Last December, I received an early Christmas present that I would have rejected just one year earlier: an “M” for “male” on my driver’s license.
The switch back to male marked the end of a long journey of gender confusion and self-deception. Along the way I became a transgender activist and then America’s first legally non-binary person.
By Christmas Eve 2019, I was done with the lies. By God’s grace, a Portland judge granted my petition to legally restore my sex to male.
This has been a five-year ordeal. I first rose to become a transgender activist in 2015, telling The New York Times: “I now live in a world where radical, conservative politicians and religious groups routinely attack my very existence with legislation to deny me basic human rights such as a bathroom that matches my gender-identity.”. . .
I was wrong. In hindsight, it was all part of a selfish quest to nourish my long-held sexual fantasy of being a woman—a mental disorder called autogynephilia. . .
I’m often asked what has prompted my turnabout and conversion to Christ.
The answer lies in the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, which also apply to other addictions, such as my compulsive sexual behavior.
I have admitted that I am powerless over my mental illness and transvestic disorder. I have accepted that my life has become unmanageable and that only a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity. And I have made a conscious decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understand Him.
During my long journey of first identifying as a female and then later non-binary, I’ve walked among the many drug and alcohol-addicted homeless people sleeping on the streets of the West Coast each night. I’ve abused my flesh in Portland sex clubs, BDSM dungeons, and adult theaters. I’ve harmed my body with cross-sex hormones and risky sexual behaviors. And I’ve dishonored my wife and my marriage vows with inexcusable transgressions, of which there are many.
It took seeing and experiencing all of that destruction and recognizing the harms of it for me to finally understand that Christianity builds stronger families, safer communities, and most importantly, a better nation.
Like the Apostle Paul, my past actions of harming Christians, and in my case also harming women and girls by entering their bathroom space, will always humble me before women, the American public, and the Lord.
Similarly, like Paul, I too will carry an irremovable thorn in my flesh. Biblical scholars are unable to agree about the type of thorn Paul carried, but for me, it is a transvestic disorder with autogynephilia—a mental disorder I will battle for the remainder of my days.
Will I stumble and fall, or relapse again as we call it in recovery? Maybe—and to be honest, I already have. Going into my detransition, I set an unrealistic goal of perfection for myself, throwing away all of my women’s clothing and vowing to never cross-dress or act out sexually again.
That proved to be disastrous because as my testosterone quickly returned, I soon relapsed into another bout of stockpiling female garments.
But no relapse like this means that I or any other male with this mental disorder is female.
Some Christians have compared my circumstances to Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade who later became a pro-life advocate.
In my non-binary court case, I lied about not being male. Similarly, McCorvey lied about being sexually assaulted. And in both cases, a loophole in state law was exploited to advance destructive medical practices. In Texas, for McCorvey, it was the right to get an abortion. For me in Oregon, it was the right to change your sex.
Both of our court cases then went on to unleash something monstrous.
Like McCorvey, because of the magnitude of my misdeeds and the amount of damage done, I sought forgiveness in the only place capable of bestowing forgiveness: the loving arms of Jesus.
Should I relapse, the correct response for others would be to promptly get me help. Civilly commit me if necessary, if the relapse has progressed to self-harm. But do not, under any circumstances, indulge my past delusions or new ones.
In Christ, I am a new creation. “The old has gone; the new has come.”
(Excerpt from The Daily Signal. Article by James Shupe.)
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Father – Thank you that you are able to open our eyes to truth and the Truth of Jesus Christ. I pray that you continue to strengthen this man and grant him your mercy and grace. Thank you for the Word that says – He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. Help him to grow in love for the Lord Jesus and in his knowledge of your Word. I pray for a hedge of protection around him and that doors will be opened for him to get the message out about the lie that the world is buying. I pray that he would be able to join with others to take a stand so the world can see the truth and young people can be prevented from partaking of this lifestyle. May you be glorified in his life. May your purposes be fulfilled in his life. Through the mighty power of the risen Lord.
This article needs to be in evvery newspaper in America.
Dear LORD, Thank You for Your amazing grace, mercy, love and Sovereign power when we come to You in Repentance. Thank You for this precious man’s Deliverance from the schemes of the enemy. May millions more all over the world be set free by his testimony. May he be filled consistently with Your Holy Spirit guarding him from the enemy. Protect him under Your protective wings from those who now and in the future will want to silence the Truth and keep Your Light from shining into the darkness. Thank You for the 12 step program. Protect it from the strategies of attack the enemy may aim at it to try to prevent more deliverance. We place it in Your All Powerful hands knowing that the victory is Yours. Continue to shine Your Light into the darkness and heal our land of idolatry. In Jesus name. Amen.
Lord God, Truth, Your Truth, stands forever and does not change, despite however sinful man or woman man demand. One man, living as a woman, does not make him a woman. A 12-step group led him to Jesus Christ, the only One Who truly examines, then forgives sin. This man is now free and may his story be told, heard and believed by others who live in sin. And may all who hear the story of redemption find the Only True Redeemer. God Bless and Amen!
Father, I thank You for the mighty work of transformation that You are working this precious man! We agree together with You for his complete deliverance and healing. You give grace to the humble and his humility will unlock freedom for many. Protect him, Father, from the evil one and Grant him a platform to proclaim truths that set people free. Amen
There is freedom and hope in Jesus. Continue to trust HIM. He will renew you each day. Ask Him to do that for you, ask Him to help you each day to continue on the path that He has for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. God Bless you as you walk this path with HIM.!
Father, you are such an amazing Father and Your thoughts and ways are higher then ours. I pray for this man and the struggles for the consequences of this sin. I humbly come to the throne room of the Most High God and ask that this legal access the enemy has had in this mans life will be crushed by the Holy Spirit and power. That he will no longer be tormented by this and Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! In Yeshuas name. Also being as this was the man the enemy deceived and was used for the first case of this confusion that I appeal to heaven that a writ would be written to change the enemies access to those that have been used and abused in this way and that more eyes and minds will be opened to the truth for this confusion and deception to be stomped out in Yeshuas name. Burn out of all of us by the Spirit of the living God all those works of the flesh that are not of you. Fill us to overflowing with your Love and all the fruits of the Spirit that come from walking and being obedient to Your Word. Let us measure our lives by Your Word and not by our opinions and humanistic, sensual, devilish views. Thank you for the courage of this man coming forward and his honesty. I ask that you richly bless him and his wife and loved ones. Praise the Lord for victory in this mans life and the life of his family.He is a child of God! and not a slave to the wiles of the enemy. In Yeshuas name Amen
Father I declare this man set TOTALLY FREE, and no longer claiming this LIE over himself, some contrived in the mind of fallen men, some fancy word, some deception, some foolishness that will keep him in bondage, this “autogynephilia” nonsense. I declare that TRUTH of YOUR WORD over him, and into him, and into the mouths of those who counsel him: YOU HAVE NOT GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF FEAR, BUT OF POWER AND LOVE AND A SOUND MIND!”
So be it!
Patricia, I am in agreement with you that the name of this condition he was told he has is nonsense. As long as he believes he has a mental illness that makes him behave this way he will keep falling. He must see himself as a sinner, like us all, and the only way to be set free, is repentance and being born again. Just like lying, stealing, and engaging in self-destructive activities, he must see this as our Father in Heaven sees it. Sin. Forget the other labels.
Hmm. Dear Barbara. I think of Jesus response to the question about the man who was killed “Was it his sin or the sin of another?” Jesus replied, “Neither but that the glory of God can be revealed.” There is sin in the world. We are under attack from many directions. I would not heap upon a sick person such a task as “repentance” when the sin is not known.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling identity confusion. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.