How We Can Be Salt and Light
How We Can Be Salt and Light
As Christians, we are called to be ‘salt’ and ‘light’ in the world. How do we actually do that?
From The Christian Post. Now — more than ever — our hurting and confused culture is a raging battleground between the very real forces of good and evil and light and darkness. America is at a crisis point, yet the Body of Christ is still asleep in many places and non-existent in our communities where our light must shine.
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Our local governments and public school boards are caving in to “woke” agendas, actively promoting same-sex relationships and “gender fluidity.” Our children and teens are deluged every waking moment with messaging urging them to be someone different from whom God created them to be, and if we dare to even raise a concern, we’re labeled “haters” and “bigots.”
Is it clearly obvious to anyone around you where you stand?
As followers of Jesus, we’re called to be what the Bible describes as “salt and light.” We’re to bring the gospel and the presence of God everywhere we go – to shine the light of Christ to our neighbors, work colleagues, and the baristas at our local coffee shop. It is time for the Church to get out of the building and start having conversations with hurting people. What better way to show the love of Christ than to get involved with the civic organizations and community events in our area where people gather?
How do we practically become ‘salt and light?’
As the founder of Christians Engaged (, a ministry that encourages Christians to get involved in the civic arena and “shine” in all areas of community life, people often say to me: “You talk about being ‘salt’ and ‘light,’ but how do we practically do that in real life?”
Let me offer you 4 very practical ways we can be “salt and light” in these deeply troubling times:
- Be a civic voice: Volunteer for a role within your city or town council. There are plenty of city advisory boards, community projects you could support, or events that need Christians to be involved with. Voice your concerns about issues that could be detrimental or harmful to your community and most importantly exercise your right to vote in every election, especially local elections!
- Be a kids’ champion: Perhaps you’ve heard that Christians in many places are pushing back against “drag queen story times” at their local public libraries? Even in conservative communities, like Plano, Texas near where I live, men dressed in little more than women’s underwear are reading stories to children as young as 3. We cannot let this stand, nor can we allow “gender ideology” books to overtake our public libraries. Why not impact those areas by getting on a library commission and running for City Council?
- Be known by your care for others: Everyone responds positively to acts of genuine care and thoughtful acts of kindness. Why not surprise your local schoolteachers, firefighters, police, medics, or public officials with a care package that shows them they’re appreciated? Include a handwritten note that you’re praying for them and their families. You’ll be astonished at the impact your act of caring will have!
- Be a public pray-er: Many of us pray regularly in private, but do we pray in public in our communities? Public prayer is a powerful witness to our leaders and our neighbors. So many people in your community are hurting right now. Very few will say “No” to a sincere offer to pray for them right where they are in the office, in the grocery store, or even at our city council meetings.
Having been involved in civic life at various levels for many years, I’m convinced real transformation takes place at the local level. It’s not what happens in Washington, D.C. that will restore America to right values. It’s what you and me — Christians being “salt and light” in our own communities that will determine the course of our beloved nation.
As Jesus says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven”(Matthew 5:16, NKJV).
I’d like to invite you to take a step on that journey and join Christians Engaged as we explore what it means to be “salt and light” in our communities. Why not sign up for our online course?
As our world grows darker every day, God is looking at us to shine. As the Apostle Paul says: “… that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15, NKJV).
How are you acting as salt and light for the Lord? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
(Used with permission. By Bunni Pounds from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Canva)
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It takes courage but obedience is first, God grants courage to those who follow Him (Jos 24:15).
Dear Lord, please move your church to know Your Word and follow You that they may walk out your Word in courage as a light in this present darkness.
I’m very thankful for the ministry of IFA. Even coming together to pray with Christians can be controversial if we don’t have unity in understanding the truth and direction for prayer via Scripture. There is always more to discern and the Holy Spirit is definitely the key, but your summaries and your Scriptural input are a solid foundation to “Pray fervently in Jesus’ righteousness and avail much” James 5:16b I’m going to start praying for “10 for America” to take hold as a ” come as you are” prayer gathering, following worship at our church on Sunday mornings.
It’s so exciting to co-labor with the Lord on a daily basis, expecting God to use me as I simply “fill up and spill out” salt + light in relevant ways!
One salt + light conversation-opener I find effective is, “Hey, have you heard of The Chosen?” Most say, “No, what’s that?” I often say, “Oh, it a multi-season show that literally millions are watching! It’s about the life of Jesus – but it’s not ‘cheesy;’ it’s very relational and compelling.”
I then offer a business card sized tract that says “Thank You” on the front – or sometimes a plain card. Most accept it + thank me for sharing a good website or app; some take a photo + a few have rejected it, but the seed is planted.
Lord, help us be conduits through whom You can freely flow in relevant and effective ways to a world in great need of a real presentation of Jesus, amen.
Father, forgive us. We have been so driven by Revelation 22:20, ignoring what it entails that we forget that we must be found worthy, Luke 21:36, and be about Your business, Luke 18:8. Jesus, let me be found worthy of You.