I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask for your help to break through the censorship online, so that intercessors can be informed with truth.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you have shared stories about the recent findings of the declassification on the ObamaGate scandal, you may have been “fact-checked.” It’s the kiss of death for social media posts–and it is one way that the “Masters of the Universe” internet titans are controlling the message. Gone are the days of easily sharing a story from a news source with your friends and family. Today, Facebook’s “fact-checkers” will determine whether your message fits their set of facts and beliefs and penalize you if it doesn’t. Many of you have seen social media posts grayed out with a third-party fact-checker message questioning the veracity of the story. That brands you as a purveyor of false information and puts you on the radar of the social media watchdogs.

Intercessors for America has had several bouts with fact-checking–Facebook doesn’t seem to like the factual stories about Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the false RussiaGate narrative–also now known as ObamaGate. We’ve been fact-checked for that story multiple times as the story has progressed. All from reputable sources such as Sara Carter and John Solomon’s Just the News. In fact, our reach to our Facebook friends has plummeted in recent months. Posts that originally would be seen by hundreds of thousands regularly are now topping out at around 1,000. You can almost guess which posts will be suppressed–anything that is about Facebook censorship, and anything about ObamaGate or Hillary Clinton just doesn’t go anywhere.

Recently IFA engaged the services of a social media marketing organization to help promote and advertise the Voter Prayer Guides in paid advertisements. Some generous donors allotted advertising money to get the Voter Prayer Guides in the hands of more people outside the normal IFA circle. As we went through the process of creating and developing the paid advertising for the non-partisan voter prayer guide, we kept getting messages of denial from Facebook for various reasons–hoops that IFA had to jump through to get the advertising approved. The process took over a month. At every phase, IFA had to provide documentation including notarized identity statements, personal identity checks, and even the removal of “questionable” posts according to fact-checkers. After all of that, our ads began to run with tremendous results and interest–for a while. All of a sudden IFA’s ads were turned off, denied, and an ominous message appeared on our Facebook advertising account (see picture at left)

The message on IFA’s restricted business account page states: “This Page isn’t allowed to advertise because it has repeatedly posted content that has been debunked by third-party fact-checkers. This behavior means the Page hasn’t complied with our Misinformation Advertising Policy, which is a requirement for advertising on Facebook. Its ads have been disabled and it currently can’t create or run new ads.” In fact, when our social media advertising team attempted to find out how the ban could be lifted, their inquiries were met with disabled CHAT and customer service messages. Facebook would not even take their phone calls or inquiries and disabled any means of communication for our account.

We have even had one of our staff who regularly posts to our IFA page have her Facebook page suspended. What will happen next, we don’t know. Will Facebook further suppress our posts and will they suspend our page even for posting? Pray with us about this!

The point in sharing all of this with you is this–a free-flow of news and information is no longer happening on social media and even the internet. For a while, IFA was blessed to fly under the radar of many of the social media platforms, but today is a different day. We need YOU, IFA intercessors to help share the content on our IFA site and social media platforms!Ā  We have created a short video to help direct you on how to effectively share IFA content on your Facebook page. You can watch it here.Ā 

We are also asking you to PRAY. The censorship of news, ideas, and Christian beliefs is at an unfathomable level in our America. Pray for action to be taken to loose the stranglehold these Silicon Valley titans have on free speech in America.


(Article by Kris Kubal, Director of Strategic Resources and Engagement at Intercessors for America.)


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Ken Budz
October 22, 2020

Lord please help us to reach You and to reach others. May others reach us too with ideas and opinions and what we have on our minds. Censorship should not be allowed unless someone breaks the law. Amen.

Rev. Sophia Snyder
October 18, 2020

Father God, Your son: Lord Jesus Christ the only one and true God help us and help IFA to be safe from the scenorship of this world. Come and arise and let our enemies be scattered. Show Yourself great in IFA and us we are one in prayer of agreement and desire Heaven to have its way on Earth. Send Your power and Your might by Your Holy Spirit and fight for us as Your Word says in Exodus 14:14;Proverbs 21:1; Psalm 121:1-8; and Isaiah 54:17. Thank You God for hearing our collective prayers of agreement in Jesus name Amen.

Linda Hoover
October 17, 2020

Lord, I pray that you stop the censoring of the truth by all the media giants who are involved. Give divine wisdom and direction to those who are fighting in this cause like Senator Josh Hawley. Stir up others who can help to do it. Cause the mainline media to cover the stories they’ve been trying to suppress in spite of themselves. Raise up those news outlets and journalists who are objective in their reporting and shut down those who are not and replace them with worthy outlets and journalists. You said, “No weapon formed against us would prosper…” and we claim that promise now. We ask for you to restore free speech to our land, dear Lord and thank-you even now that you do answer our prayers. We’re so grateful that we can bring our needs and desires to you and you answer us.

Pastor Karen Lester
October 17, 2020

Wow, I’ve gone over to Parler.com due this as well, the more I see of this the more I pray that no weapon formed against us can prosper. Just think shy our forefather’s settle here, trying to get away from the religious discrimination they were under in Europe and Great Britain, which is why the formed this Republic signed the Constitution and dedicated this country to God upon landing on the shores of America. We are experiencing an attack from a different direction since Washington State decided to be a right to die State, the policies being forced on Seniors is just as harassing as the hoops IFA has had to jump over with FB. My husband has been having an ongoing issue with the VA Choice for the last year to be granted timely medical services for gangrene. Please do pray they don’t force him into a rehab to receive care, as they are refusing to allow him home caregiver. I have a caregiver to help me, but I’m not able to help him, as I’m in a wheelchair.

    Mary Prosser
    October 17, 2020

    Praying that you’ll get help needed for your husband. Also God open doors for IFA to post truth and may those censoring truth be stopped.

      Pastor Karen Lester
      October 18, 2020

      Dear Mary,

      Hope your prayers together with ours bring answers, so far getting him a caregiver the VA pays for like
      mine is through Medicare has been fraught with nothing, but totally vague answers from Tri-West and no actual concern for helping us find the exact steps to get a caregiver.

      Truth will set us all free and IFA and all of us need to shout to the Heavens to open eyes of the Legislators to bring FB and Twitter, and frankly all of the social media platforms to account and follow clear legislature to prevent them from stifling Free speech and Truth, especially concerning elections.

Carol Halma-Davidson
October 16, 2020

As we get closer to the election, censorship in the political field is running rapid against the conservative party in the social media field. I pray that God’s will will prevail and that more equal rights will surface.

Linda Lucas
October 16, 2020

I will pray & also forward IFA messages, but I quit Twitter and Facebook a good while back, so I don’t use those wicked social medias ever. I am on Parler, however, so I can tell those folks.

Ted Bjorem
October 15, 2020


October 15, 2020

Instead of Facebook, use either MeWe.com or Brighteon.social. They do not censor. Also check out Parler.com. These are social media sites designed for those who may otherwise be censored. Brighteon.com is an alternative “youtube” site.

Amanda Davis
October 15, 2020

This is election interference and the Senate is finally calling them to account. I pray in Jesus name that something good comes of this.

October 15, 2020

Go into your Settings on Facebook and click on Blocking. Type in Fact Check and block them one by one. Type in Fact Checker and block them also. This will help

October 15, 2020

I find it interesting that these billionaire media moguls support and protect the very ā€œleft wing radicalsā€ who Veritas recorded saying they would murder. They named one, do they other billionaires believe they will not be targeted? Are they being blackmailed? This sounds like a movie or conspiracy theory but such is the time we are living in. Praise God He is in control and has a plan. Praying for safety, wisdom and discernment for all His children in these crazy times!!

Toni Kushner
October 15, 2020

I also have had many articles posted on my facebook for others to read and have been taken down or not put up. I will pray and will recruit others to pray re: this issue.

Marie Nelson
October 15, 2020

I am encouraged. I saw today that Senator Ted Cruz is calling for the head of Twitter to come and testify so that it can be determined what is going on with all of the censorship.

    Linda Lucas
    October 16, 2020

    It’s about time that “Jack” person answers for his un-American actions toward Twitter posts.

Jessica Shaver Renshaw
October 15, 2020

I share information and sometimes whole articles from your site and other good sites on my blog
hiddeninjesus.wordpress.com and my Facebook page. Recently Facebook “grayed out” one of the articles I posted about COVID-19. I am finding it harder and harder to even access my Facebook and Messenger–misdirections, blank pages, timing out–and believe this may be intentional. I’m not sure how much longer I will have a “voice” for Him before I am muzzled. Please pray for me.

I’ve written hundreds of articles on moral issues from a Christian perspective and authored a book about abortion survivor Gianna Jessen, GIANNA: Aborted and Lived to Tell About It (Focus on the Family, 1995). Plus Compelling Interests, historical novel about abortion from the hearts of people on both sides. One of the main characters is a Supreme Court Justice who helps legalize abortion in 1973 and has the chance to overrule it in 20-something. It’s on my heart to give a copy of CI to Amy Coney Barrett if God opens the way to do so; I sent one to Justice Gorsuch and got a personal note of thanks and to Justice Cavanaugh.

My blog–a blog with the name Jesus in it!–attracts visitors daily from around the world, sometimes even from “closed” Muslim and communist countries and the top countries on the World Watch List where Christians are most persecuted. (This week China and Russia, a few days ago someone got through from Hong Kong.) I don’t know if these people are seeking the Lord or are Christians needing encouragement so I try to provide discipleship and hope for them, too.

Please pray God will keep the enemy off my electronic lines of communication–computer, phone, etc.–and continue to show me how to get around the enemy’s interference so I can communicate vital information and encouragement (including information from you) for His purposes and for His glory. Currently on my blog: PUBLIC SCHOOLS A LA BLACK LIVES MATTER. Next: BLM’s 2 foundations: MARXISM AND “SPIRITUALITY” (WITCHCRAFT). Documented from primary sources.

    Jane Fain
    October 15, 2020

    Jessica, WOW thanks for all you have done and are doing for the Lord. God bless you in all your endeavors for Him. His blessings to you and may further doors open for work you do to effect change in the body of Christ and those who need to know Him.

Mel Teoh
October 15, 2020

We are grateful for who You are who is omnipresence omnipotence omniscience.
We ask your help in regard this matter, these 5 tech giants, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google (Alphabet) to humble the people who are in position to make decision so that they think the good for the whole and respecting the Constitution of USA and think for the good of humanity or all people and not just their pocketbook.
Bless Senator Josh Hawley with discernment and wisdom to hold these people accountable to give ruling to these companies which they will follow.
Your will be done Father in this matter.

Lori Washam
October 15, 2020

Have you considered using the social network Parler? It allows freedom of thought and postings and is growing rapidly.

October 15, 2020

Google owns almost everything and any type of media whether individual blogs, YT channels, etc, will be and have been censored by them. Yraffic to Christian media of all kinds has been censored for years by these folks. God is still sovereign over all of this but never take freedom for granted.

October 15, 2020

Only my thoughts but if everyone would boycott facebook maybe it would have to shut down. Think of the money these people get and it’s so unchristian. I am not on facebook because of this.

Jeanne Ensley
October 15, 2020

I suggest you check into FreedomBook @ freedombook.com for conservatives.
No censorship there – except for bad language and immoral posts.

October 15, 2020

I suggest you start sharing on USA.life. Facebook is going to shut down everything they donā€™t agree with so and why should we stay there?

Go to a social media outlet that allows freedom of speech. Stop attempting to make this one run by satan into anything but what it is.

God can take whatā€™s wrong and make it right…but most of the time itā€™s in a different form than we would have it be.

October 15, 2020

I have had articles from IFA censored by Facebook also. I have called my congressman a number of times over the past 3-4 years in regards to the conservatives voices being censored and they never make a move to intervene. I know congress has had hearings about the issue but no results.
So what will it take to get our law givers the backbone to stand up for our freedom of speech?

    Jane Fain
    October 15, 2020

    I’ve heard the Tech giants and congress are “in bed together”. I believe Senator Hawley is doing the correct things. to have a hearing about this.

Joan Kelley
October 15, 2020

“Will Facebook further suppress our posts and will they suspend our page even for posting?”

Yes, they will further suppress – is the simple answer.

Oh Father, I pray you will give IFA staff wisdom to know Your perfect will in this, and to find the platform(s) that do not suppress the truth. May Your children stop supporting and relying on these increasingly corrupt entities which suppress Your truth…..May we rise above the norm and find Your ways in all things, including how we communicate. in Jesus Name, Amen

Henry Tuchez
October 15, 2020

Father and Lord, we ask you to provide a new Social Media Platforms that we can emigrate to, and we have a uncensored communication, this is the time that you will separate the goat from the sheep. Please Lord be stabling your Kingdom in the communications of the earth .

ā€œGod saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.ā€
ā€­ā€­Genesisā€¬ ā€­1:4ā€¬ ā€­CSBā€¬ā€¬

    October 15, 2020

    You can go to USA.life. Freedom to post what you want and share with others. Itā€™s growing quickly.

    October 15, 2020

    I suggest you check into FreedomBook @ freedombook.com for conservatives.
    No censorship there ā€“ except for bad language and immoral posts.

October 15, 2020

I checked with my IT source regarding another social media platform that we may use. He recommended Parler. It is not a Christian platform but it is unbiased. It does not take sides. You might try sharing on that platform. If enough of us joinAnd expand our circles we may be able to effectively Grow our following on this platform.

Amy Orris
October 15, 2020

Its very unfair what they are doing to the Republican party.Idont even like face book anymore. I enjoy my friends on there, but I am seriously thinking of leaving facebook.

    October 15, 2020

    I suggest you check into FreedomBook @ freedombook.com for conservatives.
    No censorship there ā€“ except for bad language and immoral posts.

    Lori Washam
    October 15, 2020

    Amy, I can see how it might be difficult to leave. Perhaps you can ask your friends to join you on a non-censoring site, like Parler. If enough do this, we can make a difference. God bless you

    October 15, 2020

    I just found out a couple of hours ago about parler,Im going to check it out

Warren Utecht
October 15, 2020

I went to ifa website this morning and could not open your story on Hunter Biden. A spiritual battle is raging in our land, and we need to recognize it for what it is. Satan is the author of lies and hates the truth. In 1 Thessalonians 2:18 Paul said Satan was repeatedly hindering him from coming to them. We are seeing Satan involved in blocking the truth this very day. We need to pray for spiritual wisdom and God’s intervention to bind satan so that truth can be known.

October 15, 2020

Thank you, Karen. I know FB gets a lot of good information out to many many people, but I am one of the few that arenā€™t on social media. I heard the Holy Spirit speak ā€œItā€™s Satanā€™s playground.ā€ He knew in advance and has a better source Iā€™m sure. Praise God for a new source that canā€™t be censored.

Karen Wyatt
October 15, 2020

Take a look at ā€œParlerā€œ – lot if friends going there instead of facebook.

    Rose G.
    October 16, 2020

    I like the idea of leaving Facebook and am glad to hear there are alternatives. I have heard about XAPIT but donā€™t know much about them. Time for thousands to leave Facebook and hit them where it hurts most, in the pocketbook.


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IFA President
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