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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that you would put an end to lawlessness in America, that our streets would be safe. We ask that you would do battle on our behalf so that we could live in peace and safety together.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Crime in the United States has gotten out of control, and the intercessors of America have to do something about it.

The much-anticipated official FBI crime data for 2020 is not expected to be released until next week, but initial reporting indicates it could be a record high spike in violent crime.

The New York Times reported a 30% increase in murders in 2020, an incredible and disturbing statistic.

It makes you wonder…

“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3

Insider Intercessory Intelligence

In April of 2015, I worked for the Daily Caller as a reporter writing about, among other things, criminal justice issues. As part of that work, I covered the tragic death of Freddie Gray while in custody of Baltimore police. His passing was one of the first infamous cases in a string of deaths that led to anti-police demonstrations, riots, and the creation of Black Lives Matter.

After Gray’s death, Baltimore descended into chaos. As a young and eager reporter, I ventured into the city to cover the protests, which turned to riots. Along with two colleagues, I walked the streets of Baltimore, which emptied out in the afternoon like a ghost town as residents anticipated what was coming. Soon, the streets filled with demonstrators, some wearing masks.

Buildings were broken into. Cars were vandalized. A CVS was looted and burned.

One of the first men I encountered was a man toting a trash bag full of prescription medicine he claimed to have just stolen. A car zipped past on a city street that had to be driving twice the speed limit. I was nearly hit. The spirit of lawlessness was in the air.

As the night progressed, things became more dangerous. At one intersection, a line of police officers faced off against a crowd of rioters. They looted a liquor store near me as a car sat in the middle of the intersection, engulfed in flames.

The police, dressed in riot gear, stood a block away and watched. About a dozen looters tried their best to rip a bolted ATM from the ground near the burning car. I don’t know if they ever succeeded.

I was warned half a dozen times by bystanders that, as a white man, I was not safe out on the streets that night.

It turned out they were right.

Before the night was over, both myself and one of my colleagues had been attacked by rioters. My friend’s nose was broken when someone punched him in the face. Soon after, I was surrounded by a dozen men, one of whom held a hammer.

My phone was stolen, I was hit in the face by a man wielding a liquor bottle. I fell to the ground, momentarily unconscious. I suffered a concussion and a fractured orbital bone, and of course, a pretty gnarly black eye.

By God’s grace, and with the help of a few friends, we were able to escape and make it to a hospital, where we spent the rest of the night.

I headed back to Washington, D.C. the next morning. I spent the next few days laying in a dark room recovering from the concussion.

It was later reported that the mayor of the city “gave those who wished to destroy space to do that.” Police were told by the mayor to back off at times and let it happen.

As some activists today make TV appearances calling for “dismantling” and “abolishing” police departments, I have to tell you… I have personally experienced what happens when government officials let criminals run amok.

I’ve seen lawlessness firsthand in America’s cities, and it hurts.

Prayer Points:

-Lord, we pray that common sense would prevail when it comes to issues of crime and policing in our nation, that people would see the need for police and law and order and not tear down the authorities who have been put there by God to protect us.

-Father, we pray that those police officers who are abusing their power would repent or be removed from their positions of authority. We ask that people of every nationality would be treated fairly by law enforcement.

-Father, we pray that you would put an end to lawlessness in America and that our streets would be safe. We ask that you would do battle on our behalf so that we could live in peace and safety together.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Tm 2:1-2)


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Victoria Z
October 2, 2021

Father dismantle & destroy all wicked plans against police from the roots. Father who in their tight mind would want to see a nation with less police, defunded police, and restrained police, Father people who want this are mentally and spiritually sick and need go be stopped & silenced by your divine intervention. FATHER intervene, shut their mouths and plans, destroy their influence, wake people up to realize the insanity of less police and restrained police. Father what we need are devoted police who are wise & self controlled as well as courageous, who will not abuse a suspect by taking justice in their own hands using unjust force. Father raise us up good police and weed out the bad. innJesus name we pray & thank you for hearing & answering our prayers.

September 27, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray that You would put an end to lawlessness in America. Lord, this has begun to get out of control now. I ask that You would do battle on our behalf so we could live in peace and safety together. I pray that the streets in our cities will become safe again. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Darlene B Estlow
September 25, 2021

Father, may we be faithful to pray for our country. We declare lawlessness will end and your peace and righteousness will rule. M

Carole Ann Neve
September 25, 2021

So for this article, I think that the Mayor and the bullies who attacked are to blame. This is a common sense orchestrated, and most probably paid for terrorist attack in America. The police and the police commissioner should know who the mayor and good police are, and who the corrupt police are. We should be protected as citizens.

September 25, 2021

Am so glad you survived this horrific attack, Mr. Harper. I admire your courage. It is certainly a breath of fresh air to hear from an honest journalist in these days and times.

Praying in agreement, in our Lord Jesus Christ

Maynard Beck Sr.
September 25, 2021

I met my son at the airpot in St Louis a month before the Michael Brown incident. We had planned to eat lunch near the airport so we searched online for resturants and decided on the Ferguson Burger Bar. However plans changed, and we did not eat there. Ferguson Burger Bar made the news when they stayed open during the riots but later closed due to the impact:
Tried to stay openhttps://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/print-edition/2015/07/17/burger-bar-s-owner-not-waiting-to-expand.html
They closed in 2016 due to losses generated by the riots – same pattern as Freddy Gray in Baltimore where the old folks home and drugstore were burned down.  Repeated throughout the country many times.
Notice that seed money for the Ferguson Burger Bar was provided by North County Inc. – a group of white investors…
Recent developments in Ferguson are pitting local BLM (Michael Brown’s family) against national BLM.
A concentrated push to bring BLM’s finances to light would be a fantastic help in leveling the disinformation playing field.
Here in North Carolina there was a big flap recently in Elizabeth City when police shot a drug-dealing thug trying to run them over. One of the facts brought out was that (over the years) he had 188 PAGES of arrests for criminal activity.
How many overdose deaths do you suppose HE was responsible for?
Thanks for excellent reporting!!!!
Maynard Beck Sr.

    September 25, 2021

    Very informative post, Mr. Beck, thank you for posting. God bless!


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