If you missed the amazing Prayer Call on Friday, or simply want to listen again to the shocking truth behind the General Flynn and Carter Page news stories you hear on mainstream TV, scroll down to watch the call video below. Above all, see this for what it is–a desperate need to pray for truth and justice in the Department of Justice. The Deep State has an entrenched grip in the DOJ and they are using the legal system as a weapon.
Click below to download the Call Summary Prayer Guide, and continue to pray.
Some have asked how they can encourage our call guests, Sidney Powell and Carter Page. If you would like to write a note of encouragement or share a prayer or scripture with them, please send your notes to the IFA office and we will be sure that they get them. Send your notes to: IFA POBox 915 Purcellville, VA 20134.
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This was such a depressing phone call with IFA. And I had recently read God’s verse that He wants us to think items of truth, goodness, whatever is good and honorable. I wondered what to take from this. Then I realized the wonderful Christian people that God has put in place in exact locations to rescue our Justice Department and in effect our country. So I commit to pray for Carter Page, General Flynn and Sydney Powell. And I praise God that He is moving in this situation. Listening to Carter Page, I feel like he would go through anything if it would end up being a blessing to our country. Praise God that He has picked the exact people to bring justice and truth out of all this. We love you Lord, that you have not given up on us and you are acting on our behalf through all of this. We are expecting amazing results for our country because of who you are God.
A wholehearted Amen to your prayer! In the Mighty Name above all names..Jesus Christ our Lord! Bless you for sharing your heart and the wisdom given to you by the Holy Spirit!
I was able to listen to some of this call. I have been working with the DOJ on a nursing home related matter. This is to save my husband’s life. Could someone please pray they come through for him, and he is released from them alive and well. Please pray that the new, Christian person becomes his guardian, and we have more say in his care. Thank you and God Bless You. Also, would have contact information for Bill Barr or someone more Christian in the DOJ. This case also involves Godly vs. ungodly healthcare. Please help. I pray for the President everyday. What I meant to say is could you please send me contact info for Bill Barr or someone more Christian in the DOJ.
West’s – I will pray for progress in dealing with the DOJ.
Thanks, Dave. Pray I can visit my husband and talk to him on the phone. I filed a complaint with the DOJ two years ago, and still nothing. My husband is being isolated fifty miles from our home in a “nursing home”, Medicaid fraud, abuse, and many other things. I give you permission to get my email address from the person that runs this site. It is unbearable not to even be able to talk to him on the phone and hear his voice. This violates federal law, the Constitution, and obviously moral law. I am asking you all to pray for a reuniting of me and Bill, and a release from this healthcare system that doesn’t. (care, that is) Also, any contacts in the government that could help would be welcome.
This was a very helpful broadcast that revealed important information. I believe we have all been grappling to understand how a duly elected President could be under such constant attack from the very first day after the election. It’s like a big jigsaw puzzle that we are trying to solve. The biggest problem is that many people in powerful positions in our government are not playing fairly. We also have a media that has gone off the rails and shows no signs of integrity. We are involved in an all out attack from evil spiritual forces that wants to stop everything this President stands for. We are all at different places in our understanding of the whole picture. The puzzle consists not only of the facts of events, but also the understanding of how the spiritual forces work and the motivation behind them.
As I listened to the broadcast yesterday the lawyer for Gen. Flynn said something that put many of the pieces in the puzzle together. She said that 50% of the prosecutors in the US government do Not seek out Justice, but conduct their affairs for their own gain. She has been involved the justice system for many years and has many awards. She is credible.
We know the deck has been stacked against the President,, and now we see more and more how rotten the system is. Before any justice can come, the court that is going to conduct the affairs of convicting the wrongdoers must be purged of those without integrity. I believe that must occur first, which is why it seems to be taking so long for justice to arrive.
The constant attacks and outright lies that we se everyday can be quite annoying. But as it continues, we as Christians have the spiritual eyes to see, discern and understand what is happening. It’s not complicated. Once you identify the enemy, the only tactic he can use is based on lies. The devil is the father of lies. He has been deceiving and perverting the truth since the beginning. I expect him to behave this way.
God is working in a very methodical way to expose this corruption and will destroy the enemy and restore what the locusts have eaten. Our role is speak the truth in love and pray with all the authority and power given to us as believers, Jesus said greater things will we do for those who have faith. Let’s continue to advance against the enemy and watch God’s plan unfold.
Dear Lord, I pray for all the saints that are committed to see this battle to the end. Give us patience, strength,, and discernment in the days and months ahead to keep a positive perspective believing that as you say in your word, that the guilty will not go unpunished and that you will bring justice to those that have done evil and have brought such chaos and pain to the innocent. As we struggle at times, make it clear to each of us the path to take that maximizes our effectiveness against the enemy. Help us work our our salvation and by confessing our own sins and then washed clean by Your blood. God mature us and guide us to step out as you prompt us. Oh God may we all hear your voice!
We continue to pray for all those caught up in the coup, Gen. Flynn, George P., Carter Page, etc. Lord return to them financially what the liar and thief has stolen from them. Return it 10 fold.
I pray for the team of those close to the President orchestrating to bring justice to those who have put this nightmare into motion. Give them clarity in their planning. Give them agreement amongst themselves. Protect them all from physical and mental harm.
And Lord bring your mighty hand down on those following the evil one. Cause their eyes to be opened to see the error in their ways. May their hearts be softened, May their fear and anger be exposed and give them a chance to see the truth and repent. Break the hold of the spirits of deception and perversion on them. Amen
A wholehearted Amen to your prayer! In the Mighty Name above all names..Jesus Christ our Lord! Bless you for sharing your heart and the wisdom given to you by the Holy Spirit!
Oh Praise God!
Justice is being brought forward and light is shining on the corruption.
This call was encouraging and informative. Thank you all who participated. The wheels of justice are turning. Almighty God is saving America!
Thank you Father God for exposure after exposure. The good people of government standing up for truth.
Thank you Sidney Powell and Carter Page. Thank you David. All Intercessors fir America. We will see a new and better America. In God We Trust.
It was an awesome and humbling experience to be a part of the prayer call on Friday interceding and praying for these two servants of God and for the exposure of the deep corruption in our Justice system. I was moved to tears, hardly able to pray just hearing the depth of deception and corruption embedded in our government. So thankful and grateful for this prayer ministry and the power of prayer that is going forth to make a difference and root out those that want to destroy America. Am so grateful to be a part of IFA.
Praise the Lord and pass the bananas! Praise the Lord is always true; we are watching a kangaroo court
of a “banana republic’. May the Lord clean up this mess, keep praying warriors.
It is difficult to consider America great when Washington smells so badly. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free” The truth is that we have been invaded by individuals whose motivation is evil. We pray that God’s justice will root them out and see that they are punished to deter others from following in their corrupt footsteps. George
Shouldn’t restitution of dollars be given to General Michael Flynn from the government just like the prisoners who have been sentenced unjustly? Especially if General Michael Flynn was exonerated. God bless Sidney Powell and Carter Page. You can give to help with General Michael Flynn’s case. Check out the Official Operation Freedom You Tubes by Dr. Dave Janda to find out how you can give. Pray to Keep America Great, intercessors!