We ran this last week and loved all the prayers and responses. Take a few minutes and pray through the comments, and add one of your own.
The vote has been taken, witnesses are not going to be called in the Senate, according to a 51-49 vote. With the final vote on ending impeachment imminent, will we see an end to this process before the State of the Union address on Tuesday? More coverage continues.
The news has been filled with everyone’s opinions about what has happened, and what will happen. We want to provide an opportunity for you to share.
Our mission and mandate are to pray for the government. But prayer is not a one-way conversation—we talk to God, but He also talks to us. We want to hear how you are praying, and how God is speaking to you about the impeachment of President Trump. Share in the comments below…
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Father, have mercy on this country. We soooooooo need You. BADLY. Oh God, help us in this tsunami after tsunami of the enemy’s un-leashings against us and against our President. Have mercy, and draw our hearts, minds, and souls to You, against all odds. Draw those to You who don’t know You yet or may even hate You by the beckoning of Your precious Holy Spirit on each heart. May YOU be glorified. Oh grant us thankful, reverent hearts for You, and all of Your inexplicable grace and mercy that You poured out and continue to pour out on us, again and again. Thank You Father. Shine Your Truth and Your Light gloriously, across this land, from sea to shining sea, in the name of Jesus, amen.
When the enemy renders an accusation in the courts of heaven there is a time of waiting for response. If the accusation goes unchallenged
Then a ruling is made. Never a reason for investigation because Our God is the judge and he knows all things!
When the enemy moves in accusation and the person is exonerated because of the blood; then a discovery of the enemies involvement in the case can be made and responded to. God is Holy therefore doesn’t go against his word. His law. The enemy knows that law very well. It is his death sentence!
Therefore my prayers since this began are first to read out loud Isaiah 14 so the enemy hears his fate every day. Then to pray for his impeachment from every office he is currently holding (through compromised humans) in our government. I believe God is honoring that prayer every day!
Impeachment for impeachment … oh and I always end with “ let it be the Haman’s noose on the enemies neck” personal favorite!😉
The Lord is angry with the wicked everyday. If they turn not back, HE will whet HIS sword. Psalms
Father God, Forgive Us For Judging People & Things We Don’t Understand. Thank You For the Holy Spirit that guide & Lead Us Truth. Thank You, Lord For Your Perfect Plans, Will & Purposes Are Manifesting In Our Midst. Thank You For President Trump & His Administration, We Declare No Weapons Formed Against Him & His Administration, Shall Not Prosper. May Love Be Our Greatest Motives, In the Mighty Name Of Jesus
Amen Nolasy!!!! May all those entrenched in and snared in the web of wickedness repent before it is too late, for it is written that God will NOT always “strive” with man. Father may it be so, in Jesus name, amen.
Fulton Sheen said that the lines of good and evil are being drawn, and that was in the 1940’s!
The line has been drawn, and is very distinct today. Only the stone hearted, and blind cannot see it.
LORD, save those nearest he’ll, before too everlasting late. Come quickly! Maranatha!🙏🏼✝️🕊
” For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
” The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” “There is none righteous, no not one.” (Romans 3:10) “For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7b) God’s Word for ALL PEOPLE for ALL TIME.
Amen! Lord we humble ourselves before You. Lord hear our prayers.
But now God has something else to show us. What is our place in all this? Do we have any role to play? Do we make anything happen? Are we only feathers in the wind of providence, and leaves floating on the sea of divine sovereignty?
The answer is utterly astonishing. Leon Morris puts it like this:
The saints appear insignificant to men at large. But in the sight of God they matter. Even great cosmic cataclysms are held back on their account. And the praises of the angels give way to silence so that the saints may be heard
it is the prayers of “all the saints” that have been piling up on the altar
The fire comes from the very altar on which the prayers of the saints have been offered. This surely means that the prayers of God’s people play a necessary part in ushering in the judgments of God
the real master-powers behind the world and what are the deeper secrets of our destiny? Here is the astonishing answer: the prayers of the saints and the fire of God. That means that more potent, more powerful than all the dark and mighty powers let loose in the world, more powerful than anything else, is the power of prayer set ablaze by the fire of God and cast upon the earth.
I am so grateful to everyone that hung in there not becoming weary praying until the victorious outcome. We have more to do though as you know. Stay strong Army of God!
Amen and Thank you for that exhortation!
I agree with IFA’s focus on humility and repentance from pride. I believe the unbending, twisting of the truth, unwillingness to listen and “know it all” attitudes which view other opinions as evidence of ignorance may just be a reflection of the church in the U.S. I grieve over the fractured body of Christ and have tried to posture myself to receive the conviction of the Lord to point out my own areas of pride.
Additionally I have asked for a greater release of words of knowledge from the Holy Spirit in the offices of government. I have seen people steeped in rebelliousness and closed off to direction from the Lord left speechless by a word from the Lord delivered by a faithful believer. There is nothing like the sudden revelation that God sees me and knows me personally to soften the hard hearted, lead them to a place of brokenness, and make them willing to listen.
This morning I found myself asking in prayer, “Lord what do You see when You consider Nancy Pelosi.” He does not need my wisdom, I need his.
What He sees when He looks at Nancy Pelosi is a woman in need mercy and grace. He tells us in Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
God is love and if we act in any other way, we are not led by the Holy Spirit of God!
I was just praying for Nancy Pelosi, that she WILL repent. For THAT is what God sees when He sees ANY of us when we are in rebellion and lying and deceiving and “cheering on” the innocent bloodshed of unborn and newborn babies and the selling of their body parts to the highest bidder. God help those who blatantly do this:
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
In the meantime, we pray for PROTECTION for our President and our country from those that DO call evil good, and good evil, and attempt to orchestrate a coup d’état against our President, and to blatantly, and by any means necessary, destroy all that was God-ordained, which includes all of our liberties and freedoms which has placed this country as a “light on a hill” for many in dark places with no such liberty or freedom the world over. That is WHY He established this country. May He grant us ALL wisdom and discernment. Father may it be so, in Jesus name, amen.
Psalm 138:7-8 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me.
The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD endures forever–
do not abandon the works of your hands. Amen.
Most reasonable people can see the Impeachment for what it is the Deep State and Corrupt Politicians vs. President Trump. God has got this! As the layers of darkness are revealed, we need to stay in prayer that truth will lead to justice for the guilty and that they never again have positions of authority and power anywhere in this world. They have proved their unworthiness to be in such places of honor.
I am annoyed to keep hearing it said that the resistance will keep coming at the President even after his acquittal. This kind of talk only encourages and emboldens his enemies. Rather, let’s pray Psalm 94 and trust in the Lord to give him rest from his enemies. Amen.
I just prayed Psalm 94. A very appropriate Psalm for this time.
Amen and amen!!!
The demonic things that is in this nation are so strong in people,remember that it’s not them,it’s the devil.
That is understood. In the meantime we pray for the PROTECTION of our President and this country. NO ONE is “hating on” those who do evil. We are praying that God INTERVENES and that He brings them to repentance. We ALSO need to decipher and pray for wisdom and discernment to not shrink back from praying that God’s righteousness prevails and that we don’t “excuse” those carrying out Satan’s will. We PRAY for, not DEFEND them and thus “compromise” because we can’t “stomache” God’s holiness and righteousness. PRAY for them that they REPENT. Amen? Father grant us wisdom and discernment in all of this blatant wickedness that celebrates the cold-blooded murdering of unborn and newborn babies and the selling of their body parts to the highest bidder, and for child sacrifice, which You abhor, as listed in Your Word amongst the 7 abominations that You hate. Help us to be wise and oust all confusion, in the name of Jesus, amen.
Psalm 21 The Message (MSG)
A David Psalm
1-7 Your strength, God, is the king’s strength.
Helped, he’s hollering Hosannas.
You gave him exactly what he wanted;
you didn’t hold back.
You filled his arms with gifts;
you gave him a right royal welcome.
He wanted a good life; you gave it to him,
and then made it a long life as a bonus.
You lifted him high and bright as a cumulus cloud,
then dressed him in rainbow colors.
You pile blessings on him;
you make him glad when you smile.
Is it any wonder the king loves God?
that he’s sticking with the Best?
With a fistful of enemies in one hand
and a fistful of haters in the other,
You radiate with such brilliance
that they cringe as before a furnace.
Now the furnace swallows them whole,
the fire eats them alive!
You purge the earth of their progeny,
you wipe the slate clean.
All their evil schemes, the plots they cook up,
have fizzled—every one.
You sent them packing;
they couldn’t face you.
Show your strength, God, so no one can miss it.
We are out singing the good news!
When Nehemiah was directing the work for rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, he was opposed by local leaders who were angered by the rebuilding of Jerusalem. In Nehemiah we read these words of Nehemiah’s prayer: Neh.4:4,5 ” Hear, O our God, for we are despised. Turn back their taunt on their own heads…Do not cover their guilt, and let not their sin be blotted out from your sight , for they have provoked you to anger in the presence of the builders”
Lord, we pray for President Trump, as he is working to restore this great nation and is facing tremendous opposition from both political parties, who prefer the status quo and don’t want to see America restored to its godly roots. We pray against the lies and half truths being spread against the President and the work you have called him to do. Turn their taunts back upon them and expose their lies. May the truth be revealed and our president vindicated by the vote this week in the Senate. Expose the lies being spread by the news media and corrupt politicians and expose their lies for what they are, lies of the enemy to hinder the work of restoring this land.
Amen…I agree!
Amen and amen.
I prayed and ask God who can stop this mess. He clearly said “We the People”. We have a Second Amendment right to take up arms against our government when they start acting outside their authority. Obviously no one in Washington is going to arrest them or jail them or kick them out of the country so I’m praying that the people will go to Washington and do it.
Forgive me if I unknowingly steal someone’s scripture.
Seeing and hearing all these democrats biting at the bit to get rid of our president, reminds me of Psalm 36: 1-4. Especially the first part of vs. 4.
First, it was Russia Collusion. Then, it was Ukraine.(My thought was, if they are so corrupt why are they receiving money from us in the first place.) Did any senator bother to ask a House Manager that question? I don’t recall.
My last comment, I see no end in sight regarding our presidents enemies going after him. They are guilty of corruption and possibly unspeakable acts. Our president is working to clean out the corruption and whatever else our lawmakers are guilty of. Bohemian Grove comes to mind. I pray for their souls because I sure don’t want any to go to hell. They need to repent instead and come to Jesus and become a soul winner. The lord woke me up one morning to pray for Nancy Pelosi. This was long before she had any real trouble with “AOC and the three”. I continue to pray for her to have a change of heart. I also pray for Adam Schiff. I heard that he didn’t have any friends in high school. That’s sad, whether of his own making or not.
Our president is not going to be impeached. God is moving as people are praying and more and more
people are waking up to the truth. My concern is integrity of the elections. We really need to go
back to paper ballots only because of those George Soros voting machines. That is something I am praying about. One living, legal, non-imprisoned citizen voting only one time.
We can and should pray for their souls, however, they have free will to choose to do evil and MOST of them KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS WRONG SO I DO NOT PRAY FOR THEIR SOULS BUT FOR THE PRESIDENT PROTECTION, OUR FREEDOM TO LIVE AND SPREAD GOSPEL.
Yes, paper ballots, maybe in duplicate, we get one to keep and they get one to count.
I have been praying for our President, that the Lord would protect him, especially from baseless accusations. I have also prayed that He, our God would bring out the truth, His truth no matter where that truth fell.
Regardless of our one’s feelings or opinions the articles of impeachment presented to the Senate contained no impeachable offenses. We do not impeach a President because we disagree with him.
You cannot cry foul when you are fighting dirty. Our house of Representatives shredded our Constitution in order to get rid of a man duly elected by the people of this country. I am very grateful for the due process established in this land and I hope we can get back to it.
God Bless these United States of America!
As my husband and I have prayed for our Nation and the President, we praying that eyes and ears would be opened,
and that Truth, and Justice would prevail, but mostly that the hearts would be moved to first protect the Constitution.
The Republicans needed to band together to protect the Constitution and a President that has been under constant ridicule,
and attack. Loving your country and protecting and preserving the Constitution no matter what should be the desire in the
heart’s of all true Americans Those who have broken the law, no matter who they are, should be prosecuted to , the only way to
to reestablish the rule of law and bring everyone’s confidence back that no one is above the law, equal justice still lives.
Praise God for all these Christ followers who are praying for our President. It was so encouraging to read their letters and prayers. I pray too that many blind eyes be made to see.
I pray Psalm 91 over President Trump every day. The enemy of our souls is so deceptive. But as President Trump”dwells in the secret place if the Almighty” let him, Lord,be aware if his place of protection under Abba’s ALMIGHTY wings.That it is God who is HIS deliverer. Remibd him, LORD, to cry out to You in his time of need. That You will hear him, deliver him and lift him up as You have in the past. Lord, I thank You for our President and for what You are doing in and through him.
In my time of prayer and reflection I believe the Lord is saying, look at Ps. 54 and declare these words over he whom I have called into the office of President. Therefore, I decree that the Lord God shall deliver President Trump, by the mighty name of our God! God will come in His glorious power and save Pres. Trump. Lord thank you that you have listened to our prayers and turned your ears to our cry. These violent men who have risen up against President Trump are heartless, ruthless men who care nothing about You oh God and the seek the life of our President. But Lord, our God, you are Pres. Trump’s divine helper. You oh Lord, lean into his heart and lay Your hands upon him. You oh God will see to it that those who sow evil will reap evil. So Lord, in your great faithfulness, You will destroy them once and for all.
And now Lord I pray that our Presdient will offer himself freely before You and everything he is, he will give to you. I pray that he will worship You and praise Your holy name in Spirit and in Truth and he will acknowledge that You are precious to him. Through You shall he be saved and rescued from every trouble. May he see with his eyes the defeat of his enemies and may he triumph over them all. May he give you thanks and walk in righteousness, truth, holiness and humility in Jesus name.
I see no good in the President. I pray for God to protect and guard his peoples. I see no goodness in him. He is a liar, he will kill and steal. I do believe that he is a necessary evil. He has caused us to pray and pray. Never ever will believe a man like him good. No Christian should. His behavioris awful and does warrant my support. He should be removed
God help us! He protects unborn and newborn babies from the Democrats who want to murder them even after they’re born and then sell their body parts. He is FOR LIFE. This is only the tip of the iceberg on the GOOD he has done against a tsunami of odds and evil and corruption coming at him every moment. Adam Schiff is the EPITOME of perversion and evil. He should’ve BEEN in jail. Research the “Standard Hotel” and his involvement in the history of perversions and downright twisted evil of that place. It is best to not “feed” evil, but to expose it and END it. God help us all to pray for and receive wisdom, discernment, and clarity, amen?
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
I am not sure why you are saying all of this. The vast majority of Christians are praising God for our President. He has come to the defense of not only the Church in America, but also overseas. He has established a strong bond of friendship with Israel and fulfilled all our of our nation’s promises to this country. He has launched a massive campaign against human traffickers; arrests in the the last three years have consistently and largely risen…his administration has also this past Friday committed additional resources to help the survivors of trafficking to receive the resources they will need in their journey of recovery from such extraordinary, horrific abuse. He has been recognized as THE MOST PRO-LIFE President in our nation’s history…promises made, promises kept. And, finally, he is cleaning house of the criminals who have posed as political leaders over the last several decades…like Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and others. He is, in my opinion, the greatest President of my lifetime. Trump 2020!!
Amen! Well said!
You are highly deceived if you see no good in our President. His sin is obviously worse than your sin, in your opinion. You need to repent of your pride and arrogance and ask God to show you how to see truth.
I pray you have Ears to hear.
I have been praying for the truth to be revealed in this impeachment. Also praying for the protection of President Trump. God’s will will continue to be done through President Trump, because the church has been praying for restoration for the U.S.A., and God is answering the prayers of the saints! To Gid be the glory!
Rosa I prayerfully hope you will begin to guard your own mind by being careful what you read and hear. It appears that you’re getting the wrong information that is obstructing your ability to see all the good our president is accomplishing for the world, our country and for you!
I’m very thankful to get the news from IFA- I don’t watch the news because it has become a self-serving propaganda machine.
May your eyes be opened so you can behold the goodness in these historic times, and join Christians as we praise God for sending us Donald J Trump!
Our president may speak in rough manner but what is really chilling are the politicians that are removing all restraints from those who pursue immorality and declare openly it is OK for a mother to kill her unborn baby through abortion at any time even up to birth and after. That is what you really should be afraid of! They are the ones that will bring the judgment of God in our nation.
Rosa, I see that the odds are totally against you in your freedom to believe what you do. The shame of it all is that if you do not go along with the masses, obviously there is something wrong with you. This post, I believe is “Intercessors for America” but, it appears that most, if not all, are for President Trump. Do not misunderstand me, he needs a lot of prayer. And a lot of prayer he is getting. But, my question, where is the change? Shouldn’t we be praying more for his soul than against his enemies? “For we must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” (2 Corinthians 5:10) BE ENCOURAGED!
Having little faith in government, I understand. But this president has given us hope, something I haven’t felt for this country since Ronald Reagan, and they tried to kill him. Hope that there are some good people in DC, and that they want to see justice done. I feel a very small reprieve since D. Trump and M. Pence got in the White House. The hordes of hell are trying to tear down, and destroy this nation. If they vote him out- they will succeed.
Father, we pray that unworthy as we are, You give us peace and safety to be able to raise our children without fear of the government. We thank You for This President, protect him, guide and lead him, In Jesus name, amen.
I do not place my hope in man. At some point and time, he will let me down and I will be disappointed. Man is just as feeble and finite as I am. My hope is in Jesus Christ and Him alone who is the SOLID ROCK. Thank you.
Rosa, did you read ANY of the other posts written on the IFA website?? Have you read the posts about pride??? Perhaps you should do better research and stay away from the false narratives being reported by a very biased media. Trump is the first President to stand up for the rights of Christians. And he is the first President to stand up for Israel and he is the first President to reverse the trend toward prejudice against believers. Because Trump if for free speech, you can come to a blog and speak your mind. Because Trump revitalized our military, there are people fighting for your right to free speech. Your comment makes me think that you are not an actual reader of this blog, but rather you are a troll posing as a reader of this blog. So, let me introduce you to Christ. Jesus was the Son of God who came to earth to die for our sins. Because of Jesus’ shed blood we can have right standing with God and therefore everlasting life. All you need to do in order to have that relationship with God is to ask God to forgive you of your sins and ask Him to come into your heart. For more information, please look up Billy Graham’s website. We would love to see you in Heaven with us one day.
Rosa, you’re on the wrong web site…
You read too much cnn…
God bless.
Lord God Heavenly Father,
We lift President Donald John Trump up to Your throne of grace. We ask that the constant harassment by Satan STOP in Jesus name. We pray for the news media and all those Satan has used to harass President Trump to STOP THEIR LIES. We bind the LYING spirit and command it to go under the feet of Jesus in Jesus name. We loose the spirit of TRUTH in Jesus name. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We pray for revival in America. We thank you Heavenly Father for President Trump and all the hard work he has done for You to turn America around. Bless President Trump, his family and staff. Bless America. We give You all the glory and all the praise. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Ruth Ann, I agree with your prayers. I also pray that every false accusation, every lie that is told or broadcast about him, every attack would make President Trump stronger. I pray that as he resists these attacks and goes on doing good things for our nation, he will become stronger, tougher, and more able to stand unmoved in the face of his attackers. I pray for his confidence to grow in our Lord, and his faith to be strengthened by every arrow that is sent his way as he sees God coming to his defense, and the good people of this nation rallying around him. I also pray Psalm 141:10 over him, that “his accusers will fall into their own nets while he escapes safely.”
I have been declaring Isaiah 9:7 over President Trump: “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
I believe that President Trump is one of God’s impossibilities and even improbabilities as the Body of Christ, with His heart, have cried out to Him. Religious persecution has been pushed back, slaughter of the unborn stymied, Jerusalem acknowledged, Jews seeing the witness of the real Jesus, a respite to freely proclaim the Gospel, even pray in the schools, and thus staying, challenging and averting some of the effects of the religion of secular humanism on the nation’s children.
We who are disciples and intercessors can see, that these issues are not just “social” or “political” or just human preferences and opinions, but actual attacks and rebellion against God Himself.
These are the Scriptures that come to my mind: Zechariah 2:8 For thus say the Lord of Hosts:”He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you: for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye.” The humanistic self worshipping morals and agenda actually harms, is a freedom that rebels, attacks and destroys people, defies God Himself.
But what will we, the Body of Christ do? 2 Chronicles 7:14; Luke 23:34″Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”; Ezekiel 22:30 I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it—
We pray, stand in the gap, walk in Him (John 15), vote!!!
Amen Darla!!!!
So many beautiful prayers! Thank you, Jesus! President Trump is human, afterall, and none of us is perfect! BUT he is doing great things for our country and the world. Let’s give him the four more years he deserves. If any impeaching goes on, it should be Nancy, Chuck, Nadler and Shiff.
Earlier this week I was reading Psalm 37:1-17 and was reminded to pray for President Trump in regards to impeachment. While I was praying for him I remembered psalm 37:15 “And their bows will be broken and suddenly I saw Pelosi’s pens broken in half.
I am praying for justice and truth to prevail. I pray Psalms 140 for President Trump. Regarding the lies and slander that have been spoken about President Trump, I pray verse 8 of that same chapter.
Look at Psalm 120. We pray that all those involved in the lies and rebellions to God Himself repent in His mercy, before it is too late. And Lord, pour out a powerful witness through Your people for repentance, revival, and harvest for Jesus, even among those involved in these terrible things—-for those who have been forgiven much, also love much.
The Lord brought the assignment of praying for Trump to my attention just before the 2016 election. I saw many angels fly like a fighter plane flyby from behind Trump as he was inaugurated – then they fanned out and went over the whole nation and started reversing certain curses in answer to the prayers of the saints and as he declared truth and blessing over the USA. When he went to Jerusalem and said we would move our embassy there – I saw a heavenly nuclear explosion rock the world from Jerusalem.
This month I see a big circle of glowing intercessors holding hands, spinning above the lit-up White House on a dark night.
On the first day of the senate impeachment trial – I got a headache and it was hard to think. After a few hours I realized that the trial had started and I was supposed to be praying! (The headache was a signal.)
I asked God what to pray. I heard to pray for:
For hidden and voiceless things to be brought to light
For God’s glory to fill that room
For Trump to be filled with the Spirit and only say what the Spirit leads him to say.
I saw DC fill with dark clouds, and crows cawing, circling and beginning to gather in large numbers. So I prayed those good things in and the darkness out in Jesus’ Name. (As soon as I prayed the headache went away).
In Jesus’ Name we declare Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in DC, the USA and the Bride. Thank You that the shakable, hidden and evil things are being revealed – and that You have brought us into Your unshakable Kingdom. Thank You for Your mercy and grace to call the Bride closer to You, for washing, purifying and being made whole. Thank You for Your plans and foundations in the USA. Thank You for the many miracles, signs and wonders You have performed to start, form and keep our country through the centuries. We have been blessed to be a blessing and to shine Your love and gospel to the world.
Forgive us and our fathers for the times we have dishonored You, rebelled, killed, stolen and destroyed. When we have worshiped idols and called evil good and good evil. Forgive us for being so easily distracted by the things of this world and being wise in our own eyes.
We proclaim Your goodness, salvation, healing, deliverance, love and beauty into Capitol hill, DC, our states, churches and nation. Holy Spirit, bring Your huge glory system in from heaven which displaces all of the dark storms, hurricanes, chains, dark networks and spiritual prisons across our nation set up by the enemy.
We pray salvation and deliverance for Republicans and Democrats. For You to penetrate the command centers of the enemy camp and bring Your power and love to them. Into the people of Planned Parenthood and who back abortion. Into the groups of atheists, satanists, witches, LGBTQ communities, groups with addictions, the homeless, the broken, downtrodden, oppressed, suicidal and hopeless ones. Bring life, healing and freedom into the asleep Church and open their eyes. Don’t let them be without oil for the midnight cry. Help them know You Jesus!
Thank You that You have no rival. We ask for Jesus’ full inheritance from every nation to be brought into the storehouse – including in the USA. We bless and pray for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem and for her salvation.
Help Your Bride look to You and be radiant, without spot or wrinkle by Your power. Able to partner with You to bring Your light powerfully into the dark places without fear. Able to stand with You against the gates of Hell and receive the whole inheritance You paid for with Your blood for us. Then we will truly walk in the identity and anointing you have for each one of us and the whole Bride together.
I hear Jesus joyfully say to His beautiful Bride, “Let’s dance the night away!” (As we dance, sing and praise You, You trample the enemy under our feet and send the darkness away).
In the all-powerful Name of Jesus and for His glory and Kingdom.
WOW. Anointed! Thank you, I am humbled, and edified! God bless!
I am thankful that the end of this impeachment is coming, but if we neglect to pray for the upcoming elections across the land and those running, we could still lose the battle, our country and our freedom to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, and those demonic powers are very aware of how close to Christ return we are.
I praise God for all the Christian men and women in all government positions. and I thank God for all the intercessors who are diligently praying and seeking God for our country and for His church to be made manifest.
Remember to pray also for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem.
Thank you Lord for raising up righteous leaders in government. The government is upon your shoulders. We pray for all leadership positions great and small, we call out Godly men and women from your body to shoulder these positions. Speak to them, call them to step up and into the places you have prepared for them. We close the entry points of the enemy in Jesus name! Let ungodly people running for office to be scattered. We pray for the body of Christ to rise up and vote for Biblical principles and for Life! Let justice flow like a river! Thank you for opening up resources for those running for office who are Godly, unite us AS ONE!! And cut off the filthy lucre of the enemy! In Jesus name, Amen!!
Oh Lord. Hear the prayers of your people: 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Glory to God for the end is near.
Grace and Mercy unto those who did honor God in their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the will of God and the laws of the United States of America.
Lord help us see the bigger picture and the spiritual ramification of things when any process is not honorable, righteous and/or just. Help us God see before hand what spirit could be birth when we don’t do your will in accordance with God Truth, Righteousness and Justice.
As we prayed unto our Lord Jesus Christ I heard: What are we producing? Are we producing an Ishmael like Sarai did?
Genesis 16:1-5 The Birth of Ishmael
Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar; 2 so she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Abram agreed to what Sarai said. 3 So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. 4 He slept with Hagar, and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress. 5 Then Sarai said to Abram, “You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering.
Lord help us. How some of the Body of Christ, The Senate and others are only focusing on God said he chose President Trump for such a time as this. The same God has allowed this impeachment process to happen for our government and leaders to do the right, honest and just thing so the world can see we serve a righteous and just God.
We work with our God and Lord to see his will done through Justice, Righteousness, and Truth we must not taint the truth or the process because when we do we product a spiritual baby that is ugly in our nation and requires God to deal with us (The body of Christ first, our nation leaders and then an unjust government process). NO BLIND EYES TO WRONG DOING.
God will not allow President Trump to be removed from office IF and WHEN we honor the process and laws in accordance with God will and purpose for our Great Nation. Palms 33: 4-5 For God’s Word is something to sing about! He is true to his promises, his word can be trusted, and everything he does is reliable and right. 5 The Lord loves seeing justice on the earth. Anywhere and everywhere you can find his faithful, unfailing love!
I’m reminded of King David humility when he was called out on his wrong doing/sin as he willfully set up Uriah death? God wasn’t pleased.
2 Samuel 11: 12-16 and 26-27 NIV
12 Then David said to him, “Stay here one more day, and tomorrow I will send you back.” So Uriah remained in Jerusalem that day and the next. 13 At David’s invitation, he ate and drank with him, and David made him drunk. But in the evening Uriah went out to sleep on his mat among his master’s servants; he did not go home.
14 In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. 15 In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.”
16 So while Joab had the city under siege, he put Uriah at a place where he knew the strongest defenders were. 17 When the men of the city came out and fought against Joab, some of the men in David’s army fell; moreover, Uriah the Hittite died.
26 When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him. 27 After the time of mourning was over, David had her brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.
2 Samuel 12: 1-31 Nathan Rebukes David
12 The Lord sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, “There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. 2 The rich man had a very large number of sheep and cattle, 3 but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It shared his food, drank from his cup and even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him.
4 “Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him.”
5 David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die! 6 He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.”
7 Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man! This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. 8 I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. 9 Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10 Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.’
11 “This is what the Lord says: ‘Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity on you. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will sleep with your wives in broad daylight. 12 You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.’”
13 Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”
Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14 But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for[a] the Lord, the son born to you will die.”
15 After Nathan had gone home, the Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife had borne to David, and he became ill. 16 David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and spent the nights lying in sackcloth[b] on the ground. 17 The elders of his household stood beside him to get him up from the ground, but he refused, and he would not eat any food with them.
18 On the seventh day the child died. David’s attendants were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they thought, “While the child was still living, he wouldn’t listen to us when we spoke to him. How can we now tell him the child is dead? He may do something desperate.”
19 David noticed that his attendants were whispering among themselves, and he realized the child was dead. “Is the child dead?” he asked.
“Yes,” they replied, “he is dead.”
20 Then David got up from the ground. After he had washed, put on lotions and changed his clothes, he went into the house of the Lord and worshiped. Then he went to his own house, and at his request they served him food, and he ate.
21 His attendants asked him, “Why are you acting this way? While the child was alive, you fasted and wept, but now that the child is dead, you get up and eat!”
22 He answered, “While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept. I thought, ‘Who knows? The Lord may be gracious to me and let the child live.’ 23 But now that he is dead, why should I go on fasting? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him, but he will not return to me.”
24 Then David comforted his wife Bathsheba, and he went to her and made love to her. She gave birth to a son, and they named him Solomon. The Lord loved him; 25 and because the Lord loved him, he sent word through Nathan the prophet to name him Jedidiah.[c]
26 Meanwhile Joab fought against Rabbah of the Ammonites and captured the royal citadel. 27 Joab then sent messengers to David, saying, “I have fought against Rabbah and taken its water supply. 28 Now muster the rest of the troops and besiege the city and capture it. Otherwise I will take the city, and it will be named after me.”
29 So David mustered the entire army and went to Rabbah, and attacked and captured it. 30 David took the crown from their king’s[d] head, and it was placed on his own head. It weighed a talent[e] of gold, and it was set with precious stones. David took a great quantity of plunder from the city 31 and brought out the people who were there, consigning them to labor with saws and with iron picks and axes, and he made them work at brickmaking.[f] David did this to all the Ammonite towns. Then he and his entire army returned to Jerusalem.
God did not remove nor replace King David BUT God did deal with his sin, the unrighteous, dishonesty and unjust behavior. The TRUTH, HONESTY and JUSTICE matters to God.
Palms 33: 4-5 For God’s Word is something to sing about! He is true to his promises, his word can be trusted, and everything he does is reliable and right. 5 The Lord loves seeing justice on the earth. Anywhere and everywhere you can find his faithful, unfailing love!
Father God, I decree truth in all areas. We decree that we the leaders of the Body of Christ and the leaders of our government in the United States of America won’t/don’t displease you with our actions and words within this impeachment process. We decree Proverbs 3:5-6 over the Body of Christ leadership and our Senate as we trust you, seek and acknowledge you and obey you in accordance with your Holy Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for directing our paths in Jesus name. Amen!
We bind the spirits of (Unrighteousness, Dishonesty, Injustice and blindness to the whole truth) and we release your Righteousness (Jehovah-Tsidkenu), Honesty, Justice, Truth, Grace (El Shaddai) and Mercy unto the Body of Christ, President Trump, our Senate leaders and government leaders in the United States of America during this impeachment process. We stand with and on the side of Jesus Christ and The Great “I AM” (YAH)! AMEN
Thank you God for your will being done with integrity.
Reading everyone’s comments, I am seeing so much confirmation and it gives me encouragement when I feel weary. Thank you Lord. Honestly speaking in my prayer life,I was never too focused on government until 2015 when the Lord began shifting my prayers for the president, our current POTUS, the supreme Court, and other things. I believe it was Gods sovereignty that he moved in the 2016 election and thank God for President Trump being elected. God had a plan and I do not believe that He is finished yet, not with president Trump, not with America, not with the church. As I have been in prayer about this entire “impeachment” the Lord said, “I am restoring justice and righteousness to the land.” He spoke this to me and it was confirmed months ago by a shared word from Karen Hardin through IFA. He also confirmed it through his word in Isaiah 1 1:21-27. The Lord talks about the restoration of Israel and zion (symbolically the church) what caught my attention is it talks about corrupt leadership and how it affected the nations. That is where we are today. The sins of our nation, America have a great deal to do with leadership we elected.
Isaiah 1:22-23 once like pure silver, you have become worthless slag. Once so pure, you are now like watered down wine.
Your leaders are rebels, the companions of thieves. All of them love bribes and demand payoffs. But they refuse to defend the cause of orphans and fight for the rights of widows.
Then it says, “I the Lord will take revenge on my enemies.
V.26 I will remove your impurities. Then I will give you good judges again and wise counsellors like you used to have.
V27. Zion will be restored by justice, those who repent will be revived by righteousness.
I believe that God will finish what he started. I believe President Trump is being used of God to restore our nation. God has always used man/women too, but in this case man (speaking of POTUS) to fulfill his plans on Earth. We must continue to press in intercession that president Trump will make it to 2020 and for his reelection. We know that the enemy (working through a party) our real enemy Satan knows what’s at stake. He will lose the stronghold he has had over our nation for along time. Let’s keep our focus on God the righteous judge, who loves justice. And Jesus Christ as it is written the government rests upon his shoulders and avoid panic, fear based no truth media, and even conspiracy theories and keep our eyes heavenward looking to the Lord for the answers we need. Let’s continue to pray for his protection over him and his family, his administration, and his advisors, to be open to the word of the Lord at all times and that he would seek the Lord and his strength at all times.
Chaplain Black has been so much in line with what I have been praying. I try to get “me” out of the way and remember that the highest I can pray, as Jesus did, is “not my will, but Thine be done.” I am praying for all of DC, the Senate Chamber and all who enter therein, all who speak, the President as he gives his State of the Union in the midst of this – that every word will be what God wants him to say, and that in the end, all who have been a part of this process, in whatever way, will be touched by God and His Spirit.
Who was he “chastising”? The Senate? God help us. The SENATE is who is trying to keep our President from being impeached and swallowed up by pure evil and corruption. For instance Adam Schiff is the epitome of perverted and deadly evil. Research the “Standard Hotel”. The Senate, along with our President is fighting to stop the evil and abomination of murdering unborn babies, even after they’re born, to sell their body parts. God HELP us!!!
God help us to have discernment and to understand this verse. Father may it be so, in Jesus name, amen.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
Brenda, yes I learned about Schiff’s escapades last year so everything he was doing to try to make our president look guilty made sense. Schiff knows he is in legal trouble for his crimes against minors so he is fighting for his very life. I have been praying for his soul after repenting to God for yelling at him for the lies coming out of his mouth.
AMEN! Baylor1 AMEN!
This “Chaplain” was claiming to “pray” and was spewing “threats” and “curses”. To be “blind” to the absolute corruption and evil of the Democratic Party and project it onto the Senators is deceitful and corrupt. Is he speaking out on unborn babies and newborn babies being killed to sell their body parts?? Is he speaking out on baby and children being “sold” in sex trafficking that our President is putting a stop to? THIS is the evil that President Trump is attempting to end, amongst other things, and yet this Chaplain is condemning those attempting to defend the President from blatant lies and charges? He WANTS President Trump to be impeached????? There’s something SERIOUSLY AND URGENTLY wrong with this picture. may God have mercy on this “Chaplain”. God help us!
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20
Brenda B, everything you say is correct. He is probably another deep state plant to try to deceive the people listening to the Senate chamber procedures. It explains why so much of Congress is in the shape it is in today. A true man of God would not do that. He would have chastised the House Managers for their lies and deceptive practices.
What really ticked me off was Chief Justice Roberts refusing to read Congressman Rand Paul’s question. I thought this would be a fairer process, at least in the Senate. This action on Roberts part showed me that he is corrupt, also.
I also agree with Darla Pratt. God is using all this to expose the congress members who need to be voted out of office in 2020 and replaced with righteous men and women who will do God’s will like our president is doing. I have thought this all along.
Many were in awe when Trump was elected. Some in shock and dismay, others in joy and gratefulness. Unfortunately, from the beginning, some have fought vehemently to reverse this outcome.
When I saw this erupting, the verse that came me right away was: Revelation 3:7
“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the One who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens, no one will shut; and what He shuts, no one will open.”
Also, see Isaiah 22:22. Please be comforted by this assurance.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Justice is Not Blind
Let none say, “‘Justice is blind,’ for I see!” says the Lord of Hosts.
I understand the battle and the plans I have for you,
are for your good and for your healing and transformation.
I see and will call to account all those
who corrupt the Halls of Justice…
All those who speak lies in the Courts of the Land…
All those who obstruct the Truth and say to themselves, “No one sees.”
I see! Says the LORD and the day of their accounting draws near.
They will tremble and fall. They will flee, but I will pursue.
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.
I alone am God. There is no other.
Fall. Fall upon your knees, all who say to themselves,
“The Lord does not see.”
Listen, You will hear from me!
You will see that my eye is keen and sharp and NOTHING escapes my notice and
my call to repentance is Mighty and STRONG.
Do not resist. Humble yourselves, that you may be saved.
Turn, turn from your lies and speak My Truth.
No deceit is in My heart. No dissension is in My people.
Hear the words of Your God and bow before Your King.
I build and none can tear down. None can break or shatter what I uphold!
You who practice evil in the streets…REPENT!
Fall to your knees before Your God and King,
Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.
He reigns. Our God reigns, in Heaven and on the earth and under the earth.
He reigns. The Holy One of Israel walks among His people and He reigns!
Glory in the highest! He Reigns!
Shabbat Shalom
Amen Laurie!!! Praise God!!!! Yes, our God SEES!!!!! \o/
Thank you for posting this!!!
You are welcome. I heard these words from the Lord after the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. I think they speak to a move of God in this country to reestablish justice. Very encouraging!
Yes!!!! Amen!!!! Praise God that He is mooooving to re-establish justice!!! Thank you again for posting it. It’s sooooo timely, isn’t it? It’s like seeing His Light starting to shine through those dark dark clouds that seemed to be swallowing us up. God bless you Laurie. \o/
You are welcome! Keep your eyes on HIM. 🙂 He is so good to give the LIGHT! He has given me such hope in His words. If you look at the blog address, you will see some more words from Him…He means to encourage us and knows our struggles and our pain.
At the beginning of the year the I heard “the blinders are coming off, they will see things as they really are, as I see so shall you”. I have been praying for deception to broken off not only the church but he nation. It is time! The enemy shall begin to devour one another. God tells His Bride, be strong and courageous for the Lord your God is with you! Lord, have your way in the hearts of men and women. Revive us again! Amen!
Yes and Amen, Karen! We are in a new era and it is the time for God’s glory to shine forth. The Holy Spirit has put these thoughts on my heart also. Praise God for confirmation.!🙌
AMEN, Karen!!!!
While I am glad the impeachment is drawing to a close, and that it was mostly fabricated to misinterpret Trump’s intention, I am also aware that no one is “good” other than God and people have multiple motives for actions taken-some acceptable and some not. On the one hand, I sort of wanted to hear Bolton and other witnesses in order to take away the Democratic insistent cry of an unfair Senate trial, while on the other hand, I appreciate the view that doing so tends to legitimate the unfair House trial which did not allow Republicans the opportunity to cross-examine the seventeen witnesses. Our God can do the impossible and somehow bring justice and good out of this impeachment. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 11:19), “No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval.” May all of us, especially the Senators, receive spiritual discernment from God! That is my prayer.
I’m THANKFUL that they voted “no” to the witnesses. Enough is enough. No more games, and twists n’ turns and every obstacle raised to prevent putting an end this farce that should’ve never been started in the first place. Bolton has a book to sell. His being called as “witness” would’ve been used to push his agenda to sell his book, and to play into the complete farce this tsunami of deceit has been and is. Bolton has done “sold his soul”. Pray for him, and the others involved in this farce that distracts from their own evil and corruption. Adam Schiff, one of the main culprits should’ve BEEN in jail. Research the “Standard Hotel” and his involvement in the history of perversions and downright twisted evil of that place. It is best to not “feed” evil, but to expose it and END it. God help us all to pray for and receive wisdom, discernment, and clarity, amen?
It is all in the hands of the Lord. I pray that our leaders may all come to know the Lord biblically and personally, and apply it to their lives and votes. We need true repentance, evangelism, and revival in the nation and around the world. God is mightily at work through his people, not simply in our nation, but also in many other nations!
In the meantime we pray that righteousness reigns and that evil is halted, as we expose that evil hiding in the darkness, so that justice is done. We PRAY. We don’t just stand by and “allow” the evil and the darkness to reign and to snuff our every bit of God’s Light and Truth while unborn and newborn babies are slaughtered with a vengeance as their body parts are sold to the highest bidder, as that is clearly Satanic. There is innocent blood being shed as we speak, which is an abhorrence to God. It’s a holocaust of babies blood being shed. We PRAY for God to halt this heinous evil.
Well spoken with action!
As intercessors, we know heaven is NOT moved in its resolve to bring heaven into earth. The intercession in which we are engaged is the vehicle of connection. I consistently see we are advocates of HIS government in earth and obviously darkness wants to abort that agenda. Therefore, we do not look at the visible chaos and maneuverings of man’s fallen nature, but rather toward Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He is the King of the Kingdom for which we fight so we mirror HIS model and speak the policies of HIS Kingdom into the atmosphere. Thrones of authority are being set in place so we stand in confidence with the WORD and level it against darkness that speaks untruths calling evil good and good evil.
“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” I John 5:14, 15
“When the wicked spring up like grass, And when all the workers of iniquity flourish, It is that they may be destroyed forever.” Psalm 92:7
I keep hearing to NOT get involved in the chaos. We do not look to men for solutions but for the God in them that we can promote. Where is the LIGHT? When we see it, we proclaim, “Let there be!” and agree with heaven in its expansion into the situation. This is my resolve.
Father THANK You for showing us Your hand at work. Continue mooooooving as only You can so that justice and righteousness flows like a river, superseding ALL with evil intent. It has been said that our country is as a “Light upon a hill”. Father may it be so. May it shine brightly, as a “beacon” before the entire world, which grows darker. May our country counter-act that. May all that the enemy intends be shut down and obliterated. And those caught up in the evil, with seemingly no escape, be given a way out. Intervene and save them as only You can do. In this coming week may Your presence be with our President during the State of the Union address. Thank You for bringing our President, his family, and all who are genuinely supporting him and fighting the good fight, through the tsunamis that slammed, one after the other. We celebrate You. You are a GOOD God. We worship and praise You Father and we LOVE and adore You. Thank You for bringing us all through this quagmire, in the name of Jesus, amen.
This song soooo fits, right now. Praise God!!! \o/
Amen to that prayer!!!
Thank you for the link to the song. I have forwarded it on to many others…it is my celebration this day!! God’s blessing and peace upon all who proclaim his majesty!
Yes!!!!! It IS a CELEBRATION, isn’t it? Praise God!!!!! \o/
We sang this song for the 1st time in our church last Sunday- awesome words of praise to an awesome God!
Amen!!! Praise God!!! \o/
Amen! Amen! Father God i thank You that You are a way maker. Thank you for the intercessor that is praying in one accord.Help us to listen and watch You move. We will see supernatural things happen,it’s in the air,it’s all around us He’s working it out His way. Everything that’s not of Him will fall.Watch and pray and we will see.Thank You Almighty God that it’s done in Jesus name Amen.
Amen and amen Delories!!!! Praise God!!!! \o/
I pray in agreement with my brothers and sisters in Christ as we praise God for His will being done concerning this proposed
impeachment of President Donald John Trump.
I have been convicted this past week to not “pray against” those who distort & lie regarding truth and Godliness, but to “pray for” them. The Holy Spirit convicted me as I was starting to pray evil intent upon the democrats leading the impeachment (& throwing Soros in for good measure!). Suddenly Matt 5:44 came to me,to instead “love your enemies; pray for those who persecute you”. So I changed the direction of my prayer and it literally freed me from the hatred that was creeping into me! I began to pray for Truth, God’s Truth, integrity, enlightenment & love to flood those I deemed “enemies”. The Lord is the Great Defender of His people!
So true, Ramona; it’s easy to fall into that reaction when so much evil is so rampant. Righteous anger can lead us to unrighteous judgment. It’s been helpful to me to pray against the sin rather than the sinner … asking God that lies be exposed and truth be revealed. That alone could unravel and prevent all manner of evil.
The Bible doesn’t describe the devil more clearly than repeatedly calling him a liar and a deceiver. Yes, we should certainly pray for those who believe him!
Jesus is always to be our example. If thoughts don’t line-up with God’s Word and His Nature, then the thought isn’t from Him. Pray as He would pray.
“For our struggle isn’t against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
These are the realms that Jesus gave us power and authority over. He died for the sins of all mankind and His heart desire is that all would be saved. Pray as He prays. Praise Him forevermore!
Proverbs 6:16-19 New International Version (NIV) There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him; haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
The Word of The LORD.
Vengeance is mine saith The LORD, I will repay.
Amen what the Lord showed me too.
The prayers of our church have been that God would “expose wickedness in high places”, that He would “have mercy on America by returning our Government to it’s original intent when He established the Nation” and that “Believers would get off the pew onto their Knees and become the Church” as God originally intended.
And after they get off their knees, decree Gods Word and register and vote!
That’s what our godly government system requires.
Amen We cannot represent Christ by being irresponsible or lazy. Or presumptuous.
I give God thanks for everyone here. Our hearts are united. As my spirit has born witness and cried amen to the prayers here, the Holy Spirit has given me fresh hope. My May the LORD hear us. May the LORD count our prayers as as pleasing aroma. May the LORD answer us in His great mercy and in His unsurpassing power so as to glorify Himself once again in this nation which He founded and raised up to be His servant. Amen.
Biblical faith is active and costly! We only need look to the cross of Christ who exemplified the cost of following hard after HIM.
We continue to pray Your promises ABBA over your choice of President- have mercy on those who insist on speaking evil of dignitaries- expose, extract, and eliminate the deception in our Government for the Namesake of Your Beloved Son, Jesus of Nazareth, Who came in the flesh!
Although I have not been praying like I should have been doing for the acquittal of President Trump, I have been following the news about his impeachment trial and I truly believed all along that the Democrats had nothing against him and that God wants him in the place where he is!! God bless President Trump and all the good things that he has done for this country!!
Exactly! Amen!
I saw two visions I would like to share here in response to the question how have we heard the Lord speaking as we have prayed for President Trump, both of which came to me in April 2018. In the 1st vision, I saw ships, I believe three if them, sailing inside of a bottle shaped like a horizontal hourglass. They were on the left side of the hour glass headed towards the spot where the bottles meet, where a cork was placed not allowing the water to flow into the right side. As the ships were sailing they were creating much disturbance in the water, they were making great waves which were hitting the sides of the bottle, and as there was a cork in the bottle’s neck the waves were becoming great and we’re about to come back on top of the ships to sink them. I also saw clouds in the right side of the bottle. They were not only on the bottle but surrounding it. They were moving from the right to the left. They were not containted by the bottle, but outside of it. I believe they represent God. He is outside of time and the people in the shops were fighting against Him. In the 2nd vision I saw a group of people, about 5 or so of them crowded into a witness stand. Angry people, raising their fists, shouting, some with papers in their hands, raising their hands to there mouths like a megaphone to make their voices louder. They were saying all kinds of lies and accusations about President Trump. They were standing on a witness stand similar to the one in the movie Le Mis, an old fashioned English witness stand that is a raised, wooden platform, kind of like a crib, surrounded by vertical wooden banister rails. As they were shouting out lies and accusations, I saw a giant hand come out of nowhere from the right side of the vision and hit the legs of the witness stand, and in One powerful blow the witness stand and all those standing on it fell down, creating a slide. They people were now screaming in terror as they fell, one clinging and trying to climb back up, but most utterly toppled. The witness stand against President Trump was knocked down in One blow!
Thank you for sharing this.
Many words came forth from Cindy Jacobs..James Goll..Lamplighter Ministries saying basically the same thing and it is happening!
Thank God for the prophetic!
Bless you..
Really, can you share a link to that information please?
https://Jon and has-fallen-impeachment-turnaround-Brexit-life/
Ruthie, It comes to me that the witness stand represents the type used during our Forefathers time frame. The House Managers were trying to sound so wise in bringing up our Constitution. Making it sound like what they were being such great defenders of the Constitution. Nothing could be further from the truth. If they really believed those words in that great document they wouldn’t be opposed to President Trump at all.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm trying to destroy President Trump.
Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.
Jesus is coming to the Church in America, this scripture reminds me where we are at in the process at present.
“As Jesus was approaching Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the road begging. Now hearing a crowd going by, he began to inquire what this was. They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. And he called out, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Those who led the way were sternly telling him to be quiet; but he kept crying out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” And Jesus stopped and commanded that he be brought to Him; and when he came near, He questioned him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” And he said, “Lord, I want to regain my sight!” And Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him, glorifying God; and when all the people saw it, they gave praise to God”. Luke 18:35-43
Yes. People are waking up..
Intercessors keep on praying..we are winning!
Satan tries to dupe us into believing we are not but we don’t believe his lies!
Almighty God is STILL IN CONTROL …
Keep holding His GIANT HAND!
Yes. People are waking up..
Intercessors keep on praying..we are winning!
Satan tries to dupe us into believing we are not but we don’t believe his lies!
Almighty God is STILL IN CONTROL …
Keep holding His GIANT HAND!
Lord Jesus help us to humble ourselves and pray to get back to you , our Lord and Savior. I pray that the truth will be exposed. Put a hedge around our president and protect him from evil. Protect his family and administration too. May God’s will be done. AMEN
…“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8….Amen
Thank you Lord !
….“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8….Amen
Thank you Lord !
Two scriptures have been ongoing in my prayers for all that has been going on in our nation . Luke 12:1-5..the darkness is being exposed to the light and everything whispered closed doors will be heard in the open…vs.5 the only one we are to fear is Almighty God. Romans 8:33.. I have read the amplified bible for years and never saw this until recently..One who God has anointed can man impeach…There was the word impeach….I have shared this scripture and held on to it by faith…I believe he has raised this man up for such a time as this and no act of man interfere with the will of Almighty God. Now help us to pray this through that we may see justice and righteous restored in our land .Amos says that justice may flow like a river. We have seen Daniel’s prayer answered in our time…not for our deserving but calling on your grace and mercy.Ephesians 6..when you have done all stand fast …Grace ,His unmerited favor,has been extended to us.To You be given all the glory.
I’ve been praying Justice will flow like a river as well!
When He starts that river no force can stop it. I have always loved the hymn song in Abe Lincolns time…Gory ,glory hallelujah His truth goes marching on….It is His truth that is that justice flowing like a river…
That song sang in my soul this week too!
Me too!
Dear Heavenly Father, I stand in agreement with Romans 8:33b(amp). Who shall come forward & accuse or impeach those who God has chosen? Will God. Who acquits us?
Thank you!
Thanks for pointing out Rom. 8:33
in Amplified. Wow!!
Says it all
God is with us and our president and is our mighty Warrior. Amen
Have been watching proceedings while prophetically calling forth “Truth!” “Righteousness!” to “Come forth!”
And praying as David did,..,”their intrigues would be their downfall”.
That confusion is found in the camp of anyone or group not with the best interest of our country at heart.
Proverbs 21:3 To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice”. Thank you JAH – Almighty God. Ps 67:4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for you shall judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth. Selah. God loves U.S.A. Men of God, stand and take your place in the Kingdom. I place the cross of Yeshua over U.S.A. Amos 5:24 “But let judgment run down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream.”
My weekly prayer partner and I have also been praying that “judgement run down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.” This last week’s trial reminded me of Nehemiah 6 in which Sanballat and Tobiah make many attempts sending messengers and finally a letter to strike fear in Nehemiah and cause him to come take counsel with them. Nehemiah knew their agenda was to strike fear in both him and in all the people so the work of completing the walls and gates be stopped. Nehemiah sent them word that their reports were feigned from their own hearts and he refused to come meet with them in the temple, where he probably would have lost his life. The house representatives are acting similarly to Sanballat and Tobiah as they continually speak evil of dignities and despise dominion (from Jude 8), seeking to bring all the American people to their side as they craftily and proudly spout and respout their spinned accounts against the president over the air waves. Yet, President Trump has daily continued the good work for the citizens, even as Nehemiah and the Israelites continued the work on the wall to protect Jerusalem. I am especially thankful for his recent part in the March for Life and his pronouncement to bring back prayer and the Bible into schools.
Heavenly Father, would you open the eyes, ears and hearts of the American people to discern good versus evil and to choose the good. Would you bring division in the ranks of the evildoers and confusion of speech. Please bring a stop to the constant attacks on our president. Enable our lawmakers to return to the important work they were elected to perform. Be a continuous shield about President Trump, his family and over all those elected officials seeking what is right. Please quicken the process to bring indictment against the evildoers that the people of this land see and discern good from evil as well as learn the fear of God. Above all, please send revival to our land that multitudes may repent and come to salvation in our Savior, Jesus Christ! We praise Thee that all things are possible with God!
In Jesus’ name, Amen
Praise God for answering our prayers.
We have been praying for our President since he was elected. We have prayed for God to protect him and his family. I have prayed that God would give him wisdom in how to deal with his (our) enemies. I was born in India, couple of families come together and pray for this nation every second Friday from 9.00 pm to 3. 00 am ( all night prayer). Praise God for giving me to pray for our country and president Trump.
Thank you for such strong commitment and devotion to prayer for our President. May God bless you and may your prayers avail much good for the Kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven.
Thank you for your commitment to this nation. For your willingness to intercede .for the hours that you and your friends gave.These are those prayers that truly touch the heart of our Father. So thankful you are a citizen and love this nation . May you know the joy all of you bring to your Fathers heart. What a joy to read this testimony.
Thank you Lord for the vote and am trusting you to bring this travesty to an end. Thank for these precious ones who have been so faithful to pray for President Trump. May you bring his enemies and ours to their knees, in Jesus name…
Amen. Bless you for your commitment.
Thank you my dear brother in Christ and all that meet with you. Thanking you for your loving intercession for this country. Know that you appreciate the expediency of the hour. Bless all of you for your love of this your adopted country. All of you be blessed.
In the Name of Jesus, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Savior, Heavenly Father thank you for prayers of
Intercessors for our nation and the world. I say “Amen” to all foregoing prayers. Thank you for this website which encourages prayer, and for those who work so hard to keep it up and going. So much hard work is done by staff to research, study, dig for truth to present in the articles published on the website regarding important happenings in our country and the world. One of the “Founding Fathers” of America stated that a well informed citizentry is essential to protect freedom. To me, the vote yesterday, not to call witnesses, was an answer from our Triune God to the prayers of so many who wanted to be informed, were informed, and prayed for an end to “sham” (the Impeachment Trial) representing a “power struggle” to uproot the attempt and success that has been accomplished to “drain the Swamp” of some of the imbedded corruption in our government.
I say, “Thank You” to all you prayers out there as you encourage me to pray along with your effectiveness in fighting evil in the Name of Jesus. I agree that President Trump was God’s answer to a reprieve for our country. God is strengthening, protecting, renewing him, and I am so thankful for his stand for the “unborn”, and prayer in school, and protecting life, liberty, and freedom for America, and the world. Thousand Thanks, Heavenly Father, Triune God. Amen
11 Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
I have been led to pray for two things, Barr and Durham’s safety and safety of their family’s, because they are in charge of investigations that will uncover the depth of crimes against Pres. Trump and treason against this nation, as well as human trafficking. And, unless sentencing comes quickly these crimes will continue. The powers that be have already said that if this impeachment fails they will bring another impeachment. So we must pray that sentencing begins! Lord God, you are in charge of our nation. I ask that your angel armies protect Barr, Durham, and their families, and all those that are honestly investigating evil in our nation. Pls give them devine speed in bringing to light all that has been done to destroy Pres Trump, all that has been treasonous to our freedom graciously given by you! Pls, bring to our courts speedy sentencing that our people’s hearts would be humbled and turned back to you oh God. Forgive us for stubbornness and stiff necks against you, forgive our hearses of heart and heal our land!
I have been praying for our President since he was elected. I have prayed for God to protect him and his family. I have prayed that God would give him wisdom in how to deal with his (our) enemies. I have prayed that he would come to New Mexico and invigorate our state with a sense of patriotism, love for the unborn, respect and responsibility of our 2nd amendment rights and by his presence cause this state to wake up and replace our representation with fiscally accountable people. I have written to our President to encourage him from the onslaught of the slings and arrows the enemy sends his way.
God has and continues to answer my prayers concerning my state and my country. Going forward I pray that as our President enters his second term he will be filled with and exhibit the Holy Spirit in truth and deeds. May he grow up into the man God wants him to be, right before our eyes, choosing the one true God of creation to guide him and our country into the biggest revival the world has ever seen. Prepare hearts to receive the love of God and turn back from the foreign places they are roaming in. Prepare the prodigal’s brothers and sisters to receive our lost families with love, forgiveness and blessings. amen
Trump is not guilty of anything except being human. I believe Trump is an instrument of GOD. Trump has shown us a three ring circus and we are the fools! We need to take back our country and we need to run it ourselves! But to do this, the men must do what we should be doing, maintain his family! I mamrried my wife to bare my children and raise them as we see fit! Men allowing his wife to prostitute herself to SATAN and leaving a child without parents is insane.
Also, we need to remember something GOD gave us free will. So wether you choose GOD or SATAN he still loves us. So, we need to learn to love one another, except the GOOD and the BAD and live together as one people. GOD will take care of the rest as he always done.
Do as I do, I treat everybody as I would have them treat me. Simple but difficult to do.
Yes, women are intended by God to behomemakers first and foremost. I was a victim of the false narrative that a woman could do both career and raise a family. It caused a lot of stress. Yet it seemed the financial reality of yhat era demanded it. Yet there is the role model of the proverbs 31 lady who is astute and economically active.
When George Washington headed for his innaugration, he went first to his mom’s place to have her pray for him. All mothers should let their children, even adult children, know they are prayed for.
Father we know as your children that you are in control. You have already spoken to us and assured us that you are purging our nation. You will work according to your will and not ours. We have to be faithful and talk (pray) with you daily and reveal our hearts that we want to grow in our relationship with you, our families, our neighbors and to restore our nation back to the place of in “GOD WE TRUST” and not in man. We are to listen to you through your Word and be the spokesman of your Word the way you have ordained. Our love for you has to be genuine and our hope in clearing the evil out of our nation is only my our trust in you. My prayer is that the believers of you will draw closer to you and one another. We are all brothers and sisters of the same Father. Our Father wishes the best for His children. We are comforted in and by His love; He will not let us down!!!
When this impeachment seemed inevitable fear gripped my heart for a moment. As I turned to God’s Word this chapter stood out to me and peace overwhelmed me.
“Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!” He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His fury, saying, “But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain.” “I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.’ ” Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; Take warning, O judges of the earth. Worship the LORD with reverence And rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!”
Psalms 2:1-12 NASB
God reminded me of Who He is. I go back to it often and have shared it with many. The thing I have to work on is even though God is our Victor, through His Son Jesus Christ, is keeping humble. As God allows me to get information on the people involved, I try to keep the opposing side in my prayers. This week praying for Jerry Nadler’s wife who is struggling through cancer.
It’s comforting to know that we are not alone. So many others are joined in prayer for our nation. I must also say, that Chaplain Barry Black’s prayers have been powerful and I have thanked God for such a man.
Praying that our House of Representatives and Senate can get back to the real business of the nation and that our President continues to work for the people. I am also thank for IFA and all that join together to pray for these needs plaguing our nation. God is truly Good.
Amen! The accusers are fighting against God by attempting to remove His anointed.
Father God,, thank you for being in control! This has been such a tumultuous time, and it has ripped our nation even further apart than it has been before. I pray that an acquittal occurs very shortly, and that Congress, and ALL Americans, accept it and move on. I pray tha Congress gets back to important issues, and that you, Holy Spirit, guide decisions. I pray that this process will open hearts to You, Lord Jesus, and that delusions and power-grabbing practices and immoral law-making such as allowing abortion will end! Please Lord, forgive us as a nation, and renew our hearts and turn us all back to You as the only true source of power and light! Be with President Trump and all of Congress, and make the path forward be straight on your path of righteousness. Amen!
Thank You our Heavenly Father for hearing our prayers for Justice and truth to prevail in Washington DC.
After the final vote was taken, I sensed an awe, a quiet moment of thankfulness, I cried. Our God heard our pleas, that the Rule of Law was followed and Justice prevailed.
As all the Intercessors have already aptly stated and prayed, I agree IN JESUS NAME.
As we go forth let us continue to “raise our hands” in prayer as Moses did in Exodus 13-15, that the enemy be swallowed.
For our President, yes Lord, give him a new humbled heart.
In Jesus Name. Amen
Father God in Heaven, I thank you for all the prayers being prayed and I join with them interceding and giving of thanks to you.
Ps. 1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.
Ps. 5:12 For you bless the godly, O Lord; you surround them with your shield of love.
The Bible says the Government is upon Jesus shoulders. Jesus is in control. I thank Jesus for President Trump who is a Christian. May the Lord Jesus continue to bless him and give his lawyers wisdom. It says to forgive those who come against you. We forgive all who came against the President. We thank you Jesus you took all sin on the cross and your blood sets us free this includes all Republicans and Democrats. Lord Jesus thank you for answered prayer concerning President Trump. We all make mistakes thank you that you wipe the slate clean. This includes all who have been involved in this impeachment process. Please send your peace to Congress and send your angels to destroy the enemy who has caused this hatred in our nation, Forgive all who are involved. I decree that Jesus Christ is in charge of this nation and everyone in it from President Trump to all in Congress and the Senate. We thank you Father for showing all of America and the World your Truth. Bless America and all the world and release a revival in America and the World that those who do not know you will find your son Jesus as Lord. In Jesus name Amen
Amen and Amen. When the enemy comes in, like a flood GOD has lifted up a standard against him. AMEN Jesus you said the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give you abundabt life.
I declare and decree the Shalom of God over this great nation! I thank you oh King of Kings for your continued divine protection in the midst of this process. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I thank you for your revival which is coming on this nation and the world. Blessed be the name of the Lord!! Bless you Lord. Thank you for healing in the land both in Israel and America. You oh Lord are great and greatly to be praised! You said I will give you the nations for your inheritance. Truly the time is now. Even so Lord Hesus, come, amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray in thanksgiving for America, for our freedoms. We call upon You to help safeguard our country and to help protect us from those who seek to undermine and conflict. We pray for a hedge of protection around our president and vice-president and those who seek to help us as a country and as a people. We pray that schemes of those who seek to undermine our nation and constitution with partisan agendas will be foiled. We look to the State of the Union and help us to see we are joined with You and Your intents for us in saving unborn, helping people work for their families, and for freedom of religion, and all. We love You and seek to do Your Will. Please forgive us, our nation for the times we turn our back on You and help us to stay the course that our country will be a beacon of light reflecting Your Love. We pray in Jesus’ most precious Name. Amen.
I loved your prayer, thank you.
Father GOD I thank you that my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus are banding together more in love and prayers in calling upon you HOLY FATHER..if my people which are called by my name and humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from there wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Thank you people of GOD for standing in the gap for people who needs to know JESUS…I pray also that they will heed the pricking of The HOLY GHOST and humble themselves and ask for forgiveness.. I pray for all INTERCESSORS across the earth strength to the body and mind, spirit and I thank you HOLY FATHER for giving us the passion and the stamina upon the walls to keep crying out unto you our HOLY FATHER GOD. I plead the blood of JESUS against all evil attacks from demonic forces that wants to hinder our prayers…for we the Saints of GOD has arisen to the occasions to take every issue and situations to the courts of Heaven…thank you FATHER for we sit in Heavenly places and these cases are presented unto you..for every battle belongs unto you LORD..and we give them to you…thank you for responding FATHER GOD..thank you for the victories in Christ Jesus..Love you HOLY FATHER in JESUS name Amen and Amen
Father God in the name of Jesus I come to You and I thank You FatherGod that You continue to protect President Trump and his family. Thank You that Your Word says that anything done in darkness will be brought into the light and anything hidden will be revealed. I thank you Father God that You have turned this hearing around and You expose the lies of the deepstate that want to destroy America. I understand that they are puppets for the devil however I thank You that You uproot the ones that oppose Your purpose and plan and You have appointed good God-fearing people ready to step in their place to turn things around; God-pleasing people that know Your voice and will not follow the voice of a stranger. Thank you Father God that You raise and wake up The Body of Christ that we pull down more strongholds through prayer and intercession. And The Holy Spirit opening the understanding of the deceived, both saved and unsaved, because noone knows they have been deceived until they’ve known they’ve been deceived. Thank you for getting America back on track Lord. America will recover. In Jesus name Amen
(King) David would not touch King Saul, God’s anointed. Let Your fear fall upon ALL who would oppose President Trump whom many of us believe is Your appointed and anointed one for this hour. Amen
My prayer is that our President will ignore the lies put out by the enemy, will not read or listen to his spouting forth. That the joy of the Lord rises up in him, and his confidence in who he is in Him energies his very being. That he laughs, and laughs until his strength is totally renewed. I pray the anointing shines forth as he brings the SOTU address to the nation on Tuesday, and he has already cast the care of this impeachment mess over on the Lord.
Let your words Oh Lord Jesus fall from President Trumps lips at the SOTU! May they begin the flow of the river of Justice, like a double edged sword, let the word of the Lord be upon his lips!! In holiness and righteousness anger, let his enemies shake at the sound of your voice! Bring them to Repentance, shatter the scales upon their eyes to see the truth and repent.
God has called us together “for such a time as this, and He is waiting for us to move in His direction to pray for President Trump & his family for profound peace, strength, wisdom, guidance, mercy, love, protection, spiritual growth, and total dependence on God. In the blessed name of Jesus I pray. Amen
It gives my great joy to see faithful prayer warriors! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ who is on the throne. We give you glory and honor and praise! You do all things well! We trust in the name of the Lord Our GOD!
Unfortunately many of these prayer do not end with the most important part for a hearing. That is our prayers should always be made in and ended with “In the Name of Jesus Christ (John 16:23-24)” Amen. Or some form of this ending. We come to the Lord in Jesus name, not our own. I know probably most of these prayers assume such an ending but Jesus said to come in His Name to the Heavenly Father.
Yes… In Jesus Name !!!!!!
In 1976 I saw President Trump on an evening news program. The Lord said, “Pray for this man. I will use him.” So Father we again thank You for Your placing this man in the office of President and for using him to free this nation. Lord we declare no weapon formed against him will prosper. Let Your love surround him this day. Give him wisdom that will confound the enemy. We praise You for the victory over this nation and again thank You for our President.
Wow is a word I find myself saying a lot lately. Thank you for hearing His voice and beginning to intercede way back then. How we all need to be more sensitive to what He would have us see and be faithful to do something with it. The joy you musy have felt yesterday at the outcome of this hearing. May you continue to know the length ,the depth,the height and breadth of His love for you. Eph.3:18
I decree and declare, according to Psalm 125:3, “The scepter of the wicked will rest on the righteous.” Let God arise and his enemies be scattered!
I pray for our President and those who are in authority in our government to receive counsel from the Lord. I pray for the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord to grip the hearts and souls of the men and women in our government with wisdom and humility. May the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord lead our country to life, bringing us security and protection from all harm. I pray the years of the foolish who are deceived by the father of lies will be cut short in our government. I pray the Spirit of Truth comes and guides our country into all truth. May the Spirit of Truth come and speak through all media sources to testify about Jesus. May those who hear experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully, and be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!
May the Spirit of Truth come and speak through all media sources to testify about Jesus!!! Amen!
I lift up our country to you Lord. There is a spiritual battle taking place in our country called spiritual warfare. You have placed Trump in his position as president for your purposes and your glory. May your will be done. Revive our hearts to draw us close to you. Pour out your Spirit over our country that a revival will take place and hearts will come to the Lord and you Father will be glorified. Thank you Lord you are in control and you are working out your will in our government and in each of our lives.
Dearest Almighty Father God, you have graciously given to us a window of opportunity, through which your holy Word can be proclaimed throughout the land more boldly and freely than in years past. Give us your vision, that we might pray “big”, seeing the opportunities all around us, thanks to our president and those who work with him. As he seeks your wisdom, please give him the sweet fragrance of humility in your mighty presence.
To God alone be all the glory!
Praying God’s word over our government. Turn hearts to truth. Grant wisdom and justice. Expose and confound the wicked and root them out.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray in thanksgiving for America, for our freedoms. We call upon You to help safeguard our country and to help protect us from those who seek to undermine and conflict. We pray for a hedge of protection around our president and vice-president and those who seek to help us as a country and as a people. We pray that schemes of those who seek to undermine our nation and constitution with partisan agendas will be foiled. We look to the State of the Union and help us to see we are joined with You and Your intents for us in saving unborn, helping people work for their families, and for freedom of religion, and all. We love You and seek to do Your Will. Please forgive us, our nation for the times we turn our back on You and help us to stay the course that our country will be a beacon of light reflecting Your Love. We pray in Jesus’ most precious Name. Amen.
I Pray for my President Donald John Trump and his family daily for their safety and protection and them cover them in the blood of Jesus (Yeshua). From my Seat of Authority at the right hand of the Father in Christ in the heavenlies over all principalities and powers, spirit of darkness blinding the people minds. I bind the demons and rebuke them in the Jesus name and forbid these evil spirit from operating through people to cause hurt, harm or danger and loose illumination, elightenment and revelation I say ” Let there be Light”. A prayer covering including the recent trade deals with US and China and US, Mexico and Canada covering our ecomony and theirs since Coronavirus breakout and bind the spirit of fear. Father God give President Donald Trump wisdom and discernment, make him wiser than his enemies. The President Defense Team and Defense Team Advisors give them words and wisdom that none of president’s adversaries will be able to resist or contradict. Father thank you for the Acquittal of President Donald Trump and bless the works of his hands and all he touch prospers and succeed. President Donald John Trump will be reelected in 2020.
Amen to Debra Philip’s prayer. My prayers always for America and the leaders. Wisdom of God is the principal thing. The fear of God in their hearts is the the beginning of this wisdom, love and forgiveness for one another. The strongest hearts are not made of steel. They are made of tenderness and care. May God break the heart of stone in them and humble them to speak love and peace to the people they lead in Jesus Name. Amen. The bitterness resonates all over the world and this body must reach out to the President to ignore negative media and enemies and focus on the good of the Americans and the world. Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the sons and daughters of the Most High God who reigns in the affairs of men. Peace perfect peace.
The battle against this President is of epic proportion. This impeachment effort was just one of many fronts the enemy is engaged . Praise God for his faithfulness to guide us all and give us the tools necessary to to counter and thwart the plans of the devil. I expect the enemy will not give up or relent from its constant harassment against our President and will continue to pray concerning this impeachment process. The enemy can and will only use lies to further its agenda. I pray against the plans even now being concocted to try a last minute end around to at least generate chaos and bring division to our senate chambers. Lord, I ask for confusion and chaos to descend on the enemies camp and may all efforts render nothing but condemnation back on their heads. We pray protection for our President, his family, and all those around him that support him. I also pray for every senator that had the guts to stand up for righteousness and vote to end this sham trial. Give them strength and resolve and understanding of the true enemy. Give them wisdom and power as they seek out the truth.
I also pray for the lost souls on the other side of the aisle that have been so deceived by the enemy. Lord, open their eyes and give them every opportunity to choose life over death. Bring a repentant heart to everyone of them. Show them Your love and the wonderful gift of forgiveness You have for them. I pray You soften their hearts and allow them to see what a complete mess they have made of their lives and the destruction they have caused. May they see and understand they have a choice to rid themselves of the guilt, and anger and can find true peace by recognizing and personally accepting Your love.
I finally ask that You would strengthen all of us who faithfully pray for Your will to be done. Give us endurance for all that are suffering and continue to press on. Lord fill our hearts with love for our enemies and open our eyes to see them as You see them. Use our sufferings to mold us and transform us into Your image. We lift You up and worship You and exalt You above all things.
I am praying for President Trumps complete exoneration and that he be freed from this constant negative pressure. I pray that the REAL crimes and schemes be exposed for all of America to see. Only ALL the truth will bring America to a place of peace. I thank the Lord for POTUS Trump. I am so grateful for his willingness to go through this storm for our country because with out this turmoil the corruption in our political system would not have been exposed. Lord, honor President Trump in proportion to what he has been persecuted and maligned.
Yes, April, I agree with your request before the Lord that honor be bestowed to President Trump. Let honor be given to whom honor is due. We honor You, Lord, above all else, and we acknowledge that You are truly King of kings! We recognize that You exalt those who have suffered persecution for the sake of righteousness. May our POTUS be shown Your favor in the presence of his enemies. May his heart be strengthened while remaining humble and thankful before You. May every evil thing that has come against him for the sake of our beloved nation be used to press him closer to Your heart and give him delight in pleasing You. May he truly “count it all joy,”. We offer this request in the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
Thank you! You say it so well!
Amen! In Jesus Name, let it be.
We must pray for the souls of those who wany to destroy our President a d our nation i pray our Heavenly Fathers will be done. The Holy Spirit told me He annointed President Trump so the enemies are treading on thin ice.
Praying Father for your will to be executed in D.C. & through the U.S., for the POTUS’ body, soul & Spirit to be rested, protected, as well as his family’s and administration. Thanking You are the refiners fire and ministering to Our President in a deep way that will affect hope, restoration & peace for our nation & world. MJSinkovitz
Lord God, I trust that Your will be done. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Praying Psalm 91 over the President, Vice President and their families.
Praying against the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21).
Then I pray for the fruit of the Spirit to be their guide
Last I decree Deut. 26:1-14 over America.
*(This varies but these are the key scriptures I pray.)
I’m very grateful that we’ve been given this opportunity to get back to real issues facing our nation. This impeachment circus has been a big distraction. Our President has suffered greatly. Let’s us pray for his healing, that God would restore his strength (spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical), fill his heart with love, forgiveness, and give him a deep peace. I pray for God to transform our President’s character into one that reflects the mercy of God toward his enemies. For God does not want us gloat when our enemies fall but to pray for their souls.
I agree with all these prayers and call a halt to the divisive spirit that has sown such discord in our midst. I’m praying it will backfire and destroy the spiritual attack on us leaving us in one accord for the purposes You have set in place for us Father. I ask in Jesus name. That name!!!
Father God please let truth prevail. But also help all of your children know the truth. The press and the Democratic party lies to them. It just breaks my heart to see so many good people be deceived. Your word says all liars will be consigned to the lake of fire. Lord these are our friends and family, our loved ones. Father God please help them to see truth and give you priority. Make them yours really yours and let them know the truth. Jesus said,”With God all things are possible”. Thank you Lord.
Yes Lord, open all the blind eyes in our Nation who are speaking lies about our President. And, Lord, open the blind eyes of those who are sowing discord and disunity into our nation. Open blind eyes of media personalities, big tech moguls, and college professors all across America so they will no longer speak lies about Trump. Lord, put an end to all these lies that have been spoken about Trump. Father, bless him and his family. And make him healthier and more blessed than ever before.