I Prayed have prayed
Lord, You are faithful above all of today's worries and with confidence we will move forward knowing that you will help us get through them all.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A very worried man once approached famous 18th-century preacher John Wesley, nervously complaining, “I don’t know what I should do with all this trouble in my life!”

Just as the anxious man finished, Wesley noticed a cow looking over a stone wall. And as if by divine revelation, Wesley suddenly saw a profound lesson in the cow’s behavior.

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“Do you know why that cow is looking over the wall?” he inquired of the man.

“No,” the man responded with great curiosity.

“The cow is looking over the wall because she can’t see through it,” Wesley answered. “And that’s what you must do with your wall of trouble; you must look over it.”

Wesley’s illustration back then remains solid advice to those who face a wall of worries today, be it built of debts, symptoms, relationship woes or anything else. If you only stare into the trouble, you’ll be paralyzed by it. And worry will beget worry. The key to press past the problem is to do what the cow did with the wall: Look over it.

What to Look To

Wesley’s wisdom closely echoes Jesus’ words in His sermon on the mount. But Jesus took it a step further and instructed what to look to.

“Don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What we wear?’ … Your heavenly Father already knows your needs,” He encouraged. But rather, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” (Matt. 6:31-33, NLT).

In other words, according to Jesus, to not worry about “these things,” you have to stop looking into them and begin to look beyond them. But not just to overlook them, but to see what’s above themā€”the kingdom of God, which includes the King of the kingdom. Yes, keep your eyes fixed on His character, His promises and His presence …Ā above all else.

See God’s Faithfulness

When you look to God, remember how He brought you through times you never thought you’d make it through. Reflect upon His protection in everything you were certain would be the end of you. Recall His provision in moments you didn’t know what to do. In seeking Him, you’re sure to see the goodness of His heart.

Therefore, be encouraged: God’s faithfulness is above the fickleness of today’s finances, the seriousness of today’s symptoms, the debris of today’s disaster or the hurt of today’s heartbreak. Now lift up your head, see the one from whom your help comes (Ps. 121:1-2) and move forward with confidence that He will get you through again.

(Excerpt from Charisma News. Article by Kyle Winkler.)

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Kimberly Hartfield
November 14, 2019

Lord I thank you for bringing me through 20 years of domestic violence, 14 years of separation, and now 4 years of reconciliation. I thank you for showing
Me your faithfulness in bringing me through events I never thought possible. I thank you for answering my prayers for reconciliation with my husband. I pray that he remains faithful to you, and that you preserve his life until you see fit to take him home. I pray that you continue to help us love and forgive one another as we grow in you together. In Jesus name, Amen.

Doug Spurling
November 14, 2019

very moo-tivating šŸ™‚
Couldn’t help it.

Thank you.

Well done.


November 14, 2019

Thank you Lord, for your faithfulness. Thank you for comforting me earlier today. Yes, I had to look my situation and remember you and your goodness. You were with me every step of the way and I am so grateful for your presence in my life!

    November 14, 2019

    Amen! My husband died almost 2 months ago and I had such a rough day yesterday: weeping, depressed, sick with Menieres……. This message is JUST what I needed today. There is no satisfaction or solution in looking at the troubles. I choose, today, to look over them, to whom “my help cometh”. “Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.” 1 Chron. 16:11

      November 14, 2019

      Dear Ruth,
      My husband of almost 50 years died a little over a year ago. I have experienced Godā€™s comfort and guidance. One thing that has helped is keeping a daily journal of what I am thankful for that day. Sometimes it is that the sun is shining or someone stopped by to visit and have a cup of tea, but sometimes it is finding the answer to a decision that must be made or a financial problem being resolved.
      Emotionally , the hope of Heaven has never been more real or important to me. I have been blessed by reading Imagine Heaven by Pastor John Burke. I can truly be happy when I think of what my sweet husband is experiencing, and knowing that I will join him when I finish whatever work God has left for me to do on earth.
      May our dear Father strengthen you and hold You close so that you know He is always near and guiding you each day.

        November 14, 2019

        Thank you, Rochelle. May the Lord be close and comfort you. I am attending a griefshare.org group and it is so helpful.

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