There is a rising tide of witchcraft in our nation with self-proclaimed witches openly casting their spells on our President and other leaders. That which used to be done in secret is now openly promoted and even celebrated by those intent on destruction.
How should intercessors respond to these spells and those who publish them? Do we cast those same spells “back” on those who spoke them? How do we separate these lost souls from their evil practices to pray effectively? We need to follow the consistent scriptural admonitions when dealing with anyone who curses others – regardless of how demonic or dark it may seem. As we deal with these demonic threats, we must check our hearts and be sure to have a higher goal in mind so our prayers can be powerful and effective.
The Bible clearly tells us to “…bless those who curse you” (Luke 6:28) and “…bless those who persecute you” (Romans 12:14). James warns believers of the power of the tongue with which we “…curse people who are made in the likeness of God” (James 3:11). We always need to keep the individuals separate from their words and actions when dealing with spiritual attack. These self-styled witches and warlocks who cast their spells are LOST. They are deceived and rebelling against a loving Father they do not know and cannot comprehend (2 Cor. 4:4). Regardless of their demonic intentions, we should always pray for them as individuals with the hope that they still might come to God through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
We must also remember that our praises to God are greater than any evil curse. Our praises shift the atmosphere and confuse the enemy, just like they did with Jehoshaphat’s army. Even when the people of God seemed outnumbered, it was their focus on the Most High God and the praises from their lips that brought them victory. Though we can renounce dark spells and rebuke the enemy, our declaration of the King’s dominion over our land will displace any demonic scheme and nullify any curse.
After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: “Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever.” As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. The Ammonites and Moabites rose up against the men from Mount Seir to destroy and annihilate them. After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another. (2 Chronicles 20:21-23)
Believers must rise up and declare the goodness and majesty of God, especially when demonic forces are advancing. We must release a sound of overcoming hope and victory that will change atmospheres and shift the spiritual battle in God’s favor. The enemy loses all clarity and authority when we join our voices in praise and worship to the One True God.
“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations and punishments on the peoples, to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment—This honor have all His saints. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 149:6-9).
This sound of corporate faith and expectancy attracts heaven and neutralizes enemy forces. It’s the sound of faith from a people who know their God. It’s the voice of victory from those who are in relationship with the Perfect Lamb who triumphed over death. It’s a spiritual force and a sound that gets attention from heaven and destroys the works of darkness (Acts 16:25-26). Armed with a greater authority through our prayers and praises, the proper course of action regarding these spells and incantations is:
- RENOUNCE THE CURSES and NULLIFY them through the blood of Christ (Galatians 3:13, Deut. 11:26, James 4:7).
- SPEAK THE OPPOSITE – Bless those who are being cursed as well as those who are blindly cursing them.
- OVERWHELM THE ATMOSPHERE WITH THE PRESENCE OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! Get with other believers and lift up a corporate voice of victory over the darkness.
As we address the spirit of witchcraft at work, let’s focus on what we are FOR, more than on what we are AGAINST. Wickedness in high places is no match for a worshiping Church! Our unified praise and declarations of the reigning King will create a blanket of God’s presence over the land that no enemy can penetrate and no spell can stop.
“Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him” (Daniel 7:27).
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The Lord is revealing a prayer against voodoo witchcraft. I ask for help in prayer against it together. God bless.
People of God kindly pray for me and my family for the God Deliverance from foundational demonic and witches sorcerer attack
I really need prayer,..dreams of people that had witchcraft on has been broken but, they are coming in my dreams trying to seduce me or whatever, but, every time I get in a relationship with a godly men, whenever these people are and or man that had put without and spell on me in my dreams, then the person I be in relationship with i never hear from them again no more in my life..also, they are sending people that are dead love ones and friends in my dreams, and i always end up back in the days I grew up with and they are doing things causing me to eat or drink in my dreams. Where is God when I’m praying for sweet sleep and dreams abd dwell in safety etc. I once wrote a letter to God and been very specific about a godly spouse and so on but, this apostle put it in this place call the white house and he always goes in there to pray he said. I don’t have anything I lost everything..I’m tired of losing certain men in my life because of these people…i just recently had a long distance relationship with this godly man we always talked about God, and he would always say God sent me to him and that he changed he feel different want to do better start back Praying, reading in his Bible and having a relationship with God and that he prayed to God to send someone like me and a way he feels that he couldn’t explain and we met on a dating site…and he said he knew I’m the one..this man that is doing witchcraft and going to witch doctor and have my picture in a jar has a thing for me and it h
been there. I rarely sleep
Same foolishess. Godly men i kno could be potential relationship clean relationship have went sour.
Thank you for the information
Was inspired
Rene & Aben
To begin, I owe Aben an apology for giving such a snarky answer to his response to me. It was wrong, I have no excuse, and hope that he and anyone else would forgive me for that. To explain, not excuse, I become very frustrated when individuals impose their ideas into the Scripture instead of allowing its truth to impose on themselves.
This is not an academic discussion to me. This doctrine is dangerous. Someone close to me committed suicide when they were told they were cursed and suffering for the sins of their ancestors. I could list many other examples. Wrong doctrine has bad consequences.
It has been said that you can judge the character of a person by how much truth they are willing to absorb. This is a rather profound statement. Most of us—including me—spend more time and energy avoiding facing truth than absorbing it head on. Let me give a palpable example:
After I posted my response to Aben, I knew in my heart that while it was true, it was completely inappropriate. Since then, my conscience gnawed at me, but I spent my energy avoiding the truth. I said things to myself such as, Oh he had it coming because he is misrepresenting Scripture, Maybe this will cause him to not say false things publicly in the future, and so on. Rene, when I read your post it seemed to me that your response was somewhat emotional because you recognized my tone with him had been wrong. This caused me to finally face the truth of my sin head on, so I am glad you were emotive in your post.
Okay, let me say a few things. First, I know this subject very, very well. Most of my biblical studies for the last seven years has been dedicated to curses, and curse deliverance. So, when I offer arguments about curses, they are arguments that I have thought about very carefully and for a long time. The fact is, when I began my study most of what I thought about curses was wrong. It was not until I studied them with an open mind that I began to understand the truth. And, I got on my knees and with an open heart, asked the Father to show me the truth and to help me understand what His word says about this. Then, I read, and read, and reread the Scripture. I actually looked up every biblical example of the words curse, cursed, and curses and recorded them in a spreadsheet, then categorized them as to the type of curse. Now, these words do not need to appear in a passage for that passage to be categorized as a curse. However, I studied, prayed, and thought about each and every single verse in the Bible that contains one of these words.
When I began, like you, I believed the Jesus broke all curses. It was about four years into my study when I finally realized Jesus did not break any curses. I recognized at once that this had profound implications on how we should think about curse deliverance, although I knew I was correct in that there are no examples of curse deliverance in the Bible. Aben referenced Galatians 3:13,
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
Now, this is where we must decide if language matters. Do words and the way they are arranged in sentences matter? And, do sentences and the way they are arranged in paragraphs matter? Is there a logic to the arrangement of words, sentences, and paragraphs in the Bible and are we required to pay attention to their order and logic? Obviously, these are rhetorical questions. We all know the answer to them and clearly it is yes.
Galatians 3:13 does not say that Jesus “broke” the curse. Now, many claim it means that He broke them, but it is incumbent upon them to demonstrate why it means that even though it is not evident in the plain simple text itself. It doesn’t say He broke the curse; it says He redeemed us from the curse. The words, and the way they are arranged in this passage matter. Let’s put aside what we want it to say, and face what it actually says.
Galatians 3:13 is written in the past tense. It discusses what Jesus accomplished when He was crucified. Paul was writing to the Galatians because people known as judaizers had fooled them into thinking that it was necessary to become circumcised in order to be saved. They were so persuasive they managed to convince the Apostle Peter to participate in this false doctrine.
“When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.
When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?”
Galatians 2:11-14
If Peter, who walked with Jesus, could fall into error regarding the curse of the law, we need to recognize this could happen to us as well.
In my response to Aben, I mentioned Galatians 3:10:
For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”
I mentioned earlier that Galatians 3:13 is written in the past tense at the time Paul wrote it. Just three verses earlier, Paul wrote verse 10 in the present tense. He demonstrated that the curse was still fully in effect and if anyone relied on the works of the law to be saved, they are under a curse. There is no getting around this. THE CURSE WAS NOT BROKEN!
Curse deliverance teachers insist Jesus broke the curse, yet Paul clearly demonstrated that He did not.
Why does this matter? Obviously, it is an irrefutable case against the practice of curse deliverance, and this is important because the Body of Christ should not be engaged in or promoting something neither Jesus nor the apostles practiced or taught. It is a distraction from the power of God and that is dangerous, but it is not the primary problem. What is of paramount importance is that this false doctrine denigrates the TRUTH of HOW we are saved, and we better be right about that subject. Satan is very invested in twisting the truth of how we are saved. He is not on our side, and he knows he can’t fool us by a great big obvious lie. No, he operates in a much more subtle fashion. He introduces tiny little lies that grow into big problems. Someone might say, Oh, so it’s a little nuanced error, it doesn’t matter that much. Consider Galatians again:
You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”
Galatians 5:7-9
“A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”
A little error is never stagnant. It eventually works through everyone associated with that error and this is something we should be very concerned about.
The logical question is, If Jesus did not save us by breaking the curse, then how did He save us? Well let’s explore that. Back to Galatians:
“For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
Galatians 2:19-21
“For through the law I died to the law”
The law and its curse did not die, we died!
The law is still 100% in effect except those ceremonial parts the Jesus fulfilled, and we know from Galatians 3:10 the curse was not broken therefore fully in effect.
If you are not familiar with these passages, then this concept will seem odd. I won’t copy all the Romans verses here but will encourage you to read them on your own. Specifically, Romans 7: 1 through 7:6. However, verse 1 bears listing here:
“Do you not know, brothers and sisters—for I am speaking to those who know the law—that the law has authority over someone only as long as that person lives?”
The law only has authority over us while we are alive. Its not that the law and its cursed died, its that we died. The rest of the passage compares us and the law to a woman whose husband has died and therefore she is no longer bound to her husband. In the same way, we have died and therefore no longer bound to the law and its curse. This takes a little study and higher resolution thinking than what is promoted by curse deliverance teachers. Interestingly, years after Paul confronted Peter, Peter wrote this:
“Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.”
II Peter 3:16
When Peter was confronted by the truth as presented by Paul, he absorbed it and repented. He absorbed, repented, and grew. When we are confronted with the truth it changes us regardless of whether we absorb it. If we don’t face truth, we become blind, confused and hardened. If we face it, we die to ourselves, grow and become useful for God’s purposes.
At the end of the book of Revelation, we find this sobering passage:
“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.”
Revelation 22:18-19
Anyone teaching that Jesus broke curses is adding to the word. Anyone that teaches curse deliverance when there is not a single example by Jesus, or the Apostles is adding to the word.
Take caution. Search the Scripture and if you cannot find where Jesus broke any curses and if you cannot find one single example of curse deliverance by Jesus or the Apostles then you are adding yeast to the dough and you need to repent. Remember, Paul said that Peter stood condemned. If it can happen to him, it can happen to us.
Patrick Rhodes
I want to say this shed great light on the darkness I have alloyed by my own actions to manifest and proper. I have said many a prayer to stop the curse and been quite lax in my worship. I certainly can not worship while my hands are sculpting sin. I know now exactly where I am failing in my faith and commitment to my Lord. As I have sought out a loving devoted committed partner in love and life, I have continued to engage in lust, pornography and masterbation. It only makes sense I would defeat the exact thing I seek. In that a admit my sins here and ask my Lord Jesus Christ once again for forgiveness and the strength to over come my urges driven by the lack of love and affection I hunger for. Let his love fill me and the void I so deperately seek to fill with such vile behavior. I ask in my Lord Jesus Christ name ..Amen. Thank you so much for my insight and thump on the head that brings me to reason. God bless. Rob Moses..
I have carefully examined the Old and New Testaments and cannot find a single example of anyone renouncing a curse. Additionally, I cannot find an example of a satanic curse.
Why would we renounce curses since we don’t see a mandate in Scripture to do so?
Old Testament:
Read Numbers 22-24 where Balaam, described in the Old Testament as a ‘diviner’ ‘satanist/warlock’ in modern days who was hired by Balak, the king of Moab, to place a curse on the people of Israel, who were camped ominously on the plains of Moab on their way from Egypt. Clearly Balaam wasn’t one of GOD’s prophets as GOD opposes sorcery, witchcraft, incantation, and he was serving other gods so the Bible is very clear about this.
New Testament just one example of many ‘mandate’
Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. I don’t know about others, but when I read ‘not entangles again with yoke of bondage’ in the Bible it sends a clear message that it is related to curses as only anyone under the yoke of bondage will be asking for curses left and right. Furthermore, if you have read the Bible thoroughly you should know that there’no need to renounce to any curse, we were born cursed that is why JESUS CHRIST came and DIED for us, because we were all cursed, and the BIBLE clearly states that our LORD JESUS CHRIST died for us as a curse based on Galatians 3:13 and well these verses are all over the NT.
Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
When you accept CHRIST as your only Savior and walk a holy life, you are automatically telling the devil that you’ve renounced every curse, I mean, think about it, after having been saved by CHRIST and then you’d decide to go clubbing, get stone, drunk, etc, haven’t you decided to open the doors to curses? And yes Christians can open the doors to curses if they don’t walk in holiness TRUST me.
God bless you
2)Elisha and the Two Bears (2 Kings 2:23-25)
Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he CURSED them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25 And he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.
satan never created curses just for clarification’s sake, he uses this deviously as a weapon as he knows that this world was already cursed since Adam’s time and anyone not having JESUS CHRIST as their saviour
It is amazing that you could write so much without answering my question which was:
“Why would we renounce curses since we don’t see a mandate in Scripture to do so?”
You created a wonderful Scripture salad that completely avoids the topic. Let me try to ask this again with more specificity and maybe you can follow along. Here you go:
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
Galatians 3:13
Verse 13 is written in the past tense, whereas Galatians 3:10 is written in the present tense:
For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”
If Jesus broke the curses, how is it those of whom Paul was referencing in the present tense could be under a curse? Verse 13 does say Jesus became the curse, but it doesn’t say He broke any curses. Moreover, I cannot find a single example of Jesus or the apostles breaking any curses, yet we read that Jesus issued many curses.
If Jesus did not break any curses why would anyone else?
So Aben, clearly you are advocating breaking curses. Can you show one single example in the Old or New Testaments of anyone attempting to break a curse?
Aben, I just asked a very simple, to the point, question. Can you answer it in kind?
Go ahead and take another run at it. I think you can do better.
He has already spoken quite clearly by giving you scripture about curses being made and curses being broken. It is your own stubborn willful ignorance that you do not accept what he is showing you plainly. Feel free to go through life without the power of the Holy Spirit but do not rebuke the word of the Lord
My daughter has trouble sleeping , every hour wakes up with night mares and screams. Sometimes doesn’t sleep all night. Her father is involved in the occult. Please pray against witchcraft and words spoken against her.
Break and pray AGANIST all generational curses of witchcraft. The occult off of her break the chains that bind in the name that is above every name pray over her put your hands over her head and bind those spirits with fasting
God bless,
Gabriella, first and foremost you need to make sure that your house is free of any suspicious objects where your husband has given your daughter as gifts, or for that matter in the house. If he’s in the occult and your daughter is having nightmares there is a portal/door open where demons have access to her, and these objects are more often than not baptized with satanic rituals attaching her psyche/subconscious to these objects.
Secondly, I don’t know if you have been saved by our Lord JESUS CHRIST. If not you need to render your heart to Him. If you have been saved then you seriously need to start fasting and praying diligently, read: ‘Mark 9:29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting’. Jesus was referring to ‘demons/kind’ when his apostles couldn’t deliver a possessed man.
If you haven’t taken or presented your child to a Church where they vehemently preach the sound doctrine and are true believers ‘not playing church’, then speak to the pastor that you’d like to present your child ‘pray for her’. Read Luke 2: 21-22
When you pray for your child make sure to use the blood of JESUS CHRIST, this will resolve the problem fast, trust me!
I was born and raised in a witchcraft environment, and I am not relating to an environment where some average joe just decided out of the blue to go into witchcraft and started to read and practice witchcraft. No, my mother is a born natural witch, fallen angels took possession of her, spoke through her in a very clear concise human language, prophesying, at times making miracles, etc this is just half of the story but anyway, CHRIST called me, and I was delivered with signs and wonders, my mother now is not even the shadow of what she used to be, as I have stand my ground fasting and praying. And it is sad that even some Christians nowadays think hell is a game or just a fantasy. I wish these people could be taken to the slumps of Haiti, so they could stop playing church games.
God bless you.
The best form of prayer against witch craft is praying the rosary as a catholic. Gbam
The blood of JESUS CHRIST cast out demons, heals the sick and does wonders.
I been going through a lot and I want someone to pray for me I feel sad I feel like I’m not me I been feeling depressed hopeless I feel like they had made witchcraft on me evil on me I need help sometime I feel lost in my own thoughts I haven’t been able to get a job I been struggling and I lost hope
I pray for you that God surrounds you in his bright light of love peace and happiness from now till forever more ..amen
My husband opened the door to a jezebel delilah witch. This door needs to be shut and for my husband to be delivered and set free this women is even trying to cut my husband’s hair when before he was going to the barber shop.Im praying a miracle that this deliverance takes place upon him.
My daughter has terrible nightmares . She will be up every hour sometimes with no sleep at all. She screams and appear to be in pain. Her father and family is involved in witchcraft. Please pray for her
In Hebrew we say, ‘Hodu l’Adonai ki tov, ki le olam chasdo’, ‘give thanks to the L-rd He is good His mercy forever endures’. The other day as my husband and I were praying we repeated this over and over again – Holy Spirit speaking strategy to us.
Eph 6:12 “12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Lord I pray in Jesus name for this woman Gina D Kent, to be delivered from evil; that you will clean her home and help her FIGHT back against any thoughts the enemy puts in her mind! That she will Praise you at loud so the enemy will flee, use her words, decree and declare “I am a creation of God and Jesus love Me” satan you are a liar! A deceiver! Lord give her strength and shine your light on her, most of all give her your Peace! I pray in Jesus name, Amen!
Thanks, Dave and all at IFA for your dedicated work. Having read through all of this (witchcraft curses information), and studying and meditating on the scriptures you’ve provided and others, it seems the underlying theme is humility, obedience and PRAISE! God bless President Trump, his entire administration, all of his misguided oppressors/enemies, to be still and know that God is God, allow Him to do His will, His way for our good and ESPECIALLY for His GLORY!!!
I was sick from witch craft ..God healed me through constant prayer daughter..same thing happened to here she’s thirteen..difficult walking..tight skin..please help us in.prayer
Hi I think i have been targeted every think is going bad like I’m not me
Please pray for me. I am held prisoner by a demon or demons. For a long time now. I can not take it anymore. I do things that are not what I want to do. Constantly having to apologize for saying mean things. I do not want to say mean things. They just come out of my mouth before I can stop them. Sometime I write mean things to people and have no memory of doing it. I am stuck in my home. I cant leave. When I do leave the anxiety is great. I try to read the Bible. I can not focus. I read the same verse over and over but cant get it. Or remember what I just read. I know I am chained up and can not break free. I find myself sitting for very long periods of time just day dreaming of random things. Its 1 pm and the next I know its 9 pm. I go days unable to shower. I dont know why. something is just stopping me from doing it. Please please pray for me. I can not live like this. I pray and pray but to no avail.
I claim the Blood of Jesus Christ over you and yours. If you have not done so, ask Jesus to forgive you of all sin and to come into your life and to become your Savior and Lord. Just a simple asking prayer: “Dear Jesus please forgive me of my sins, I ask You to come into my life and be my Savior and I make you my Lord. Thank you for dying on the Cross and shedding your blood to wipe away all of my sins” I do this in Jesus’ name.
His blood is more powerful than any demon. We have overcome Satan, by the Blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and the word of our testimony.
Be encouraged. Pray Psalm 91 out loud both evening and morning on a daily basis. It is a power psalm of protection.
I needed to hear this thank you very much!!
You need deliverance. Look up Mark Hemans Ministry. Modern day Derek Prince. You can be delivered. I will pray for you my dear!!!!
Dear Gina, cry out to Jesus. He is able to save, heal and deliver you.
Contact mircale internet radio they have deliverance ministry and they can help if you call into the show
Dear Gina, God has not given you a Spirit of fear, but of love, and of power and a sound mind. Father as Your body we stand in agreement and bind the stronghold of satan off of Gina, and we loose the power of Holy Spirit to set her free.
We thank you that no weapon formed against Gina will prosper.
And we do praise You Lord for Your mercy endureth forever Your loving-kindness to a thousand generations And I declare that Your banner over Gina is love Your banner of Gina is Love Your Banner Over Gina is love.
The blood of Jesus and the authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth stands against every demonic spirit on her behalf.
In Your Holy Name King Jesus
Yah bless you Melody Thank you. Thank you. I am feeling tons better. I feel free and lifted up. Yah bless you.
Praying for you to find the peace of God in your life! I can relate to alot of what you are saying! I trust that God will get me through those moments, those days! Greater is He that is in you then he that is in this world!! I pray for you to find a godly person you can reach out to to walk through this time with you as you are being healed in Jesus name!!
Thank you so much. So very much. I am so happy to report I am doing much better. Prayers for you. Praise Yahshua/ Jesus Christ. He lifted me up and out of the darkness.
Gina, your desire for freedom in Christ to live for the Lord is clear to me in what you wrote–and your desperation in feeling overcome by the evil one, our adversary, is equally clear. While spiritual warfare is very real and always a part of our Christian lives on earth, there may be a physical disorder causing the distresses you describe. I write that because I have battled and felt the same ways you’ve described. But the Lord has been merciful to me by bringing doctors into my life that diagnosed my severe depressions as resulting from a Bipolar 2 disorder. That probably doesn’t sound very hopeful, but for me is was as there are new treatments for clinical depression. I was on medication for a number of years which allowed me to have a fairly normal life–a successful teaching career and a career as a Christian writer and broadcaster. However, when the medications no longer worked, my depression was termed “treatment resistant” and a neurologist/psychiatrist referred me for TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation). It is FDA approved, but fairly new and not well-known. I had several months of treatments that brought peace, joy, and stability. My love for Jesus, my Savior and Lord, has grown and deepened as I have grown in my love of God’s Word, worship and prayer. For years I thought I was dealing with demonic attacks and oppression, and while I know Satan uses any physical and/or emotional weaknesses we have to increase his wicked power over us, the Word tells us that we have full deliverance and authority in Jesus Christ. I do encourage you to seek help, prayer healing and deliverance, but to know that YOU are not defective or doomed to a 2nd class Christian life. I don’t know what the cause of your depression is, but I encourage you, and will pray, that the Lord will lead you to the healing you need (and it is always HIM working whether supernaturally or through medical help.) There is real life and freedom in Christ, and I will be praying for you, and for the Lord to lead you to healing and deliverance in Him.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. 2 Cor 1:3-5
Yah bless you thank you so very much. I to was once diagnosed with bi polar. I was diagnosed with many things. Finally I was diagnosed as DID. Dissociative Identity disorder. I had been doing very well for 2 yrs until recently. I am feeling much better today. Much better I can not even describe the difference. I feel the darkness has lifted. All Praise you Father and Yahshua/ Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for sharing your story. Prayers for you for continued healing and blessing. I have checked into TMS. I found a place that offers it not to far from me about an hour. Thank you Shalom
Please pray for me and my family we are homeless with no where to go im a mother of 6 my transportation broke down right after we got evicted we have nothing we struggle so much and for so long im tired and I dont have any strength left please pray for us
Sharon. Prayers for you are going up. keep a faithful heart. Listen to worship music and praise and worship constantly. Yahshua is faithful and he will lift you up. I pray for Yahshua to bring you strength and courage. To fill your heart with peace and comfort and faith. A blessing is coming your way soon I just know it. We go through storms. They are part of the journey. he will lift us up. I believe part of the storm is so that we will come to him. Keep your eyes and heart focused on him. Our savior Yahshua Ha Mashiach / Jesus Christ. he will pull you up.
Thank you for the prayers God bless!
Prayer against witchcraft attacks protect you from evil spirits that battle against your mind. Pray this prayer of protection.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the authority to battle against the controlling powers of witchcraft that attack me. In Jesus Name, I bind every negative, unscriptural word spoken against my life. I break the power of confusion, torment, fear, control, and manipulation. I take captive every vain imagination and high thought that is contrary to the word of GOD in my life.
I submit my will, thoughts, and life to the lordship of Christ and plead the blood of Jesus over my mind, commanding stability, and order to prevail in my soul.
I break the power of witchcraft’s deception, seduction, sorcery, and intimidation, knowing that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow.
I decree freedom from dark powers, Jezebel, false prophetic words, controllers, manipulators, sorcerers, witches, counterfeits, soul ties, spiritual folly, soothsayers, lying spirits, lying dreams, and lying visions.
I repent of sin, both known and unknown and submit myself thoroughly to the lordship of Jesus Christ and His word.
I clothe myself with God’s armor and take up the weapons of my warfare that are not carnal but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds.
I dedicate myself to the will of Jesus Christ alone for my life.
I repent of rebellion, pride, arrogance, spiritualism, control, manipulation, vain desires, not being in church, and disrespecting the five-fold ascension gifts, and my leaders.
I renounce wrong associations, carrying witchcraft’s message, false motives, and hidden agendas.
Lord, your word says, “If I confess my sins YOU are faithful and just to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me of all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Thank you, Jesus, that you will never leave me nor forsake me even to the end of the age.
In Jesus Name, I seal this prayer by the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Jesus, We love you, We praise you and adore you! We glorify your name in all the earth! We glorify your name! Glorify your name! Glorify your name in all the earth! Holy Father, we await in expectation for you to have your way with your creation and we glory in what you have spoken to us, your People. May you continue to bring healing, restoration and deliverance to all who are willing, both now and evermore.
From Zecharia 3, I see Trump in the place of Joshua (Hebrew-Yehoshua) in this scriptural event.
1 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him.
2 The LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, Satan! Indeed, the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?”
A superb resource is “Blessing or Curses” by Derek Prince.
It drew me to repentance concerning my words that were curses and learning how to rebuke others curses.
I love Derek Prince. He is the master of Spiritual warfare.
Also return to sender.
Our Help is in the Name of the Lord
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say;
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:
Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us:
Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul:
Then the proud waters had gone over our soul.
Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.
Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.
The government, the President and all his administration, the snare is broken and they have escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers.
We pull down the strongholds causing these divisions and infighting. We turn the battle to the enemy camp. We release civil war into the enemy camp, confuse their tongues and let them kill one another in Jesus’ name.
We demolish strongholds and every evil imagination against the President, we bind their words. We release angels of God to burn the demons scrolls, banners, flags, standards and seals and break their cups in Jesus’ name.
We break every hex, vex, spell, charm, fetish, divination, enchantment, and bewitchment in the name of Jesus.
We release the serpent of God into the government and white house to swallow up every serpent of the enemy in Jesus’ name.
We lose the fire of God upon every demon in Jesus’ name. We lose fiery destruction on all demons that have been released on the government right now in Jesus’ name.
We command this mountain of division, impeachment and false accusations to be moved and cast into the sea in Jesus’ name. We take back our peace and order by force in Jesus’ name.
The name of the Lord is our help, the strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are safe. Thank you, Lord for doing this battle in Jesus’ name.
Amen. We plead the blood of Jesus over America, President Trump and his family.
Amen! Praying in agreement! And trusting in the LORD, Maker of heaven & earth to perform His Word! Let the high praises of our victorious God go before us and His enemies be scattered, driven away like smoke! Cover our President, his family & the believers in his administration under Your wings, in Jesus’ Name!
Amen and Amen
You give power to what you believe. Keep your focus on God and His Word. Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives to the death.”
Pray for the salvation of others. Speak boldly His Word for He watches over it to see that it will accomplish what He sent it to do. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. [Jeremiah 1:12; Isaiah 55:8-11]
How refreshing, to read what you wrote… The word of God. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. God bless your for your timely word and obedience to God. Oh my Gosh! how powerful.. Praise you Oh God.. Thank you Jesus.
You are truly a blessing WOW! God Bless you!
Thank you Carol. You have blessed me beyond words. I’ve learned over the years that God and His Word hold all the wisdom we will ever need. Too often we tend to get off focus.
Love the scripture references, especially Johosaphats singers. We have no power in ourselves to defeat an unseen enemy, but the unseen God does! Lets magnify Him and exalt His name!
Manipulation and control are nasty things, selfish to the core. They are like landing lights for demons, we must be diligent to maintain vigilance over our hearts and desires. We must win the battle over our flesh, draw near to God, and He will draw near to me. I must fight, using His weapons. The enemy of our souls knows the game all too well. (Job is a good tell).
Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.
1 Peter 4:1-2
Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
2 Corinthians 7:1
Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; Acts 3:19
Great expose, Lift high the banners of Love, sound the trumpet of war, Christ has gotten us the victory, hallelujah, Jericho must Fall!
Father I am reminded of Your Word, where You tell us that no curse, causeless shall come, and in so many other places throughout Your Word. Thank You that You have ALREADY addressed the evil of those attempting to bring evil and curses on our President, our country, and us the American people. Thwart and crumble and bring to dust ALL evil intent, including curses and ill-will, and may it all blow away with the wind, and bring it to naught. May it be so, in the name of Jesus the Christ, the only begotten Son of You, the living God, the God of the living, amen.
“As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.” ~Proverbs 26:2
“Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.” ~Isaiah 54:15 (like dominoes, one-after-the-other).
“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” ~Isaiah 54:17
To my fellow Warriors in the Lord, I would highly recommend the book by John Eckhardt prayers that Break Curses and Rout Demons. It is an excellent tool to use in warfare. Here is a link for the same on audio, you can just play it and pray along if you don’t wish to purchase a book. I believe it is also on e book. My favorite section is prayers over gates which are declarations here are a few examples. Thought Jesus let me posses the gate of the enemy. Establish the gates of praise in my city and nation, I release battering rams against the gates of hell. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church of the Living God. Let the gate of the fountain which represents the flow of the Holy Spirit be repaired, let the sheep gate which represent the apostolic be repaired, let the fish gate which represents evangelism be repaired, let the water gate which represents preaching and teaching be repaired, let the east gate which represents the glory be repaired. I command the north gate, the south gate, the east gate, and the west gate, to open in my city and nation so that the King of Glory may come in. Let the gate of my city and nation be shut to uncleanness, witchcraft, drugs, perversion an wickedness in the name of Jesus
We have a prayer group here in Tyler Texas who have focused in on that scripture in 2nd Chronicles 20:14-25.We call ourselves Praise Warriors…I truly believe the highest form of warfare is praise. The enemy cannot stay in a room where praise to Almighty God is being offered. Also I feel in this day we are to call upon those legions of angels to come and assist us in the battle concerning this nation on every front. Mark 12:1-5 is a picture of what is happening ….darkness is being exposed and whispers behind closed doors will be heard….
Totally agree I(we) always start with praise first.
May the Lord rebuke those who wish evil upon others.
”We raise a Hallelujah! In the presence of our enemies!”
This is how we are to defeat curses and every demonic effort. We praise our Mighty Lord God, Who defeats every opponent!
Right! We must remain powerful by relying utterly on God. He will tell us what actions to take. They make look passive to others, but they indicate our faith and obedience, which will not go unrewarded. No God but or like our God.
Father God in this season where witchcraft is rampant. We plead the blood of Jesus over our president, nation, our cities, and our families. Father we refuse to bow to fear. For you said “Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.” Lord I pray let every spoken curse or hex, be broken in the name of Jesus. We pray that just like when Balaam tried to curse your people the curse became a blessing. Father you said the blessing is greater than the curse. So we bless our enemies. I pray salvation for those involved in witchcraft. That many of these witches would have encounters with Jesus like Saul of Tarsus did. I pray that this season we would see many be delivered from witchcraft and the occult and they would repent and turn away from their witchcraft. Father I pray that their spiritual eyes would be opened to see who their real enemy is. I pray those bound by witchcraft would see that true power and authority comes only from God. Lord I lift up Psalm 91:10 in this season where witchcraft is in the open. Father I pray that “no evil will conquer us, nor will any plagues come near our homes.” I thank you Lord that you have all authority and that you are willing to partner with us and give us authority over witchcraft and the demonic. It is written in Luke 19:10
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Lord we know that all the powers of darkness are no match for you. Help your church to walk in the love of God, walk in the wisdom of God, and walk with confidence and boldness in who you are and the finished work of the cross. I pray in the name above all names, the name that every knee will bow to. This name makes the demons tremble. The name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Beautiful prayer!
In Jesus name!!! Amen!!!
I add my AMEN!
Pray for me I have been attacked someone sent bad spell in my life
Heavenly Father, touch Portia from the top of the head to the soul of the feet yes heavenly father pour your feathers over the building where Portia is right now and pour you blood of Jesus over Portia give strength in name of Jesus give knowledge in name of Jesus give courage in name of Jesus and safety in name of Jesus where’s there’s no cancer if any in name of Jesus , Jesus you no what Portia needs in name of Jesus thank. You for answering my prayer
Portia, believing in the power of the bad spell gives it power. God has not given you a spirit of fear, BUT a SPIRIT of Power, Love and a Sound Mind. Greater is HE Who is in you than he who is in the world. The mind set on God is kept in peace. Believers have the power over demonic powers. Tear down your stronghold, my friend, and bring your thoughts captive to the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the context of the entire chapter, psalm 109 is not about God blessing his enemies. Please read entire chapter.
Mwesigwa, If you are in Uganda, look for Mutundwe Christian Fellowship by Pastor Tom Mugerwa. They will teach you how to pray and break that curse.
I have a question, someone I know, a Christian, was banned on a social media site and in protest, used god d**m terrorists as a response to protest the ban. I said it was wrong to protest the ban. I said he setting a bad example but others and he are saying I’m wrong. Am I?
You need also physical deliverance not prophevies. You must ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to a true deliverance church because not all proscribed deliverance churches are true. God will release you from those calamities in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Thank you so much for your teachings. All my life as a Christian I’ve been doing the wrong thing before God by cursing back the one who curses me, but after reading your response am so grateful that I have learned not to curse back rather bless them and love them for they are also made in God’s image.thank you.
Please read entire chapter psalm 109
Not telling you what you should or should not do but please know the context that verses 26-28 were taken out of
Thank you Kirsten, Psalm 109:26-28says, 26Help me, LORD my God; save me according to your unfailing love. 27Let them know that it is your hand, that you, LORD, have done it.
28While they curse, may you bless;
may those who attack me be put to shame, but may your servant rejoice.
I understand the position of the those who comment here. Most of the comments here are from my Caucasian christian brothers and sisters. in Africa here, it goes beyond verbal curse; sometimes there are individuals in the family who have sworn by oaths to destroy destinies of members of the family. it’s a warfare otherwise one makes the next victim…sometimes until they were destroyed by intense prayers by the saints people kept making victims.
Exactly. It’s all nice-nice until it’s a witch serious about killing your family. The Bible also says repent or die. I pray for their repentance, but if they do not, then they are subject to the consequences.
My ex husband and I is still having sex afterward maybe couple days I had a bad dream that I know it was a sign of witchcraft I prayed and cast it back to pit of hell. I got a phone call from my ex husband asking me to find him a root doctor. I want to know what I need to do next
Very Great Message, May God bless you abundantly. But one thing is every situation and how the Holy Spirit want you to Pray. Because Sometimes the Spirit direct you to raise Fire on your enemies and sometimes it tells you to plead for your enemies…. So it depends on the Spirit
Ths spirit never directs us to call fire down on anybody. We were in a dispensation of God’s grace and mercy.
Luke 9:54When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” 55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. 56 For the Son of Man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.
I agree with this comment (Apostle Mensah). Do what the Holy Spirit says.
Pls pray against witchcraft n charm n salvation for. Nadaraja .Rose .Shaman .Nishan. Dona Asogaran. Leena. Ravi Thilga .SElvarany. Maru .Thana. Logen Kamlam
First of all you need to repent second of all you need to get rid of the cigarettes if you are a man of God a woman of God we are not to smoke because it is the temple of God when we burn cigarettes we are burning incense to Bal did you know that?? When we do things that are opposite of what God tells us in the word we have no defense with God so we have to repent ask God to forgive us throw the cigarettes away going to the word and ask the Holy Spirit to intervene on this situation that’s what the Lord is therefore he is there’s our father he is right there for you and he wants to be there for you so go to the father and ask him to intervene on your situation also there are witchcraft prayers that you can pray against the enemy you have to pick up your sword and fight… your sword is the word of God your Bible you need to put yourself under Psalms 91 first thing and then ask the Holy Spirit to help you discernment you need discernment and you need to be brave you have to go against the enemy and you have all power and authority over the enemy because of what Jesus did on the tree for us so I hope this helps you
Praying Psalms 91 for cures comes under the sixth and seventh book of Moses and shimush tehillim which are Kabbalah , can we do that ?
Friend, I’m sorry for your suffering. I have no idea why you’ve not worked for many years but God does. I see you looking at your situation rather than God. I see that you have submitted to your circumstances and to people. And turned to cigarettes’ rather than to God. Each of us is responsible to read, meditate and study God’s Word so that we will learn Who God is and what He will do. As well as what I am to do. Look to Him. Lead your family according to God’s Word by living according to His Word. Put on His Armor. Stand in His Power. Speak the Word of God. Pray in the Spirit. Ephesians 6:10-18 In Christ we are overcomers. Not victims.
Thank you so much for you prayers and you Blog indeed they are very helpful
Thank you so much for your blog, that was helpfull.
I have listened to a lot of the above about confronting witchcraft; However , Christians who send curses back X times stronger are doing the same thing that witches do ! Not only that according to Mt Chapter 18 this will expose the Christian to demonic attack. This is also a violation of scriptural principles that say to love your enemies and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Thje Holy Spirit has given me a strategy to combat witchcraft and curses . First make sure that you are fully surrendered to God , then pray to bind any backlash against you or yours . Then you resist the curse and comand it to be broken according to Gal 3:13 where it says Jesus was made a curse for us so we don’t have to under any curses. Finally pray that God will bless the occult workers with true salvation and to deliver them from darkness to light . Also I ask God to send some worship angels of His to loudly worship God wherever and whenever occult workers attempt to place curses on Christians , also commanding that any evil spirits present with or invoked by the occult workers must not stop their ears in the name of Jesus but must listen and bow down to the name of Jesus. Believe me when you do this the occult workers and also their demons will get the message ! Don’t be overcome of evil by returning evil curses , this will break down your own hedge of protection , and sooner or later you will be sorry.
There after me , not sure why but I think my ex boyfriend n his ex girlfriend are in occult which is there choice but they’ve attack me , come around in black cloaks at night around my mother’s property, she would think i was crazy if i told her, n they must do sacrifices or my ex anyway i way vibrations at night n i know what it is ringing ears pushing up under my mattress to my body where I lay at night I’ve prayed but it don’t go away I don’t know how or what I need to pray I’ve given my life to God im closer than I’ve ever been n getting closer reading the bible but still it’s there , but I love God, and I’m in love with God.
HI Emily,
When confronting witchcraft, the first thing we need to do is make sure we are in right standing with God, by accepting Jesus and fully surrendering to Him and his will for our lives !
After this make sure there are not any known or unknown contracts with the Devil’s kingdom. Most of these contracts can be broken by a simple renunciation that goes something like this . Speak aloud : Father God in the name of Jesus I now break all agreements and contracts made by me or any of my ancestors with satin’s kingdom , and I choose by an act of my will, to fully forgive anyone who has harmed me in any way , thank you Jesus that you became a curse for me so I don’t have to be any curses ! After doing this you should feel at liberty; but, if you still are being tormented in some way I suggest you listen to the message on u-tube by Derrek Prince titled ” Am I cursed” , which should address most of these issues in order to close the door to demonic attack. The basic principle for a Christian who is under attack is given in James 4:7-8 (submit ourselves and draw near to God , and then resist the Devil and he will flee, now if we attempt to do this without success , just ask the Holy Spirit to show us if there are any open doors which allow demonic attack, and if necessary deal with these holes in our armor . One other thing
to remember is that God has not given us a spirit of fear (but of love , power and a sound mind ) So ask God to forgive you for any fears you may have entertained . And right now I pray that anyone who is reading this will have any and all fears bound in the Name of Jesus, and that God will reveal His wonderful love to them >
Thank you Jesus!
Al, thank-you for sharing that prayer and teaching. I would like to hear more of your revelation on spiritual warfare. Have you any suggestive reading materials. I’m learning that Christian Spiritual Warfare focuses on Christ and not the destruction of the enemy. I’ll be looking for comments in this prayer topic . My name is Richard, I’m a retired soldier from the US Army. Been called to execute the great commission.
Richard, you might be interested in checking out my outline of the practices of the early apostles in spiritual warfare. It is not what most people think. Rather than calling down fire, protesting their enemies, or rebuking the devil, they consistently preached the Kingdom of God with demonstrations of power through signs, wonders, and miracles. They were FOR the King more than they were AGAINST His enemies. You can find the outline here:
Hi Richard, About spiritual warfare , bear in mind that Jesus gave every believer authority against all the power of the enemy, please read Mat chapter 18 and especially the last verse which makes it clear that we need to walk in forgiveness in order to maintain our authority against the enemy. also consider that there are 2 levels of spiritual warfare , and at times we need to use both levels. The first level which I will call second heaven warfare is described in Ephesians chapter 6 and consists of exercising our authority such as Binding and loosing , using the name and blood of Jesus, using the word of God as a powerful projectile or weapon against the demonic realm . bear in mind that using the authority Jesus granted His disciples depends on our submission to the Lordship of Jesus. (remember what the Centurian said ; I an a man under authority i. e. we gain authority against the enemy in direct proportion to our level of submission to His lordship. The second and more powerful level of warfare is referred to as third heaven warfare. This is when we are in the very presence of God and far above the demonic realm. It talks about this in PS 91 and in this realm we are simply worshiping God and depending on His protection . In this realm we are beyond the range of the enemy’s weapons , and God will deal with the witchcraft while we simply worship Him !
Thank you, Al. I agree that Scripture does not tell us to “send back” curses to those who speak them. This is an unfortunate practice by some well-meaning intercessors. We have yet to understand the power of our praises from a pure heart!
As believers we must remember The Authority of the believer. It is for us to posession of every true child of God. It what we received in Christ. John A. MacMillan said, The believer, who is fully conscious of divine Power behind him, and of his own authority thereby, can face the enemy without fear or hesitation. Those who confront him bear the specific names of power and authority: “We wrestless not against flesh and blood, but against principalities (archas,, the first or preeminent ones), against powers (exousias, the authorties)” (Ephesians 6:12). But, behind the “authority” possessed by the believer, there is a “Power” infinitEly greater than that which backs his enemies, and which they are compelled to recognize. Endquote. We as believer are seat with Christ read Ephesians 2:4-7 we must know who we are in Christ Jesus and the power that was giving to us his people as we keep the faith. By trusting in the Holy Spirit to teach us all this in Him. As believers we née to read two books. 1 The Authority of the believer How to use it by Dr. Billy Beim, 2 John MacMillan two books in one, Authority of the Believer, The Authority of the Intercessor and Encouter with Darkness. Thsee books were any eye open for me to take my authority and walk it our in my life. It has changes my life.
I appreciate very much the explanation as it relates to our response:
The proper course of action to these spells and incantations is to FIRST RENOUNCE THE CURSES and NULLIFY them through the blood of Christ (Galatians 3:13, Deut. 11:26, James 4:7). Resist and stand firm against the words and works of the enemy. THEN we SPEAK THE OPPOSITE – we bless not only those who are being cursed, but those who are blindly cursing them. OVERWHELM THEM WITH THE PRESENCE OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! Let’s keep the people and their curses separate. Otherwise, we are no better than they are.
Ps 109:26-28 – Help me, O LORD my God; save me in accordance with your love. Let them know that it is your hand, that you, O LORD, have done it. They may curse, but you will bless; when they attack they will be put to shame, but your servant will rejoice.
Thank you for strong encouragement!! I am in agreement!
Spiritual warfare is indeed real and WE need to arm ourselves and understand how it works.
I have found a book that greatly helped me. It is Warriors by Maricarmen Castro and can be found on Amazon. It is easy to read and understand. Maricarmen is a Presbyterian minister. She is a Spirit filled Christian and really helped me grow in my Spiritual journey. By the way I have been a Christian for 65 years ( since I was eleven). It has been a journey and I grow everyday.
I highly recommend this book Warriors by Maricarmen Castro.
I have been praying for Donald Trump since before he became our nominee. In fact I mentally walked a prayer circle around the USA and our territories every morning and evening for 3 years before the election asking God to raise up a person of His choosing to lead our country. I believe hat God answered my prayer. I pray hat no weapon formed against our President , Vice President, the cabinet, the courts (from within or without) will prosper. I claim this in the name of Jesus!
I thank you for your continued call to intercession and this teaching on the subject of curses. The comments have been mostly helpful also. In particular I am interested for more on what Ray Borlase says about using the blood of Jesus as a weapon against satan. I know the Word of God is the sword of the spirit but are not all believers cleansed and forgiven under and by the blood of Jesus? If so is not reminding, proclaiming and standing on the cleansing power of this willingly shed blood of Jesus appropriate (that is, not a misuse of this gift of life)? In general the Christian
community needs to be more instructed on the how to’s of spiritual warfare. Thank you again for
your very timely response to a current event that needs the response of the whole Kingdom of God
here on earth.
I have been reading a Derek Prince book and listening to some of his old sermons. He certainly was an advocate of relying on the blood of of Jesus as a weapon of warfare. If it were not for the blood we would not be saved nor would we be delivered from the powers of the enemy. Revelation 12:11 And they conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives unto death. ESV We Christians have gotten away from the powerful truths of God’s word. The blood of Jesus has many aspects and is most powerful, it is by all means our most powerful weapon against the enemy who has been defeated!
I was saved and baptized n the name of The father, son & holy ghost I Belgrave n Jesus was raised n and out of church, I backsled, and Lord is really been dealing with me last couple of years, I am really n a mess I feel there is some type of witchcraft going on around me, a spell has been place on me I am so full of fear I fill evil all around me i c it also the trees, the ground everything around me looks evil, maybe family members evoked I know the Lord still heard my prayers …becauze of him I am still here fighting somethi g so much stronger then myself, can any one give me some advice
Thank you Sonia for your prayers. What we need to do is PRAY not try to set up a warfare institute – we need one YES but this is not the time nor place. Can we as Christians agree on something for ONCE.
Listen to the news – see where the enemy is working and pray against it.
Look for patterns and cycles and pray that God will break these that are running over the United States and Washington DC, The White House etc.
Ask God to break assignments of any evil spirits set against the president, curses, hexes, spells, incantations or any blood contracts signed against him and his family. Make ineffective the spells placed by the hexagram over the White House – break the source of power that supplies it.
That the fire of God will set a hedge of protection over him and all his appointees that they may bring forth the purpose of God in this presidency.
When we begin to pray God will lead us in the direction we need to pray. The Holy Spirit will take our prayers and make them acceptable according to His will.
We plead the blood of Jesus over Our President Trump all his staff, and family for wisdom knowledge, protection and the assurance that no weapons formed against them shall prosper. We pray the shield
Of protection against anything that tries to come against them in Jesus name. And we pray Isaiah 54 for HIS WORD DOES NOT RETURN VOID! God’s hand is upon them. AMEN
As a person who previously led Intercessors for Britain, I was surprised to see that you suggested using the blood of Jesus as a weapon against Satan. The blood is always for cleansing and forgiveness. The name of the Lord is the means by which we rebuke the enemy, Also we may remember that a curse without a cause does not alight as the book of proverbs says. James reminds us to submit to God, rebuke the enemy and he will flee from us. Again if we are in subjection to God, the enemy has no ground on which to stand. Again if we are guilty at any point, then we need to confess our sin and the blood of Jesus cleanses us. Satan can then no longer act as an accuser of the brethren.
Regarding curses made against the President, we need to intercede to see what the Lord is saying, and if the Lord so directs, then revoke the curses of the enemy.
Thank you for your thoughts, Ray. I totally agree that the name of Jesus is necessary in nullifying the works of the enemy! My reference for the blood of Jesus comes from Revelation 12:11, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” It is the appropriation of the cross that places us in the right position to testify and have authority over the enemy. Blessings!
That is a view commonly held, but Revelation 12:11 is about refuting the accuser of the brethren. It is the blood of Christ which cleanses us from all sin together with confession as Christ as Saviour and that we have surrendered our life to Christ. The Devil cannot then level a charge, an accusation against us. It doesn’t have anything to do with waging war against the enemy or breaking curses.
Having been honored to be allowed in the presence of Holy Spirit as He delivered witches who were casting spells and doing incantations and setting their captives free, our goal is twofold, salvation of the witches and stopping their curses. Witches and warlocks have more confidence in Satan than most Christians do in Christ. We must get “Christians” saved and into an intimate relationship with Christ.
Our experience is to send the demons back to the sender seven times and awaken the sender to the fact that their little tiny devil is no match for the greatest power in the universe, the authority in name Yahushua, Jesus.
When witches learn that they have been deceived and their power is tiny, it is easy to lead them to the cross. Love removes the blinders. We love them yet hate their sin! The nature of Satan is SELFISHNESS, the nature of Christ is SELFLESSNESS! Most miscarriages are witchcraft. Abortion is blood sacrifice.
We were in heaven before we were in the womb. Our goal should be to get back home to Father and take as many people with us as we can. Those who are forgiven much love much. We are joint heirs with Christ and have the authority to cast out devils. We must seek Father and read the instruction book to know our authority. Our instruction book is the Bible.
“Ye shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you!” Acts 1: 8
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
It seems spiritual warfare is entirely unknown to 2/3 or more Christians. There needs to be solid teaching on how to render powerless the works of the evoke one that’s going on in high places. We must learn what the effective prayer of a righteous man looks like because those are the prayers that accomplish much.