“I wanted to let you know that I called Nancy Pelosi’s number as you asked intercessors to do to thank her for praying for wisdom. A lady answered and I asked her to thank Nancy for mentioning the need to pray for wisdom. I also told her I would be praying for Nancy. This lady began to cry and thanked me for calling... Pat”
What an amazing reaction from a clip we found last week of Nancy Pelosi talking about the importance of prayer and asking God for wisdom. We certainly do not know her intentions, nor are we under any illusions that she stands for biblical values. But, we saw this as an opportunity to reach out and let her know that prayer is important to us and we appreciated her talking about it.
We then asked a group of intercessors who have emailed their elected officials to call Congresswoman Pelosi’s office to thank her for talking about prayer and the importance of godly wisdom for our nation’s leaders. Over 50 intercessors called her office! Some were directed immediately to voice mail and some left messages with staff.
Please pray for the staffer mentioned above who responded with tears! God must have been touching her heart. Pray that God would give Nancy Pelosi true wisdom and if these are empty words, they would become full by the work of the Holy Spirit.
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To the wicked Lady of the West, you want to give money in enormous amounts to the different Countries and businesses and you offer to give us, We The People six hundred Dollars after nine months of lock down. You are a traitor to this Country. I served my great Country in Vietnam and am proud American. You actually think you are better than us because of you rich dirty pockets. God will decide what to do with all of you criminal politicians. And the way you are selling us out to China. God says he won’t allow this and I believe that by doing so you may just put an end to this World. Ms Pellosi I would say if you don’t mind burning in Hell keep it up but you also can turn yourself in for crimes of treason. You and the Governor of Ca. Are a disgrace to this State and to My American! Burn Nancy burn!
Father thank You that we can all come to your throne of grace and receive your mercy to help us in our time of need. Please draw Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer, and all of our leadership to your Son and save them. Your arm is not so short that it cannot save and You want all to be saved. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear the truth of Jesus and take away their hearts of stone and give them hearts of flesh, put your Spirit in them and move them to obey your decrees and be careful to keep your laws. The kings heart is in Your hand and you direct it like a watercourse wherever You please. LORD in your mercy and grace have your way in their lives and even though the election is past continue to move all of our leadership to make decisions pleasing to You. Glorify Yourself! and thank You LORD!
Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.” For God understands all hearts, and he sees you. He who guards your soul knows you knew. He will repay all people as their actions deserve.
Proverbs 24:12 NLT
The Lord knows. May she no longer desire the company of the wicked, for their hearts plot violence and talk of making trouble. Lord we ask that through the many options of ministry around DC, that only truee exposition of Your Word be allowed to prevail, not a twisting or watering down by a false witness. May Your mighty Spirit manifest in ways this generation has never seen and may it begin with this changing of the guard in the House of Representatives. May they represent Your people, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, and my we repent as a nation for the murder of Your children. And in Jesus name would You burden our hearts to forgive, just as You forgave uson the Cross at Calvary. Amen
When God shows you your self it’s very hard to believe it’s really you.I believe that’s what happing now may God shine on us continually show us ourselves so we might repent and come to you.
Yes Lord open her heart to the truth use her for your kingdom! Take
all the hearts of stone and give them hearts of flesh. Make us united
in you Jesus and we will then be BC Bibicaly correct!!!
I have been guilty of negative thoughts towards this woman’s total disregard for the sanctity of life and those who have the “silly” idea that babies matter. Thank you for the reminder and reproof from Proverbs, that every single word that exits our mouths in the morning will return to be our dinner in the evening. No wonder there’s so much stomach disease. Let’s not curse ourselves by cursing others.
Dear LORD God Almighty, we come praising You and thanking You for Your Great love. We understand that Nancy Pelosi is in dire need of prayer, for her soul, (and for the entire senate, congress and President). We ask Your guidance for her and that her heart of stone be turned to flesh. We bind the evil in her heart to silence, that it cannot come out and cause destruction, by the power of the Holy shed blood of Jesus and in His name, Amen
By all means let us pray for Pelosi’s conversion. But let us also be discerning, heeding the words of James. “What use is it my brethren if some one says he has faith but no works?”
Pelosi has tried to use religion in the past for political gain. Let us see some real fruit before we put too much weight in her words. For example, she could stop impeachment proceeding against Trump. She could call for defunding Planned Parenthood, she could start protecting religious freedom instead of the LGBT. She could renounce the Democrat 2016 platform that calls for giving transsexuals access to the bathroom facilities they want. I must see some of these things before I believe that her profession of faith has any legitimacy. I will keep praying for her and others to be converted.
By all means let us pray for Pelosi’s conversion. But let us also be discerning, heeding the words of James. “What use is it my brethren if some one says he has faith but no works?”
Pelosi has tried to use religion in the past for political gain. Let us see some real fruit before we put too much weight in her words. For example, she could stop impeachment proceeding against Trump. She could call for defunding Planned Parenthood, she could start protecting religious freedom instead of the LGBT. She could renounce the Democrat 2016 platform that calls for giving transsexuals access to the bathroom facilities they want. I must see some of these things before I believe that her profession of faith has any legitimacy. I will keep praying for her and others to be converted.
May we all be aware of God’s love for all people and especially those who are leading our nation. I pray that we will all humble ourselves before God that He will exhalt us in due time. He has a plan to bring love and peace to all who call on His name. Protect our nation and give our leaders wisdom Lord 🙏
Lord make yourself known to Nancy Pelosi, her families and staff in dreams Visions encounters in the night watch that they would know you and the truth
Father, thank you in the name of your son Jesus Christ for Nacy Pelosi. Thank you that your plan for redemption was also meant for her. Thank you for your counsel in every decision she makes. Draw her near Lord and give her an encounter with you this Christmas season, Amen.
Reading the above comments about Nancy Pelosi has greatly touched my heart. I confess my thoughts about her have been negative but i had forgotten about the powerful Holy Spirit’s work. Forgive me, Jesus. My prayers now are for her heart to be touched and won for our Saviour. Prayer is needed for guidance. God IS in control.
A snake/wolf in sheeps clothing. Not everyone who calls me Lord shall enter into heaven.
Father God, in Jesus Name, we thank You for their lives and know that You love them greatly. Release Holy Spirit upon them and draw them to Yourself. Yes, Father, grant them Wisdom, godly Wisdom, for every decision they must make in Jesus Name! Amen!
It is amazing to hear Nancy Pelosi talking about stories from the Bible & need for prayer! We must keep her very much in our prayers! Prayer is our greatest weapon! Daily & fervently… is my aim & desire for all our political leaders! 🙏🙏
Who knows, maybe a great revival be started through this ministry and may it start
with Pelosi. I will start praying for her. I have prayed many times for a great awakening to start inthe USA.
Praying that Pelosi Shumer Walters and the rest find Salvation of the Lord and a touch from the Holy Spirit.
Thanks for including Nancy Pelosi’s actual words about Solomon. Yes, all Americans need prayer.
Praying for Nancy Pelosis’s heart to soften and truly be listening for God’s wisdom to direct her decisions. Praying for that lady in her office to be used as a positive spiritual influence on Nancy.
Praying for Nancy Pelosi too! May she experience the truth about Christmas that Jesus is the Lord of lords and He alone can be our Counselor!
We need to be praying for Nancy Pelosi!