With the “impeachment” campaign in full swing in the House–and in the media–not much is being done in Congress. But there is still critical business that needs to be done and other parts of our government are busy working. How do the Administration staff handle the distraction? I caught up with Paul Teller, Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs (at left), at a recent event, and asked him how IFA intercessors could be praying for the White House staff. His answer? Pray for focus and productivity.
- Pray for focus. The distraction of the “impeachment” circus can press in on the daily agenda items that the President’s staff are working on. Ask God to give each member working in the White House clarity and focus as they work on important details. (Prv 4:25)
- Pray for productivity. The White House staff has been very productive in the midst of the other investigative distractions, pray that the level of productivity continues. Pray that the agenda does not get derailed with extraneous interference to their work. (Phil 4:13)
Teller and his staff make a point to reach out to the faith-based communities in the work they do in legislative affairs–we are thankful for the value that the White House places on people of faith. There are many believers working in the White House. Your prayer for them can help them blanket the West Wing with God’s presence.
If you want to send a message of prayer and encouragement to the White House Staff working with the President, you can send your note here:
West Wing Staff
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
(Article by Kris Kubal, IFA Staff.)
Pray for the Trump Administration officials who are tasked as liaisons between the government and the faith community. Download our latest resource.
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I pray Psalm 63:9 over President Trump, his family and everyone on the White House Staff “But those who seek and demand my life to ruin and destroy it shall themselves be destroyed”. I pray President Trump’s enemies will fall into the traps–the pits they are digging for him. I pray what they devise and conspire in secret will be exposed proclaimed openly. I also pray that the reporting bias and Trump hate (derangement) of the mainstream media will continue to be exposed and they will be brought down (discredited). I cry out for the eyes of the American people to be open–the blinders to be removed so they will see what is going on from a spiritual perspective rather than just looking at circumstances and situations through their natural eyes.
Father, Father, I agree with this prayer, joining in agreement that the blinders fall from people’s eyes, that their ears be unstopped, that their spirits be freed from the lies and deceits the media has blanketed the news. Father, return the news to reporting truth and not opinion. Release and inform us ofthe accomplishments of this administration. They are many, many, many but the people don’t know of them. They may perish from a lack of knowledge. Please open away for the media to get over the fact they messed up big time in their election reporting and put and end to taking it out on President Trump and the administration. Break the bonds they have cast across our country. Thank you, thank you that you ARE the Blessed Contoller of ALL things.
Dearest Lord God,Calm the Storm in our Country with you Righteous,Truth, Power and Holiness. We need Your Help! Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Holy Father,
Amen to all these prayers! Please hear them echoing from my soul throughout the rest of this year! I claim the blood of Jesus on every person working at the White House. I thank and praise YOU for all YOU are doing and will continue to do on behalf of President Trump and his family. Bring glory to Yourself, Papa. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Lord God, thank you for your precious word. I pray this morning for the White House Staff believers, that they may keep their eyes on you only and ignore and rebuke the lies of the enemy. “I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen!.
You know, LORD, sometimes you have to use extraordinary means to get people’s attention. It took a big fish to wake Jonah up, so that he would do what you asked of him. YOU, Father GOD, know exactly how to get people’s attention. For those Jonah’s who have hardened their hearts, who have allowed the wicked one to invade their thoughts, who are resisting not the President but YOU, for it was You who chose Donald Trump to be President, I ask that YOU do whatever it takes to wake them up to their responsibilities. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Amen Mari!!!! Praying in agreement!!
I agree with you Mari!
Precious Lord, thank you for who you are, thank you for hearing our prayers and requests. Yours truly agrees with Mari for you to get the attention of those ones who are attempting to derail the President. If they refuse to turn away from their wicked activities, getting back to focus on REAL issues of concern than please Lord remove them and replace with those will. Please help all staff members as they continue to work with the President. We pray for your protection and guidance for President Trump and all who serve with him, in Jesus name… Amen
Very well prayed. I agree with you. God only knows what it will take to wake His people up and pray daily for our President and our country.
Amen, Father, I come into agreement with all my brothers and sister here and I ask you also to release warring angels to fight the daily attacks leveled at our President, Vice President, their families, staff, the legislators and judges. I ask for your perfect will to be done in their lives and this country for your glory.
Dear Heavenly Father, Your eyes see everything–nothing is hidden from your sight. LORD, you know what needs to be done and who YOU can trust to hear and obey the whisper of Your Holy Spirit. Let us all be silent in your Presence, so we can hear your instructions. I thank you GOD that the battle is Yours, and victory is assured as long as we follow the instructions that you provide us in Your Word. Help us GOD, not to fret for that only leads to evil, but rather to be still and KNOW that You are GOD and that the devil was defeated at Calvary when Christ shed HIS Blood for us. We claim his defeat. Help those who are mistaken to recognize their mistake before they begin to receive the consequences of disobedience to YOU. I ask all this in the Name above every Name, the mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST, OUR ONLY LORD AND SAVIOR. AMEN.
I join my voice in prayer support of President Trump.
Thank you John. If any two of you agree on earth as touching anything it shall be accomplished.
Thank you for your supporting comment!
Thanks and keep the amens coming!
Heavenly father I lift up President Trump and his cabinet and all of us staff in the White House assisting him in leading this country. I pray that the Holy Spirit would protect them like a cloud and grant them peace of mind, calmness of and strength of heart And persistence and doing the work of our government for the good of the people. Your throne is established in truth and righteousness and so I invoke your sovereign rule and authority to prevail amidst all the lies and vicious attacks that are being perpetrated against the president and the Constitution of America. The Bible was the basis for the development of this document and the principles which it promotes. So with the Psalmist we cry out to you, “let God arise and his enemies be scattered”
Forgive us Lord for our many sins and shortcomings as a nation. Ledos to return to your word and two righteous living in all levels of government and public and private life .
May your name be exalted and your word run freely in this land enabling America to be a beacon set upon a hill for our sake, the sake of nations looking to us for leader ship. For your glory. Amen!
Father, please be with each of the white house staff members who know you, including our President, Vice President, their cabinet, assistants, and all who know and love You. Give them Your divine protection, Your wisdom, Your discernment, and Your power to know, say, then do Your will concerning our country and it’s people. Father, we also ask for Your hand to move over the entire country, that you would remove the spirit of sedition within us, the evil one trying to separate us as one nation under God! Please help us to use our words wisely in these end times, to be vocal when we need to be and silent when we need to be. Let our actions be acceptable to you and help us to continue to be on our knees before You and lift our representatives in the white house. Also, we pray for Israel, and the people in northern Syria, Father protect Your own there and be an ever present help to the Kurdish people who helped us, defend them in Jesus name, amen.
Amen Nancy. Amen.
Amen and Amen
I stand in agreement with Nancy’s prayer and comments.
Thank you Father, I am in agreement with the above prayer from Nancy P. Lord God we ask for Your protection and wisdom for our President of the United States and all of his cabinet members and staff. Please, if it be Your will, allow them to continue to work productively and with focus, against those that are proving themselves of being enemies of Your world. We love You Lord and know that, YOU are in control. Please God, forgive us for our complacency, of our one and only creator, and the love and sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We are ashamed of our actions. Please Father, let all the truth come out, so that those who have created scandal and hate, be able to face their creator and atone for their sins. Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers. We love You and Trust in You. In Your precious Sons name we pray, AMEN
I pray that President Trump, a healthy human being in his seventies, will be able to handle, physically and emotionally, all the added stress and hatred that has befallen him. I pray that he will know for certain of his eternal salvation through Christ and will more fully manifest Christlikeness in all he does and says. And I pray that conservatives, particularly believers, will not give in to deceiftul influences and become turncoats now or ever.
Amen & Amen
The Bible clearly states that we reap what we sow. Why is it that President Trump can mock someone with a physical disability, call people out of their names, use profanity, belittle the VETS, and show no respect for others, and still most see nothing wrong with it? Nowhere in the Bible do I see that God condones such behavior. It seems to me that these things are ok when he does them, but when someone else does, it is such a terrible way to treat the President. If you care so much for President Trump, pray that he will present himself with integrity and that one day, he too, will have to stand before God and give an account, NO ONE excluded.
Pray the Holy Spirit lift up a winnowing fork to all that comes before the President, the Cabinet and his staff allowing all the chaff of futile distractions and demonic attacks be removed leaving only good grain/ works and productivity.
Amen and that the Father will continue to dispatch warring protective angels all around President Trump, his family and staff and will continue to bring to the light what is hidden in the darkness! That the President will look up for guidance, peace and discernment, and not look around him during all of these demonically fueled crisis’.
I pray that the wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will permeate the hearts and minds of White House staff, and that they will be aware of the Holy Spirit uniting them in knowing the way they should go in every decision. May our President also hear and act upon the wisdom of our Lord. Praising God that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Amen Elisabeth!
As I was praying, the Spirit of God led me to come against “false fires” that the enemy has kindled. I asked God for the wind of the Spirit to blow to put out these false fires. And for a heavenly blanket to fall to snuff them out. I decree the fire of God to move throughout every department and committee of the White House. Revival fire that stirs hearts to repentance and knees to bow to the mighty King of Glory.
Amen and Amen!