I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help us to navigate this new world we live in where gaining control and manipulating the truth is the norm.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

I went to our local area hospital this week for a medical procedure. All the entrances into the upper levels were locked as patients were required to stand in line for a security guard to check us in. There was one guard and a long line of people–growing longer by the minute.

The guard seemed to have a challenge checking in the older gentleman in front of me. The man was probably around 80 and dressed in a nice suit. He was coming to see his wife.

Finally after about 15 minutes the guard said to him, “I’m sorry she can only have one visitor a day and she has already had that. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.”

I saw the older man’s shoulders slump as he pleaded, “Please sir, she’s my wife…”

“It’s the law,” the guard stated.

I stepped up to the counter after that statement, breaking the six-foot social distancing recommendation much to the horror of the guard. “It’s not a law sir.” I told him. “I’ve called my senator, one of my representatives, the governor’s office and the mayor’s. It’s not a law.

“It’s a rule then,” the guard replied. No sir, it’s a guideline from the CDC. Only a guideline and they keep changing those almost daily,” I replied politely but firmly.

“It’s our rule then,” the guard responded.

“Now that’s a true statement,” I continued. “But tell me how is that right? This gentleman has come all this way to see his wife, stood in line for a long time only to be told someone else got there before him. How does he know that won’t happen again tomorrow? There is nothing right about this.”

The guard bowed his head and wouldn’t even look at me as he responded, “I only work here.”

The older gentlemen put his hand on my arm, “Thank you SO much for trying,” he said. Unfortunately, he didn’t get in to my knowledge, because at that point he didn’t press any further. He didn’t know how.

It was then my turn and I had to jump through several bizarre hoops and several “stations” just to get to my appointment. I had arrived fifteen minutes early, and by the time I had gone through all their “rules” I was about thirty minutes late to the appointment. At two stages I was told to call someone as the people at their desks weren’t allowed to check me in. However, I had already done a pre-check in! Still I had to make phone calls to somehow get approved by someone I couldn’t see. Not sure how that is supposed to protect anyone. I was on hold at least ten minutes waiting to be “approved” when finally a clerk said she could, “make an exception.”

Finally, at the final door to gain entrance to where my appointment, I had to pick up a phone on the wall to call for it to be opened. Mind you EVERYONE coming through also had to pick up that receiver and use it to call to get the door open. Please tell me how is that step making it safer and spreading less germs than simply letting us push the door open ourselves? And I felt for the clerk who had to get up every few minutes to come open a door, which we are all quite capable of opening. How does that protect any of us? Everyone still touched the door. What they have succeeded in doing is making it really complicated and controlled.

It’s insanity on steroids. And yet we comply.

“It is a little inconsistent” the tech inside told me when I asked about the “rules.”
“I can’t say anything though,” she told me. “I will lose my job.”

And so there you have it. From what I saw, there are many forced-to-wear-a-mask workers in the medical field and in stores who do not agree with these rules. They can see the insanity of some of these rules that do nothing to protect…but feel forced to comply to keep their jobs.

It reminds me of when I lived in Communist China. We would have to stand in line at the bank for around thirty minutes for a simple transaction that would take about five minutes here. It was because they required a paper to be stamped by at least five to seven different people. Why? Because that’s what communist control does. Each person had to look over that paper closely showing the deposit amount before they put their official red stamp on it as we stood and waited. What were they inspecting? God only knows. I’m sure they didn’t know. It was just the rule. And everyone followed it.

So now here it is in our country. Only here it is labeled as a “protection.” But let’s use some common sense for a moment. How does keeping all the doors locked for someone to open it and give you entrance protect anyone or limit the spread of germs? We are all still touching the doors. How does the rule to enter through one door, but leave by another stop any germ or slow any spread?  How does forcing patients to pick up a public area phone that isn’t wiped down from patient to patient slowing the spread of germs? It is in fact allowing for a spread of germs. These are just a few of the “rules” that are said to be for our “protection.” But if we look, there is no protection in place, no common sense, only control.

Most people will follow the rules because although we may not like them, we want to avoid confrontation. We don’t feel we have any recourse. Employees who disagree feel they can’t say anything or they put their job in jeopardy. So, we all just get in line, stand politely and go along. But it doesn’t make any sense. We have to be willing to ask questions.

After my experience, I looked up the phone number of the top branch of the medical group over the hospital where I had been. I called to file a complaint and ask questions. I first talked with a “Director of Patient Experience.” She was very polite, as was I, and it was clear she didn’t agree with the rules either…but if she didn’t hold to the narrative, she could lose her job. So afterwards I asked to talk to a higher up decision maker. I was then asked for my birthdate, address, etc. “You have my phone number. They don’t need any other information in order to call me,” I responded. Again, I had to challenge the narrative—politely.

What is the point to this story?

  1. The older gentleman did not get to go in to see his wife. He was willing to take “no” for an answer and didn’t know what else to do. Later I was told by the “Director of Patient Experience” that had he simply pressed in further, he would have been allowed to go in as they would have “made an exception” for him. Bless his heart. He didn’t know and went home without seeing his wife.
  2. My experience was much different. I got into my appointment without having my temperature taken and was never asked to wear a mask. Everyone else was. Why? Because I was willing to ask questions, state facts from my research, and decry areas that made absolutely no sense for us to follow. At each place I was told, “I asked my manager and they said they could make an exception for you.”

Note, I was not rude or bullying at any step. But I did ask questions. And where things didn’t make sense and didn’t afford me or them any protection, I brought it to their attention. And they waived me through.

None of the rules I encountered at the medical facility that day were for my protection or theirs. They didn’t keep me or the workers safer. They were just rules.

In days coming, it may become harder and harder to challenge these rules and be allowed in. At that point we will have a decision to make—refuse the needed medical procedure or service we are trying to procure, which some may not be able to do—or comply.

Make no mistake, lines are being drawn. With each day our rights are being challenged and trampled all in the name of “protection” because it sounds good, but it isn’t. And it doesn’t make sense.

We have never walked this road, and so we must be willing to ask questions, while we also continue to press in through prayer to see knees bow to honor God rather than in protest or conquest.


Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To join her in DC for the Election 2020 Prayer Tour go to: https://destinybuilders.world/election-prayer-tour/ or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.karenhardin.com 


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Karen Secrest
June 20, 2020

I was amazed again today when a media blip proclaimed, ” the second wave has started.
There were 23 new cases out of a population of 9 million.”
Does this fear mongering do anything to protect? No. But it has driver me to prayer to find answers from the God of the Impossible.
Keep telling the truth. We need it. Thanks

Barbara Hesch
June 19, 2020

Why were so many people willing to go along with all the rules without question? I believe that it was all fear, because why would you wear a mask while you are driving alone in the car? Staying home and not going outside. Disinfecting all your groceries. Following the arrows in the supermarket. Not touching your packages or mail. It goes on and on. Aside from following the rules in the supermarket, I did none of these. Why? Because I refused to give in to fear. I just used my God-given common sense. Something foreign to a lot of people. If more people would speak out, we just might not ever have to do this again so willingly. Let’s follow Karen’s example and stand up to insanity.

June 19, 2020

This is important for me. I have struggled to find solid ground on this issue. I hear people out and agree with their stance only to hear the opposite view and “get” what they are saying as well. I have doctor friends whose families are staying quarantined still and will continue. They love the Lord and they love people. So when I listen to them, I understand their views. Then I have people who call out the unconstitutionality of so much of what we are seeing and I agree with that as well. I will not ever agree with these overreaching, communist type rules.

Praying for more insight and wisdom from God on this issue.

Rebecca Berube
June 19, 2020

Thank you, Karen. I appreciate
your message. (courage, wisdom, insight)
God bless you!



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