anything because one cannot simply trust him.

    Reply Report comment moderated
      February 12, 2021

      I agree. Only thing that I would say different is Communism, rather than socialism. Bill Cassidy is symptomatic of the people in D.C. who are under the influence of Satan.

Lisa Patrick
February 11, 2021

I am praying constantly about the impeachment. It’s wrong on many levels, and is based on hate and bias out of control. Those behind the sham couldn’t pass their own standards! Maxine Waters and others would be in jail! Trump stood between us and the evils of socialism and communism. The GOP should have been totally behind him and protected the Constitution and this country.

Stephen Maxam
February 11, 2021

Lord God,

Please help President Trump.

In the name and power of Jesus Christ we pray.

Betty B in WI
February 11, 2021

I think the Lord’s Prayer says what needs to be done here in the USA…..

Heavenly Father,
* Let Thy KINGDOM come and let THY Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (especially concerning this impeachment trial for Pres. Trump) …..
*Deliver us from EVIL. (Only You know the depth of the evil in our nation. Many of us are shocked at what has been exposed and LIED about. Please let the TRUTH be revealed)
*For YOU are the Kingdom, and the POWER, and the GLORY forever and ever. Amen.

Hear our prayers Lord, and save our country from destruction. ONLY YOU know what needs to be done and how to do it. Your WAYS are much higher than our ways. Thank YOU, Father. Amen

Linda Madrigal
February 11, 2021

Dear Father God I ask you for your devine will in this impeached trial for Donald Trump. Father God I ask for your truth and justice will prevail. It is unconstitutional but the media has so much hateful in their hearts they they don’t care in doing so I feel it’s out of spite. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen

February 11, 2021

1 Corinthians 3:19-20

“For what this world considers to be wisdom is nonsense in God’s sight. As the scripture says, “God traps the wise in their cleverness”; and another scripture says, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are worthless.””

Father God,
You exalt those who lower themselves but you will lower those who exalt themselves. The Senators in this impeachment trial against President Trump are doing the utmost to humiliate him even though they know they can get nowhere at the end of the day. But Father, your purpose with the President is not finished yet, you will make him come back in a much higher capacity than what he had accomplished in his first four years. We trust you Father. You will protect him and expose the foolishness of the enemies. They will become nuts at the end of this trial.
I pray this in the precious name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Jean Crouse
February 11, 2021

Father, You are all powerful. I pray that this nation, so special from its inception, might uphold the Constitution, founded on Your word, and squelch this attempt to impeach Donald Trump who stood up for Your ways.


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