Question #1: If hydroxychloroquine is harmful, why is it a key ingredient in the vaccine?
Question #2: Why did a company valued at just over 300 million dollars receive a āloanā from the government for $765 million to work on the Covid-19 vaccine?
Question #3: IF you were going to pump $765 million dollars into a facility to create the vaccine, why would you choose a company known for film and cameras rather than a seasoned vaccine maker?
These are just a few of the questions that have emerged after it was reported that International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) loaned Kodak $765 million dollars for pharmaceutical development of the Covid-19 vaccine using the Defense Production Act, turning Kodak into a pharmaceutical company. President Trump called it āone of the most important deals in the history of US pharmaceutical industries.ā
Just prior to the announcement on July 28, the stock was around $2.50/share. But over the next 48 hours, it jumped 2757%. Kodak CEO Jim Continenza received stock options on July 27, a day before the loan announcement. Those options are now reportedly worth over $79 million according to the New York Times.
Interestingly, NBC News reported in December 2019 a few billionaire investors bought millions of low-cost shares, buying more than 27% of the company. One was Kodak board director George Karfunkel. In 2009, Bill Gates was a 5% owner in Kodak. How much did he own as of December 2019? The NBC report listing the billionaires has since been removed from the internet.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has questions as well and are reportedly investigating how Eastman Kodak received this loan and the subsequent trading that followed.
But thereās more.
What do you think is the truth? Discuss and share with your friends . . .
According to an insider working with the manufacturer producing the APIās (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) for the vaccine for Kodak, the manufacturing plant is now being used exclusively on the production of these APIās. One of which is the generic version of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). So, if HCQ is ineffective or even dangerous as the American public is now being told by the CDC, then why is it a key ingredient in this vaccine?
What is behind this Kodak company odd loan? Is this coming from President Trump because he knows hydroxychloroquine works and is pressing past the CDC? Or are the players behind Kodak the ones telling us it doesnāt work, but who are in fact stockpiling it now for the upcoming vaccine?
The benefits of hydroxychloroquine, according to doctors who are using it effectively, is that it is most effective in the early onset of the virus. So, if we are being tested for the virus and show a positive result, what is the drug that they should be utilizing to flatten the curve? Hydroxychloroquine.
Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, 10 companies were approved by the FDA to manufacture various generic versions of hydroxychloroquine. One of these was Apotex, Inc. a Canadian pharmaceutical corporation founded in 1974 by Barry Sherman. The company eventually became one of the largest producers of generic drugs in Canada. Ā However, in December 2017, Sherman and his wife, Honey, were murdered and their bodies left in a ācreepyā position similar to life size statues sitting behind them. Their murders remain unsolved as does the question: was it related to their ownership of the HCQ generic drug that was growing in demand by those who were already working on a vaccine?
So now it is revealed that hydroxychloroquine (or its generic version) is a key ingredient in the COVID vaccine. What else do we know about the vaccine? We do know that a coronavirus vaccine was started as early as June 2015 by The Pirbright Institute, whose website gives āprimary funderā status to Bill & Melinda Gates. Their application for a patent for the live coronavirus was approved on Nov 20, 2018.
In the end there are still more questions than answers regarding this drug and who is behind these new developments.
Let us press in to pray for truth.
Karen Hardin is an intercessor, author, minister, and literary agent. Her work has appeared on USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. For additional information, you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.karenhardin.com. (Photo from Dreamstime.)
What do you think is the truth about hydroxychloroquine? Share your comments. . .
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I think hydroxychloroquine has proven to be effective for many people. I think it is criminal that people are having to go across the border to Mexico to get it. However when they do it can save their lives. Being from the rio grande valley of Texas that is what we are seeing. I believe thousand of lives could have been saved by its use, but saving lives is not important to the Democrats. They have made that perfectly obvious. I pray God reveals this truth to us all soon.
TO all who asked for links and references showing that Hydroxychloroquine is an ingredient in vcvaccines you will not find one. Total misunderstanding of science here.
There is more scrutiny over the scientific data and testing for this vaccine than EVER before in the history of the planet. Why? Because the whole planet is affected and the whole world is interested! I have taken a flu shot once, but I didn’t know who made it or study its data. That will not be so with this Wuhan discovered strain!
Please do not be an uneducated person on this, below is a link that shows the vaccines that do and do not use fetal cells… The best ones do not use them, Novavax, Sorrento and Inovio. There are some that do, however, and we SHOULD pray they are not used. Again, see the list below and do your do diligence. Pray with understanding, this is not the 1960s anymore where people did not have access to data.
Father we ask for the advancement of ethical and effective, safe vaccines. We have been asking and You have been working. Thank you in Jesus’ Name
Many in big pharma are corrupt. The idea to fund a neutral American company with a creative challenge- to make a quality vaccine, is a good idea, if the leaders have a determination to work in an America-first mindset. Big pharma looks mainly out for themselves, often charging Americans multiple times more for the same medicine, as is sold in other countries. We subsidize the world. We can pray that vaccines, if God will, can be issued voluntarily, and can help people stay well. Also, we can pray that this new independent company has no ties to the globalists agenda, i.e., the mark system, etc. In fact, they could provide a valuable alternative with a sincere product, if mandatory global vaccinations become the norm.
I do remember maybe several months ago that Dr.Faucci had patents on the primary ingredients of the then drug that was going to save us all (not hydroxy). I wonder how that fits in here. Certainly sounds fishy or maybe just greedy.
Apparently, HCQ works on SARS-CoV and Fauci has known that since 2005: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16115318/
Since SARS-CoV2–known as CoVid19–is 75% identical to SARS-CoV, HCQ works on it also.
Thank you for saying all of that, and you hit the nail on the head. I also believe that is exactly what is going on. They will do anything, and have sold their souls, to see our President fail. We are all praying for him and his administration. Please also pray to St. Michael to protect President Trump. St. Michael appeared to Joan of Arc and helped her save a nation. https://www.learnreligions.com/archangel-michael-saint-joan-of-arc-124322
The CDC bases it’s stand on the Solidarity trial.
> Dose @ 2400 mg hydroxychloroquine in the first 24 hrs, then 800 mg/day for 5 more days
massive, high toxic doses ā four times higher than safe of hydroxychloroquine
ā¢ SolidarityĀ was being conducted by the World Health Organization, on 3500 Covid-19 patients at 400 hospitals, across 35 countries. The trial was suspended following theĀ fraudulent Surgisphere reportĀ inĀ The LancetĀ that claimed 35% higher death rates in patients receiving Hydroxychloroquine. But whenĀ The LancetĀ retracted the report, the WHO resumed the Solidarity trial. More than 100 countries expressed interest in participating in the trial.
ā¢ RecoveryĀ experiment used very similar doses. It was sponsored by the Wellcome Trust (GlaxoSmithKline) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government. The experiment was conducted at Oxford University on 1,542 patients; of these 396 patients (25.7%) who were in the high dose Hydroxychloroquine arm, died.
in India; Currently, as per protocols set by the Indian government to treat severe coronavirus patients requiring ICU management, HCQ dosages are administered in the following way- 1st day a heavy dose of 400mg HCQ dose once in the morning and one at night, followed by 200 mg HCQ one in the morning and one at night to be followed for the next four days. The total dosage administered to a patient in 5 days, therefore, amounts to 2400 mg. > within safe high dose range <
What is a toxic dose?Ā All experts agree. āā¦ chloroquine has a small toxic to therapeutic margin,ā according toĀ Goldfrankās Toxicologic Emergencies.Ā It is very safe when used correctly in the right patients, but a bit more can potentially kill.
ā1500mg HCQ may be fatalā. . . so why would they give anyone 6400mg?
Dosage considered lethal according to the alert of Dr. Paolo Zanotto, virologist at USP:1200mg
– It is a gross medical error to give this medicine to patients already suffering from heart problems
This past week, researchers published online (www.c19study.com ) a controlled meta-analysis of 68 published studies (41 peer-reviewed) involving 2.66 billion people, showing a 79% reduction in death rate for those countries which allowed early use of Hydroxychloroquine (and often also azithromycin) for treating Covid-19 compared to those countries which allowed limited or no early use of Hydroxychloroquine.
Thank you for sharing that important info!
Hereās a petition to make it available to us!
There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the Democrat Party and the 90% of the so-called “mainstream media” that are their allies are doing everything they can to stop the spread of the Chinese Virus. They care nothing for the health or well-being of the American people. All they want is power and will do anything to get it. You can expect more of this except God intervenes mightily. We MUST restore the Covenant.
Let’s face it, America. We have sinned against God. Period. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change. We have boasted about how great we are on one hand, and on the other hand have blasphemed God by allowing laws to be passed that violate who He is. Read the Bible. Other countries have disappeared from the face of the earth because they thumbed their noses at God. God is Holy, Sovereign, Just, and True. What He says, He means. No man, medicine, or media is going to be able to get us out of the mess that we are in unless we confess, that we have sinned against God, starting from the greatest to the least.
The Left doesn’t want Hydrox…. used in vaccine because Prez got behind the use of such even to the point of self use under WH doctor approval. Always remember, the Left will side against the Prez no matter what. Let this sink in.
Why even worship at the altar of medicine? it seems like Dr. V. Zelenko had two interesting comments when he was being interviewed by Rudy. It was be calm or at peace something like that, and use the Hydroxchlorquine with zinc and some antibiotic. I wonder, if using silver, zine and a natural antibiotic would work. Is there something in traditional Chinese medicine that could be used?
I understand the high ranking CCP membership has been using Hydroxchlorquine since December.
We need and should have access to hydroxychloroquine! According to Dr Harvey Risch MD PhD Epidemiology Professor at Yale, tens of thousands of lives to 100,000 could have been saved! Itās safer than Tylenol.
Please sign petition and share
I pray above all, God’s truth will be revealed nothing can lie in darkness. the enemy must give any account for every evil scheme and every person aligned with the lie will be held accountable.
I pray Truth will prevail
In Jesus Name
Those who are paying for all of this chaos surely do not want any simple answer to this “virus”. Because then people would gain hope and drop a level of or all FEAR and not be as easily controlled.
Keep praying – break the unseen spirit strongholds. And also 1 Samuel 22:5 DO NOT STAY IN THE STRONGHOLD. GO INTO THE LAND OF JUDAH.(PRAISE)
Read a variety of sound and dependable news sources, and ask professionals a lot of questions, is how to get to the truth. Hydroxychloroquine, has been all over the news, both the Fake News, Fox, and has been in use for many , many years to treat Lupus. It is a safe drug, my daughter is a compliance officer in a compounding pharmacy, and told me it is safe. However since like almost everything President Trump says, it has been highly politicized. Banned from being prescribed by several uninformed States and although the FDA has said things both pro and con about it, I trust
my daughters information and sources. When it comes to drugs and vitamins, minerals, and herbs, I trust those pharmacists that deal in nuetapathics. I’m allergic to so many things, I’ve relied on them since 1990 when they had to remove my spleen. I trust very few doctors regarding medications, since finding out that so many are bias due to their investments in Pharmaceutical Companies and or Drugs. I pray that the vaccine will be safe, because if like so many drugs you see advertised these days on television, most of the side-effects include what they are prescribed to treat. and some even cause Cancer. I like sticking to what is safe, and not what can kill. God created so many things that are safe, and man creates many things that aren’t and it’s more about they money than it is anymore to cure.
Yes! It is safe- safer than Tylenol; can be bought over counter in many other countries.
āUS cumulative deaths through July 15 are 140,000. Had we permitted HCQ use liberally, we wouldāve saved half, 70,000 and it is very possible we could have saved 3/4, 105,000.ā Dr Harvey Risch, MD, PHD, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health and published in affiliation with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Dr Risch who has 39,779 citations on Google Scholar.
Please sign and share petition!
Dr Risch who has 39,779 citations on Google Scholar, notes that:
āUS cumulative deaths through July 15 are 140,000. Had we permitted HCQ use liberally, we wouldāve saved half, 70,000 and it is very possible we could have saved 3/4, 105,000. ā
Please sign and share petition to make available to us.
Please forgive duplicate
I agree Cathy it is safer than tylenol, as tylenol can damage your liver. Signed and will share the petition, saving the most lives is important, and making everyone safe and able, so we can all return to work and a more normal existence that includes going to worship the Lord on Wednesday’s and Sunday’s. Thanks so much for the additional information. Love to stay informed.
The person who wrote this seems to be in a subject area way over their head. I suspect the person has little to no education or training in science as some of us do. Using phrases like “the generic version of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)” sends up red flags when trying to evaluate someone’s argument or point of view.
Brand name drugs have generic versions (Tylenol is the brand name, acetaminophen is the drug’s name and therefore the generic name), however hydroxycholoroquine (HQC) is the name of the drug. It is the generic version. It’s not a brand name. And generics don’t have generics. This misunderstanding on the writer’s part does not help the point they’re trying to make.
Secondly, Kodak forming a pharmaceutical division is not to produce COVID vaccine. It is to produce “critical pharmaceutical components” (ingredients/chemicals). This is to lessen our reliance on China and other countries for pharmaceutical chemicals and components, etc. This error in the article is also troubling.
I would also like to see the sources for this article as some of the other claims need documentation.
IFA might want to be check to see if their writers have some expertise or understanding in the areas or subjects they write about. If we Christians wish to be taken seriously we must be careful to be accurate in what we say and write.
I agree. It leaves me disappointed in the author, Karen Hardin, and in IFA for not fact checking the article. The author is in fact calling Trump a liar.
Hi Jill,
I’m sorry if it came across as if I am calling President Trump a liar. I am not. While it is not 100% clear exactly what is happening with this Kodak company, my guess is President Trump is actually finding his own way to work around the controlling CDC. He’s good at that and that is what this appears to be, although time will tell.
Hi Clay,
Thank you for taking time to read the article. I will try to address your concerns. While I am certainly not a medical professional, I did use medical verbiage already published regarding HCQ. All of the sources for the article are available in hyperlinks for anyone to review. In this case, hydroxychloroquine does have a generic. According to Brownwinick Law News, “Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, 10 companies were approved by the FDA to manufacture various generic versions of hydroxychloroquine in addition to the French company, Sanofi, who manufactures the brand name version, Plaquenil.” That link was cited in the article, but here it is as well. https://brownwinick.com/2020/04/20/who-owns-the-intellectual-property-rights-associated-with-hydroxychloroquine/ The only information not cited is from my source who is working directly with them and could not be named without jeopardizing his position.
Karen it can be very confusingUnless we ourselves are pharmacists!
Hydroxychloroquine is the generic name of the medication.
Brand names of hydroxychloroquine include Plaquenil, Hydroquin, Axemal (in India), Dolquine, Quensyl, Quinoric.
There is only one generic but can be many brand names.
Ex Tylenol is the brand name for acetaminophen (Generic)
Hope thatās helpful!
I do understand about generic drugs. I don’t think you read my reply. According to Brownwinick Law News, āPrior to the COVID-19 outbreak, 10 companies were approved by the FDA to manufacture various generic versions of hydroxychloroquine in addition to the French company, Sanofi, who manufactures the brand name version, Plaquenil.ā That link was cited in the article, but here it is as well. https://brownwinick.com/2020/04/20/who-owns-the-intellectual-property-rights-associated-with-hydroxychloroquine/
Okay, I see where you got the idea, but what this tells me is that the authors of the law article also have poor knowledge of science and chemistry and don’t know that hydroxychloroquine is the drug name and therefore the name of the generic. I also have doubts about the knowledge level of the unnamed source since a vaccine would have no reason to have HCQ in it and it takes months to years for a company to start making vaccines, including special expertise. I think they probably don’t understand that Kodak is going to produce chemicals or components, perhaps eventually drugs, but vaccines is a whole different thing. In any case, thank you for your reply. I see where the misunderstanding came from.
In case my credentials matter, I am a retired college professor, but for some years when younger I was a professional science writer. I published many articles. I then taught research and research writing and documentation. Being correct is important, especially if we Christians want to be taken seriously. Best regards.
I would love to see your source for the Covid-19 vaccine ingredients. Are you able to share your source?
I cannot. It is someone working with the API manufacturer.
The Lord knows the truth and it is our duty to depend upon him
The truth behind hydroxycloroquine seems to be a real question that I think we should all be concerned about. Recently, my brother asked his doctor to give him a prescription for it and was told he could only prescribe it for rheumatoid arthritis. This must be our government trying to hide the truth about this drug being an open door to curing or at least lessening the effects of Covid-19 on people. This doctor was simply abiding by the laws he must follow. Personally I have heard too many testimonies as to the good it is doing for the virus.
I too have heard numerous success stories. Something fishy with the Govenors telling the Doctors what they can prescribe.
Never before have doctors been restricted from prescribing a medication as they see fit. This is totally unprecedented.
Please sign petition and share
Initially, we have to recognize that COVID is a spiritual attack. So first, we must attack it with prayer.
There is no question COVID-19 originated in China. And I strongly suspect the timing.
We have known for several months that HCQ in conjunction with other drugs & supplements worked.
Dr. Didier Raoult, an “esteemed epidemiologist” from France, did a study with 80 patients. He used HCQ with Azithromycin. Only one patient with “advanced coronavirus” died. This was broadcast back in March.
Based upon Dr. Raoult’s study, if the goal had been to mitigate the spread of the virus here in the US & worldwide, the WHO, CDC, NIH & FDA should have immediately launched nationwide & worldwide trials and studies.
But that didn’t happen. And despite very significant testimony from doctors who have successfully used i,t and at least two other successful regimens, Budesonide, and now I’m reading about Ivermectin, particularly the CDC, NIH & state medical and pharmaceutical Boards are aggressively fighting utilization of these remedies.
I see two primary impediments. One is money. These effective treatments are too cheap. The pharmaceutical giants won’t make money off these like they will with Remdevisir or a new vaccine.
The other is purely political. For 3-1/2 years the democrats have done nothing but lie and cheat in attempts to unseat the President. This “pandemic” is a dream beyond their greatest imaginations, to shut down the Country and throttle the economy. With the assistance of their minions, many mayors and governors, they have greatly succeeded. Can’t help but repeat Rahm Emanuel’s quote which is being championed by the democrats: “you never let a serious crisis go to waste”.
Our family doctor here in Texas,is one of the front line doctors who has publicly gone on record as favoring the HCQ protocol. As of 8/3, he has treated 312 positives and false negatives; 2 were hospitalized, 1 died, 255 recovered. He is still treating the remainder. At least one who recovered was so ill in hospital they wanted to put him on a ventilator. The patient signed himself out against doctors’ recommendations and went to our family doctor. He is alive and well today.
I strongly oppose a vaccine. Non has been successfully developed for prior coronavirus outbreaks. The approach seems to be to fast track one without adequate studies to document its potential for success and what dangers to recipients it will pose. There are studies that one vaccine that was produced and used that resulted in a hyper-negative response to subsequent exposure to the virus. Then there is the issue of creating a vaccine that can protect against the various mutations of the virus. Since this hasn’t been successful in previous attempts over the years, I have read that many experts believe it will be a long time, if ever, that an effective vaccine can be developed.
I agree that we need to rise up and become much more vocal about these issues. This includes contacting our political representatives on both National, State and as practical local politicians. We, the majority, need to become as vocal as many of the small minority groups that because of their clamor, are being heard.
Please forgive if this was already sent to you.
Petition to make HCQ available to us!
Thank you for saying all of that, and you hit the nail on the head. I also believe that is exactly what is going on. They will do anything, and have sold their souls, to see our President fail. We are all praying for him and his administration. Please also pray to St. Michael to protect President Trump. St. Michael appeared to Joan of Arc and helped her save a nation. https://www.learnreligions.com/archangel-michael-saint-joan-of-arc-124322
Always follow the money! It will be the first thing I will ask for if I am so unfortunate to have COVID-19 .
Please sign and share petition to make it available before you might need it.
Hello Friends, My husband was dying without treatment from covid in the hospital. on day 4 I insisted they give him hydroxychloroquine. When he had taken it two days, he began reviving and they sent him home- very weak on day 7 of hospital stay. He came home and recovered, with 3 more days of that medicine. 4+2+1=7 days in hospital. It took 3-4 months to fully recover from covid19 but now he is well again. Praise God. Jesus heals. And hydroxy IS good medicine.
So wonderful to hear this!
Please sign and share petition to make HCQ available to us all!
Any and all available tools should be applied and allowed for us.
But, just like this article which doesn’t have any definitives, from medical or scientific fields we don’t know any more today. Who speaks for us? What protects us? What we call the “Administrative State” of our government is now anti constitutional, because it places rule of law in the hands of those who are unaccountable. I spoke with several Dr.’s this week and the talk was so illusive and without fact. Truly truly God only knows and will initiate His plan in His time.
but it is the individual who takes the risk because no one else will.
Please sign and share petition to make HCQ available to us!
My husband 67yrs old has CLL leukemia…went to DR last week for sinus infection…antibiotics and DR started him on HCQ because of the CLL sent to Health Dept for Covid test ….DR said you will be recovering by the time the test results are available….he had 4 really bad days but by day 6 of HCQ & antibiotics he was fever free and feeling better- received test results that afternoon POSITIVE for Covid ….HCQ 7 day supply $6.93 at Walgreens….ANY DR who does NOT treat early with HCQ is GUILTY of MALPRACTICE….share the TRUTH
Please sign and share petition to make it available to us all!
And yes I totally agree with you about malpractice. Many will have to answer for the withholding of this good preventative and therapeutic medication
Please provide a reference for your cpain in Question #1: If hydroxychloroquine is harmful, why is it a key ingredient in the vaccine?
I cannot fi d anything to substantiate the claim that HCQ is in the vaccines.
check out pacquill my spelling may be wrong but it is the generic name for HCQ
Yes, it is a generic name for HCQ but it is NOT a vaccine and HCQ is NOT in the vaccine. Please correct the misrepresentation in the article, which I am sure was unintentional.
This is information from an insider working with the company. It is not from a published news source but an insider. You aren’t going to find this in the liberal news for sure.
I don’t think that you should publish speculation, rumors and suppositions on IFA when requesting prayer. Such secret insider info that no one can corroborte undermines the reliability of the messages on IFA. If no one knows the source, it cannot be trusted. Also, you changed the story from the mistake of confusing the trade name with a vaccine to this is secret information. That really sounds suspicious. I hope IFA will review material more carefully before publishing it. I want to trust IFA a a source of info for prayer, but this story really undermines that trust.
Hydroxychloroquine does not have a generic. It is the name of the drug and the name of the generic.
sorry, the brand pacquenil is the other name that I have heard used for HCQ.
Pacquenil is a brand name (like Tylenol). Hydroxychloroquine is the name of the drug and therefore the generic name (like acetaminophen).
Plaquenil is the BRAND name for hydroxycholoroquine. Hydroxycholoroguqine is the name of the drug (generic). I have and am taking hydroxycholoroquine 200 mg 2x day for almost 20 years for the rare autoimmunine disease, Scleroderma. Hydroxycholoroquine is also often used for Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.
Dr. Daniel Wallace, nationally known Lupus & Scleroderma expert, was the one to diagnose me and prescribed hydroxycholoroquine. He has prescribed hydroxychloroquine for over 3,000 patients without any serious side effect when taken as directed. Dr. Daniel Wallace is author of many books and hundreds of medical journal articles, past Pres. of the Lupus Foundation, professor at UCLA, etc. No one has higher reputation or recognized expertise than he when it comes to prescribing the 65 yr. old drug hydroxychloroquine. He is in private practice Cedars & Sinai Hospital in Beverly Hills, CA. Google Dr. Daniel Wallace’s many interviews & Laura Inghram/Fox News.
A few months ago he was interview by Dr. Oz News & Shawn Hannity. Haven’t seen him lately. I wonder if he is experiencing peer pressure & succumbs to being silenced?
Kodak will be making ingredients that are used for generic drugs.
Most of these are made overseas.
I work in a hospital where we are always having cheap but necessary drugs in back order.
Kodak will be making chemicals that go into these generic drugs. I donāt believe they are making vaccines,
Many of the chemicals they will be processing are similar to those used in filmThus an easy switch.
The idea is to cheapen Americaās prices on drugs and lessen our dependence on foreign countries for our generic drugs.
We need therapeutics more than vaccines. Hydroxychloriquin I donāt believe is used for vaccine. It is prophylactic or therapeutic.
You are exactly right!
Hereās a petition to make it available to us!
First; the generic name IS hydroxychloroquine. The brand name is Plaquenil. Second; where or what is the source for hydroxychloroquine being used as a component in the vaccine? Hydroxychloroquine works by 2 different pathways in treating this virus. First, it is a weak base.
When it is absorbed into the cell it raises the PH of the intracellular space. When the virus attaches to the cell, enters and starts using the cell’s machinery to replicate virus via the rRna attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, it requires an acidic environment to work well. By raising the cell’s PH, the process is significantly attenuated and subsequently reduces/eliminates the effect of the virus. This process promotes its use for prophylaxis. Second, hydroxychloroquine is a powerful anti-inflammatory. The hallmark of this virus is the severe inflammation it promotes especially in the pulmonary system, resulting in frequent use of ventilators. The anti-inflammatory properties of this medication promotes the normal function of the pulmonary system and allows the virus to take a more typical mild course of symptoms you would see with most common viral infections. This makes it an excellent treatment (in concert with azithromycin, zinc and occasionally inhaled steroids) for an active infection. Third, the safety profile of this drug is excellent. It has been around for >60 years. It has been prescribed for hundreds of thousands of patients with NO special pre-prescription testing required! So, why now is so much concern being brought up regarding cardiac toxicity. I think most of us know the answer to this. I have prescribed this med. for patients frequently over the years for rheumatologic disorders and other than an annual eye exam specific for this med, I have never experienced any significant side effect issues. Additionally, I cannot think of any way this medication will promote an immune response in the vaccination process. Thus, the inquiry as to the source for it being used in the vaccination. Perhaps I can learn something here or help get to the truth.
Thank You
Jon Williams
John williams, in what state and at what facility do you practice, please?
Good morning Carey,
I have been retired from the civilian portion of my career now for about 3 years. Previously I practiced as a physician assistant for 25 years in Wisconsin. Prior to that, in the military for 20 years.
Have a blessed day,
Thank you for sharing with us about HCQ- unfortunately itās difficult to get the truth since itās been so politicized. Who wouldāve ever dreamed a simple, safe medication (safer than Tylenol according to physicians-HCQ White Paper) would be withheld in the midst of a pandemic- while doctors are having huge success treating Covid19 patients.
Thought you might be interested in the HCQ White Paper.
Petition to make HCQ available
Hi Cathy;
Thank you so much for sharing the white paper regarding HCQ. It is eye opening. I was unaware of the glaring differences in mortality between countries where use has been banned(much higher), and use where it is encouraged or readily available OTC. Also refering to pg. 10, and comments by Dr. Risch concerning lack of double blind, placebo controlled trials of HCQ before use in patients. I think back to the Carvedilol trials in the late 1980’s. This was a cardiac med. used to treat congestive heart failure in patients with a severely reduced ejection fraction. The results were so obviously beneficial that the trial was stopped early and the drug was made readily available before completing the study. Many patients came off of heart transplant lists by simply using this medication. Similarly, the benefits of this drug are so obvious, taking a pause in use for academic reasons would be a potential oath violation.
Be at peace and contemplate His love and plan for you. Pray he use us to find a means to a good outcome for the benefit of his children and our nation.
Jon you have encouraged me today. Thank you and many blessings.
Karen, Iād like to share some of this information. Can you please send link that pertains to HCQ in vaccine?
Thanks so much and many blessings!
My husband and I were hospitalized for Chinese Corona Virus, two weeks ago this Sunday. They fought me like hell on giving my husband Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide, zinc and Azythromyacin. We had a 72 hr window to get him on Remdisiver. They said it was only for people on a ventilator. After threatening a lawsuit several times the finally on the 3rd day said I was to be discharged. I said not until my husband has his first shot of a 5 day round. I fired the middle eastern doctor who said “you can get him the hell outta of this hospital if you dont like it. He had the nurse bring me a Xanax which I refused with ” you will not drug me into submission. Thank God I was friends with the CEO whom I threatened with lawsuits. I refused to be discharged refusing to leave my room. Finally, they gave him his shot at 5pm. He nearly died several times, but I refused the ventilator. This was the experience from hell. There was NO reason he has had to suffer 2 weeks going on 3. We finally had to get a very expensive concierge Dr they were so incredibly rude to. I’ll die at home before I go through another nightmare like this again. The concierge Dr put me on the Hydrchloroquine protocol and I’m fine after a week. I kept telling them it is Socialist medicine meant to kill people. I’m speaking of Methodist West Houston Hospital. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT FOR YOUR FAMILY AND THEIR HEALTH! NOW, MY HUSBANDS LUNGS ARE DAMAGED FOR NO REASON!
I’m so sorry for what you endured! So glad you were willing to continue to fight. It is crazy that we have to fight to be put on a medicine that works by doctors who refuse to acknowledge it and use it. Thankfully there are good doctors out there who ARE using it and prescribing it. It’s crazy what we see happening right now!
Karen thank you for this article. This is whatās been most troubling to me since March. And why wouldnāt it trouble those of us who know the truth. Had HCQ been allowed up to 100,000 lives couldāve been saved (according to Dr Simone in HCQ White Paper), our country would be up and running. We could be taking it for prevention. I am disturbed in a way Iāve never been before. We should all be. We have to make our voices heard. We need to follow Dr Simones advice: call our Governor, Senators and congressman. Please everyone we must do our part. And pray. Our very lives depend on it. On so many levels.
Cathy RN
I and my children had to FIGHT for the life of my husband to get him started on the drug also. They were doing nothing. He was almost dead and that didn’t bother them. I have heard there are payoffs to hospitals for covid cases and covid deaths.? Lord, have mercy on us! Husband came home a corpse almost. But with prayer and tlc he is alive and thriving again three months later. In China they call it the Communist Party Virus and it is used to kill Christians. Wake up Church.
Thank you. We still need prayers! These hospitals are full of Middle Eastern cold hearted Drs., who dont feel one bit of empathy. It’s scary. I felt I was in a 3rd world country
I’m sorry but your sweeping generalization that Middle Eastern doctors are cold hearted and don’t feel…empathy is very insulting. You only mention one experience with one “Middle Eastern” doctor. While your overall experience is extremely sad to hear about, very scary for you I’m sure, and bravo to you for standing firm in your treatment conviction, I encourage you not to denigrate ALL Middle Eastern doctors because of your experience with just one. Also, doctors with “Middle Eastern” names are perhaps born in the USA, their training and licensing must necessarily be in the USA or they could not practice, and some have made critical advancements in the medical field (remember Dr DeBakey, heart treatment innovator). Anyway, I’m sorry to respond in such depth to a comment I imagine you didn’t mean to be racist or bigoted, but that’s how it came across. I’m glad that ordeal is over for you, and the virus never returns.
Au Contreras. They were 90% of the Drs there were middle eastern. I’m offended that I would be treated in such a cold calloused manner, and they were rude, condescending and cold. My take and I had alot of experience with them. That is my feeling and experience with the Drs in this particular hospital My experience, not yours!
Bless you and your husband! This is very daunting but thank you for sharing your terrible experience, we need to open our eyes to this horrible truth!
Let us all pray for complete healing for your husband.
Thank you Jesus!
Cheryl, this link is a petition to make HCQ available to us all. Please sign and share. Many blessings!
This article is the first article I’ve read since I recently joined that gives me chill bumps; it deeply troubles my spirit. Reading some of the articles referenced added more concern.
I’ve been collecting studies on HCQ for a while, also. As an old science lady, the controversy over the drug and the studies have puzzled me. I believe this confusion has been sown as one part of the spiritual warfare we are having. Our prayer here is spot-on.
Holy Spirit, please move through our nation and bring Truth forward. Open our eyes to Truth. Use us in this spiritual battle to bring Americans forth into God’s will as never before in our nation’s history.
Here is a petition to make HCQ available to us all
Thank you, Cathy.
1.Per Doctors that have been censored, HQ does work. Governors like ours (NY) have banned us from taking it, unless in his limited study while hospitalized. This is a way we can have access to its prophylactic benefits.
2. A company that primarily makes cameras would need funds to purchase and reconfigure equipment & manufacturing processes, in addition to hiring new staff.
3. Iāve been praying that a vaccine would be created that would cause no harm and all others come to naught.
4. Iād trust this vaccine more simply because it has HQ than any other combo B Gates would come up with.
5. An increase in stock price would obviously take place as a result. Nothing nefarious in that. B Gates has his hand in many stocks, but I donāt believe he can control the actual chemical combo for the vaccine in this company. Thatās a good thing! Therefore, I pray they succeed.š
HCQ should be available to every American.
Please sign and share petition.
I think it is a good thing as well…but the more I researched to write this article, the more questions arose.
My feeling is it will be the president’s version of the vaccine rather than Gates’ version which Gates has said will have tracking and ID info in it. Time will tell on this issue. It is very murky and so we must continue to pray! Blessings.
Karen the Eastman part of Eastman Kodak is strictly a chemical company located in Kingsport, TN. I have many relatives that work there. They bring in chemicals and from there create chemicals. Keep researching. Was it President Trump who awarded Kodak the money?
Ot was the International Development Finance Corp (connected to the govt) that awarded the money. This was an org set up by Trump. Kodak has been in pharm for awhile but not as a major player. If it is Trump behind this, and I think it is, he intentionally tapped an off the radar group to do his version of the vaccine rather than Gate’s fetal tissue/identity tracking version.
Thanks for your info on the TN plant. Dont they have a CA plant as well?
I don’t know about a CA plant. Our President is so smart. I have told people that he doesn’t just say these off-the-wall comments to hear himself talk. There is a reason. He is either tipping us off or he knows something we don’t…yet. Thanks for your research and article. It’s valuable.
I agree with you! His comments are always messages with a reason! Praying!
I think you people are getting way off base. The Old Kodak plant is supposse d to produce chemicals used in many generic medicines.
I cited all the sources in the article that back this up. It’s not my opinion, it is happening but very curious indeed.
I was thinking president Trump made that move so the vaccine could be created here in America, hopefully be safer. Get it out of Bill Gates hands.
I would like to see the list of your references for this article, Mrs Hardin. It seems as though you are calling our President a liar, which is very troubling. I have been following your articles, and this one threw me for a loop.
No I’m not calling President Trump a liar at all. I’m sorry if that is the way it sounded. I am just asking questions over a rather strange loan that came from our government. I believe Trump is actually behind this to remove the vaccine making from Gates, but I’m not 100% sure on that. But you can check my sources as they are hyperlinked in the article. I hyperlinked more than normal because this leaves many unanswered questions for me as well. Time will tell. We need to continue to pray for President Trump and all that is happening regarding this vaccine.
Karen we need access to HCQ.
Hopefully this petition will be shared far and wide.
Thank you for sharing that with us.
I have reread the links in the article, and I’m still not finding where it says anything linking Kodak to producing ingredients for the vaccine. In looking at all of the comments, I think it may behoove all of us to get on our knees in prayer, asking for truth, rather than all of the speculation I’m hearing. Please reread the links.
The tracking chip stories concern me most! If vaccines can be administered used with chips, I won’t take them and I strongly believe in vaccines… Can you imagine how much harm that will do? Just the hints of a possible Chip by Gates is stirring concern now.
I can still remember my mother’s relief that we were scheduled to have sugar cubes with the polio vaccine in school. I didn’t understand the adult’s fear of polio. However, a few years ago, I read of one rare person who was still alive on an iron lung from my generation; that is what feared.
May God bless our nation and guide our leaders with wisdom and truth; we want to be your Light in this world. Father, please put order into this chaos and fear that only You can do. Amen.
My son has done lots of research and written a paper. Hydroxycholoroquine does work with zinc. Who owns stock in another company that he is backing? Cost difference is unreal.
I wonder if he has the White Paper?
Oops meant to say HCQ White Paper
This has been a huge interest of mine, Iāve done some research too. Iām sure your son is as frustrated as Ive been since knowing we have a medication that works being withheld.
Link for petition to make HCQ available. Please sign and share
I thought President Donald J. Trump wanted the KODAK plant in Rochester, New York to make these pharmaceutical ingredients here to help KODAK. It is called KODAK Pharmaceuticals. I wanted to get in on the stock but I didn’t at least yet. Why should the globalist elites get in on the great deals first? Donald J. Trump did tip us off on this venture about three weeks ago. HCQ is good to help other things too from what I have read. I wonder what other health issues it can help us with? This company is a good thing, I think.
Itās used to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, maybe other autoimmune diseases. It was first on the market for malaria. They gave it to my husband to take to Brazil.
My sister takes it for rheumatoid arthritis. It has been around a long time and is very inexpensive. And it works for Covid19 victims.
Oh yes Iām well aware! It works for Covid but theyāre keeping it from us.
This is a link to sign petition to make HCQ available. Please share
At this stage it’s really hard to tell, but my belief based on this research is that President Trump does want this to go through Kodak as my guess is they are one of the few not corrupted. It’s really hard to tell—and so we keep praying!