I Prayed have prayed
Father, forgive us for not being more engaged in our schools and for allowing this to happen. We pray for Your strength to battle what has now become a much larger issue in our nation.
Reading Time: 8 minutes

Editor’s Note: Warning…This is a long article with some graphic information, but we felt it was important to cover it in it’s most complete form, with detail, in order to know what we are up against.Ā  This could be any community. It could be yours.Ā  If not today, possibly tomorrow, or next year.Ā  Either way, we can see the migration to this kind of “schooling” and indoctrination happening all over.Ā  We need to be aware, be ready, and be committed to pray and act to counter it.Ā  Please read to the end.

I live in Fairfax County, Virginia, which has the 10th-largest public school district in the nation, but I never focused on our public schools.

My kids go to Catholic schools, and that was the center of our universe. I never focused, that is, until I heard that the Fairfax County School Board voted to let boys into the girlsā€™ bathrooms.

The vote was 10-1. Was there only one sane person on the Fairfax County School Board?

I had to find out. So I began attending school board meetings.


The demand for socialism is on the rise from young Americans today. But is socialism evenĀ morally sound?

And there I saw moms and dads begging the school board to stop threatening their childā€™s privacy and safety in intimate spaces and on the sports field. They pleaded with the board to stop the pornographic reading assignments. They tearfully asked board members to respect their familyā€™s religious beliefs.

These were my neighbors, fighting to stop their school board from playing sex politics with their children.

This shouldnā€™t happen anywhere in America. I resolved that it wasnā€™t going to happen in my county, on my watch, without a fight.

Fairfax County, just outside Washington, is the second-richest county in America. But most parents here donā€™t know that every year, beginning in seventh grade, their children will be taught lessons on ā€œtransgender theory.ā€

How did this happen? It started with a vote in 2015 to add ā€œgender identityā€ to the Fairfax County school systemā€™s nondiscrimination policy.

You canĀ watch the vote on YouTube. Hundreds of parents, filling the room, occasionally shouting, trying to be heard. You can see the board chairman gavel them down and threaten to kick them out. You can see Ryan McElveen, the sponsor, scolding them, telling them theyā€™re on the wrong side of history.

And you can see board member Elizabeth Schultz, the bravest woman I know, raise her hand alone and vote ā€œno.ā€

Trans Pressure Groups Target Public Schools

All across the country, pressure groups are getting transgender mandates into public schools by targeting their nondiscrimination policies. Well-funded national groups such as the Human Rights Campaign, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, Gender Spectrum, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Advocates for Youth.

They claim students are being harassed and demand that the only way to make schools ā€œsafeā€ is to adopt the total transgender agenda:

  • Open all private spaces to the opposite sex.
  • Let boys compete as girls in sports.
  • Cancel free speech by forcing the use of false pronouns.
  • Teach children that some people are born in the wrong body.

The Fairfax County School Board rushed the transgender policy to a vote with no hearings, no impact study, no public engagement.

They claimed that trans-identified kids were being bullied, and that the nondiscrimination policy must be changed right away.

A Freedom of Information Act request revealed there were no reports of harassment of trans-identified students. Not a single one.

No one wants to see a child in distress, especially a child suffering from sex confusion. But solutions such as dedicating private bathrooms or strengthening anti-bullying policies were shut down.

Because itā€™s not about bathrooms. Itā€™s not about bullying. Itā€™s about forcing all children and families to change their behaviors, their speech, and ultimately their beliefs to conform to the new government-mandated social orthodoxy.

Itā€™s about power and politics.

Born in the Wrong Body?

Transgender theory teaches that some people are born in the wrong body. Thatā€™s a horrifying message. For children, it must be a terrifying message.

And itā€™s a lie.

The role our bodies are designed to play in human reproduction reveals our sex. We either deposit genetic material or we receive it. There is no third option.

Every one of our 100 million nucleated cells carries a copy of our male or female sex chromosomes.

Trans theorists say you can have a girl brain in a boy body. Thatā€™s scientifically impossible. Male bodies have male brains.

The truth is: Every person is born in exactly the right body.

Teaching kids that they can be born in the wrong body is psychological child abuse, according to the American College of Pediatricians.

Thankfully, only a tiny fraction of children will experience confusion about their sex. And up to 98% of those children will grow out of it after naturally passing through puberty, according to the American Psychological Association.

ā€˜Watchful Waitingā€™ or ā€˜Affirmation and Transitionā€˜

When a child expresses confusion about his sex, how should the adults around him respond? There are two schools of thought: ā€œwatchful waitingā€ or ā€œaffirmation and transition.ā€

Watchful waiting acknowledges the childā€™s suffering but remembers that more than 9 in 10 children with sex confusion will grow out of it naturally.

Transgender ideologues call this approach bigoted. They demand that adults ā€œaffirmā€ a childā€™s opposite-sex identity.

ā€œAffirmationā€ requires that adults lie to children, telling them they really are the opposite sex, using opposite-sex names and pronouns, allowing (encouraging?) female dress and makeup for boys, cropped hair and ā€œbreast bindersā€ for girls.

This is also known as ā€œsocial transition.ā€

ā€œHormonal transitionā€ involves monthly injections of puberty-blocking drugs for 10-year-olds. Cross-sex hormones are given a few years later.

The final step is surgical transition, now known as ā€œsurgical affirmation.ā€ This involves the surgical removal of healthy organs and the grafting of tissue to resemble opposite-sex reproductive organs.

All of thisā€”every bit of itā€”is dangerous to children.

Puberty blockers for ā€œsex transitionā€ are anĀ off-label use. Theyā€™ve never been tested or approved for this use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Adding cross-sex hormones can result in lifelong sterility and permanently stunted growth, bone fracture, and memory loss.

Bullying Parents Into Hurting Their Children

Activists in and out of the medical field push parents to affirm, affirm, affirmā€”because thatā€™s what a ā€œgoodā€ parent does, if you ā€œlove your child.ā€

Parents are pushed to get their kids on puberty blockers to ā€œbuy them timeā€ to ā€œexplore their true identity.ā€

But consider:Ā Only one studyĀ has followed gender dysphoric children who were socially affirmed and then put on puberty blockers. The percentage of these children who ultimately embraced their true biology was exactly 0%.

Contrast that with the findings of the American Psychological Association that up to 98% of sex-confused children will embrace their physical biology after puberty.

Puberty blockers donā€™t ā€œbuy kids timeā€ to choose their sex. They make the choice for them.

The trans bulliesā€™ ultimate trump card is suicide.

Parents are told they must affirm and transition their child, or theyā€™ll lose their child to suicide. Better to have a trans-daughter than a dead son.

But thereā€™sĀ no evidenceĀ to support this claim. The onlyĀ long-term follow-up studyĀ is from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The 2011 study found that the suicide rate among post-op trans-identified people remained at nearly 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-trans-identified people.

In other words, these poor people did everything the trans theorists would have them do, even to the point of surgically mutilating their bodies. And they are still killing themselves.

Sex change does not prevent suicide.

The Erasure of Women

If men are allowed to identify as women, then ā€œwomanā€ has no meaning.

Radical feminists call it the ā€œerasure of women,ā€ and theyā€™re right.

Trans activists demand that males have access to womenā€™s private spaces. Not only bathrooms, but dressing rooms, lockers, and showers. If women or girls are anxious about sharing intimate spaces with males, what recourse do they have? To object is to be labeled a bigot.

Will trans policies be exploited by male predators? Of course they will. They already have been.

Transgender theory is in the process of killing sports for half of the human race.

A male named Rachel McKinnon steals gold medals in womenā€™s cycling competitions. If you say thatā€™s not fair, he calls you a ā€œtransphobic bigot.ā€

Hannah Mouncey is a 6-foot-3, 220-pound giant who plays womenā€™s rugby, breaking womenā€™s legs in the process.

Last year a male mixed martial arts fighter fought a woman and broke her skull.

No More ā€˜Maleā€™ and ā€˜Femaleā€™ Biological Sex

Fairfax County public schools donā€™t use the term sex education, or sex ed, anymore. They call it ā€œFamily Life.ā€

And beginning last year, they stopped using the terms ā€œmaleā€ or ā€œfemaleā€ in the context of biological sex.

Last spring, the school board voted 10-2 to remove the concept of biological sex and replace it with the term ā€œsex assigned at birth.ā€

ā€œSex assigned at birthā€ is a term pushed by trans pressure groups to support their agenda. Youā€™re not born male or female, someone assigns a sex to you. You can change it later.

But students arenā€™t given any information about the possible health risks and permanent effects involved in hormonal and surgical sex transition. The school boardā€™s curriculum draftersĀ voted 12 times to exclude that information.

The transgender lobby group Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, or GLSEN, celebrated the change. The group told The Washington Post that Northern Virginia public schools are used as ā€œlaboratoriesā€ for their transgender policies.

What does that make students in the school system? It makes them lab rats.

Another new sex ed lesson voted in by the Fairfax County School Board last year involves a daily sex pill known as PrEP.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is designed for a particular high-risk population: gay men with multiple sex partners of unknown HIV status.

Itā€™s a controversial drug even in the gay community. Even with a 10% failure rate, it lowers the risk of infection enough to encourage some to abandon the use of condoms.

Michael Weinstein, founder and director of the AIDs Healthcare Foundation, said PrEP ā€œwill cause a ā€˜public health catastropheā€™ by triggering a dangerous increase in risky sex.ā€

And yet the school board voted 10-2 to promote it to students every year, beginning in ninth grade. Even when the drug was not approved by the FDA for their use.

80 Automatic Hours of Sex Ed

The Fairfax County School Board automatically enrolls every child in 80 hours of sex ed without their parentsā€™ permission.

Think of the mischief that can be done in 80 hours.Ā Think of all of the real education thatā€™s not being done in those hours.

Here are some examples:

  • Sixth-grade lessons talk of ā€œsexual partners.ā€
  • Seventh-graders get a lesson with 11 references to ā€œoral sex.ā€
  • Beginning in seventh grade, students are taught their sex was assigned at birth and about transgenderism as a healthy sexual identity (a lesson repeated each year).
  • Eighth-graders get a lesson with 22 references to ā€œanal sexā€ and 20 references to ā€œoral sex.ā€
  • Check out this fake abstinence message for eighth-graders: What are the benefits of abstaining from sexual activity ā€œuntil in a faithful, monogamous relationship?ā€
  • 10th-graders get lessons promoting abortion and getting an abortion without telling their parents.
  • In another anti-abstinence message, for 10th-graders, students are asked to consider abstaining from sexual activity ā€œuntil in a mutually monogamous relationship.ā€
  • By 11th grade, itā€™s about choice: ā€œindividuals who choose to be sexually active.ā€
  • 12th-graders are told that whether ā€œto be sexually active is a very personal decision.ā€

Opting Out Isnā€™t Easy for Parents

What may come as a surprise is that none of this is required by law. No federal or state law requires Virginia schools to amend their nondiscrimination policies to include transgender identity.

The Fairfax County School Board did it because they wanted to. And because they could.

Neither is sex education required. The commonwealth of Virginia leaves to each school district whether to teach it.

If a school district does decide to teach sex ed, the commonwealth gives broad guidelines that should be followed, including teaching abstinence before marriage. But the guidelines are a floor, not a ceiling.

Even if Fairfax County can be said to meet the basic guidelines, theyā€™ve gone far, far beyond them.

In Fairfax County, opting your child out of sex ed is not obvious or easy. This is because of the sheer volume of material and because of the limited, sometimes deceptive lesson descriptions offered to parentsā€”beginning with the name of the program itself.

How many parents really understand that declining to opt out of ā€œFamily Lifeā€ means that their children will get transgender sexuality lessons every year? How many immigrant familiesā€“who provide 50% of the school populationā€“learn what their kids are being taught in time to opt them out?

Even parents who discover the dangers of Fairfax-style sex ed in time to opt out their kids will find that their child is still getting sex-related lessons.

For several years the school board has been shifting lessons out of ā€œFamily Lifeā€ into other classes such as health or history. This may defeat the ā€œopt outā€ given to parents by the school board.

But it certainly doesnā€™t defeat the fundamental constitutional right that parents have to direct the education of their children.

In Fairfax and elsewhere, parents may send a letter to their schools asserting their rights and clearly stating they donā€™t consent to have their child participate in sex ed they find objectionable.

The letter can convey their expectation that school officials will treat their child with dignity and respect. And it can give notice that the parents will pursue all legal and remedies available if their requests are not honored. (For a sample letter, goĀ here.)

(Excerpt from The Stream. Article by Cathy Ruse.)

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November 16, 2019

Lord God forgive us for turning our backs on You and our children. Forgive us for allowing ourselves to be deceived and and for deceiving others, especially our children. The Old Testament speaks of nations whose gods required child sacrifice. We are doing the same in American schools. God give us repentant hearts. Open our eyes to see the truth of our actions and deeds in this matter. It is not sacrifice You want Lord but mercy. Hosea 6:6.
Open the eyes of our parents to take an active interest in each of their child’s classes especially sex ed. May parents every where find out school policies and ask questions of board members, principals, school counselors and teachers. Instill in our parents open communication skills with their children.
Lord God I ask you to divert the strategy of the enemy, to give courage and boldness to our parents and protection for our children and families.

November 14, 2019

I pray for christian s,and every person who cares about their children to lift up voices and call upon our heavenly Father and pray and call upon every soldier and warrior of the Kingdom to rise up
in prayer. Fathers,mothers,grandparents,Godparents,Drs Child psychologists. No more turning away letting things happen. No more being bullied into silence and fear. and fight with the word of God,with prayer,with arming ourselves with faith and believe for the deliverance from this lie from Hell. Let Holy indignation like a mother beat rise up and take dismantling every demonic stronghold in every school district in the nation. Every institution of education to begin to experience intelligent opposition by being held accountable through the law,through voices of dissent, by youth saying no more. God open up the eyes and minds of those blinded and brainwashed to truth. Send your Holy Angels speedily we pray to release and deliver our children. I pray and believe that a Holy deluge from heaven be released to flood these demonic forces NOW IN JESUS NAME. THANK YOU LORD

Cindy L Riches
November 12, 2019

This is downright evil and wicked. Satan will not stop till every child is his. Eph. 6 we are NOT wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities a d powers if darkness in high places. No doubt they influence people to do their evil and destructive work.
Greater reason to pray harder and stand up for truth and parental responsibility, not government influence.

Arlene Lambe
November 12, 2019

Dear Lord,
Please help women to opt out of the feminist lie that the only value anyone has is in the market place. Our children are suffering and being given over to the enemy. Please change the value system that the church has bought into.
Please take what the enemy has meant for harm in all of this and turn it for good.

November 12, 2019

Thank you Barbara for the petition. Thank you Katherine for the prayer. May we all pray continually for righteousness in our nation and world!

    November 14, 2019

    Sybil, We never get tied of winning! Thank You Jesus!!!

November 12, 2019

And while you all fight, your kids are exposed to this vileness. Get them out of public school whatever it takes. And then fight and if course PRAY… But we don’t have time to fight AND keep any child you care about in public school. I said this in a comment on a previous article about public school and it was removed. I expect this one to be removed also by the censors who apparently don’t like opposing views.

Barbara Davis
November 12, 2019

I have composed a petition that can be used concerning this “Gender Identity” issue to be given to School Boards across America to fight back against schools usurping Parental Authority. It also can be used to begin legal proceedings against Local School Boards if funds are available.

Message to ______ County School Board
It has been brought to our attention that the School District of _____ County is embarking on a sexual gender identity experiment with the students of _____ County.

We believe that before this experiment can take place, a majority of parents with children affected by this in _____ County would have to agree with it before it is launched.

A program of this magnitude as well as it’s far reaching affects on the individuals and the family must certainly have parental approval first. Might we suggest a ballot referendum on this since the consequences of an unwanted agenda being imposed on families in ______ County can only result in lawsuits against the school system and teachers, individually.

We believe that both God and science clearly define gender as only male and female.

Furthermore, we believe that gender identity issues which conflict with this norm is a mental health issue and must be dealt with in that manner.

Counselling a student with gender identity issues would require, at minimum, a PHD in psychology and physiology due to the life changing impact this decision will have. Are the schools willing and financially capable of handling such as what your agenda proposes?

Lastly, the agenda poses a serious threat to parental rights. To institute such an agenda as this without approval of families in this district is a blatant overreach and usurping of parental authority over their children.

We, the undersigned, command the _____ County School Board to cease and desist in the matter the of Gender Identity Programs and Agenda which are being proposed and currently practiced.

    Jeri Wilson
    November 14, 2019

    Thank you .. I copied ..

      November 15, 2019

      Hi Jeri, I have put up 2 petitions, 1 correcting the 1st since I failed to put a ____ where it said “Fairfax” for the County. Thanks for being a doer in the Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. Our children need us to stand in the gap when the enemy seeks their souls.

November 12, 2019

This information makes me feel outrage and frustration. It is certainly a picture of what You said would happen in Romans 1. When we deny that You are and don’t give You thanks we become blind to all truth and believe a lie. There are so many components to this that it is hard to know where to start. We pray for the parents of children who are attending government schools.Help them to be aware of what is being taught and strengthen them to stand for what is right. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would raise up an army of faithful prayer warriors to stand against the tide of rising evil.People who will pray and not faint and then who will stand together in unity against what is happening. I pray that there would be an increase in number and backbone.
We pray that churches would come together in prayer to stand against the forces of darkness. Help us to realize that this must be covered in prayer. Our dependence is on you. We are fighting against forces of spiritual wickedness in high places but you promised that the gates of hell would not be able to stand against us.We don’t need to be entertained or have programs – we need to be on our faces seeking you together for a move of the Spirit that only You can bring. We pray for pastors to stand on the truth of Your Word- and not to cave to the unscriptural ideas that are being shoved down our throats. Help those who are serving in a public capacity to know when to speak up and how to wisely stand. Help all of us to be willing to stand for truth and be Your ambassadors in this depraved generation. We pray for women in our nation. Help us to stand together and declare that there is such a thing as a woman. Help us to know how to give voice to our concerns and please help us to stand together so that we aren’t put in compromising situations whether in public restrooms or sports or any other arena.It is hard to fathom that this is even a conversation let alone a real fight before us. Forgive us for being so busy with things and so comfortable that we haven’t been involved and paying attention. Forgive us for being complacent and not more urgently seeking to show others the way to the Lord Jesus. Please help those who go by the name Christian yet would say that there are other ways to God or that in order to show love we must denounce Your Word and embrace the sexual lifestyles that people are engaging in. Help us to live as children of light. Help us to pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance and gentleness.
Father- our hope is in You.

Barbara Davis
November 12, 2019

I have composed a petition that can be used concerning this “Gender Identity” issue to be given to School Boards across America to fight back against schools usurping Parental Authority. It also can be used to begin legal proceedings against Local School Boards if funds are available.

Message to ______ County School Board
It has been brought to our attention that the School District of Fairfax County is embarking on a sexual gender identity experiment with the students of _____ County.

We believe that before this experiment can take place, a majority of parents with children affected by this in _____ County would have to agree with it before it is launched.

A program of this magnitude as well as it’s far reaching affects on the individuals and the family must certainly have parental approval first. Might we suggest a ballot referendum on this since the consequences of an unwanted agenda being imposed on families in Fairfax County can only result in lawsuits against the school system and teachers, individually.

We believe that both God and science clearly define gender as only male and female. Furthermore, we believe that gender identity issues which conflict with this norm is a mental health issue and must be dealt with in that manner.
Counselling a student with gender identity issues would require, at minimum, a PHD in psychology and physiology due to the life changing impact this decision will have. Are the schools willing and financially capable of handling such as what your agenda proposes?

Lastly, the agenda poses a serious threat to parental rights. To institute such an agenda as this without approval of families in this district is a blatant overreach and usurping of parental authority over their children.

We, the undersigned, command the _____ County School Board to cease and desist in the matter the of Gender Identity Programs and Agenda which are being proposed and currently practiced.

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