I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, we cry out to You for the people of Afghanistan, the people from other countries including the U.S. who are trapped there, and for the leaders around the world dealing with this crisis.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We compiled the latest news on Afghanistan for you to pray over. We also updated our prayer guide. Click the image below to download. Don’t miss all of our webcasts this week when we will pray about this. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 12:15 pm ET. This Friday is the first Friday of the month and September will mark 20 years from the attack on 9/11. You won’t want to miss this powerful prayer time.

US estimates 100-200 Americans stuck in Afghanistan after US military withdrawal . . . Anywhere from 100 to 200 Americans who want to return home are still in Afghanistan, after the U.S. military has already withdrawn. “We believe there are still a small number of Americans, under 200 and likely closer to 100, who remain in Afghanistan and want to leave,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday evening. “We’re trying to determine exactly how many.” U.S. Central Command leader Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie said Monday afternoon during a press briefing that the number of Americans still in Afghanistan who want to leave is in the “very low hundreds.” Just the News

Taliban Vow to Enforce Islamic Rule After U.S. Exit . . . Taliban fighters and their supporters rallied across Afghanistan to celebrate the end of 20 years of foreign military presence, pledging to implement strict Islamic rule as ordinary Afghans grappled with the uncertain future ahead. Wall Street Journal

‘There Must Be Accountability’: 90 Retired Flag Officers Call On Austin, Milley To Resign Immediately . . . Nearly 90 retired generals and admirals signed a letter Monday calling for Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley to resign over their roles surrounding the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. “If they did not do everything within their authority to stop the hasty withdrawal, they should resign,” they wrote. “Conversely, if they did do everything within their ability to persuade the [president] to not hastily exit the country without ensuring the safety of our citizens and Afghans loyal to America, then they should have resigned in protest as a matter of conscience and public statement.” “A fundamental principle in the military is holding those in charge responsible and accountable for their actions or inactions. There must be accountability at all levels for this tragic and avoidable debacle,” the letter further read. Daily Caller

Video: Rebekah Koffler: US intel “experts must resign over multiple failures . . .  Former Defense Intelligence Agency officer Rebekah Koffler discusses Afghanistan military operations on ‘Varney & Co.’ Fox Business

Working dogs left behind in Afghanistan face ‘death or worse,’ animal-rights group says . . . American citizens and Afghan allies weren’t all the Biden administration left behind in its retreat from Afghanistan. The U.S. military abandoned its contracted working dogs, according to a statement Monday night by a major animal-welfare group. “These brave dogs do the same dangerous, lifesaving work as our military working dogs, and deserved a far better fate than the one to which they have been condemned,” said Robin R. Ganzert, American Humane’s president and CEO. “It sickens us to sit idly by and watch these brave dogs who valiantly served our country be put to death or worse,” he said. Washington Times

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August 31, 2021

Does your gut tell you that this all goes back to Hunter Biden’s deals with the CCP? Who is putting the pressure on Biden to get out by a certain day? Now their flag flies over our embassy.

August 31, 2021

I was just watching our brave soldiers being brought home in caskets and I am weeping with sadness over their unnecessary deaths. My 11 year old grandson would have had enough sense to keep the city secured until all Americans and Allies AND EQUIPMENT were evacuated. People don’t want to believe me, but I think this is an obama/biden plan (to leave equipment) that was put into place when obama whined about how hard quantamo was on the islam murderers that helped during 9/11, and he let them go. They are now in charge of Kabul and biden wants to give them legitimacy on the world stage! Obama was raised muslim and celebrated Ramadan every year he was in the W. H. Biden may be a little slow but he is devious and crafty. Pray hard as the 20 year anniversary of 9/11 is coming up; however maybe these terrorists may be too crafty to try to attack on that anniversary. From today forward our military should be on high alert until we destroy all of American equipment left behind; and know what the taliban and their cohorts all over the world are doing through intel. I believe we as Christians can no longer be ignorant of satan’s devices and be sweet and nice to our enemies, but we must fast and read and pray until GOD gives us discernment to know our enemies; and then in this case, we pray for their salvation or destruction in JESUS Name! I know we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood so bind the demons on these evil men and loose the anointing of GOD on them. FATHER GOD please speak through us as we pray YOUR Mind and Heart in JESUS Name. Amen.

Mike Morgan
August 31, 2021

For weeks the US State Dept said there were approximately 10,000 Americans in Afghanistan. They have said in the past few days that 5400 Americans have been evacuated. 10,000 – 5,400 = 4,600, not 250. The State department can even do simple math. The 250 number is a blatant lie. I recommend watching this video by David Barton and Glenn Beck, who have been in Afghanistan evacuating refugees using privately-raised funds.


    August 31, 2021

    And I heard last week that someone? Either the W. H. or State department stopped all of the private citizens willing to risk their lives to get our people out. Why were they stopped?

August 31, 2021

Lord God,

We are stunned, angry and feeling betrayed by own government! We cry out to You for protection and a way out for those left behind. We pray that Your hand of righteousness and justice will be felt by those who have made these disastrous decisions. We pray for the salvation of those who still have not accepted Christ. We pray that You would bring repentance to many! We pray for the families of those who lost their lives and for those left behind. Lord, Everlasting Father and King over all things, hear our cries! Thank You that when we don’t know what to pray, Your Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus intercede for us. (Romans 8:26-27, 8:34). And even through all these circumstances, we cling to Your mercy and grace. You have made away for us and we wait in anticipation of Your soon return. Grant us Hope…the Hope that won’t let go! Keep us enduring and dependent on Your great strength! Victory is certain and the battle belongs to You, Lord! We ask all these things in Christ’s Name and by His power, Your will be done,


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