Answered Prayer Report: IFA Florida
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Answered Prayer Report: IFA Florida
As the Florida intercessors look back on the end of one year and toward the beginning of a new one, we would like to share with IFA some ways God has answered our prayers.
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The Florida prayer call was started on March 16, 2022. Noting that we have therefore been praying for Florida for nine months, I think there is significance to the number 9: For these nine months, our prayers have been in the āpregnancy stage.ā I truly believe that 2023 is the time for our prayers to bring forth fulfillment of Godās promises to Florida.
Here are highlights of the way God has answered prayers in 2022, and a preview of what we in faith anticipate He will do in 2023.
Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! (1 Chronicles 16:8).
2022 ā How God Had Us Pray:
ā¦ for parents to take a stand:
We prayed that parents would be desperate to fight wickedness and to hide their children from the evil one, just as Mosesā mother was desperate to hide and protect her son from the evil one. When she could hide him no longer, she took for him a basket made of bulrushes and daubed it with bitumen and pitch. She put the child in it and placed it among theĀ reeds by the river bank (Exodus 2:3).
How God answered: More and more parents are taking a stand to protect their children.
ā¦ that Jesus would be Lord over Florida:
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you (Isaiah 60:1).
How God answered: Increasing numbers of people are calling out to Jesus.
ā¦ that godly people would sign up to run for the 2022 election:
I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them (Jeremiah 32:39).
How God answered: We saw many godly people decide to run in the 2022 election.
ā¦ for safe places for the unborn in Florida:
My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places (Isaiah 32:18).
How God answered: There are counties in this state that have no abortion clinics.
ā¦ that the hidden agendas of school boards would be exposed (especially in Sarasota County):
Because they do not regard the works of the LORD or the work of his hands, he will tear them down and build them up no more (Psalm 28:5).
How God answered: God has surely exposed evil: The superintendent in Sarasota County is resigning.
ā¦ that godly candidates for office would win primaries:
Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe ā¦ (Exodus 18:21).
How God answered: Many godly people won in the primaries.
ā¦ for protection over babies in the womb:
I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the LORD (Psalm 118:17).
How God answered: Roe v. Wade was overturned.
ā¦ for the protection of all pro-life ministries:
In the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men; you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues (Psalm 31:20).
How God answered: There were no attacks on any ministries in Florida.
ā¦ that corrupt officials would be exposed:
Let destruction come upon him when he does not know it! And let the net that he hid ensnare him; let him fall into it ā to his destruction! (Psalm 35:8).
How God answered: Gov. DeSantis removed Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren.
ā¦ for victories in the primaries:
With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes (Psalm 60:12).
How God answered: There were numerous victories in the primaries, particularly for school board seats.
ā¦ against the spirit of perversion in Florida:
Jerusalem sinned grievously; therefore she became filthy ā¦ (Lamentations 1:8).
ā¦ for the exposure of perpetrators of evil against children:
I myself will lift up your skirts over your face, and your shame will be seen (Jeremiah 13:26).
How God answered: About 160 people were arrested for human trafficking.
ā¦ that Hurricane Ian would be diverted away from Tampa Bay:
He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens, and by his power he led out the south wind ā¦ (Psalm 78:26).
How God answered: The storm did not hit Tampa.
ā¦ for the protection of emergency workers helping with recovery from the storm:
For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, āFear not; I am the one who helps youā (Isaiah 41:13).
How God answered: All emergency personnel were kept safe and well.
ā¦ for protection over the midterm elections:
Though they plan evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed (Psalm 21:11).
How God answered: No evil came against the elections.
ā¦ for victory in the 2022 election:
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).
How God answered: There were great victories in Florida.
ā¦ for a new strategy:
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known (Jeremiah 33:3).
How God answered: He is giving us new strategies in Florida for how to move forward with sanctuary cities; against human trafficking; and for discernment regarding the stronghold of the spirit of perversion.
ā¦ that Manatee County would become a sanctuary city:
Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God, and may the LORD do what seems good to him (2 Samuel 10:12).
How God has answered: Intercessor Alysa T. will take the lead on our plans to make the county a sanctuary city.
2023 ā What We Anticipate God Will Do Ā
2023 will be the year that we put our prayers into action. Here are some areas in which we feel God is calling us to action:
- that Manatee County would become a sanctuary city for the unborn;
- that human-trafficking funds would dry up;
- that the stronghold of perversion in Florida would be broken.
How are you praying for Florida, or for your own state? Please share below.
Anita Lynott is IFAās state prayer leader for Florida. Photo Credit: Canva.
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How did Fl. get the word out to the people in Fl. with the different prayer requests for the state.
I would like to do this in South Carolina.
Thank you IFA for all you, do keep people like me informed.
Dear God reveal to us individually our purpose here as we intercede for our nation churches and families. Make our hearts pure and clarification of mind with revelation knowledge of your Word in these trouble times as we look to you in prayer and believing the Word that Miracle after Miracle will open the eyes of the blind, seeing is believing for the lost, however, we believe by Faith. Fasting and praying that the lost will see and believe. That our government is on your shoulders and not believing in man.
Wow š I had goosebumps reading this actually. God is in control š š āØ š ā¤. I found this article to be very encouraging and peaceful.
I love hearing such beautiful answers to prayer! Praise the Lord! The news said that more teenagers are dying of fentanyl overdose in Florida and certain other states than ever before. Prayer must change that.
Father, Governor Desantis has done a fair job Governoring Florida, but he has much to do. If what I read is true Florida is involved in sex trafficking and this should stop. Open the eyes of Ron to see he has a work to do in his state. I do not know if he is a child of yours, but if not send someone to speak the truth in love that he needs Jesus. Too long we as Christians have compromised our values and instead of staying true to your Word we have allowed our values to become tainted in the ways of the world. Forgive us, and we need to get back to You are Your ways. In the past, I have been told that this is the 21st Centruy and the rules in your Word were for another time, but hat is not so. You are the same today, yesterday and tomoow, We as Christians need to confess our sins and get back to You. We need revival. Love you Lord, Your daughter
We all need to make a list like this, for our state and for our own lives. I think I’ll do that this afternoon! A great way to encourage our hearts as we head into a new year.
“Let them thank the Lord for His steadfast love, for His wonderful works to the sons of men, and let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving and tell of His deeds in songs of joy.”. Psalm 107.21, 22. RSV
I did make my list this afternoon! Though it seemed like Michigan had far more defeats than victories, I somehow came away greatly encouraged!
We are in a place now where only GOD can receive the glory for every victory. Human effort will never be enough. I picture God rolling up His sleeves and saying, “Watch Me work!”.
I’m watching! Just let me know what You want me to do, Lord. Your victories will be astonishing! How great is our God!
For months Yehovah God has had me praying and binding on earth as in heaven, demons of sexual perversions and mental illness around the world to free the people who are possessed and have committed heinous crimes against children and women.
When the cause of perversion is bound the minds of the demons victims can no longer be controlled by the demons…
Father, you know each person who has been used to cause much damage to humanity through sex trafficking, who have been sick in their minds and used babies up to adult victims for their own pleasure…only that perversion doesn’t leave them satisfied and they have gotten worse in their minds. It STOPS NOW! The Ba’als HAVE BEEN BOUND AND SILENCED!
Thank You Father, for The Master Plan.
Thank You Yeshua for The Blood You shed from The Garden of Gethsemane, to Caiaphas’ house, to the Preatorium, to The Altar of The Cross for the healing of mind, body and soul and the forgiveness of our sins.
Thank You Holy Spirit for being with Yeshua, guiding, teaching and counseling Him through His life so He could show us how Holy living is done. And thank You for sticking around to help us too.
We praise You, Triune God for what You have done.
To Sheila – I would like to encourage you to continue to battle in prayer as you are – especially bringing down the strongholds of Baal, perversion & filth. To help encourage in those prayers, I offer the following confirmation of answered prayer.
Months ago, God placed on my heart to pray for an individual that has been “profiting” from the predatory business of porn (human trafficking “on video”) for years. This individual hurt & terrorized many women & young girls by his (their) actions – then releasing across the world videos of that perversion without their permission. The man’s other 2 business partners had already been arrested but he had not. He was on the run & probably overseas…for months. He had millions of dollars at his disposal, many people helping him move continually to evade capture, etc. Everything pointed against him being caught. But the prayers continued, for months, out of obedience & a desire for justice.
4 days ago he was caught, arrested & will be extradited back to America for trial. PRAYER answered!! Now we will continue to pray for real justice, salvation & an awakening – that he (they) realize the damage they’ve inflicted upon women & children. In addition, we continue to pray for complete healing & restitution for the victims.
Be encouraged to continue to pray as you are. It will come to pass as we ask God to continue to intervene.
Thank you for your prayers. God is doing a great thing!
We will be traveling from our home in western New York to Tampa, Florida for the month of January and we believe to do some outreach with the River Church in Tampa Bay, so we can pray with the folks that are still recovering from the storm.
It so good to be part of the Ohio Intercessors and I am thankful for the IFA intercession groups that have arisen to pray for their state.
Tampa may have been spared, but we must recognize that the southwest and central/northeast coasts of Florida were devastated. I live in Daytona Beach and have watched in horror how prayer warriors within my own church almost list their own lives during Ian …but also experienced miraculous situations where they and their loved ones were spared. Recovery has been slow for them though
In southwest Florida, there was a couple who because the waters burst through the walls of their home were ripped apart from each other where they hid in the closet. They were separated for 24 hours until the husband tracked down his wife in a hospital. Their story is a miraculous one. They are both coaches for Compass Ministries.
My point is that, yes Tampa was spared…but many if God’s warriors were maliciously attacked…but God intervened. These are the miracles that warriors need to hear about. We will be attacked….and they might fall to our left and our right….and we may lose every6that we ever owned and held dear to our hearts…but near ME…it shall not come!! We were spared!
As Ian battered our shorelines, my husband and I would periodically go outdoors to check out the situation. Our street and yards were flooded. We watched as the waterline would creep up to our garage door and I would yell out Scripture into the storm. Suddenly, there would be a break in the storm…though temporary, the water would recede by about two feet from the door. We would go back in to dry off. The winds came back and the water line would return. Just as it would start to hit the door…we went back out and again and again screamed Scriptures into the storm….and there would be a break and the waters would recede just enough to spare us. Was it us? Of course not! It was the enemy relenting to the Word of God. This was a war from the enemy on a Godly town…South Daytona.
How do I know this? Many decades earlier, I was much younger and less devout…out for the evening with a friend who wanted to meet up with friends from her job. There was a brand new restaurant in town where they were supposed to meet. We went to the restaurant, but her friends never showed up. It turned out that they were at a bar next door. As we crossed through the threshold of the doorway to that bar, I felt as though I had walked through a wall of thick Jello and stayed behind near the door…as she searched for her friends. It was the first time in my life that I sensed pure evil. Suddenly, a man appeared right in front of me…I can still see him in my mind’s eye. He was very couth and handsome…and extremely evil. He got so close to my face that I felt his breath. He said to me…you don’t belong here! This is MY domain! I was shocked and yet not totally surprised because as soon as I walked through that doorway…I knew that it wasn’t a place for me…I was merely waiting for my friend…I wanted out of there.
This man proceeded to describe a battle on the east coast of Florida and what it would look like in the spirit realm before what it would look like in the physical realm. In the spiritual realm, warriors of God were praying diligently so that the physical realm would need to attack them and win (his words). What he described was hurricane Ian. We WERE attacked…but he didn’t win. I predicted that to him that day….that he can’t beat God…and he recoiled that day…I could hardly believe my eyes. My friend saw me with him and came over. I told her that I was leaving…she got a ride with her friends. God prevailed.
Thank you for sharing!
Very encouraging and amazing report!!
I have always had a heart for our law enforcement especially Sheriffs and deputies. God has laid it on my heart to pray over every sheriff and any deputies in every county of my state of South Carolina. God will provide . I hope this touches someoneās heart to do the same in their state. To God be the glory.
Wow! This is all amazing! Thank you Lord God! This is what happens when people pray and have godly leadership! Please still help the people recovering from the storm Ian!
Thank You, Lord, that You are showing Your power and might in Florida. Thank You for those who are fighting for righteousness and boldly standing against evil. Thank You that we have Florida to look to for an example of how a state (or the United States) should be governed, how the citizens came together when disaster struck and how we watched You work in the lives and hearts of many people both the rescued and the rescuers. Praise be to Your Holy Name. Amen.
Lord, thank You for all the ways You answered prayer for the people and the state of Florida.
2 Corinthians 2:14
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.