A prayer movement with 24-7 prayer coverage in your county can be more than a dream!
Inspired by the Whatcom Story (a prayer canopy “strategy” birthed in Whatcom County, WA), Susan Moore embarked on a mission to bring 24-7 prayer coverage to Brazoria County in Texas – a vision birthed in a pivotal prayer meeting with 80 fellow intercessors in 2016. Today, this “dream” has grown to a prayer movement that involves 40 churches, 11 towns and at times 900 people praying “the same effective prayer” in unity, monthly for their community.
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As “1 Church/1 Day” prayer canopy exploded in Brazoria County, fellow-intercessor Rosamond Panzarella told the Lord she would partner with Susan if asked. Fifteen minutes later the phone rang. Today, this powerful duo, along with a team of eight strategic community leaders, builds the platform for God to move mountains in their local community. Every two months, a six-page prayer guide is purposefully crafted for the intercessors in their county. They scour their local news, solicit local, strategic team leaders (in the seven spheres of influence – government, media, arts and entertainment, business, education, religion and family) on their specific needs and then use key prayer points gathered from IFA. While you can pay/donate for a subscription to 1 Church/1 Day through Kingdom League International, Rosamond, a former English teacher, creates their local Prayer Guide. She strategically chooses at least two key verses that speak life over the specific prayer needs. When her work is complete, she uses Google Translate to translate their prayer guides into Spanish for the Spanish-speaking churches that pray under this canopy.
Local churches that partner with “1 Church/1 Day” are asked to find at least six people in their church to pray for one hour each month. During their prayer hours, each church is instructed to pray through the specific needs of their congregation, and only then to move onto the prayer guide. Susan sends an email the week prior with the guide and schedule. Rosamond takes the list of intercessors from her own church and sends text reminders an hour before their designated time. Because of the prayer guide, all intercessors are praying for their local officials by name and are able to tell them so when they see them. Community and unity are being cultivated!
It takes a village, and in Brazoria County, mountains are being moved, ushering in the Father’s heart for their community. It began with a stirring in Susan’s heart – a former teacher and long-time Christian bookstore owner (37 years). She already knew all the pastors and had built trust with each one. How strategic our God is to bring those with connections – former teachers, counselors, former police chief…to create a body to intercede on behalf of a greater community. The team decided in May 2016 to move ahead, and sent out their first prayer guide in September 2016.
“People are praying in unison, using God’s Word and it is EFFECTIVE – praying the answer (the Word) and not the problem. Why do I say it’s effective? Because it’s the Word of God and we KNOW we are praying His will.”-Susan Moore
Susan was so excited to share how God is MOVING in Texas as the people take seriously the heart of 2 Chronicles 7:14, “This year on June 16, 2021, our governor, Governor Abbott signed into law that every school building must display the national motto (In God We Trust) in a conspicuous place. We are working on that diligently.” They have also been praying fervently for more states to join their own in passing the Heartbeat Law. As they intercede nationally and for their own state, they also pray and INVEST intentionally close to home. “1 Church/1 Day” partners with all 19 of their local schools, with each having at least one partner church. “All meetings are starting with prayer!”
These beautiful ladies are so quick to compliment and lift the other one up. It was such a precious time to listen and hear their hearts – a heart that spoke in unity. This ministry represents a perfect example of the body working together, with no one trying to get credit for themselves – with full awareness that “we are in this together.”
While the enemy camp is strategic and organized, we can be more so. Let’s pray for more of this intentional, coordinated effort from our knees. We serve the God of the breakthrough, the God of angel armies! As we pray, especially when we pray the WORD in unity, mountains are moved, strongholds are broken and captives are set free!
If you are interested in bringing greater unity to your community with prayer, Susan and Rosamond have been gracious enough to share a sample of their “1 Church/1 Day” Prayer Guide for Brazoria County. We have also created a resource with tips on how to cultivate a prayer canopy in your own community. Click HERE to access.
Click for a sample prayer guide in Spanish and a sample prayer guide in English.
Are you inspired? Share your thoughts in the comments . . .
Suni Piper is a writer and passionate intercessor for the nation and for the Church. She is determined and surrendered to be a voice of truth and encouragement to the Body of believers. Follow Suni at her website ASurrenderedLife.com.
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Here is our little town of Bellville, Texas we have been praying every Tuesday for the past 3and half years 12 noon and pray using Sword of the Spirit book and added prayers for all offices local and national. It is most essential to pray the Word of God back to Him as He tells us and out of that group of women a Friday prayer in the park was established. Every Friday at 11 am we meet no matter the weather and pray for 1 hour. Many are joining in . God is with us and He hears, just be bold and reach out ; there are many that will join with you as you submit to do what the Lord tells you. God told me prayer in the sanctuary and as my friend came by ; Holy Spirit urged me to speak and she said , lets do it and it was birthed. God helps anyone willing to do what He bids them to do. It’s not hard, just allow Holy Spirit to use you; you will be surprised at how many will follow as one will lead. Praise God for all wo will seek God and allow Him to use them, . God will give anyone the ability to do what He calls , if they will obey. We will see the giants fall and salvation of the lost come to pass. In the mighty Name of Jesus. Also we are working to keep Bellville, Texas a sanctury for the unborn. It takes time and work to get all the signatures but we will prevail. In Jesus Name.
Praise God! We’ve added your testimony and this article to the growing number of communities in over 38 nations who’ve mobilized to build our Father’s house of prayer within their city, county or region while connecting that strategic prayer with, for and on behalf of local leaders within the 7 spheres of society within their jurisdiction. You’ll find your testimony added to https://www.1church1day.org/results.html.
Every community is unique while the major elements are the same. The key to long term transformation is God’s abiding presence facilitated by the Church, made up of many local congregations, within that city, county, state or nation. These communities, cities, counties and even states can then also be united at a national level through ministries like IFA who are called to facilitates strategic corporate prayer on a national level. We are REJOICING with you all and are praying for other counties in states around the US to follow your example. May Jesus be magnified as His will is proclaimed and manifested through His Church, on earth as it is in heaven.
Outstanding! May the prince of darkness have no dominion or power or influence in the state of Texas! May the saints of God prevail in all their requests of the Lord Jesus Christ and The Father!
Praise God for His warriors!
My Pastor always says get your “spiritual eyes” open and “See the Kingdom” it’s on our t-shirts and our sweatshirts. It is a spiritual war that rages around us! I love this 24/7 and am going to donate to get my prayer guide for Alameda county in California where sin is rampant. I just found out that our little town now celebrates “pride week” which was this past Saturday. This is unacceptable! I am praying for my town and my county, my state, my country and for the church globally. Thank You Lord! You are Mighty & Awesome and You are still in charge! Hallelujah! Bless the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Praise God He is raising up an army who shall bring Him Honor and Glory as they pray and worship the king!
As they stay humble in His presence, The seeds they are planting shall bear fruit in honor to the King!
May Godly people rise up in other states and bind their hearts together in prayer!
Beautiful. Pray big. Let’s pray toward every state, county, city, school covered in prayer 24/7. It’s what we need to win the war against family, church, free enterprise, democracy that is being waged against us every day.
Praising God for the salt shakers and bright lights in Texas \o/
Indeed what can God do with one man ( or two women) whose heart is one with God?
Please tell me how I can join a prayer link in my county. I am in Blair County in Pennsylvania. We so badly need this!