I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank you for the gift of life. We pray that government officials from both parties would understand the importance of each baby, born and unborn.
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IFA intercessor Darren brought this good news to our attention.

HB 1282 was introduced in the Indiana General Assembly on Monday, January 10, 2022. This is a piece of legislation that is an answer to the prayers of millions. It repeals all Indiana codes that regulate abortion, declares that human life begins at conception, asserts that the state of Indiana has a compelling interest in protecting human life, specifies that any federal official trying to enforce contrary court orders are subject to arrest, and formally defines abortion as what it is ā€“ murder.

We must have help from Christians around the nation to pray that God will work powerfully in the hearts and minds of our leaders in Indiana to pass this bill. The blood of the innocent slaughtered is calling out for it. And God’s law demands it.

How does this news encourage you? Can we all thank God in the comments!

(Photo Credit : Getty Images)

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Helen Randall
January 19, 2022

Praise to our Almighty Heavenly Father for. The Holy Spirit working in mulitudes of Americans to stand up for the most innocent helpless in our world. May the murder of our children come to an end now and all of the followers of Jesus Christ make our voices heard above the cries of our babies and stand against the horrible evil that we have stood back too long in fear and complacency. Stand up and pray like we have never prayed before. Let us never stand by ever again and let our babies be slaughtered by those who hate our LORD JESUS and us. God has had enough innocent blood poured out because of people who treasure their own lives more than the life of a precious baby who only wants to live and love someone and live to know the loving arms of a mother and father and family. God forgive us and change our hearts and see how you see each life that begins with conception. In Jesus Holy and Mighty Name. Name.

Lynne Wurgler
January 14, 2022

God, I thank you for this encouraging news. Please move in the hearts of Illinois lawmakers to have the wisdom and courage to pass it. May they see the unborn as you do, precious and formed by you.

Julie Bolt
January 14, 2022

Praise be to God! Praying.

Carolyn Cyphers
January 14, 2022

As a member of an IFA group I would love this prayer guide to use when we pray

Leslie E. Everhart
January 14, 2022

We declare victory for life in this Indiana bill! Jesus, you are the life giver, and we ask for hearts and minds to be open to overwhelmingly pass this bill!

January 14, 2022

Praise you Jesus for the bold and courageous declaration of truth in Indiana May other states follow as we in your power fight to take America back!!!

Gina Economopoulos
January 13, 2022

Thank you God for the hearts of the people in Indiana. Continue to guide them in Your Way Your Truth n Life. Please be merciful to the government in New Jersey that they too will see truth n I beg u soften their hearts n protect the unbor

Pat Diemert
January 13, 2022

Thank you Lord Jesus for how you are working in the heart of people in Indiana to realize the sanctity of life. Lord we ask that this bill be passed and that every state in our nation would step up and create the same message in their state. May we as a nation get back to saving babies lives and honoring and glorifying You.

Susan CC
January 13, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, You are Elohei Kol Basar, God of all Flesh. I pray through YOUR Sovereign Power every state in this nation will do the same and with NO opposition. Nothing is too difficult for You. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Lousianna, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and DC.

Roxanne Rice
January 13, 2022

Praise God for the legislators who are clearly listening to God, and have the courage and integrity to stand boldly for Him!

Overturning Roe would send the issue of abortion back to the states but not abolish it. We need every state to pass legislation just like this.

Desiree Witteman
January 13, 2022

All the Glory to our Lord and Saviour!!!!

January 13, 2022

I wish and pray that Oklahoma would do the same thing in the legislature.

Dorothea G
January 13, 2022

Thank you Abba FATHER for YOU JESUS HAVE COME TO GIVE LIFE AND LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY a happy family WITH many Children is a Blessing from you Abba FATHER and Children Bodyfruit is your Gift o God this is the TRUTH In Jesus Christus Name I decree declare and forward to every man + woman in this worldtime and about morder +child abortion of babys I COMMAND EVERY KNEE in heavens on earth under the earth and under the earth must NOW BOW + confess Jesus Christus is Lord and ABORTION I PARALYZE YOU TO STAND ALONE and let TRUTH be recognized + evil wicked doings revealed now in Jesus Christus name thank you Abba FATHER thank you Jesus thank you holy spirit LIGHT BE we give you glory Honor and praise you Lord amen

Sue Tracy
January 13, 2022

Lord every life is important we ask You to watch over and protect these innocent lives You donā€™t make mistakes and abortion is a sinful solution for a wrong choice. Have mercy on Your people and the unborn that they would turn towards You and repent of their sin.

Linda Johnson
January 13, 2022

Thank you Father for touching the hearts of legislators
who will be voting on HB 1282 – let them know how precious human life is. . Let them know they are accountable to God who loves them.

Cathy Castillo
January 13, 2022

Yes praise the Lord for answered prayer he is so good and so awesome play abortion be completely annihilated from our nation

Marsha Bashor
January 13, 2022

I do pray that you Lord will work in the hearts and minds of the leaders in Indiana to pass this bill for life. And Lord that this bill be passed in all of our United States! Forever and forever, Amen

January 13, 2022

Thank you Jesus and may you get the glory

Thank you and Blessings to all prayer warrios

Steven & Connie Coy
January 13, 2022

Praise God! You go Indiana saints!

Karen Dimarsico
January 13, 2022

I pray Indiana passes this law. The lives of unborn children are depending on it. We are told in the scriptures that children are a gift and reward from God. It’s our privilege to create life given by the Creator. It’s right and just to pass these laws and protect the ones who can’t protect themselves. I pray this state puts into place many resources for both women and men to counsel, and educate them if they find themselves in the predicament of an impending birth, the resources and assistance for either placement or supporting that child. Texas now has the heartbeat law. Pray all states protect life.

January 13, 2022

…one state at a time….I will take it to rid our country of this heinous crime that has polluted the minds of mothers to abort their babies and the government that stands behind them!

Mary Klaiber
January 13, 2022

Thank you for the encouraging words! God is opening the hearts of people in authority to love and protect the unborn. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Rain Schulte
January 13, 2022

Thank you Yahweh for this amazing bill. God Bless Indiana.

Gloria Hamilton
January 13, 2022

Lord I pray this goes through to protect lives you created. Help every person do their part to protect all life. Amen

January 13, 2022

God is at work in our midst. We praise you Lord Jesus.

Jerry Sauls
January 13, 2022

I give praise and thanks to God for this move by the state of Indiana to bring abortion to a screeching halt. And I pray for the presence and the power of almighty Godto rest upon everyone as this bill makes its way through Indiana Congress.


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