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We are on the verge of a massive UPS strike, which would delay or even keep us from receiving our deliveries.

From The Hill. Tens of thousands of unionized workers for the United Parcel Service are on the verge of going on strike as negotiations between the company and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for better benefits and working conditions reach a critical point.

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Workers dialed up the pressure on the shipping giant this week, demanding the company present its “best and final offer” by Friday, or it would begin the largest single employer strike in decades. …

UPS has said it transports about 6 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) on a daily basis and more than 3 percent of the global GDP.

The UPS Teamsters contract expires July 31, and if a deal isn’t made soon, a chunk of its workforce could have picket signs in hand later this summer.

Just more than a month remains until a key deadline for both sides to have a deal or risk a major strike for a company that averaged delivering more than 24 million packages daily last year.

Who are the Teamsters?

UPS touts itself as the country’s “single-largest employer” of the Teamsters union, which comprises more than 300,000 warehouse, transportation and delivery workers, among others.

Earlier this month, the union voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike if the shipping company failed to deliver a “strong contract” by the end of next month, which is when the union’s current contract is set to lapse. …

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W. Terry Moser
June 30, 2023

As a retired 26 year Teamsters union representative who has participated directly twice in the national UPS negotiations, my viewpoint from a distance now is that the current status looks like the typical rhetoric from both sides, particularly the union side. That the union wants management to make a “last, best and final ” offer over a month before the contract expires is being done, in my opinion, so that the union officials can recommend that it be rejected by the membership and then come back to the bargaining table with the rejection vote in hand to demand even more from the company. UPS has been in business since 1907 and it took 100 years, until 2007, to have its first national strike. UPS wages and benefits are now in the six figure rangeand they are far and away the leader in the US delivery business. My prayer is that both the union and management allow and yield to effective mediation to avoid this strike and reach another 5 year agreement for the good of the employees, the employer and the nation. Yes and amen.

Jim Vandegriff
June 30, 2023

Had my own Post Office, 96270 @ Kadena AB, Okinawa. Worked 1 Christmas for UPS. UPS shut down would not affect me personally at all. Go USPS! Still have great service 6 days a week here in Lebanon, Missouri!! Love my postal carrier, Karen!!!


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