I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, help us to speak the truth in love, to our family, friends, neighbors, in private meetings and public settings. Protect our nation from becoming a place where we do not enjoy the freedom of speech that has been the cornerstone of America.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We have often posted articles about the growing intolerance of the left and the tyranny of political correctness. This week, in a cogent and compelling Facebook post, Home Depot co-founder, Bernie Marcus, refuses to be bullied into dropping his support for President Trump and explains who is really hurt by the intolerant thought police.

ā€œI woke up this morning thinking it was going to be another great day. I’ve been celebrating with friends, family and the community since I turned 90. I’ve told you about the gracious gift of $117 million that was collected and given in my honor to four charities that mean a lot to me. All that happiness blew up because I said in a newspaper interview that I have supported and will continue to support Donald Trump.


Negative stories… vicious threats, without cause, to boycott the company that has enabled my foundation to give billions to support autism, medical research, education, heart and neurological issues like stroke, and to help our veterans. The company that I retired from in 2002 and have not had a business relationship with in almost 20 years. A company that has employed more than a half-million people. The people who work there are affiliated with both political parties or no party at all. They are of all religions and all colors and backgrounds. Why would people want to hurt them?

All because I give my voice and some of my money to our President. Am I in China? Argentina? Russia? That’s what it feels like to me.

It saddens me that our country has come to this, where I, as a private citizen, cannot express my feelings. It angers me and it saddens me, but it sure as he** is not going to stop me. If you thought it would, you’ve got the wrong guy.

In the next ten years, God willing, I will accomplish more to save this world than my critics will do even if they had forty lifetimes.ā€

(Excerpt from Yahoo Finance.)

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July 31, 2019

Hey, all you shoppers, haven’t you heard? Read it carefully. In the 20 years since this honorable founder retired, Home Depot has gone the way of Target and Walmart and other corporate supporters of “color”(not skin color). May God have mercy on us. (I don’t trouble my gay friends; I do mind the lobby to bring America down by forcing sexual perversion on us.) What his experience clearly shows is the Truth about the Media. Satan is the Father of Lies and Deception and Scripture tells us we are in an era of calling “good evil and evil good” from which we may not recover. By all means keep praying the Word back to our Eternal Father like the repenting prayers of Ezra(9), Nehemiah(9), Daniel(9). In the bonds of Jesus’ suffering Love.

July 13, 2019

So I would want to tell Mr. Marcus that JESUS is our Messiah. May Mr. Marcus come to know JESUS!

Patricia Cole
July 13, 2019

I am so proud to be an American for the first time in years. I’m proud of you standing up as well. God Bless you and protect you. We will pray for you.
The bible says bless those that are persecuted for righteousness sake. Be BLESSED.

Judy Jones
July 13, 2019

It is so refreshing to hear someone who is courageous enough to speak out against the leftist agenda. Thank God for you, Bernie Marcus. May Gods blessing be on you and your family for the good that you have done for others. I too support President Trump and all the good that he has accomplished during his time in the White House. I voted for him because he was the ONLY Pro Life candidate!! I already shop at Home Depot!! Love that place!!

Sunny K Lemming
July 12, 2019

It is so important the each one of us prays for truth and righteousness to prevail in our nation but also to act and speak out against the tide of tyranny and “thought police.”

Barbara Johnson
July 12, 2019

Thank you for showing your strength of character and wisdom. God be with you and keep you strong. Always loved Home Depot…love it even more now!

Sandra H
July 12, 2019

Hallelujah and God bless this man for his outspoken word….voicing what millions of us ate thinking….no more will ā€œthought policeā€ disguised as politicians and news media sway the masses with their anti-freedom, anti-American propaganda , and go unchallenged. Thank you, Home Depot founder, for leading the charge for our very right to speak, to think our own beliefs without fear or intimidation, or law suit, or vengeance aimed at destroying not only a business, but the good name of anyone who dares oppose the lost and left. For truly, they have totally lost the way to ā€œlife, liberty, and the pursuit of happinessā€. May God do a huge reset in this country where right is called right again and wrong us just plain….wrong!

Susan Gill
July 11, 2019

We have always preferred to shop at Home Depot … Now even more!! Thank you for standing strong against the Leftist bullies!

Dixie Stoen
July 11, 2019

May God continue to bless your business and you, as you stand for what is right. The wicked and all who forget God will perish.

Bonnie Watson
July 11, 2019

I used to shop at Loweā€™s because itā€™s more convenient, but now Iā€™ll go to a Home Depot!!!

Dennis G Bogle
July 11, 2019

Well done (said) good and faithful servant!!

July 11, 2019

Thank God there are people still left in this world, with money and influence, who stand up to these sadly misguided leftists. They grow more insane and desperate by the day! Hadn’t planned on it, but I’m headed out the door to go buy stuff at home depot.šŸ˜Š Blessings to all you commenters (is that a word?) who can see what’s right and true in these confusing times we live in!

July 11, 2019

I may take up home improvement just to support Home Depot and this bold man of integrity.!!

Wanda Dulanto
July 11, 2019

I will always go to Home Depot

July 11, 2019

I agree with all the comments above and will now choose Home Depot over other stores, even when others are more convenient. America needs more business men and politicians who stand up for what us right. Thank you for your courage! America’s only hope is God.

July 11, 2019

I’ll shop more at HOME DEPOT now. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
I support making America great and strong.

    Eileen Morgan
    July 12, 2019

    I am so proud of the stand you took. We aren’t behind you. What an encouragement you are. And yes Home Depot is my go to store now.
    God bless!

Annette Parish Hunt
July 11, 2019

I am Praying against ruthless attacks on people’s right to support and vote for whomever they choose. The left’s big rallying cry is “the right to choose”, but that evidently only means the right to choose what they want us to choose. It does seem like we are moving toward the tyranny of a communist country. Lord, please protect Donald Trump, who gave up so much money, popularity and status to become our president and turn the country away from infanticide, constantly changing social “norms”, bullying and godlessness. Thank you for strong conservative men like Bernie Marcus and protect him from those who want to destroy their political opponents not through good policies and votes, but by threats, extortion and bullying. In Jesus’ mighty name.

John Demsllo
July 11, 2019

Your courage is inspiring and I will shop more at Home Depot than ever before. I believe in free speech

July 11, 2019

Jesus responded to folly and hate when His cousin John was beheaded by doing more good then ever. Read it in the Bible. Go for it sir. What the enemy meant for harm HE will use for good. Bless those who persecute you and pray for those who despitefully use you. AWESOME!!

    Susan Gill
    July 11, 2019

    We have always preferred to shop at Home Depot … Now even more!! Thank you for standing strong against the Leftist bullies!

July 11, 2019

Amen! Lord bless this gentleman abundantly!

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