I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for exposing the censorship of conservatives by the federal government. Protect our first amendment rights, Father!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This recent court victory shows us that the media has been lying for years about the extent of the federal government’s censorship of conservatives.

From The Federalist. Corporate media mocked widespread conservative outrage over online censorship as a “baseless” and misdirected ploy to gin up controversy and votes, but Missouri v. Biden proves Big Tech and the federal government colluded to suppress “millions of protected free speech postings by American citizens.” …

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Emails, documents, files, and statements show that it was often at the prompting of federal agencies … that Big Tech effectively silenced the voices of countless Americans on Covid-19, elections, and criticism of the Biden regime.

In his 155-page memorandum ruling handed down on July 4, Judge Terry Doughty, chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, asserted that the attorneys general who brought the case will likely see victory in court with their claim that “the United States Government, through the White House and numerous federal agencies, pressured and encouraged social-media companies to suppress free speech.” …

Even before lockdowns, BLM riots, and the 2020 election, corporate media outlets were smearing conservative claims of Big Tech censorship.

“Google and Facebook aren’t infringing on the right’s freedom of expression, but insisting otherwise is politically convenient,” the Atlantic asserted in 2019.

One year after the Atlantic claimed “there is no evidence” that Americans were suffering suppression of online speech, Pew Research found that “most Americans think social media sites censor political viewpoints.”

American suspicions that the government was involved in the censorship industrial complex only grew and were later confirmed by the “Twitter Files.” …

Meanwhile, the Biden administration feigned innocence about its role in limiting Americans’ speech at the same time it was expanding its efforts to muzzle citizens. Corporate media proudly participated in blackouts on information like the Hunter Biden laptop, and other Democrats also joined in the smear campaign. …

Missouri v. Biden didn’t uncover a couple of instances of accidental deplatforming, as Big Tech, corporate media, and the Biden White House so often like to claim. Doughty confirmed that attorneys general provided “substantial evidence in support of their claims that they were the victims of a far-reaching and widespread censorship campaign.” …

“It is quite telling that each example or category of suppressed speech was conservative in nature. This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech,” Doughty wrote. …

What do you think of the government’s censorship? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Canva)

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July 9, 2023

When does a nation (or a person) reach the point where God says don’t pray for those people anymore for I will send judgment as He told Jeremiah about the children of Israel. Scary thought.

Gregorio Calvo
July 9, 2023

Praise God for this and other Court rulings confirming that there were indeed censorship
of conservative and Christian worldviews, values and perspectives over the recent years,
by the media in all levels, most especially during the last two years of a Democrat president in the White House. We pray for continuing revelations and protection for righteous individuals and organizations leading in exposing such unrighteousness.

Ann Shaw
July 9, 2023

Almighty Father, you know the whole truth. Help us to honor you before we seek our own. In Jesus’s name and for His glory Amen


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