I Prayed have prayed
Lord, give us wisdom in both chambers of Congress. Help our officials to be financially responsible as they seek to avoid a shutdown.
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As government shutdown looms, Speaker Johnson is refusing omnibus bills. Will that put him at an impasse with the Senate?

From Fox News. Speaker Mike Johnson is warning that the House and Senate could be at an “impasse” on government funding if the Democrat-controlled chamber tries to force the House GOP to bringing dense multi-subject spending bills to the House floor.

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“We’ve sent appropriations bills over to the Senate and they have done nothing with them. Ultimately, we are going to be in a conference committee working out final agreements and all these things, but we are hopeful that the Senate will do their job,” Johnson told Fox News Digital in an interview. …

None have come for a vote in the Senate, where Democrats have lambasted Republicans for writing spending bills at a lower level than what was agreed to under the bipartisan debt limit deal. However, Senate appropriators announced a bipartisan deal last week to combine three spending bills into a “minibus.”

Johnson told Fox News Digital the House and Senate were “going to be at an impasse” if Schumer sent a minibus or an omnibus to the House rather than taking up the 12 individual spending bills.

“We are committed to returning to regular order, and that means…12 separate appropriations bills. And I think that people are with us on that,” Johnson said. …

“The problem with omnibus and minibus spending bills is that it’s irresponsible… Too much money is spent, there’s often not enough accountability for it. And the American people are not able to adequately follow how their [money] is being spent. And we have to change that,” Johnson said. …

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(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Douglas Rissing/Getty Images Signature)

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November 6, 2023

Lord, help Speaker Johnson to stand strong on dividing up the spending bills separately and for a majority in the House and Senate to support him on that. Cause Chuck Schumer to do his job and bring these bills up for a vote and not be able to stall to cause a government shut down. We also ask that you would bring to fruition speaker Johnson’s idea of having a “ladder” of stages when different government budgets come due rather than everything at once. Let not forces of evil have large omnibus or even minibus bills to hide their evil agenda in.

Grant Windholz
November 4, 2023

Lord God Almighty, for years this country has been in spiritual warfare and its only intensifying! This country is falling apart 😢! We desperately need to turn back to you. Your our moral compassion. This country is certainly lost without you!

Darlene Estlow
November 2, 2023

Father, may our Speaker stand his ground on the bills. Give him courage to not cave.

Ms Mary
November 2, 2023

Lord, I ask that You would shake up the Senate. Schumer needs to go. Any Senator blocking this needs to go. By Your mighty power, bring order out of this chaos. Thank You, for You are turning things around.

November 2, 2023

When will Christians VOTE?
Millions to Not do their DUTY!
Wake up to the EVIL Doers…
DNC is destroying America!
LIARS,seen on all ACT”wording”
We need term limits NOW!
Do Not Side with HAMAS or remain silent and be MARKED (Ezekiel 8)

Tonda Childers
November 2, 2023

Yes! and Amen!
Thank you,Jesus for the discipline towards spending!

Nikki R Bird
November 2, 2023

I thank you God that your will be done through Speaker Johnson. You placed him in this position to do your will for America. I stand with him in prayer to stop the broad all inclusive spending. I pray Speaker Johnson have support in the House. I claim America for your kingdom, that we turn from the wickedness and the church will rise up and stand against the woke and reject anything that is not your word, the only truth. I praise you and give you glory. I believe you have sent your angel armies to assist in taking back our country. Amen

November 2, 2023

Lord God. Precious Jesus, Holy Spirit. “Not by might, nor by power but, by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Lord, I speak an opening of the hearts and minds of liberals and conservatives. It is not about “their” party, it IS about this Nation. Reveal, reveal, reveal, and cause these people to remember that they serve THIS nation, not their own pride and opinions, and little kingdoms. Father, please break all lying spirits off and away from our congress. Clean house! Let the Truth stand, and every lie be fully revealed and dealt with. I believe the truth IS known and ignored by self-serving hearts. Sweep out the chaos caused by selfish ambitions, and broken systems. Make America Yours again. In Jesus’ name-Amen.

Susan Hiles
November 2, 2023

Thank our mighty God for Mike Johnson. And, may God bring more strength to others in government to stand up with Mike Johnson , our country and God. Lord we pray that you are at the center of their desicions.

Mary Ann Canfijn
November 2, 2023

Thank you, Father, for a leader that will lead! Help House Speaker Johnson to stand firm,
with a clear mind and clear vision. Help him to do what he has been tasked to do, and may
other members of the House have the courage to stand with him.

November 2, 2023

I am also praying for Speaker Mike Johnson. God has put him in this position “ for such a time as this”.

Anthony Gaby
November 2, 2023

STOP the fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayer funded bills….We are already taxed more than required…only to line politicians pockets…

November 2, 2023

In Jesus name please save America and the 85000 missing children amen

    November 2, 2023

    Please forgive my ignorance Shirley – but “85000” (Eighty-Five Thousand) ?
    As to the first part of your prayer – “Amen”- America is right now in the most dire situation she has been in for almost Eight Decades and that is no exaggeration.

William Neller
November 2, 2023

I am in total agreement with Mike Johnson on this. NO MORE OMNIBUS STUFF!! Senators and Representatives: Be diligent and do your work. Work for us! That’s why we pay you.

November 2, 2023

Thank you Speaker Johnson! Stand your ground! You are needed for such a time as this! I am praying for you!


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