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USA Today has been getting roasted on social media for attempting to destigmatize pedophilia, portraying it as an orientation that may even be forged in the womb.

Written by Alia Dastagir, the article laments that pedophilia stands among “the most misunderstood” of sexual orientations, with people often making it synonymous with child abuse. Dastagir writes:

When most of the public thinks of pedophilia, they assume it’s synonymous with child sexual abuse, a pervasive social problem that has exploded to crisis levels online. Researchers who study pedophilia say the term describes an attraction, not an action, and using it interchangeably with ‘abuse” fuels misperceptions.

The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has described pedophilia as being marked by “recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children.”

Some scientists have even put forward the idea that pedophilia may originate in the womb, meaning pedophiles have no control over their attraction. . . .

Michael Seto, forensic research director at the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group in Canada, likewise said that pedophilia “is not something that people choose.”

The article quoted no psychologist or forensic researcher with a different viewpoint on pedophilia – those who might rather characterize it as a severe mental disorder rather than a sexual orientation. It only gives a passing mention that the well-being and protection of children should be society’s top priority when it comes to handling such disorders. Instead, the article keeps asserting the need for treatment, allowing pedophiles to live openly without fear of social ostracization, not accounting for the risks involved.

USA Today took a beating on social media for the article and subsequently deleted a tweet defending its controversial position:

The New York Times, Vice, Salon, and many other outlets have also attempted to destigmatize pedophilia in one way or another.

What are your thoughts on this article? Let us know in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article written by Paul Bois. Photo by )

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Lori Meed
January 20, 2022

Father, we see so clearly that we are in a Romans 1:20 – 32 time in our history. We who have revelation as a nation of Who You are, of Your goodness, we have failed to honor You as Creator and we have failed to be thankful! We have become darkened in our minds and worthless in our thinking. Forgive us! Come again to us! Cleanse us in Your great mercy and revive us again!

Rose Rocha
January 19, 2022

Lord help us with this mindset. It is lie from the enemy that people have bought. Your word says that it would be better to hung around the neck and thrown into the sea than to harm any of your little children. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Roxanne Rice
January 19, 2022

It never ceases to amaze me what horrific things people will see as being acceptable, misunderstood, and even normal.

I pray with Isaiah 9.2 that the people who walk in darkness would see a great light, that those who dwell in a land of deep darkness would find light shining upon them.

Thank You, Jesus, that You came and redeemed us from all such sin and degradation. There but for Your grace go all of us.

Susan CC
January 19, 2022

I totally hate reading this type of report. I pray for children every day of my life and ask again…

Abba Father, would You strike terror in the hearts of pedophiles? Would You rescue each and every one of these tiny victims? Would You rescue them not only from sexual abuse but abortion, addicted parents, indifferent parents and neglectful parents? My heart breaks for these little ones, they deserve love. I humbly pray You would You close the wombs of all the women who will not care for their children. Your Son says what is impossible with man is possible with You. I believe Jesus and I pray You will do abundantly more than I have asked or can ever imagine. I ask this in the Precious Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    January 19, 2022

    Susan, what you wrote brings to mind Matthew 18:10 to me:
    “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.”

    Praying in agreement with you, Susan, in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen.

      Susan CC
      January 19, 2022

      I love this Julie. And I pray a quick end for those who do despise and hurt little ones. The Lord does not need my direction so I will leave that “end” in His Mighty Hands of Justice.

Paula Countryman
January 19, 2022

This is just one more thing that tells of the darkness that is happening in our country and around our world. I do not believe that most Americans would ever be on board with taking advantage of children like this. This is just plain evil, and those pushing this sort of behavior are evil people. People should be aware that God is good and He loves people, however, there is a side of Him that we do not want to see as a nation. I pray that even those who do not have God in their hearts, would also see this for what it is…an excuse to do harm and to have self gratification in a horrific manner.

January 19, 2022

Pedophilia is not an illness, but rather voluntary, felony behavior and the worst of all evils.

Main Stream Media (NY Times, USA Today, etc.,) are pathetic in their attempts to appease Democrats in the White House with their “wokeness.” That they would sink to this abysmal low is beyond appalling.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5:20.)


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