I just got off the phone with a major foundation that has funded our ministry many times over the years. We discussed a project IFA is working on that includes a printed piece—a voter guide—that has direct quotes from the Republican party platform and from the Democratic party platform, along with Bible verses relating to issues in the platforms like abortion, marriage, Israel, and others.
I was told that we shouldn’t bother to apply to them for funding because they believe that we are steering people to vote for a particular party, the party that is closer to biblical values. I was stunned—because we have received funding from this foundation in the past, and because the voter guide only uses the exact words from the party platforms.
This was a Christian foundation. A very large one.
I had to control my anger and outrage. I could not believe that a CHRISTIAN foundation would not be willing to fund a 501 c(3)—a nonpolitical nonprofit—because we want to educate voters about how the party platforms compare to biblical principles. Their objection is basically that one party is closer to biblical values than another party.
To be clear, our voter guide won’t tell people which platform is “correct” or which one to vote for. We will quote the two platforms with Bible verses that express a balanced view of the totality of Scripture on each particular platform plank. Here is a picture of the piece.
Was not our nation built upon biblical, Judeo-Christian values? Was not our very government based upon the Scriptures?
We simply want people to know exactly what the party platforms say about the issues and encourage them to vote their conscience based upon their interpretation of Scriptures.
We want people to vote their values and for this we were not just turned down, but we were told that we should not bother ever applying to them for funding again, even for the myriad of other projects we do that encourage intercessory prayer for government officials of all parties.
Never apply because of this one printed piece that presents party platforms and a Bible verse?
Intercessors for America is a 501c(3) organization and a member in good standing of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. We clearly understand and comply with the law. The foundation that rejected our proposal has awarded us numerous grants in the past, but now they don’t want to enter into the political arena in this way because they fear it might jeopardize their entire foundation. This is what their lawyers are telling them, concerned that the Scriptures will steer a voter in a particular direction.
As we follow the news of the day of interest to Christians, one of the trends of most concern to us is the push for socialism, which will greatly increase the control of government in our lives and work toward eliminating the voice of evangelical Christians. Sadly we see another trend of people compromising Christian beliefs because of fear.
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. (Rev 12:10-11)
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Years and years ago I was trying to pass out voter’s guide to Calvary Chapel in Riverside and was told they could not take them because (my remembrance: that they are in the 501C so they cannot) So we pray Father God that communication through the Holy Spirit will be that facilitator for people to vote in the right people. Through the spiritual realm of communication.
“The lord your God will go ahead of you and fight for you as he did in Egypt; you saw it (Deuteronomy 1:30)
The lord leans and witness the evil doing damage to clean-handed existence. They will
feel the fury of GOD punishing them everlastingly. President Donald J. Trump we are
united with you always. Lord I get on my knees praying with all my heart keep the
Trump family safe from those who desire to harm them.
We are told our president travels unaccompanied through the evils of darkness but we
know you walk with him and guide him to the light of victory. “But the lord is faithful
and will give strength and will protect you from the Evil one” (2 Thessalonian 3:3)
So why don’t you say what the foundation was? They need to be revealed.
On this site above there is a photo of “Vote Your Values”. It has quadrants of “Issue” and then “Republican platform” and “Democrat platform”. Is this a resource? I’m thinking that there are more quadrants than the abortion, education and healthcare topics. I’d really like this resource. Is it available? I didn’t see it on the Voteyourvalues page.
Thank you.
I do not really have anything to add to all the good comments, except that I am in agreement! We all know that the time is getting short and there will be even more things happening in 2020 than we have seen this year.
God is preparing for His final approach to reach people who have yet to declare acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. I will continue praying for more on the left to see the light before it is too late for them to do anything. I continually lift up in prayer our President, Vice President and our entire country every day. I also pray for those members of Congress who are listening to the enemy’s voice and not that of God Almighty!
I’m responding to the comments on 501.c3. Early in President Trump’s presidency he obliterated (his exact words) the Johnson Amendment. Recently at the UN he made a speech promoting Religious Freedom as an urgent moral duty and including that he had obliterated the Johnson Amendment. The abolishing means that the restrictions under a 501.c3 are removed on what you can say or preach. I also take this to mean even promoting a political candidate by name lawfully. But all in all we don’t want government strings. If an organization decided to remove their 501.c3 designation that would mean that there would not be a tax deduction for donations, which is fine with me as long as the government stays out and is not the reason I would give anyway. This executive order does I believe free up the speech of organizations and churches. We do know that a new and different administration would probably re-install this amendment or increase restrictions. This news should be shouted from the roof tops if I’m correct. But the devil and deep state likes to keep things covered up. The November edition of Decision magazine had the entire transcript of President’s speech at the UN. And his original executive order could probably be found on-line. And yes, I think a nerve was struck, but that means, Mr. Kubal, you are right over the target!
Don’t feel rejected, God is separating the wheat from the tares, in more than one way, not just individually, but corporately, and by churches. Because not everything or everyone who say they are “Christian” are. We have wolves in sheep’s clothing throughout supposedly Christian organizations and churches who are Christian in name only.
You can tell them by their fruit they produce, whether good or bitter.
So don’t feel rejected and don’t be mad or upset, instead be thankful to the LORD that you have been released from an organization that is “Christian” in name only. They will be exposed just as everything else that is phony before God will be exposed.
He is separating His people from the world and it will not be an easy place to be, so you must determine in your heart where you want to be in this day and age. Are you going to stand for the LORD no matter what or who rejects you or are you going to cave and go along with everyone else. The narrow road is a lonely road and few find it and travel on it. It’s not that we all haven’t been asked to walk it because we all have, but a lot don’t want to go through what you will have to go through to walk it.
Yes. I felt the Lord saying the same to me. “It is beginning to rain. The latter rain will wash away those who cry ‘no way. Have I not done (this and this etc.) And the Father replies, “Be gone, I know you not.”
Father, it is no surprise to You that our enemy has come into righteous foundations who are being infiltrated by political correctness…intentionally deceiving the selection committees. With this exposure we pray that the foundation committee can and will reverse its selection for someone with strength of character and the convictions of the original designers of the foundation. We thank You for exposure and expect to see Holy Spirit handle this situation with His mighty power…because of Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer and Friend whose blood flowed to the very end of His life causing the last fluids to be drained by a soldier’s sword…giving His all for us.
Dear IFA…..Please work with Family Research Council. FRC.org- They already do a voters guide based on biblical principles…please don’t duplicate efforts. Please work with them…if you need a contact email me.
Thanks and God Bless!
The GOSPEL is meant to be an OFFENSE to the world. Comments like: “you offend me, I am offended, that is an offensive statement/view..” Paul hit the proverbial nail on the head when he said the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST is an offense to many. We cannot stand on the fence, we (counties, townships, states, federal governments, individuals or corporations) cannot be LUKEWARM, as we know the dire consequences. Thank You Dave for standing in the gap and deeply appreciate your REVELATION 12 quote.
Amen to your comment and all the other Intercessors standing strong for truth and biblical principles. Matthew 7:14 “narrow is the road”…
You have some of the wisest intercessors I have seen at your site writing in. They are not shying away or hiding away from the truth and facts. God bless you IFA for telling us the truth. I pray that you will prosper even as your soul prospers.
The falling away has begun. The lines have been drawn in the sand. True church, stand your ground, and continue to stand upon the word of God, even if other believers compromise and turn their backs on the truth!
Fear of man, performance, religion and legalism—sure sounds like the enemy has wormed his way into that rejecting Foundation! Time to pray for them.
Keep doing what you’re doing IFA. You are defiantly in the will of God for this season. For the one that said NO there will be thousands that will be awakened in the night to open their checkbooks and more than supply the difference. Intercessors are on their knees and in the gap for our Nation and your Vote your Values is the perfect message!
Amen, all the money in the world belongs to God, am in agreement the windows of heaven will open up over IFA. God’s resources are not limited! So I share this how do I do this
IFA…please consider Go Fund Me to raise the money. Military wounded Veteran tbree limb amputee Brian K.did a Go Fund Me for the border wall and gas raised over $25m so far. We true Christian’s must be bold and speak the truth.
We cannot allow the adversaries to silence we who are heirs of Gods Kingdom.This is a warning what we are taught in scripture….beware of false religions, false teachers and false religious groups. Beware of the wolves among my sheep. I read last week about a large Christian church that has identified over 100 members who are still Mormons yet profess to be Christian and are infiltrating their church. This is happening in other Christian Churches as well. The only true
Church is the churches of the biblical Christ.
“God will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory…”
Our ultimate dependency remains with our PROVIDER Jehovah God, Who owns it all.
Compromise is sin.
I agree with all previous comments.
I have prayed, asked for wisdom and guidance for my own giving to various foundations and of course for IFA.
God will provide according to His purposes and plans.
I can’t help but be curious about this rejecting foundation; especially with recent news of Chik-Fi-A’s recent turnaround.
Almighty Lord Jesus, bring uncommon conviction upon the confused consciences of everyone involved in that timid major foundation. Plainly reveal their abject sinfulness of this “fear of man” and bring them back through Your Divine repentance and reconciliation. In Jesus’ Mighty Name!
Amen. I pray this weak organization does indeed see thru their spiritual eyes the error of their decision not to support IFA
There is such a category as ‘snowflake Christian’. When it gets a little warm, they melt. Or, in the case of this Christian foundation, they run. Is anyone getting weary of this? David, it may be time for a more aggressive response. Request a meeting, go up the ‘food chain’ to the president, etc. If that does not work, it may be time to expose the name of this foundation so that their donors put financial pressure on them. There is nothing like donors withholding proposed giving until ‘snowflake’ Christians at that foundation are shown the door. Backing down is not an option. Word travels fast around the internet, and sometimes it takes a little heat to make people see the light.
Craig, agreed. Compromise is sin.
We decree enough is enough!
Truth is truth and those who object to the Truth of the Word
are in error and must be revealed.
I am so sorry this has happened to IFA. May the Lord God restore what has been taken from you 100 fold, and may those in authority in this foundation turn, repent of their actions, and be blessed in Jesus name, amen. By the way, I want one of those goter guides!
Oops! Voter guides!
Amen. Now that we know there is a need and a specific need. This is the perfect forum to pay out this need before the Lord and His people. I will give today.
one of your problems is: Now that you went to them now take it to the church, and let the church decide. Hiding their name is keeping the matter in darkness not the light.
I agree. If they are not shy about rejecting IFA for “political” reasons, they shouldn’t be shy about their name being exposed! If we don’t know who they are, we may be supporting them in ignorance.
Let GOD arise and HIS enemies be scattered. Now is the time for boldness we must stand for the truth and not shrink back. Father We pray for that foundation to be convicted .
Let your blessings fall on IFA and prosper them in all areas as they speak out boldly and expose the lies
Amen To GOD be the GLORY
Thank you Lord for Mr. Kubal! I pray Psalm 91 over him and ask you to go before all those he will be communicating with in the future and give him favor with all parties he’s dealing with and I ask the gateways satan uses to interfere with him and his transactions be closed and sealed in the blood of Jesus any witchcraft,sorcery, black magic or anything else the enemy is using I bind in Jesus name. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered!
I thank you Lord that your will is always done in every situation (Mathew6:9-13). God bless him and his family and keep them safe!! Amen.
In Jesus name, I agree with Rachelle Kazee, may you oh Lord make it so.
Yes yes , iamin total agreement!!!
I would like a copy of the “voteyourvalues2020.com”voters guide. I would like to share it with my church members, and give it out publicly. How can I obtain copies?
The voter guide is not yet printed. That is partially what the grant money was going to be used for. We have faith that God will provide. This program kicks off a little later in 2020–we will make a big splash when the door hangers are available to order. Thanks!
In total agreement. I prayed Psalm 91 aloud after reading Rachelle’s post and left the Bible open to Psalm 91. This is a powerful tactic, and a good reminder to pray aloud for David.
Agree with this prayer.
A difficult response to a situation like what was described is to bless and not curse. Matthew 5:44
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; ”
Many people do not realize that negative responses are a form of a curse. Those negative words are like the monstrous waves that Peter saw when he went to Jesus and tried walking on the water. Matthew 14:30 (KJV) “But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.” (note: we associate waves with the phrase ‘he saw the wind boisterous’). Peter’s ultimate response was “Lord, Save me”.
King David expressed many negative emotions in the Psalms, but he always came back to trusting the Lord.
I have experienced these negative words, even after working on a Biblical Study for 6 years and daily asking the Lord for wisdom. It was not asking for money, but seeking encouragement from others who supposedly love the Lord.
It has been difficult for me to bless the Lord in this situation. I can only imagine what it is like in this situation. I will be praying that IFA will find a way to bless that foundation. That blessing can come in praying for them asking that the hearts of the Leaders will listen to the Lord and not man’s fears. There may be other ways to bless them.
I would encourage IFA not to chase after the money. We all need to be asking God to help with this funding. IFA has been doing an important work for our Lord. God will open another door, but we must first bless and forgive them.
Amen, Lewis!
The ploy of the enemy is to use lies and deception to divide and conquer! In the name of not wanting to take on and promote a “partisan spirit” there has been the application of just that! It is being communicated in my church as well. For fear of offending new attendees who are advocates of exactly that, there is to be NO discussion of anything in the political arena. How will Christians vote wisely if there is such a fear of becoming “partisan” that a voter guide that clearly points out how candidates, and in our current cultural case, a political party, stands in comparison to Biblical values, is rejected?
The enemy wants NO communication of his activity! And what does scripture say to us? “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” How can we fight an enemy that we are ignorant of? This fearful ‘head in the sand’ mode of operation has led the church to sit by and not confront, and the LGBTQ community has had free reign to come into our schools with the promotion of “sexual experimentation” , the ‘normalizing’ of transgenderism, same sex rest rooms, the teaching of Islam, and the scrubbing of our true historical heritage to make it “politically correct”…..
As of my reading of this article, 796 people have read the article, but only 118 people have prayed. That concerns me as much as anything. No matter what my opinion of the article and the experiences told about, why would I, as a Christian, not want to pray: Almighty God, help us overcome our fear to be bold about the Gospel and the message of Truth. (the prayer at the top of the article) I hope we all pray for Truth, God’s Truth, to be revealed in whatever way God sees fit. I pray for all those who read the article, whether they clicked on the prayer button or not, that they will likewise pray for God’s Truth to conquer in every aspect of the life of our country.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
As I read this article, I started to pray and then I started to praise God. Because God is bigger can any companies donation. The Lord God is showing us right now where the lines are going to be drawn.. who is going to stand for him and who was going to cave under pressure. Fear not says the Lord.. where one withdraws funding you shall receive double in kind. no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgment against us shall be condemned.
I agree, amen and again I say amen!
Many times I pray and fail to click the prayer button. I’ll try to remember to do that more often to encourage others like you.
Saying “like you” doesn’t sound right. I realize that clicking that button is easy and it does encourage others.
One thing you missed – you said they are “working toward eliminating the voice of evangelical Christians”. No, they are working toward eliminating the voice of ALL Christians!
As one person commented, God is indeed our provider. May He raise up multiple small donors to fill the void. This is an opportunity for donors to examine their motives, and to reject all non- biblically based requests. The foundation that has rejected you will discover that they cannot prosper when turning away from the truths of Scripture.
Thank you for standing fast in spite of rejection (Ephesians 6!)
Hobby Lobby had a billboard made and set up outside their main headquarters when they were going through their lawsuits. The scripture on the billboard was the scripture mentioned above from the book of Daniel. They would not bow to evil. The foundation that is choosing not to support you may actually see a downfall due to choosing worldly beliefs over God’s wisdom. Dear Father, we ask for You to increase righteousness and godliness in our government even though so many people are caving to worldly ideas. (Isaiah 9:6-7) Jesus, let all that is being done for evil toward IFA actually turn out for IFA’s good. Let this denial of funds actually be the catalyst that causes this material to multiply just like Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fish. Likewise, Lord, because of these voter guides, let votes for righteousness and for godly candidates be multiplied like Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish. Father, for every vote that is cast for a godly candidate, let it actually be multiplied a hundred times. Let this evil that is coming against IFA be a reason to rejoice because new, unexpected financial breakthrough is near. In Jesus’ Name
Beautifully spoken. I prayed this prayer.
Amen and amen! I also prayed this inspired prayer.
Amen. I prayed this prayer in agreement.
“Fear not”! Who’s your Provider?
“they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not be King over them.” 1 Sam 8:7
The Lord, the Lord will fight our battles. Our job is to stand, stand fir righteousness, stand for Gods Holy Word, Stand up, armor up including His sword of truth.
The Day of the Lord is drawing nigh, Brothers and Sisters and we shall not judge. We must pray! Pray for those that call themselves Christian under the guise of a business 501c, but are not remaining true to the One they proclaim they serve, for the Lord will separate the wheat from the tares, not our job. May He show them through conviction in their hearts the error of their ways, and may all that are lost accept Christ Jesus as Lord over their lives. We have many that remain deceived by the evil one. And so we pray Lord, that all those in the board rooms of these corporate ‘ministries’ may the open the WHOLE WORD OF GOD, and may He do a mighty work in Jesus name. Amen
This brings to my remembrance Daniel 3:15-18 when Shadrach,Meshach and Abedenego would not bow down and worship the kings idols. They knew their God would deliver them. They would not compromise what they believed. We cannot get in fear because we have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind if God be for us who can be against us.My prayer for the body of Christ is that they will stand firm and not compromise the truth of God’s Word. His Word will always stand up in any and every circumstance.Our God is a mighty God and He is our Provider. I pray for this organization that the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened and they will not be led away from the truth of God’s Word. Jesus is Lord!
Amen. You are correct and you state the truth so well. FEAR has grasped many Christians, and those of us remaining must hold on to God’s Word 1 Tim 1:7. We must not forget what God has given us and as we open our mouths wide, He will fill it. God bless you.
Doesn’t Form 990 have to be made public and list your donors? We can probably figure it out that way.
Where may we find that piece of information you wrote? WE NEED TO KNOW. Scripture will never be silenced for long!
Thank you and proceed without them. Pray for them!
I have two Chinese grad students living with me.
Have the former donor call me so I can tell them what life is like under Communism.
I have friends who’ve come to the US out of socialism. Even Canada’s health system-
Often contrasted with ours as a model of inclusivity and socially equitable-is far from the perfect system that liberals would like us to believe. Remove God? He is dethroned for another entity, another power-
And it’s in competition for His supremacy, His rightful, lawful, Blood-bought place of Authority in the earth.
There is no better place than America. There is no better system outside of Heaven.
How arrogant! Why??
We believe in God and He’s called us to hold our ground-
In love-until His return- through Christ.
Any nation, any system, any form of government that must deny God, minimize God or the power of Jesus Christ, is going to fail. We cannot serve man without serving God.
May God stir up a million smaller donors to replace this one.
May the FEAR OF GOD visit and save this donor from mission drift, people pleasing and the fear of man. Fear involves torment and is not of God.
May His perfect love cast out all fear!
come out of the 501c3…let Jesus be your Provider
Coming out of a 501c3 would not change that. This has nothing to do with governmental funding.
God have been and He still in charge. When God is in charge even in the mouth of fish He will supply fund. Let look to God for all provisions
Stay the course. God is our provider, not any foundation. ” Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3)
I didn’t know about your platform comparison, thank you for doing that. I did one of my own and did multiple word search comparisons and was shocked at how openly anti-Christian/Biblical one platform was. Spurling Silver: https://dougspurling.blogspot.com/2016/11/republican-platform-vs-democratic.html
Keep up the good work.
The 501 issues came out of the past president that he made it an executive order, I think, that churches could not speak anything from the pulpit that may be considered political or you would loose your 501 status which is a tax-free status so you could not preach pro-life and like the Christian bakery that didn’t want to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. It was based upon government deciding what you say or do according to their understanding or belief. I sure hope we still preach love and compassion for others and stand up for what Scripture says.
I have heard good & bad about this 501c3. Our pastors see it as a blessing & also, they aren’t afraid to speak the truth in they’re messages. If govt were to threaten them, they’d drop that 501c3 in a heartbeat.
Thanks for sharing. He is faithful, He appreciates your heart for Him.
It could also be that they themselfs are a 501ce. Wanted to add this as well. Run from this. May God open your eyes to this .
I know why you were rejected . Its because antrhing that has to do with the 502c3 system is not of GOD . GOGLE IT AND YOU WILL I HOPE AND PRAY. YOU WILL HED THE COICE OF GOD AND RUN FROM IT. BECAUSE THIS IS NOT OF GOD . ITHIS IS OF SATAN. IT WAS DESIGNED TO SILENCE THE CHURCH IN TIME. RUN FROM IT. THIS CHURCH KNOWS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT. GOD IS EXPOSING CHURCHES TIED WITH THIS. RUN FROM IT . Or be destroyed iam greatly disturbed that a so called organization is Even associated with this this really makes you wonder if this is a Christian organization or not I see now that it’s not I think God that he expose you so that I will no longer have anything to do this you’re not of God following Satan in blindly doing so they God had mercy on all of you
It looks to me like you have hit a nerve with the enemy.
I suggest that you print your piece of information and distribute it anyway in the face of the enemy, sending your first pieces to those who have rejected it.
Praying over your piece of information that is being sent that the Lord would convict all the Christians and their attorneys to hold strong with the faith that comes from Him, regardless the cost.
Then send your information out to your intercessors electronically and ask them to pray for the resources to distribute it widely with the goal to reach every home in America each month until the election in November 2020.
I believe the Lord has given you a tool to get the word out in a concise manner. He will fund it.
Take a step of faith, print it and distribute it with what you have and watch Him multiply what He has given you.
This is going to be a BIG testimony of how God came through and how He did it all with just a handful of warriors from Giddeon’s army🤺😊. It’s time to praise Him for what He is doing! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
I was thinking the same! You have upset the enemy! Print it! I also highly recommend that you google 501c3 as Gail suggested. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you. We are looking forward to receiving a copy! This is NEEDED!
We continue to pray. We haven’t given financially to IFA, NOW we will. And we will distribute the printout.
Bless IFA. Cristi
Amen! It is time to rely on Yahweh Jireh (the Lord will provide) totally.. Praise Him, pray for our daily need and thank Him for giving us His direction, His strategies, His resources for projects He desires.
The main thing is prayer! What He commissions He oversees and He has never lost a battle. Praise the name of Yeshua! Praise the name of Jesus!
Gail, you have just inspired me to increase my giving to IFA by 100% in support of this printed piece. Thank you for making it so evident that the enemy doesn’t want this piece printed. It must mean its going to be very effective, will reach thousands of people, and will make a huge difference in making the truth known. Its unfortunate you have chosen to be a mouthpiece for the enemy and I pray the holy spirit will convict your heart. IFA press on boldly! As Don said, God will provide the means.
We are in interesting times! Many Christian organizations are succumbing to mission drift as they give in to fear of man. We pray that out of His riches He will supply every need in Christ Jesus! Perhaps this separation is timely for the mission of IFA to stay on track!
Gail you have hit the nail on the head. Until God’s people have a greater understanding of agreement and the agenda of the enemy…we will compromise with the luciferin agenda. 501C3 is an agenda that took the church under earthly government so we traded the government of God for earthly Government and now we reap the benefits. READ PAUL MCGUIRE “THE GREATEST BATTLE FOR THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF MANKIND IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD . Now this blows my mind even Paul McGuire is a 501C3 and now God is releasing a greater understanding of covenant. If Planned Parenthood and many other non profit organizations are lumped together and in direct opposition to the word of God we have to get out of the government system and let God reveal how we will move forward. My guess is God’s people will wake up and not care about the tax credit and give so that Righteousness will prevail and we will See the Kingdom of God manifest on the earth as it is in Heaven. Keep speaking the truth Gail!!
Holy God, open their eyes to see that if they bow down to their fear of not being politically correct, they will be completely bound in the near future. Help us to stand boldly for Biblical truth. How we need Holy Spirit strength and perseverance. Wake us up and move us to pray with one voice for Your glory, Lord Jesus. Amen